OWL-LingS Editor
A Tool for Semantic Description of Linguistic Web Services
Nabil Baklouti
, Faten Fakhfakh
, Bilel Gargouri
and Mohamed Jmaiel
ReDCAD Laboratory, University of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia
MIRACL Laboratory, University of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia
Linguistic Web Service, Non-functional Linguistic Properties, Semantic Description.
We propose in this paper a tool called OWL-LingS (stands for OWL for Linguistic Services) Editor providing
an augmented semantic description for Linguistic Web Services (LingWS for short). It supports an exten-
sion of OWL-S approach for representing non-functional linguistic properties. OWL-LingS uses a linguistic
domain ontology in order to semantically annotate the LingWS elements.
The development of linguistic systems is very costly.
Indeed, it represents a complex task, since it needs
many competences. Hence, researchers in linguis-
tic domain have resorted to reuse existing systems.
These attempts are essentially based on Web Services
(WS for short) such as (Ishida, 2006), (Tufis et al.,
2008), (Baklouti et al., 2010), and (Hayashi, 2011).
As the number of Linguistic Web Services
(LingWS for short) increases, the issue of select-
ing desired service(s) becomes a challenging research
problem. These services deal with several linguistic
applications such as Text Summarization, Translation,
and Information Retrieval (Bramantoro, 2011).
The majority of these services are described using
WSDL (Web Service Description Language). Never-
theless, the lack of semantic in WSDL prevents the
automatic discovery of WS (Papazoglou et al., 2007).
In order to overcome this issue, several semantic
approaches have been proposed. They use ontologies
for describing WS. We can cite OWL-S (W3C, 2004),
WSMO (Group, 2004), and SAWSDL (W3C, 2007).
However, they cannot represent some specific proper-
ties as well as relationships between them. Indeed, the
linguistic domain is characterized by several proper-
ties called non-functional linguistic properties such as
the processing level, phenomenon, formalism, analy-
sis type, and resources.
Elsewhere in the software engineering domain,
some extensions of semantic approaches have been
proposed such as (Aier et al., 2007) and (Jean et al.,
2010). These extensions have tried to integrate the
quality standards of WS.
In this paper, we propose a new tool which is
able to semantically describe the LingWS. This tool
is based on an extension of OWL-S which is al-
ready presented in our previous works (Baklouti et al.,
2012a) and (Baklouti et al., 2012b).
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In
section 2, we comment on some works which deal
with the LingWS description issues. Thereafter, sec-
tion 3 provides the proposed approach. The imple-
mentation details of OWL-LingS editor and a demon-
stration are presented respectively by sections 4 and
5. Section 6 concludes the paper.
For enhancing the semantic description of LingWS,
Klein and Potter (Klein and Potter, 2004) have used
OWL-S for describing their LingWS. However, this
contribution has proposed an annotation of the I/O
and ignored non-functional linguistic properties (e.g,
processing level, approach, and phenomenon) which
are mandatory to know how the LingWS operates.
Toru Ishida (Ishida, 2006) has proposed a wrap-
per around LingWS that represents the LingWS Pro-
file containing the LingWS name, its type, a textual
description, LingWS status, and so on. However, this
profile does not contain other relevant properties and
mainly their relations which can improve the LingWS
In (Hayashi, 2011), the author has presented a
Baklouti N., Fakhfakh F., Gargouri B. and Jmaiel M..
OWL-LingS Editor - A Tool for Semantic Description of Linguistic Web Services.
DOI: 10.5220/0004374902240227
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2013), pages 224-227
ISBN: 978-989-8565-52-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
high-level configuration of a linguistic domain on-
tology, which is integrated into a comprehensive
LingWS ontology. They have examined relevant in-
ternational standards and discussed how these frame-
works can be ‘ontologized‘ and incorporated into the
comprehensive LingWS ontology. In the developed
ontology, authors did not represent the language ser-
vice I/O which are crucial in the discovery task. For
linking service specifications with domain ontology,
(Hayashi, 2011) has used the SAWSDL language
which is characterized by its simplicity and its in-
teroperability with many ontologies. Nevertheless, it
does not offer the possibility to represent precondi-
tion, effects, and other details particularly with the
richness of the linguistic knowledge.
As a result of the above, we can note that the
LingWS description should be augmented with non-
functional linguistic properties and their relationships
in order to enhance the quality of the discovery task.
We present in this section an overview of the OWL-
S extension which is already detailed in our previous
contributions (Baklouti et al., 2012a) and (Baklouti
et al., 2012b). In fact, we start with presenting some
non-functional linguistic properties, then we focus on
how to integrate these properties within the OWL-S
semantic approach.
3.1 Non-functional Linguistic
Different linguistic properties need to be modelled in
the LingWS description for enhancing LingWS dis-
covery. We present in Table 1 some examples of non-
functional linguistic properties which are further de-
tailed in (Baklouti et al., 2012a) and (Baklouti et al.,
3.2 OWL-S Extension
The extension is based on the specialization of the
‘ServiceParameter‘ class of OWL-S ontology by one
class namely ‘ServiceProcessing Level‘ (Baklouti
et al., 2012a).
The main elements of the proposed extension are:
ServiceProcessing Level: It represents the pro-
cessing level of the LingWS. Each of them is char-
acterized by its phenomena.
LinguisticPhenomenon: It has the ‘refined Into‘
relation, since each phenomenon has its sub-
Phenomena. The LinguisticPhenomenon has also
the relations ‘supported By‘ and ‘treated By‘ re-
spectively with the LinguisticFormalism and Ap-
proach classes.
LinguisticFormalism: It represents the formalism
(e.g., HPSG and LFG for syntactic Grammars).
Each LinguisticFormalism has an analysis type for
resolving a phenomenon.
Approach: It represents the treatment approach
of a phenomenon. It has the ‘refined Into‘ re-
lation. An approach uses a resource to treat
a phenomenon. For this reason, we add the
‘use Resource‘ relation and the Resource class.
In this section, we are presenting the implementation
details of the OWL-LingS (stands for OWL for Lin-
guistic Services) Editor. Indeed, we have developed
this editor to consolidate the proposed extension of
OWL-S(Baklouti et al., 2012a). Figure 1 shows the
main basics of this tool, so from a WSDL file it gen-
erates an OWL-S description using the WSDL2OWL-
S API. Then, the Service Provider chooses the re-
quired non-functional properties and he/she annotates
the LingWS I/O using the developed domain ontology
which contains several linguistic resources(Baklouti
et al., 2012a). Thus, an OWL-LingS description will
be generated and published on the service registry.
Figure 1: OWL-LingS Editor operation.
To implement the OWL-LingS Editor, we have
done an extension of the OWL-S API
. This exten-
sion consists of adding some classes, their attributes,
and their relationships (as it is presented in (Baklouti
et al., 2012a)). Figure 2 shows the interface of our
The service provider may choose the WSDL file
URL (as it is indicated in Figure 2 by (1)), a set of
Table 1: Examples of Non-Functional Linguistic Properties.
Non-Functional Linguistic Properties Examples
Processing Level Lexical, Morphological, Syntactic, and Semantic
Phenomenon Ellipsis, Accord, and Anaphora
Structural, Thematic, Syntagmatic,
Analysis Top-down, Bottom-Up, Profound,
and Surfacing or Chunking
Approach Linguistic, Statistic, and Hybrid
Formalism Unification Grammar and Resolution Algorithm
Resource WordNet-LMF and GermaNet
Figure 2: OWL-LingS Editor Interface.
operations will be shown (as it is indicated in Figure
2 by (2)). By selecting one operation, its name, its
textual description, and its I/O are shown in area (3).
Nevertheless, the I/O types do not reflect the suitable
linguistic resources. For this, the service provider has
to semantically annotate the I/O by clicking on the
‘Browse‘ button and choose concepts from the do-
main ontology(Baklouti et al., 2012b). The I/O ar-
eas in Figure 2 contain the names of parameters, their
types before annotation (as it is indicated by WSDL
Type column in Figure 2), and their types after annota-
tion (as it is indicated by OWL Type column in Figure
2). In addition, the service provider can add some pa-
rameters related to the non-functional linguistic prop-
erties by choosing a value for each property. There are
some relations between properties, for example: the
service provider cannot choose the ‘Resource‘ or the
‘Linguistic Phenomenon‘ if he/she does not choose
the ‘Processing level‘ (as it is indicated by Figure 2
in area 4). Moreover, if the chosen ‘Linguistic Phe-
nomenon‘ is treated by an approach, one value from
the list of approaches will be selected. The same way
will be applied for the other non-functional linguistic
properties. In area 5, the service provider can choose
a value of ‘Sub Phenomenon‘ if the main chosen
‘Phenomenon‘ is refined into a ‘Sub-phenomenon‘.
He/she can also choose a ‘Formalism‘ value if the
chosen ‘Sub-phenomenon‘ is supported by a ‘Formal-
ism‘. Besides, he/she can choose the ‘Analysis Type‘.
After choosing these values, the service provider has
to click on the Add Sub Phenomenon button, so the
chosen properties of ‘Sub-phenomenon‘ are shown
in table (see area 5 in Figure2). This process can
be repeated as many times as possible refinements of
the main ‘Phenomenon‘. Finally, a semantic descrip-
tion will be generated by clicking on Generate OWL-
LingS button. The generated file has an owl-lings ex-
In order to consolidate our solution, we reuse a
service library that is available in our laboratory
(Baklouti et al., 2010). It contains many LingWS.
Currently, our library contains about forty LingWS
which can be expanded by other. The available
LingWS cover some languages: Arabic, French, and
English. We obtained these LingWS from some open-
source tools like OPEN-NLP
, NLP-LIB, classi-
fier4j, standford
, extjwnl
, and JavaRAP
. The ma-
jority of these tools are used by the known linguistic
platforms (e.g, GATE and UIMA). To ensure the de-
scription of these services, we use OWL-LingS Editor
allowing the generation of the OWL-LingS descrip-
tions. We choose the Anaphora WS‘ as an example
of LingWS for making a practical study. The latter
ensures the resolution of the anaphora phenomenon.
It treats the ‘English‘ language and it has ‘Analysis‘
as a treatment type. In addition, it deals with the
‘Anaphora‘ phenomenon which is treated by a ‘Lin-
guistic‘ approach. This approach uses ‘WordNet‘ as a
resource to resolve the anaphora phenomenon. Also,
this phenomenon is supported by LFG (Lexical Func-
tional Grammar) formalism.
This paper provides a solution to the problems re-
lated to the lack of semantic in the LingWS descrip-
tion. Indeed, we implemented an editor called OWL-
LingS that takes into account the proposed extension
of OWL-S(Baklouti et al., 2012a).
Currently, we are defining an appropriate matching
algorithm allowing the LingWS discovery through its
I/O and non-functional linguistic properties.
In the future work, we plan to deploy our editor in the
cloud. In fact, the cloud computing provides elastic
services, high performance and scalable data storage
to a large and everyday increasing number of users.
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