nent, have not come up to the expectations of provid-
ing real-time information across business processes
and supporting business users decision. Our work,
on the contrary, is not limited to monitoring and vi-
sualization of events, but rather deals with analyz-
ing and providing appropriate decision support for
the users. (Leitner et al., 2010) proposes a frame-
work, named PREvent, which is a system that in-
tegrates event-based monitoring via CEP, prediction
of Service Level Agreement (SLA) violations, using
machine learning techiniques, and automated runtime
prevention of those violations by triggering adapta-
tion actions. It differs from our work, first of all, in
some aspects related to the prediction: in fact, it com-
putes a prediction only when the esecution of the pro-
cess reaches a checkpoint and the prediction targets
are Service Level Objectives (SLOs), not indicators.
Secondly, the predicted value is calculated by mul-
tilayer perceptrons, a variant of artificial neural net-
work, while our approach relies on AR models.
This paper has introduced an approach for support-
ing the selection of adaptation actions in case of
service-based processes to reduce the energy con-
sumption. This approach combines the use of a con-
ceptual model for defining the relationships between
the system goals, in terms of KPIs and GPIs, and the
adaptation actions, with a prediction system. The re-
sulting architecture is able to support the reactive and
proactive adaptation of a service-based process.
Future extensions of the proposed approach will
involve the use of a n-step predictor to improve the
proactiveness of the system. At the same time, to
close the loop, an approach to automatically verifies
the positive or negative effects of the selected adapta-
tion actions is required.
This work has been partially funded by Italian project
“SeNSori” (Industria 2015 - Bando Nuove Tecnolo-
gie per il Made in Italy) - Grant agreeement n.
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