Balanced Scoring Method for Multiple-mark Questions
Darya Tarasowa and S
oren Auer
at Leipzig, Postfach 100920, 04009 Leipzig, Germany
Multiple-choice Questions, Multiple-mark Questions, Scoring Methods.
Advantages and disadvantages of a learning assessment based on multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are a long
and widely discussed issue in the scientific community. However, in practice this type of questions is very
popular due to the possibility of automatic evaluation and scoring. Consequently, an important research question
is to exploiting the strengths and mitigate the weaknesses of MCQs. In this work we discuss one particularly
important issue of MCQs, namely methods for scoring results in the case, when the MCQ has several correct
alternatives (multiple-mark questions, MMQs). We propose a general approach and mathematical model to
score MMQs, that aims at recognizing guessing while at the same time resulting in a balanced score. In our
approach conventional MCQs are viewed as a particular case of multiple-mark questions, thus, the formulas
can be applied to tests mixing MCQs and MMQs. The rational of our approach is that scoring should be based
on the guessing level of the question. Our approach can be added as an option, or even as a replacement for
manual penalization. We show that our scoring method outperforms existing methods and demonstrate that
with synthetic and real experiments.
Advantages and disadvantages of a learning assess-
ment based on multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are
a long and widely discussed issue in the scientific com-
munity. However, in practice this type of questions
is very popular due to the possibility of automatic
evaluation and scoring (Farthing et al., 1998). Conse-
quently, an important research question is to exploit
the strengths and mitigate the weaknesses of MCQs.
Some systems (e.g. Moodle
) allow teachers to create
MCQs with multiple correct options. This type of ques-
tions we will call multiple-mark questions (MMQs), to
distinguish them from the conventional MCQs, where
there is always only one correct option. Multiple-
mark questions were already recommended by Cron-
bach (Cronbach, 1941). Other research (Ripkey and
Case, 1996; Pomplun and Omar, 1997; Hohensinn
and Kubinger, 2011) considers MMQs to be more re-
liable, when compare them with conventional MCQs.
However, even though the advantages of MMQs are
meanwhile widely accepted, up to our knowledge there
are no balanced methods for scoring multiple-mark
questions available to date.
One possible approach to score the MMQs is to
use dichotomous scoring system. The dichotomous
scoring awards the constant amount of points, when
the question is answered correctly and zero points in
a case of any mistake. However, the partial scoring
is preferable to the dichotomous, especially in case
of MMQs. (Ripkey and Case, 1996; Jiao et al., 2012;
Bauer et al., 2011; Ben-Simon et al., 1997)
The second possible approach is to use the meth-
ods, developed for scoring the multiple true-false ques-
tions (MTFs). However, despite the possibility to con-
vert the MMQs into MTFs, the studies (Cronbach,
1941; Dressel and Schmid, 1953) discuss the differ-
ences between two formats and show disadvantages of
MTF questions compared to MMQs. In the paper we
show that the differences prevent the applying methods
developed for the MTFs to the MMQs scoring.
Another possible approach is to use the penalties,
similarly to the paper-based assessment where the
teacher can analyze the student answers and decide
how much points she deserves. The method was pro-
posed by Serlin (Serlin and Kaiser, 1978). For exam-
ple, in Moodle a teacher has to determine what penalty
applies for choosing each distractor. However, this
work is an additional, unpopular burden for teachers,
since not required in paper-based tests. Instead of ask-
ing the teacher, some systems calculate the penalties
automatically. However, computer-based assessment
opens additional possibilities to guess, for example
choosing all options. Often the scoring algorithms do
Tarasowa D. and Auer S..
Balanced Scoring Method for Multiple-mark Questions.
DOI: 10.5220/0004384304110416
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2013), pages 411-416
ISBN: 978-989-8565-53-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
not take into account such ways of guessing.
Consequently, we are facing the challenge to find a
scoring method, that is able to recognize and properly
penalize guessing. Previously proposed algorithms
suffer from imbalance and skewness as we show in 2.
The task to find the scoring method can be divided
into two steps: to find a method to determine points for
the correctly marked options(1) and to find a method
to determine the penalty for the incorrectly marked
options(2). For the first part a reasonable approach
was proposed by Ripkey (Ripkey and Case, 1996).
Thus our research aims to provide a method for the
second part (determining penalties). We propose a
general approach and a mathematical model, that takes
into account the most common ways of guessing and
behaves balanced at the same time.
Our concept is based on the assumption, that scor-
ing can be based on the guessing level of the question.
By guessing level we mean here (in partial scoring)
the probability to obtain more than zero points. Each
question is associated with a difficulty to guess a (par-
tially) correct answer. To accommodate the difficulty
level of guessing in the scoring method, we propose to
determine the penalty only when a student marks more
options, than the actual number of correct ones. We
argue that our approach can be added as an option, or
even as a replacement of manual designation of penal-
ties. We claim that our algorithm behaves better, than
existing ones and prove that with both synthetic and
real experiments.
The paper is structured as follows: first, we discuss
existing algorithms for scoring MMQs, then we de-
scribe our approach on conceptual and mathematical
levels and finally we show and discuss the results of
synthetic and real-life experiments.
There are several existing platforms, that use multiple-
mark type of questions as well as several approaches to
score them. We collected such approaches to describe,
discuss and compare them. Existing approaches for
scoring the multiple-mark questions implement four
base concepts. In the section we describe the basic
ideas, advantages and disadvantages of these concepts.
2.1 Dichotomous Scoring
This method is often used in paper-based quizzes,
where the good quality of quizzes allows teacher to
be more strict when score the results. As the aim of
e-based quizzes is not only to score the results, but to
catch the gaps of knowledge, the scoring of partially
correct responses shows the actual knowledge of the
student better. Also, dichotomous scoring does not
show the accurate progress of the student. However,
when dealing with multiple-mark questions dichoto-
mous scoring almost excludes the possibility of guess-
ing, that is why we use it as a standard of reference
when evaluating our approach with real users.
2.2 Morgan Algorithm
One of the historically first methods for scoring the
MMQs was described in the 1979 by Morgan (Mor-
gan, 1979). For our experiments we use the improved
algorithm, in accordance to which the scores are deter-
mined by the following algorithm:
for each option chosen which the setter also consid-
ers correct, the student scores
, where
is a number of correct options
for each option chosen which the setter consid-
ers to be incorrect, the student scores
where k is a number of distractors.
for each option not chosen no score, positive or
negative, is recorded regardless of whether the set-
ter considers the response to be correct or incorrect.
However, the experiments show a large dependence
between number of options (correct and incorrect) and
amount of penalty, that indicates the skewness of the
method (see 4.1).
2.3 MTF Scoring
Multiple-mark questions can be scored with the ap-
proaches developed for multiple true-false items.
Tsai (Tsai and Suen, 1993) evaluated six different im-
plementations of the approach. Later his findings were
confirmed by Itten (Itten and Krebs, 1997). Although
both researches found partial crediting to be superior
to dichotomous scoring in a case of MTFs, they do not
consider any of the algorithms to be preferable. This
fact allows us to use the most base of them for our
MTF scoring algorithms imply that any item has
options and a fully correct response is awarded with
full amount of points
. If the user did not mark a
correct option or marked a distractor, she is deducted
with the penalty
s = p
points. Thus a student
receives points for not-choosing a distractor as well as
for choosing a correct option. This point does not fit
perfect to multiple-mark questions because of the dif-
ferences between two types (Pomplun and Omar, 1997;
Cronbach, 1941; Frisbie, 1992). Our experiments (see
4.1) confirm the studies and show the skewness of the
concept when deal with MMQs.
2.4 Ripkey Algorithm
Ripkey (Ripkey and Case, 1996) suggested a simple
partial crediting algorithm, that we named by the au-
thor. In the approach a fraction of one point depend-
ing on the total number of correct options is awarded
for each correct option identified. The approach as-
sumes no point deduction for wrong choices, but items
with more options chosen than allowed are awarded
zero points. The Ripkey’s research showed promis-
ing results in a real-life evaluation. However, later
researches (e.g. Bauer (Bauer et al., 2011)) notice the
limitations of the Ripkey’s study. The main issue in
the Ripkey algorithm is the not well-balanced penalty.
We aim to improve the Ripkey’s algorithm by adding
the mathematical approach for evaluating the size of
3.1 Concepts
As shown above, existing approaches do not solve the
problem of scoring MMQs perfectly. Our concept is
based on the assumption, that scoring can be based
on the guessing level of the question. Thus, when a
student marks all possible options, she increases the
guessing level up to 1. In this case the student should
obtain either the full amount of points (if all the options
are considered to be correct by the teacher), or zero, if
the question has at least one distractor. However, if a
student did not mark any option, the score should be
always zero, as we assume that all the questions have
at least one correct option. Thus, the task is to find the
correctness percentage of the response and decrease
it with a penalty, if the guessing level was artificially
increased by marking too many options.
Questions have the native level of guessing, and we
propose to deduct the penalty only if after the student’s
response the guessing level increases. In other words,
we determine the penalty only when a student marks
more options, than the number of correct ones.
3.2 Mathematical Model
In this section we present the mathematical model, that
can be used for its implementation.
3.2.1 Scoring the Basic Points
To score the basic points we use the approach, de-
scribed by Ripkey. Below we present it mathematically
in accordance with the following designations:
d R,d (1..d
difficulty of the current ques-
tion, for our experiments we set d
= 5
– set of the correct options
for the current
question, where
set of the options
for the
current question,
= |C|,c
– number of correct options
for the current question
– set of the correctly checked options
= |C
number of cor-
rectly checked options for the current question
= f (d) = d K
maximal possible
points for the current question, in our system we
set K
= 1
– points for the correctly checked option
. As
we assume all the correct options have the equal
weight, c C
p R p [0, p
– the basic points for the cur-
rent question,
p =
p =
= p
3.2.2 Scoring of the Penalty
Below we present our approach for scoring the penalty.
We use the following designations:
= |A| – number of options a A
Ch A – set of checked options
ch = |Ch|, ch N,ch [0,a
number of
checked options for the current question
b R,b [0,1]
basic level of guessing for the
current question, b =
n R,n [b, 1]
measure, that shows the possi-
bility, that user tries to guess the correct response
by choosing too much options; we do not evaluate
it in the cases, when n <= b,n =
penalty for the guessing,
s = nb s [0, 1
[0, p
the penalty, mapped to the maximal
possible points.
A mapping function will be: f : s
Given, s
[0, p
] and s [0,1 b], then
f : s
s = f : [0,1 b] [0, p
] s
f (s) = s
= (n b)
The absolute score for the question is trivially de-
termined as T = f (p,s
) = p s
4.1 Synthetic Experiments
In the subsection we describe our experiments with
synthetic data and compare the behavior of different
methods. We consider all the questions to have the
d = 1
, then the maximal possible points
= 1 as well.
Table 1: Comparison of the proposed approach with other
existing approaches.
Dich. MTF Morgan Ripkey Balanced
0 0.4 0 0 0
Example 1
(Case: 5 options, 2 correct, 5 marked)
the case the student chose all the options and should
obtain zero points. However, we see that MTF method
does not recognize this type of guessing and consid-
ers the questions to be answered partially correct,
awarding the points for two correct options, that were
Table 2: Comparison of the proposed approach with other
existing approaches.
Dich. MTF Morgan Ripkey Balanced
0 0.6 0 0 0
Example 2
(Case: 5 options, 2 correct, 0 marked)
The situation is opposite to the previous: in the case
the student chose none of the options. As we assume
that question must have at least one correct option, in
case of not choosing any options a student also should
obtain zero points. However, we see that MTF method
awards the points for three distractors, that were not
marked. Although the situation is absurd, we faced
it within real learning platforms, for example within
several on-line courses of the Stanford University
Two examples below are trivial and the problem
could be solved by adding the rules. However, the
MTF scoring also suffers from skewness, when applied
to MMQs, as it is shown below.
Table 3: Comparison of the proposed approach with other
existing approaches.
Dich. MTF Morgan Ripkey Balanced
0 0.83 0.5 0.5 0.5
Example 3
(Case: 6 options, 2 correct, 1 correct
This case proves, that the MTF method has
a dependency from a number of correct and incorrect
options. Thus, in a case of 6 options two of which are
correct, a student is awarded 0.833 points for choos-
ing only one correct option. In a case of 5 options
two of which are correct, she would be awarded 0.80
points for the same. Moreover, if she choose only one
incorrect option in a case of 6 alternatives, she obtains
0.5 points; in a case of 5 options she will be awarded
0.4 for the same.
Thus, our experiments prove, that multiple-mark
questions can not be scored properly with the algo-
rithms, developed for multiple true-false items. How-
ever, the MTF scoring is the only existing approach
of partial scoring that can be used in a case, when a
question does not have any correct options.
Table 4: Comparison of the proposed approach with other
existing approaches.
Dich. MTF Morgan Ripkey Balanced
0 0.5 0 0.5 0.5
Example 4
(Case: 4 options, 2 correct, 1 correct and
1 incorrect marked)
This case illustrates the issues of
using the Morgan algorithm. The Morgan algorithm
deducts penalties for choosing the incorrect option, as
well as the proposed approach. However, in that case
we are facing the situation, that penalty has the same
size, as the basic points, and the student is awarded
zero. We consider the penalty to be needlessly high, es-
pecially because the penalty depends on the number of
incorrect options. Thus, if the question has 3 incorrect
options, choosing one of them would be fined on 0.33,
and in case of 2 incorrect options, the penalty is 0.5.
After recognizing behavior of the algorithm, students
will mark only the options, they are sure in, because
choosing an incorrect one may cost them a full amount
of points, they collected with correct options.
The next two examples show mainly the differ-
ences between the proposed approach and Ripkey algo-
rithm. Namely, we show the situations, when Ripkey
algorithm awards zero points, while we consider that
it should award more.
Table 5: Comparison of the proposed approach with other
existing approaches.
Dich. MTF Morgan Ripkey Balanced
0 0.75 0.5 0 0.5
Example 5
(Case: 4 options, 2 correct, 2 correct and
1 incorrect marked)
In this case the student chose
more options, than the number of correct ones, and
according to the Ripkey, the answer should be awarded
zero. Our claim is, that until the student have not
chosen all the options, she could have some points.
However, choosing three of four options could mean a
try of guessing. Although in this case the student gets
the full amount of basic points, she is fined on a half
of them.
Table 6: Comparison of the proposed approach with other
existing approaches.
Dich. MTF Morgan Ripkey Balanced
0 0.8 0.67 0 0.67
Example 6
(Case: 5 options, 2 correct, 2 correct and
1 incorrect marked)
The example shows the disadvan-
tage of the Ripkey algorithm more clear. It is not clear
for the student, why she was awarded zero points, as
she did not try to guess and answered partially correct.
Table 7: Comparison of the proposed approach with other
existing approaches.
Dich. MTF Morgan Ripkey Balanced
0 0.6 0.17 0.67 0.67
Example 7
(Case: 5 options, 3 correct, 2 correct and 1
incorrect marked)
In that case balanced scoring and
Ripkey algorithms behave the same, as none of them
deducts a penalty.
4.2 Real-life Evaluation
We have implemented the balanced scoring method
within our e-learning system SlideWiki
(Khalili et al.,
2012). For evaluation of our algorithm we used a lec-
ture series on “Business Information Systems”. We
chose this course since it comprises a large number
of definitions and descriptions, which are well suited
for the creation of MMQs. In total we have created
130 questions. A course of 30 students was offered
to prepare for the final examination using SlideWiki.
Overall, the students made 287 attempts to complete
the quiz and we collected all their answers (also unfin-
ished assessments) for the evaluation. After collecting
the answers, we implemented all discussed algorithms
to score and compare the results, in particular with
regard to the ranking and the mean score. The results
are summarized in 1.
The study aimed to investigate two aspects of the
proposed approach:
How severe does the balanced scoring approach
How does balanced scoring differ from Dichoto-
mous scoring?
We answer the first question by comparing the
scores calculated using all discussed algorithms for
the same quiz (see 1, upper part). These two diagrams
show, that on average the balanced scoring approach
penalizes more severely than MTF scoring and less
severely than other discussed approaches. We answer
the second question by comparing the difference in
student ranking. We rank all assessments based on
the individual scores. That is, assessments with higher
scores rank higher than assessments with lower scores
and equal scores result in the same ranking. We com-
pare the rankings of other approaches with the rank-
ings calculated using the dichotomous scoring, since
we consider the dichotomous scoring to be the rank-
ing reference. The two lower diagrams in 1 show the
results of this evaluation. They show, that the rank-
ing of the balanced scoring approach is the closest to
the dichotomous ranking when compared to the other
In the paper we evaluate the existing approaches for
scoring the multiple-mark questions and propose a new
one. The proposed approach has a list of restrictions,
however it has advantages when compare with the
discussed approaches. One of the main advantages is
that is based on the mathematical model, it does not
suffer from the skewness, as it has the same formula
for all cases. At the same time, the proposed approach
recognizes the attempts to guess the correct answer,
for example choosing all the possible options. When
compare with the existing approaches, the advantages
of the proposed algorithm could be summarized as
The approach allows to score both multiple-mark
and conventional multiple-choice questions.
The approach is based on the partial scoring con-
The algorithm can be easily implemented, it is pure
The score does not highly depend on the amount
of correct and incorrect options.
The value of the penalty is in balance with the
possibility, that the student is trying to guess.
Due to the balance, the results are clear for the
Figure 1: The statistics of the evaluation.
However, we suppose our algorithm to be optional
together with other discussed approaches. This is due
to the fact, that teachers create questions in their own
manner and should be able to choose an appropriate
method to score the results. Also, the different sit-
uations require different levels of severity, and the
proposed approach might be too lenient.
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