more accurate usage of Cloud transformation
technologies such as Cloud Bursting. More work
also needs to be done on how the extra level of risk
refinement helps sustain the SLA. For this a series of
benchmarking studies leading on from the
probability of failure of physical host need to be
Currently our impacts are driven by economic
modelling from a business perspective. In reality a
more user centric approach would be more realistic
as Clouds are increasingly adopted. In these cases
the monitoring and control over cost will have to be
developed in an easier to use and monitor way using
technology such as Dashboards. The user centric
tools would also aid further understanding of risk for
the user.
Although our method relies on a black box
orientated provider co-operation model for data
collection we have demonstrated a novel approach to
SLA management in the Cloud. By expanding a
inventory of risk to include economic/cost impacts
illustrates how risk can be used to combine SLA
impact with direct business consequence of SLA
failure. This offers a more understandable view on
risk to the human and finer-grained approach in
terms of risk management.
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