Towards Evidence-aware Learning Design for the Integration of
ePortfolios in Distributed Learning Environments
elica Lozano-
Alvarez, Juan I. Asensio-P
erez and Guillermo Vega-Gorgojo
GSIC-EMIC, University of Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain
ePortfolio, Design Model, Learning Design, Distributed Learning Environment, Computer Supported
Collaborative Learning.
The benefits of using ePortfolios in widespread Distributed Learning Environments are hindered by two prob-
lems: students have difficulties in selecting which learning artifacts may demonstrate the acquisition of certain
learning skills; and, both teachers and students have difficulties in collecting evidences produced by means
of distributed and heterogeneous tools. This paper proposes a model aimed at enhancing the description of
learning activities with information about the evidences they are expected to generate. This model is a first
step towards the definition of an evidence-aware learning design process by means of which teachers make
explicit pedagogical-informed decisions involving the generation and subsequent utilization of learning evi-
dences. As a proof of concept, we apply this model in an authentic learning scenario, trying to alleviate the
two aforementioned problems.
Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) is a research
field that promotes the use of information technolo-
gies to better support learning. Following this ap-
proach, it is common to use VLEs (Virtual Learning
Environments) (Dillenbourg, 2000) to orchestrate the
involved activities by managing students and groups
of them, as well as learning tools and resources. In
addition to VLEs, teachers typically make use of ex-
ternal tools, specially Web 2.0 ones such as blogs or
wikis, in their learning settings. Indeed, there are a
number of approaches to integrate third-party tools in
VLEs such as IMS LTI (IMS-LTI, 2012) or GLUE!
(Alario-Hoyos et al., 2013). As a result, the term
DLE (Distributed Learning Environment) (MacNeill
and Kraan, 2010) is employed to refer to the techno-
logical setting composed of VLEs and external tools.
On the other hand, ePortfolios, may be understood
as an organized compilation of selected work sam-
ples (evidences), which show the process and results
of a learning path (Barber
a-Gregori and Mart
2009). ePortfolios are gaining momentum, due to
their benefits over the cognitive process of the stu-
dents (Barrett, 2007b) (Buzzetto-More, 2010) (Reese
and Levy, 2009).
By using ePortfolios, learners get a better under-
standing of their own learning progress and their level
of accomplishment of the targeted competences, as
well as increase their motivation for learning (Sweat-
guy and Buzzetto-More, 2007). At the same time,
teachers may complement traditional summative eval-
uation with formative assessment and feedback on the
on-going work, considering ePortfolios as both a pro-
cess and a product (Barrett, 2011).
However, when putting together ePortfolios and
technically heterogeneous DLEs, the assessment of
individual students becomes specially difficult, due
to learning evidence dispersion among the employed
tools (Buba
s et al., 2011) (Barrett, 2007a). Teach-
ers’ workload increases when trying to gather those
work samples. At the same time, students find it dif-
ficult to understand and choose the suitable pieces of
work which allow showcasing the acquired compe-
tences (Buzzetto-More, 2010). These problems are
exacerbated in group work due to the complexity of
collaboration (Koschmann, 1996).
Hence, teachers should be helped to gather ev-
idences, plan and carry out assessment; while stu-
dents should be guided to exploit the advantages of
ePortfolios in these environments (Barber
2005). In order to reach this purpose, learning ev-
idences need to be identified among all the artifacts
generated by students in a learning situation. Also,
learning evidences need to be linked to learning ob-
jectives, as to clearly state which work samples help
Lozano-Álvarez A., I. Asensio-Pérez J. and Vega-Gorgojo G..
Towards Evidence-aware Learning Design for the Integration of ePortfolios in Distributed Learning Environments.
DOI: 10.5220/0004382804050410
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2013), pages 405-410
ISBN: 978-989-8565-53-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
reaching which goals.
This way, it seems important that teachers are
asked to make explicit the aforementioned guidelines.
Learning design (Conole, 2012) (Laurillard, 2012)
has evolved during the last decade as the approach
for helping educators to make their pedagogical de-
cisions, as well as the use of educational technology,
explicit and sharable. However, no attention has been
paid so far, within the learning design community,
to the inclusion of learning evidences (and their pur-
pose) in the design of learning situations. Therefore,
this paper proposes a so-called learning evidence-
aware model that defines how a teacher might define
learning evidences and how he might relate those ev-
idences with the components of current learning de-
This contribution is seen as a first, necessary step
to build a solution aimed at avoiding the main draw-
backs of integrating ePortfolios in DLEs. That is,
in order to be able to exploit technology for the au-
tomation of evidence collection (and, therefore, miti-
gate the workload increase due to ePortfolios), teach-
ers are required to explicitly identify those artifacts
which will be considered learning evidences and the
purposes and learning objectives they will serve to.
At the same time, the link between learning evidences
and objectives will be explicit, therefore helping stu-
dents to exploit ePortfolios to build their digital iden-
tity, by showcasing what they have learned.
The structure of the document goes as follows.
Section 2 explains the most important problems
which students and teachers need to face, when using
ePortfolios in DLEs. Section 3 presents a learning
evidence integration model, which will enable tack-
ling the aforementioned problems; and applies it to
a DLE-based learning situation. Finally, conclusions
and future work are given in Section 4.
2 ePortfolios AND DLEs
ePortfolios are known for their capability of docu-
menting the learning process, being an ordered store
of work samples, called learning evidences. In or-
der to do so, evidences must go through the following
processes: collection, selection, reflection and presen-
tation (Barber
a and Bautista, 2006).
That is, students need to take samples of their
work, decide whether they are suitable to show
the achievement of some learning objectives, self-
evaluate their work on the selected samples and fi-
nally publish the contents of their portfolio so that the
audience may understand how far they got in reaching
a given competence.
By doing so, ePortfolios help students to become
aware of their self-progress, increasing their under-
standing of what, why and how they learnt (Barrett,
2007b). This capability (providing a glance at the
learning path) also enables the use of ePortfolios as
assessment tools (Balaban et al., 2011).
Three main approaches may be followed in the use
of ePortfolios (Barrett, 2011). On a first approach,
ePortfolios may be seen as a way to centralize digi-
tal work samples. That is, the main purpose of this
kind of portfolios is storage, paying special attention
to evidence collection.
Secondly, the selection of evidences allows the use
of ePortofolios as a workspace, focused on the ongo-
ing learning situation. Students execute short-term re-
flection on the learning process, while teachers should
provide feedback and formative assessment towards
the aimed learning objectives.
Finally, students may present the level of achieve-
ment of certain competences by using the ePortfo-
lios as a showcase of their final retrospective on what
they learned, either after a given learning situation or
across several ones.
This way, in order to exploit those benefits in dis-
tributed learning environments, some proposals ap-
pear, for the joint use of VLEs, web 2.0 and ePortfo-
lio systems (Salinas et al., 2011) (Buba
s et al., 2011)
ainen et al., 2011).
However, even when a conceptual link is estab-
lished among VLE, tools and ePortfolios, there is
not a real connection among them, thus hindering the
management of learning evidences. This means that,
at the end of the learning situation, the work sam-
ples are scattered along the different tools or the VLE
itself, difficulting their gathering and the teacher’s
tasks to provide assessment (either summative, for-
mative of feedback). This problem gets more com-
plicated in collaborative flows, including portfolios.
The teachers’ workload increases, while their confi-
dence in portfolio benefits decreases (Balaban et al.,
2011) (Sweat-guy and Buzzetto-More, 2007). Addi-
tionally, lack of consistency among different teachers
for the same learning objectives may appear (Barber
Gregori, 2005).
From the students’ perspective, the main prob-
lem in evidence selection is their lack of experience
in doing so. It may be difficult for them to identify
which parts of their work better match the learning
objectives (Barrett, 2007b) (Barber
a-Gregori, 2005)
(Buzzetto-More, 2010).
Taking all this into account, it seems reasonable
for teachers to devote some time to decide which
learning evidences are most interesting to fit the learn-
ing objectives they aim at. That is, they should be
able to explicitly identify what to collect, what for and
how that links to the learning objectives they defined
(Venn, 2004).
This kind of decisions should be taken when de-
signing the learning situation. At that point, the flow
of activities to be executed is specified, where stu-
dents and teachers play roles and use services and
tools with the aim of accomplishing their learning
goals (Conole, 2012) (Laurillard, 2012). Some re-
search works criticize that current Learning Design
(LD) approaches do not allow the specification of data
flow among tools and activities (Palomino-Ram
et al., 2007) (Prieto et al., 2011). To address this limi-
tation, they propose workflow models for automating
the flow of learning artifacts in a learning situation.
However, their focus is mainly technological, leaving
out assessment considerations, as well as the use of
those artifacts for showcasing learning competences.
This paper, on the other hand, tries to go a lit-
tle further, by providing meaning to those artifacts,
highlighting the most relevant ones, and linking them
to the learning goals. Gathering all this information
in a structured manner is the first step towards au-
tomation of collection and management of learning
evidences. This way, technology can help to reduce
teacher workload in DLEs and to create better de-
signs, as well as to tackle students’ lack of experience
in evidence selection.
Along the previous sections, the main difficulties in
the adoption of ePortfolios in DLEs have been spot-
The need of teachers taking learning evidences
into account in the design phase is identified as a nec-
essary step to provide technical aid to overcome those
difficulties. In order to do so, LD authoring tools,
such as Collage (Hern
andez-Leo, 2006) (Villasclaras-
andez et al., 2009), may be used. Design tools
offer certain possibilities to describe a learning sit-
uation, by using the model they implement as ref-
erence. However, none of those models explicitly
talk about learning evidences, nor ePortfolios (Prieto
et al., 2011) (Palomino-Ram
ırez et al., 2008).
Therefore, Section 3.1 proposes a design model
to integrate learning evidences in the design of learn-
ing situations, while Section 3.2 instantiates a CSCL
situation in which learning evidences play an impor-
tant role. By doing so, the basis of an evidence-aware
design process is set, which will allow overcoming
the main problems in the integration of ePortfolios
in DLEs. The aim of this process is to help teach-
ers elaborate an evidence-aware design, by applying
the proposed model.
3.1 Learning Evidence Integration
Figure 1 depicts the proposed integration model to in-
clude learning evidences in the design of learning sit-
Learning objectives are inherently linked to the
learning design itself, which will contain some
learning activities, leading to those goals. Learning
activities are supported by different tools (either in-
side or out of the VLE), which produce work samples
to evidence the student’s progress.
There are several purposes an evidence may pur-
sue (as detailed in Section 2). First, simple storage
will allow later use and summative assessment. For
example, the mind map at the end of a given activ-
ity may be evaluated by the teacher when the learning
situation is over.
However, learning evidences may be also used
along the enactment of the learning situation, in order
to provide feedback on the student’s learning path,
either by the teacher or the students themselves.
Finally, it is important to indicate which learning
evidences demonstrate which learning objectives, so
that students may use this information to showcase
the acquired competences.
By specifying all this information, a cyclic work-
flow is established. Learning evidences are the output
product of given steps in the learning process, but may
also become input resources in forthcoming learning
and/or assessment activities; as shown in the example
in Section 3.2.
3.2 Application Scenario
This section applies the evidence-aware learning de-
sign model described in Section 3 to a collabora-
tive scenario, inspired in a course in the study plan
for Telecommunications Engineering at the Univer-
sity of Valladolid (Networks and Telematics Systems,
3rd semester
). This course, among other topics, cov-
ers the analysis of network diagrams, and the use of
network discovery and routing tools.
One of the learning situations in that course has
the following learning objectives:
LO01: Depict and read network diagrams.
Figure 1: Learning Evidence Integration Model.
LO02: Learn how to use network routing and di-
agnosis tools
LO03: Understand that other’s work is important
to reach my objectives (positive interdependence)
LO04: Learn how to use collaborative editing
Focusing on those aims, the teacher decides to use
the pyramid collaborative pattern depicted in Figure 2
andez-Leo, 2006). The leading thread along the
learning situation will be held by the VLE Moodle
but different activities will make use of specific tools:
Network Notepad
, Google Docs
Additionally, the teacher decides to exploit the
main capabilities of ePortfolios, by setting up an in-
stance of Mahara to be used as evidence meeting
point, so that teachers and peers may provide feed-
back over the generated artifacts. At the same time,
work samples may be shared across phases and stu-
A schema of this learning situation is depicted in
Table 1
Figure 2: High-level overview of the learning situation.
Being an example of DLE, generated artifacts are
scattered among tools, services and platforms. Count-
ing all evidences (networks diagrams, test results and
reports), the number of relevant artifacts goes up to
almost two and a half times the number of students.
That is, in a classroom of 40 people, the teacher ends
up facing 90 artifacts.
Both teacher assessment and peer review imply an
extra piece of work for authors of the artifacts, as they
need to manually gather their results and place them
in Mahara
. Also there is a lot of extra generated
items (drafts, execution logs...), needed to get to the
final product, whose link to learning objectives is not
clear to students.
By following the design model in Section 3.1,
as shown in Table 1, the teacher completes the tra-
ditionally provided information (activity description,
tool, ...), by explicitly picking up some artifacts (e.g.
[LE01]) to be considered as evidences. Those work
samples should go into the ePortfolio management
system (Mahara in the example), easing feedback pro-
vision and avoiding evidence dispersion.
Also, evidences may be identified as the output of
an activity, but also as input resources to some learn-
ing and/or assessment activities (e.g. [LE02]). These
pieces of information will be eventually used to in-
dicate an automation engine where to find and where
to place the necessary learning evidences to enact the
provided design.
Finally, evidences are clearly related to learning
objectives, which will help students understand what,
how and why they learnt.
To sum up, using the evidence-aware learning
model as reference is the first step to build a consis-
tent solution for the integration of ePortfolios in DLE.
Next lines of work are identified in Section 4.
Along this document, the challenges of using ePort-
folios in DLEs have been identified. First, students
lack of experience in evidence selection, which hin-
ders the task of linking work samples to learning ob-
Table 1: Evidence-aware design of a pyramid (Learning Evidences in bold font).
Phase Learning Activity Tool Resource Artifact Learning
Individual Depict first draft of the ETSIT
Network, theoretical base
- Network Diagram
Work in
Review the first network draft by
my colleague
Mahara [LE01] Feedback [FB01] -
Consume feedback Mahara [FB01] - -
Depict second draft of the
ETSIT Network, empiric base
email - Collaboration mails
between students
ping, tracert,
lookup, whois
- Execution logs -
- Network diagram
Answer test Google Form - Questionnaire
Assess questionnaire re-
Google Form [LE03] - -
Groups Review the network diagram
generated by my colleagues
Mahara [LE02] Feedback [FB02] -
Consume feedback Mahara [FB02] - -
Create report, include network
diagram, support decisions on
email - Collaboration mails
between students
chat - Collaboration conver-
sations among students
ping, tracert,
lookup, whois
- Execution logs -
- Network diagram -
Google Docs - Written report
Assess written report Google Docs [LE04] - -
jectives. On the other hand, assessment of students
becomes harder when using ePortfolios in distributed
and heterogeneous environments, due to learning ev-
idence dispersion. Teachers are exposed to a larger
workload which decreases confidence in the benefits
of ePortfolios as assessment tools.
This paper supports the idea of making pedagogi-
cal decisions explicit on what evidences may be used
to prove the achievement of some learning objectives
and at which point within the learning situation they
must be taken. Teachers use learning design to untan-
gle their ideas to organize learning situations. How-
ever, current learning design approaches do not con-
sider the use of learning evidences. To overcome this
limitation, a model for the integration of learning ev-
idences has been presented in Section 3. This model
has been used on a sample scenario, to highlight the
use of evidences within a collaborative learning pat-
This way, by considering learning evidences in the
design phase, technology can be used to alleviate the
workload of teachers, as well as guide students to un-
derstand which work samples relate to which compe-
However, evidence collection remains a big prob-
lem in the chosen distributed and technically hetero-
geneous scenario, composed of VLE, external tools
and ePortfolio management systems. The develop-
ment of technical solutions for evidence gathering in
DLEs based on this model is the following step in this
research work. Additionally, the definition of a learn-
ing design process also based on the proposed model
is aimed, so as to influence teacher-oriented authoring
tools presented along this paper.
This research has been partially funded by the Eu-
ropean Commission Lifelong Learning Programme
projects 531262-LLP-1-2012-1-ES-KA3-KA3MP
and 526965-LLP-2012-1-GR-COMENIUS-CMP,
the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competi-
tiveness project TIN2011-28308-C03- 02, and the
Autonomous Government of Castilla and Le
Spain, project VA293A11-2.
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