any works which are concerned with the merging of
decomposed application topologies. This might be due
to the fact that the concepts and way TOSCA depicts
topologies is relatively new to IT service management.
In this paper we proposed an approach for
functionality-preserving merging of application topolo-
gies. We first presented a motivating scenario, based
on this we extracted the requirements of such a solu-
tion, and then defined a suitable methodology. Addi-
tionally, we implemented our approach using TOSCA
to describe the application topologies. The discus-
sion showed that our approach is well applicable, but
requires the availability of a detailed application topol-
ogy and the respective type-specific plugins.
In the future we want to research how these topol-
ogy descriptions may be extracted from existing appli-
cation deployments by integrating this research with
our work on Enterprise Topology Graphs (Binz et al.,
2012b). TOSCA, used in the realization of the pre-
sented approach, is not limited to the description of
topologies, but in particular enables the portable man-
agement of applications. Therefore, in the future we
want to look into the adaptations required in the man-
agement plans, to adapt to the changes in the topology.
This work was partially funded by the BMWi project
CloudCycle (01MD11023).
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