method, the Nadaraya-Watson kernel method (with
different kernel functions), using publicly available
datasets (ASHRAE, RP-884). Our experimental re-
sults show that LRAB outperforms both the PMV and
the Nadaraya-Watson kernel method in predicting in-
dividual comfort, and hence it is a promising tech-
nique to be used as an input to the heating/cooling
control systems in an office environment.
The paper is organised as follows: in the next sec-
tion, some backgroundon PMV and on alternative ex-
isting techniques are reported. Then, in section 2, the
Nadaraya-Watson kernel and the proposed method are
described, while in the section 3, the experimental re-
sults using a public dataset are shown. Finally, in sec-
tion 4, conclusions and future directions are reported.
1.1 Previous Research
Many methods have been proposed for comfort eval-
uation and prediction; a comprehensive overview is
given in (Olesen, 2004). However, as stated in the
previous section, the most widely used of these is the
PMV index, which has been an international standard
since the 1980s (ASHRAE, 2010), (ISO, 1994). The
conventional PMV model predicts the mean thermal
sensation vote on a standard scale for a large group
of people in a given indoor climate. Like the other
methods described in (Olesen, 2004), it is a function
of two human variables and four environmental vari-
ables, i.e. clothing insulation worn by the occupants,
human activity, air temperature, air relative humidity,
air velocity and mean radiant temperature. The values
of the PMV index have a range from -3 to +3, which
corresponds to an occupant’s thermal sensation from
cold to hot, with the zero value of PMV meaning neu-
tral. As mentioned above, PMV is not just an index
to measure the comfort level, but it is also, and espe-
cially, a model to predict the thermal sensation given
the indoor environmental conditions. It has been val-
idated by many studies, both in climate chambers and
in buildings (Busch, 1992; Yang and Zhang, 2008).
The standard approach to comfort-based control in-
volves regulating the internal environment variables
to ensure a PMV value of zero (Shukor et al., 2007;
Yang and Su, 1997; Freire et al., 2008).
1.1.1 Predicted Mean Vote and its Alternative
Although PMV can be succesfully used in a design
phase (both for houses and buildings), it has some
drawbacks when used for HVAC controllers. Firstly,
it requires a substantial amount of environmentaldata.
For a controller in real-time this information is only
accessible via sensors. However some measurements,
such as air velocity, require costly sensors, while,
there are no sensors for variables such as clothing and
activity level. Secondly, PMV is a statistical measure
which assumes a large number of people experienc-
ing the same conditions. For small groups of peo-
ple within a single room or zone in a building, how-
ever, PMV may not be an accurate measure. (Ku-
mar and Mahdavi, 2001) analysed the discrepancy
between predicted mean vote proposed in (Fanger,
1972) and observed values based on a meta-analysis
of the field studies database made available under
ASHRAE RP-884 and finally proposing a framework
to adjust the value of thermal comfort indices (a
modified PMV). The large field studies on thermal
comfort described in (Humphreys and Nicol, 2002),
(de Dear and Schiller Brager, 2001) and (Humphreys
and Nicol, 2000), have shown that PMV does not give
correct predictions for all environments. (de Dear
and Schiller Brager, 2001) found PMV to be unbi-
ased when used to predict the preferred operativetem-
perature in the air conditioned buildings. PMV did,
however, overestimate the subjective warmth sensa-
tions of people in warm naturally ventilated buildings.
(Humphreys and Nicol, 2000) showed that PMV was
less closely correlated with the comfort votes than
were the air temperature or the mean radiant temper-
ature, and that the effects of errors in the measure-
ment of PMV were not negligible. Finally the work
in (Humphreys and Nicol, 2002) also showed that the
discrepancy between PMV and the mean comfort vote
was related to the mean temperature of the location.
In addition to the relative inaccuracy, the PMV model
is a nonlinear relation, and it requires iteratively com-
puting the root of a nonlinear equation, which may
take a long computation time. Therefore, a number
of authors have proposed alternative methods of cal-
culation to the main one proposed in (Fanger, 1972).
Fanger and (ISO, 1994) suggest using tables to de-
termine the PMV values of various combinations be-
tween the six thermal variables. (Sherman, 1985) pro-
posed a simplified model to estimate the PMV value
without any iteration step, by linearizing the radia-
tion exchange term in Fanger’s model. This study in-
dicated that the simplified model was only accurate
when the occupants are close to being comfortable.
(Federspiel and Asada, 1992) proposed a thermal sen-
sation index, which is a modified form of Fanger’s
model. They assumed that the radiative exchange and
the heat transfer coefficient are linear, and they also
assumed that the clothing insulation and heat gener-
ation rate of human activity are constant. They then
derived a thermal sensation index that is an explicit
function of the four environmental variables. How-
ever, as the authors said, the simplification of Fanger’s