Providing Energy Consumption Flexibility in DCs through Energy-aware
Juan Felipe Botero
, Sonja Klingert
, Xavier Hesselbach-Serra
Antonella Falcone
and Giovanni Guiliani
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
University of Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany
HP Italy Innovation Centre, Milano, Italy
Keywords: Energy Consumption, Energy Saving, DCs, GreenSLA, Collaboration Level, Flexibility.
Abstract: This paper describes how eco-motivated extensions added to the traditional SLA concept can provide levels
of flexibility in the data centre management that enable the data centre to reduce the energy consumption,
improve the environmental footprint and lower internal costs. A close collaboration with both the IT
customer and the data centre’s energy provider are key to this approach which is formalized by means of the
GreenSLA concept building on the three main components: Flexibility, GreenKPIs and collaboration.
Performance decisions regarding the energy consumed by the services are taken and translated to actions to
be executed to save energy while at the same time guaranteeing the contract agreements.
Electricity consumed in DCs, including enterprise
ICT equipment, air cooling devices (AC) and
uninterruptable power supply systems (UPS), is
expected to contribute substantially to the electricity
consumed in the European Union (EU) commercial
sector in the near future, especially with the cloud
computing trend still on the rise.
Figure 1: IT Service.
The project All4Green analyses the relationship
between the IT Customer (ITC) and DC (DC) or DC
federation in conjunction with the relationship
between the DC and the EP (EP), aiming to unlock
the untapped potential for globally saving energy
and CO2 emissions by proposing enhanced
collaboration mechanisms within the DC ecosystem.
New flexible contracts (Green-SLAs) between IT
users and DCs are used to enable efficient energy
saving policies tailored to different computing styles
and to enable a better matching of DCs energy
demand profiles with energy supply patterns of the
The liabilities between a DC and its customers are
ruled by a set of contracts. Apart from framework
contracts, for the delivery of each DC service a
service level agreement (SLA) is closed. In the
context of this paper we state that in a DC an
arbitrary collection of servers, software and VM
entities jointly provide an IT service to end-users as
shown in figure 1.
The SLA that is connected to each service
contains at least a subset of the following elements:
Felipe Botero J., Klingert S., Hesselbach-Serra X., Falcone A. and Giuliani G..
GreenSLAs - Providing Energy Consumption Flexibility in DCs through Energy-aware Contracts.
DOI: 10.5220/0004379401190122
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems (SMARTGREENS-2013), pages 119-122
ISBN: 978-989-8565-55-6
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
A functional description of the service, performance
requirements, availability, maintenance work plan,
specific execution requirements, financial penalties
and rewards.
As DCs deliver an abundance of IT services with
as many SLAs to be monitored and executed, the
formal WS-Agreement framework has become a de
facto standard in research projects due to its
flexibility in integrating agreement-specific
The WS-Agreement is denoted in XML and is
made up of the following building blocks as
depicted in figure 2: Name, context, and terms.
Within the terms, service terms are definition and
description elements whereas guarantee terms
provide metrics based on the definitions in the
service terms and indicate the contracted boundaries
for these metrics.
Figure 2: WS-Agreements.
Until now, however, SLAs were very static in nature
and restricted to a very function point of view. As
the environmental impact of IT services all over the
world needs to be reduced, the idea of an eco-
motivated SLA, a so-called GreenSLA was
3 GreenSLA
Previous research has been made in the context of
GreenSLA (Laszewski and Wang, 2010), (Klingert
et al., 2011) considering the DC as an atomic unit.
However, All4Green goes one step further by
including the main actors of the DC’s ecosystem
with EP and ITC. In All4Green, GreenSLAs are
extensions to traditional SLAs including three main
GreenKPIs and
The flexibility is the variability that the ITC and
the DC are willing to accept in each of the service’s
running conditions requirements (e.g. performance/
availability/execution/maintenance) due to a change
in the context. The context can be defined as the
specific situation that provokes the possibility of
modifying the service conditions to promote a more
environmentally friendly behaviour. The time span
and context dependency of these situations should
lead to the reduction of energy consumption or CO
emissions while executing a service. For instance, a
time-dependent IT service can work at high
performance level from 8am to 10pm and decrease
to low performance from 10pm to 8am.
Similarly, green KPIs are new service level
objectives also pursuing the goals for energy
consumption and/or CO
emission reduction. For
instance, a GreenSLA could guarantee a certain CO
emissions level during the execution of an IT service
by allowing continuous interaction between the DC
and the EP.
Collaboration in the DC-ITC sub-ecosystem is
regulated by the GreenSLA and refers to the
requests to the ITC coming from the DC. These
requests are triggered by the change of the DC
mode: From regular mode the DC might switch to
situations where it needs to reduce its current energy
consumption (energy saving mode) or, on the
contrary, switch to a situation where it needs to
consume extra available energy (extra energy mode).
This change of DC status comes from the interaction
of the actors in the DC-EP sub-ecosystem.
3.1 Flexibility
Flexibility will depend on a predetermined context.
This context is the situation and the condition in
which the guaranteed level of a determined service
item can be modified in order to effect energy and/or
emissions savings. GreenSLAs differentiate
between two different context types: time/calendar-
dependency and energy DC mode-dependency.
Time/Calendar-dependency: This context is
related to a time period: hour(s) and/or day(s) of the
week and/or the year’s season. As mentioned above,
an example of a time-dependent GreenSLA clause
could be: High Availability + High Performance in
working days, and low availability + low
performance during nights and weekends.
DC Energy Mode-dependency: As shown in
figure 3, this context is related to the current energy
mode of the DC. Generally, the DC is in Regular
Energy mode (RE), but it can change to Extra
Energy (EE) mode or to Energy Saving (ES) mode
for a certain time period due to the reception and
acceptance of a request coming from the EP.
Figure 3: Possible Datacentre States.
In ES mode the DC attempts to save energy by,
amongst others, downgrading IT services and/or
shifting tasks in time, whereas in EE mode the DC
could promote IT services to higher performance
levels, or anticipate the execution of maintenance
tasks. GreenSLAs should offer flexible clauses to
regulate and support this behaviour. For example, an
energy mode-dependent GreenSLA clause could be:
Medium performance + medium availability in
regular mode and Low performance + Low
availability in ES mode.
3.2 GreenKPIs
GreenKPIs have the double function of monitoring
the eco-sustainability of a service and giving
feedback to the ITC that the GreenSLA guarantees a
win-win situation not only from the economic but
also from the environmental point of view.
Examples for GreenKPIs can be a guaranteed
energy mix for the DC or a boundary for CO2
emissions generated or KWh consumed by a certain
3.3 Collaboration
The Collaboration level between DC and ITC is
tightly (but not exclusively) bound to the existing
collaboration agreements between EP and DC. This
means that the DC knows its degree of commitment
with the EP before setting up GreenSLAs with its
A collaboration request sent from the DC to the
ITC is generally originated by the EP-DC
collaboration. As shown in figure 4 the EP can
request a reduction of energy consumption or may
demand higher energy consumption due to a surplus
of renewable energy. In order to accept this request,
the DC may initiate a negotiation with the ITC by
requesting the permit to execute a set of actions
that modify the current behavior of the IT service.
Figure 4: Cloud GreenSLA template.
An example is to ask the ITC if a VM can be paused
for e.g. 2 hours – the response very likely depends
on the current status of the application running
inside the VM (that is known to the ITC, but not to
the DC).
Upon the reception of a collaboration request, the
ITC has the freedom to reject but also the obligation
to accept a certain number of times. Otherwise it
loses its right to an economical reward. GreenSLAs
also regulates the degree of freedom of the ITC
Agent and the voracity of the DC.
3.4 Pricing
It is the basic principle of GreenSLAs that the ITC
renounces pre-specified performance aspects in
order to receive a reward in return. This is the
incentive aspect of GreenSLAs which was
described, e.g. in (Klingert et al., 2011), (Bunse et
al., 2012). The incentive can be either financial or
non-financial like e.g. a special treatment for green
customers, or a combination of both. In All4Green, a
purely financial incentive was chosen, as most of the
use cases involved a B2B-relationship between DC
and ITC.
Generally, the pricing of an IT service depends
on a fix basic fee and variable components, like
transaction fees and prices per service instance.
To fulfil the incentive function the expected
GreenSLA reward must to a great degree surpass the
expected GreenSLA penalty. The reward in
All4Green depends on the (contracted) flexibility
that the IT customer agreed on in the GreenSLA, the
(measured) QoS degradation the ITC has to endure,
and the (measured) collaboration effort between the
ITC and DC. The contracted (ex-ante) part of the
reward by nature is static in the way that it composes
an unchangeable (and thus reliable) part of the
reward as long as the contract, the GreenSLA, is
valid. The measured (ex-post) parts of the reward by
nature are dynamic in the way that they change
along with the behaviour of the customer as well as
the technical implications of the activity of the DC
management within the All4Green framework. Thus
the reward formula can be expressed as:
Penalties are imposed in case the ITC’s
collaboration is lower than contractually agreed.
This section presents an example of GreenSLA for a
simple IT service offered by a cloud provider. Cloud
computing services mainly consist of VMs and
include KPI detailed parameters such as Boot delay,
computing power, memory, OS image, I/O
performance or disk size. For the sake of simplicity,
a subset of the offered service portfolio is provided:
VMs have “sizes” composed of a pre-determined
number of virtual CPUs (VCPUs), RAM and HD
VMs run “images” of Operating Systems.
The Performance KPI limits in equivalent
percentage of CPU units (ECUs).
The Boot delay KPI limits the start-up time.
A template that generates a GreenSLA for the
Green VM service as described in this section is
shown in figure 4: It represents the renting of a VM
with a large size and Windows 2008 and the
following specific arrangements for the GreenSLA
As stated in the previous section, the flexibility
depends on the time/calendar and DC energy mode.
In this example, the time/calendar-dependency
makes evokes very flexible scheduling.
Additionally, the DC energy mode dependency
enables a flexible boot delay and performance.
Concerning a GreenKPI, in this example, the
CO2 emissions, retrieved through the EP of the DC,
are limited: i.e. the energy provided by EP to DC
should be produced at <300g CO2/Kwh. If this
guarantee is breached, a penalty must be paid by the
DC. Concerning collaboration additions, this
GreenSLA allows requests coming from the DC that
ask to pause the VM for a maximum of two hours.
The collaboration limitations in this example are
defined as follows: The DC can issue a maximum of
10 collaboration requests per month to the ITC, and
the ITC can reject a maximum of 5 collaboration
requests per month.
The energy savings in the DC due to the GreenSLA
contractual terms related to the collaboration with
customers are expected to be approximately 10%
according to the estimations and trials done so far in
the All4Green project. The EP will be able to avoid
dangerous peaks, thus avoiding large costs and
reducing emissions. These cost savings will be
partially used to compensate the collaborating data
centers, and in the end this will generate a positive
side effect for the ecosystem, both from
Energy/emissions and economic point of view.
This paper has presented the three main components
of the GreenSLA concept (flexibility, GreenKPIs
and Collaboration) and how the DC takes
performance decisions regarding the energy
consumed by the services to save energy compared
to ecosystems that not include these concepts, while
guaranteeing the contract agreements. All4Green
implementation details and a practical example have
been provided.
This work has been supported by the European FP7
All4Green project (Grant agreement No. 288674)
and the Spanish Government, MICINN, under
research grant TIN2010-20136-C03.
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Supporting Energy Efficiency through Contracts”. In:
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S.Klingert, A.Somov, Springer LNCS, 2012
S. Klingert, T. Schulze and C.Bunse “GreenSLAs for the
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G. Laszewski and L. Wang. GreenIT SLAs. Grids and
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