ε δ |I |
1 0.05 8
1 0.1 8
1 0.3 8
0.95 0.05 13
0.95 0.1 11
0.95 0.3 9
ε δ |I |
0.90 0.05 13
0.90 0.1 10
0.90 0.3 8
0.85 0.05 14
0.85 0.1 12
0.85 0.3 7
Figure 2: Results for inconsistency detection for various ε
and δ in the PALMA dataset.
of lecturers. However, providing results for different
combinations of values of δ and ε (as in the figures 1
and 2) allows the teachers to gain better insight to the
evaluation process of their lectures.
Teachers should evaluate students’ solutions consis-
tently, however, this is not always the case. We pro-
posed a simple and easy to implement solution for de-
tecting inconsistencies in the evaluation process when
the textual review of two solutions provided for the
same task are very similar but the numerical grades
differ. Since, to the best of our knowledge, our work
is the first dealing with this issue, we also introduced
a formal model of the inconsistency detection prob-
lem. Experiments on two real-world datasets show
that even in a small scale we can found inconsistent
We provided our findings to the colleagues who
provided us with the datasets as well as to some
of our other colleagues at our university. Positive
feedbacks from these teachers show that the intro-
duced approach for evaluation inconsistency detec-
tion is helpful in the teaching process and worth fur-
ther investigation.
Our further research will focus on the relationship
between assessment methods and the learning out-
comes of students, as well as the investigation of uti-
lizing different feature extraction methods (Petz et al.,
2012; Holzinger et al., 2012) in our approach.
This work was supported by the grants VEGA
1/0832/12 and VVGS-PF-2012-22 at the Pavol Jozef
Saf´arik Universityin Koˇsice, Slovakia. We would like
to thank to our colleagues Frantiˇsek Galˇc´ık for pro-
viding us the PAC dataset,
Snajder and J´an
Guniˇs for providing us the PALMA dataset.
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