not owned by the controller of the system. Their work
is applicable to cloud and grid computing scenarios.
They promote the replication of services as an effective
way to boost performance and dependability, but they
achieve this via predefined replication strategies. Our
approach, however, is able to generate such strategies
automatically based on a simulation of the system and
its performance.
OPTIMIS (Ana Juan Ferrer et al., 2012) is a holis-
tic approach which enables flexible and dynamic pro-
visioning of cloud services, based on adaptive self-
preservation. This mechanism is a key to meet pre-
dicted and unforeseen changes in resource requirement.
This approach deserves further consideration once the
tools are delivered. Our work is less ambitious than
theirs but, nonetheless, our contribution towards the
simulation and analysis of various QoS parameters,
including automatic model transformation to fit the
given throughput requirements, will complement other
solutions for elastic service provisioning.
As regards model-driven simulation efforts,
ARENA (Rockwell Automation, 2011) offers simi-
lar analysis tools where the model can be visually
simulated in a MDE fashion. However, they use their
proprietary notations and therefore it cannot be ex-
tended with its own DSVLs. Our approach, based in
e-Motions, supports the creation of new metamodels
and their domain-specific visual notation. Addition-
ally, we provide transformation rules which refine the
model so as to fulfill the throughput requirements.
The observers used in our approach are reminiscent
of those used in the MARTE (OMG, 2008) specifica-
tion. The advantage of including these observers into
a DSVL (as it is done in our approach) is that we
were able to i) make explicit the throughput require-
ments in the specification, ii) simulate and reason over
the model, and iii) automatically transform the model
according to the information extracted via these ob-
servers. This is not possible with MARTE observers.
In this ongoing work, we have presented an approach
to tackle automatic service provisioning via service
replication and supported by a DSVL. We proposed to
include the scalability analysis at the design stage. Our
proposal is based on model-driven adaptation mecha-
nism, where various QoS parameters can be simulated
and analyzed using the e-Motions tool. Furthermore,
with the purpose of fulfilling the required throughput,
we have made the system to automatically transform
by replicating and load-balancing the services which
cause the bottleneck.
Our approach has been evaluated with a concrete
case study of cloud services. We obtained promising
results since the tool was able to automatically refine
the initial models so as to fit the throughput require-
As regards future work, we are moving on to ex-
plicitly include the concept of load-balancer in our
model, to analyze in detail its impact on the perfor-
mance of the system, and to finally implement the
resulting model and the transformation rules in the
In addition, although our approach is to replicate
services as a mean to address service provisioning, we
perform the scalability analysis at the design stage, and
thus we do not address dynamic adaptation. However,
we plan to study and compare other strategies such as
adaptive self-preservation or dynamic reconfiguration
of Virtual Machines.
This work has been partially supported by the projects
TIN2008-05932 (ReSCUE), TIN2008-031087,
TIN2011-23795 and TIN2012-35669 (SOFIA), all
funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and
Innovation and FEDER, and the project P11-TIC-7659
funded by the Andalusian Government.
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