Model-based Adaptation of Cloud Computing Applications
Christian Inzinger, Benjamin Satzger, Philipp Leitner, Waldemar Hummer and Schahram Dustdar
Distributed Systems Group, Vienna University of Technology,
Argentinierstrasse 8/184, A-1040 Vienna, Austria
Cloud Computing, Model-based Adaptation.
In this paper we propose a provider-managed, model-based adaptation approach for cloud computing applica-
tions, allowing customers to easily specify application behavior goals or adaptation rules. Delegating control
over corrective actions to the cloud provider will pose advantages for both, customers and providers. Cus-
tomers are relieved of effort and expertise requirements necessary to build sophisticated adaptation solutions,
while providers can incorporate and analyze data from a multitude of customers to improve adaptation de-
cisions. The envisioned approach will enable increased application performance, as well as cost savings for
customers, whereas providers can manage their infrastructure more efficiently.
The cloud computing paradigm has found widespread
adoption throughout the last couple of years. The
pay-per-use model of cloud computing proved to be
convenient in many respects. It allows to cope with
services of time-varying resource demand and peak
loads. Cloud computing helps to avoid high initial
investments in IT infrastructures, as resources can be
dynamically provisioned even if the demand for a ser-
vice is unknown in advance (Armbrust et al., 2010).
However, in order to benefit from the resource
elasticity provided by cloud computing, applications
need to be properly built. In this paper we argue
that developers should be able to create models de-
scribing their application’s adaptation capabilities to-
gether with adaptation goals defining their prefer-
ences. Cloud computing providers use this informa-
tion to control and adapt the application according
to the customers’ objectives. Customers have only
a limited view on the execution infrastructure, while
cloud computing providers, when given access to nec-
essary information from the application, have a com-
plete view and can incorporate low-level infrastruc-
ture details to make adaptation more efficient and ef-
Models are already used for improving deploy-
ment of cloud computing applications. An example
is Amazon’s service called CloudFormation
, provid-
ing a domain specific language (DSL) for defining
the infrastructure required by an application, which
can be provisioned in a single step. Research has
brought forth sophisticated approaches for adapt-
ing application topologies and resource allocations,
e.g., for latency requirements (Chang et al., 2012),
power and cost considerations (Jung et al., 2010),
or deadline-driven workflow scheduling (Kim et al.,
2010), among other purposes. In practice, however,
cloud providers currently do not provide mechanisms
for further managing an application at runtime. We
propose to use models allowing application devel-
opers to create “management hooks” for the cloud
provider. This has the advantages that all applications
can benefit from a sophisticated control mechanisms
offered by the provider. Application developers use
models to state the objectives for application control,
relieving them from implementing complex adapta-
tion schemes. Cloud providers have a deeper under-
standing of the application infrastructure, which they
can use to improve application adaptation, but also to
optimize resource usage. Also, providers can leverage
the experiences and data from similar applications to
improve control and adaptation over time.
In the next section we point out how models are
used in cloud computing today. Then, in Section 3
we present our model-based adaptation approach. We
wrap up in Section 4 and provide an outlook for future
research and remaining challenges.
Inzinger C., Satzger B., Leitner P., Hummer W. and Dustdar S..
Model-based Adaptation of Cloud Computing Applications.
DOI: 10.5220/0004381803510355
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODA-2013), pages 351-355
ISBN: 978-989-8565-42-6
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The main responsibilities of cloud application lifecy-
cle management are infrastructure provisioning, ap-
plication deployment, and finally control and adapta-
tion at runtime.
Infrastructure provisioning involves setting up vir-
tual machines, installing and configuring required
software packages, and initializing cloud services,
such as load balancers, database instances, persis-
tent storage, or caches. Manual infrastructure pro-
visioning is cumbersome and error-prone, and limits
the level of reusability, e.g., to set up identical envi-
ronments for development and testing. Furthermore,
proper change management of infrastructure is not
supported. Model-based approaches for infrastructure
provisioning that have recently emerged help to over-
come these limitations. Amazon’s CloudFormation
provides a service to create infrastructure templates
used to create a collection of related infrastructure
resources and provision them in an automated way.
These models can be easily reused and shared using
infrastructure template repositories, helping to estab-
lish and distribute best practices for different kinds
of applications. The provisioned resources, e.g., vir-
tual machines, still need to be properly configured
to include all necessary application dependencies, as
well as respective links between system components.
To enable a predictable and repeatable process for
this, deployment models are used to enable automated
server configuration according to predefined specifi-
cations. Popular approaches for modeling software
deployment include configuration management (CM)
tools like Chef
, Puppet
, or cfengine
. Resource
configuration is modeled using vendor-specific DSLs,
specifying required software packages and libraries,
as well as necessary configuration files and parame-
ters to support the application to be deployed and all
its components. The CM will attempt bring all man-
aged resources into the state defined for its particular
role by installing packages, deploying configuration
files, and (re-)starting affected services.
Application deployment and redeployment deal
with packaging and copying artifacts to according
infrastructure resources, configuring them, establish-
ing links between them, and finally making sure
they are properly launched. Deployment models are
used to ensure efficient and effective application roll-
outs and updates based on declarative specifications,
Cloud Provider Infrastructure
Auto Scaling Gr.
Load Balancer
Web Server
Load Balancer
Auto Scaling Gr.
App Server
DB Master
DB Read
component interactionadaptation logic adaptation interaction
Figure 1: Traditional Cloud Application Architecture.
e.g. (Inzinger et al., 2012). Again, CM tools, as men-
tioned above, can be used to model application com-
ponents, their dependencies, and required parameter
While deployment models enable the predictable,
testable and repeatable provisioning of runtime in-
frastructure, their responsibility stops at deployment
time. The models are not designed to consider ap-
plication specific runtime aspects or application be-
havior goals that should be reached. Cloud providers
offer means to monitor basic infrastructure or ap-
plication metrics, but adaptation is mostly limited
to starting or stopping instances to cope with vary-
ing load patterns. Complex applications, however,
have a variety of possibilities to cope with changes to
the environment without necessarily resorting to scal-
ing out available resources. Certain non-critical pro-
cess steps could, for instance, be deferred to a later
time if current load is too high, or service quality
could be adapted according to environmental circum-
stances. Today’s cloud providers, however, employ
a black box model for applications deployed on their
infrastructure, leaving customers responsible for re-
alizing their own adaptation infrastructure to imple-
ment application-level reactions to changes in the en-
vironment. Future cloud service providers will offer
means for integrating advanced application adapta-
tion into their offerings using a model-based adapta-
tion approach, as discussed in the next section.
In this section, we present an approach for provider-
assisted model-based application adaptation that will
yield benefits for both providers and customers.
Figure 1 shows a traditional cloud application de-
ployment for an exemplary web application. Incom-
ing requests are distributed across several front end
web servers using the provider’s load balancer ser-
vice. The web servers access the back end infrastruc-
Auto Scaling Group
Cloud Provider Infrastructure
Auto Scaling Group
Load Balancer
Web Server Load Balancer App Server
DB Master
DB Read
Application Objectives
component interactionadaptation modeladaptation point
Figure 2: Cloud Application Architecture using Provider-Managed Adaptation.
ture using a custom middle tier load balancer, evenly
distributing load on the available back end applica-
tion servers. The application servers execute business
logic and access the database cluster. Web and appli-
cation server instances can be added or removed ac-
cording to their current and predicted future load. The
custom adaptation component controls service qual-
ity by performing corrective actions on all application
services according to defined behavior goals, realized
as autonomic control loop (Huebscher and McCann,
2008). It will, for instance, incrementally raise the
fragment cache expiry time out up to a certain thresh-
old on the web servers when an increase in request
traffic is detected. Similarly, a recommendation mod-
ule running on the app server instances will set to only
return cached user group recommendations, or a list
of the most purchased products, instead of personal-
ized recommendations, in response to high order vol-
umes. This will lower stress on the database, as well
as the application servers and starting new instances is
not immediately required. Analogously, when appli-
cation load is low, the web servers will always serve
fresh content and the recommendation module will al-
ways deliver personalized recommendations. Since
these adaptation actions influence service quality and
thus user experience, the customer will employ a util-
ity function within the adaptation component to de-
termine, when to change service quality and when
to scale. Currently, cloud providers only offer sup-
port for automatic scaling of application components
based on infrastructure and application metrics, but,
as deployed applications are considered black boxes,
do not provide means to alter component runtime be-
havior to react to changes in the environment. As in-
dicated in the figure, customers need to deploy their
own adaptation infrastructure, often scattered across
deployed components.
We propose an approach for model-based cloud
application adaptation. Customers specify emit-
ted metrics, available adaptation points and desired
objectives using provided models, which could be
based on previous research such as (Zhang and
Cheng, 2006), in order to make applications ready
for provider-driven adaptation and control. This gives
customers the ability to declaratively specify desired
application behavior, while the provider has neces-
sary information to take over control. Figure 2 shows
the cloud application discussed above, deployed using
the envisioned model-based provider-managed adap-
tation approach. A dedicated custom adaptation com-
ponent is not needed anymore, as customers describe
desired application behavior objectives in the adap-
tation model and delegate its execution to the cloud
provider. This results in significant cost savings for
the customer, as creating sophisticated and compre-
hensive adaptation solutions requires considerable ef-
fort and expertise. The business logic components
do not contain any adaptation logic, but only pro-
vide designated adaptation points to allow for ex-
ternal management. Available adaptation points are
referenced in the adaptation model for use in cor-
rective actions. As a result, component design is
simplified through the clear separation of adaptation
capabilities and adaptation logic. As desired appli-
cation behavior is declaratively specified in the ap-
plication adaptation model, it can easily be reused
or modified to accommodate changes without alter-
ing components. In the presented exemplary appli-
cation, the customer specifies the following adapta-
tion points: SetFragmentCacheTimeout to modify
the fragment cache timeout in the web server com-
ponent, and SetRecommendationStrategy to switch
between personalized recommendations, cached cus-
tomer group recommendations, or a list of the most
sold products overall in the application server. Addi-
tionally, the ScalePool adaptation point supplied by
the cloud provider can be used to start and stop ap-
plication instances. Monitoring metrics data required
to take adaptation decisions are modeled with the ap-
plication objectives, or a push-based approach simi-
lar to current provider-assisted scaling solutions such
as the previously Amazon CloudWatch is used. The
model allows for specification of conventional event
condition action (ECA) rules to govern application
behavior, so existing applications can easily migrate
their current adaptation strategy. Alternatively, the
customer can define a simple utility function to re-
flect application objectives according to desired char-
acteristics, such as ‘response time should not exceed
500ms’, ‘service quality should be as high as possi-
ble’, and ‘infrastructure cost should be as low as pos-
sible’. This is possible since adaptation points contain
indications on how they will affect application behav-
ior. Adaptation point SetFragmentCacheTimeout,
for instance, will indicate that higher parameter values
should decrease response time, but will also decrease
service quality. These indications will initially be sup-
plied by customers, but the cloud provider will mon-
itor the effects of performed corrective actions and
adjust adaptation point information during the run-
time of the application. The provider-managed adap-
tation service uses the customer-supplied objectives
and infers optimized actionable adaptation strategies.
A cloud provider can not only use monitoring data
from the application to be controlled, but also con-
sider historical data from different but similar cus-
tomers, leveraging time series analysis to better an-
ticipate load patterns or even adaptation action effects
for common components such as databases.
Allowing for provider-assisted application adap-
tation at runtime has a number of distinct advantages.
Outsourcing some control over adaptation decisions
will benefit customers. Providers can offer optimized
adaptation decisions based on data from similar cus-
tomers. Furthermore, providers are able to improve
resource provisioning strategies and offer better ser-
vice to customers.
By handing off control over the execution of
adaptation actions, customers can benefit from the
provider’s expertise in reliability and resilience en-
gineering. They are relieved of implementing their
own complex adaptation mechanisms and can use an
advanced, thoroughly tested solution offered by the
cloud provider without investing large amounts of
capital or personnel. Leveraging economies of scale,
the cloud provider in turn can offer their adaptation
solution to customers with competitive pricing strate-
gies while retaining appropriate return on investment.
Using data from a multitude of customers, the
cloud provider can make better adaptation decisions
for customers, enabling higher levels of service, as
well as cost savings for customers and the provider.
By analyzing time series data of a large number of
customers, the provider can anticipate, for instance,
future load patterns much more accurately than a sin-
gle customer could with their data alone. This allows
for better adaptation decisions, as the provider can es-
tablish categories of customers, enabling more pre-
cise load predictions based on signals like traffic pat-
terns and geographical distribution. Using this data,
the provider can offer targeted adaptation decisions
or recommendations for geographic placement of in-
stances, or even migration of instances to more suit-
able locations.
Furthermore, the additional information available
to the provider will enable highly optimized resource
provisioning, keeping over-provisioning at even lower
levels than with traditional elastic applications that
can only analyze traffic patterns from their own past.
Customers naturally benefit from lower resource us-
age by paying less, while the provider now has ac-
cess to previously unused but, due to inefficient provi-
sioning, inaccessible resources. Furthermore, the sup-
plied adaptation goals can be used to react in different
ways to varying environmental conditions. Depend-
ing on the utility, it might be more reasonable for an
application to defer certain processing steps to a later
time, thus reducing load on application instances, be-
fore scaling out by adding new machines. Similarly,
when request traffic declines it might be beneficial
to process queued tasks on the now underused in-
stances – at least until their current billing interval is
over before terminating them to reduce infrastruc-
ture costs. The customer-provided utility functions
guide the adaptation decisions considering applica-
tion performance, service quality, as well as infras-
tructure costs. While the presented approach is ide-
ally deployed by the cloud provider, a transitional im-
plementation could also be realized as part of a cloud
abstraction layer like the meta cloud (Satzger et al.,
2013), allowing the use of a managed adaptation so-
lution without explicit cloud provider support.
In this paper we presented a novel approach for
provider-managed, model-based adaptation of cloud
computing applications. Customers are not required
to implement their own adaptation solution, but can
use a simple model to specify desired application
behavior. The presented approach has the poten-
tial for significant cost savings and increased appli-
cation quality for customers by utilizing a sophisti-
cated adaptation infrastructure managed by the cloud
provider that can offer better adaptation decisions by
considering data from multiple different, but similar,
customers. Furthermore, cloud providers will be able
to manage their infrastructure more efficiently due
to reduced resource over-provisioning resulting from
improved adaptation decisions.
Deferring control over adaptation decisions to a
cloud provider poses several challenges that need to
be addressed. Our approach requires that customers
trust providers with potentially confidential informa-
tion about their applications’ inner structure, such as
adaptation strategies and request traffic patterns. The
widespread adoption of cloud computing has shown
that customers already trust reputable providers with
hosting their applications, so we argue that the addi-
tion of adaptation strategies will not be problematic,
provided that service contracts clearly state how pro-
vided data will be used. Customers that do not want
their data used to improve adaptation decisions for
others could still benefit of the provider’s adaptation
infrastructure, saving them implementation effort, but
will in turn not be able to receive adaptation decisions
optimized using data from others. Furthermore, ser-
vice level agreements need to explicitly state the new
DSLs and tools needed, as well as responsibilities of
both customers and providers when using managed
adaptation infrastructure.
The research leading to these results has received
funding from the European Commission’s Seventh
Framework Program [FP7/2007-2013] under grant
agreement 257483 (Indenica), as well as from the
Austrian Science Fund (FWF) under grant P23313-
N23 (Audit 4 SOAs).
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