the main ‘Phenomenon‘. Finally, a semantic descrip-
tion will be generated by clicking on Generate OWL-
LingS button. The generated file has an owl-lings ex-
In order to consolidate our solution, we reuse a
service library that is available in our laboratory
(Baklouti et al., 2010). It contains many LingWS.
Currently, our library contains about forty LingWS
which can be expanded by other. The available
LingWS cover some languages: Arabic, French, and
English. We obtained these LingWS from some open-
source tools like OPEN-NLP
, NLP-LIB, classi-
fier4j, standford
, extjwnl
, and JavaRAP
. The ma-
jority of these tools are used by the known linguistic
platforms (e.g, GATE and UIMA). To ensure the de-
scription of these services, we use OWL-LingS Editor
allowing the generation of the OWL-LingS descrip-
tions. We choose the ‘Anaphora WS‘ as an example
of LingWS for making a practical study. The latter
ensures the resolution of the anaphora phenomenon.
It treats the ‘English‘ language and it has ‘Analysis‘
as a treatment type. In addition, it deals with the
‘Anaphora‘ phenomenon which is treated by a ‘Lin-
guistic‘ approach. This approach uses ‘WordNet‘ as a
resource to resolve the anaphora phenomenon. Also,
this phenomenon is supported by LFG (Lexical Func-
tional Grammar) formalism.
This paper provides a solution to the problems re-
lated to the lack of semantic in the LingWS descrip-
tion. Indeed, we implemented an editor called OWL-
LingS that takes into account the proposed extension
of OWL-S(Baklouti et al., 2012a).
Currently, we are defining an appropriate matching
algorithm allowing the LingWS discovery through its
I/O and non-functional linguistic properties.
In the future work, we plan to deploy our editor in the
cloud. In fact, the cloud computing provides elastic
services, high performance and scalable data storage
to a large and everyday increasing number of users.
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