Interactive Video-training for Medical Professionals
Marilisa Amoia
Department of Applied Linguistics, Saarland University, Saarbr
ucken, Germany
Information Technologies Supporting Learning, e-Learning Platforms, Interactive Language-training, ICall,
Lifelong Learning, Medical Applications.
This paper describes an innovative component of an e-learning platform targeted at second language training
of medical professionals. This component provides interactive video learning material in three European lan-
guages: English, German and Spanish. The implemented prototype integrates storytelling technology with
NLP and dynamic web engineering. Starting by the automatic annotation of relevant vocabulary and con-
cepts in the domain of healthcare, our e-learning component associates the videos with external open domain
resources, such as thesauri and specialized dictionaries thereby providing a comprehensive infrastructure sup-
plying medical professionals with a situated learning environment as well as with open domain look-up and
information retrieval facilities in three languages.
Over the last few years, Europe has witnessed an in-
creased mobility of its citizens and professionals. Af-
ter the removal of the barriers for services such as
education and healthcare in particular, more people
move abroad to study, reside and work or for medical
treatment. In order to facilitate this mobility, the Eu-
ropean Union is promoting research for the develop-
ment of e-learning resources and platforms for second
language learning of all European languages.
A good command of the second language, in fact,
is particularly relevant in disciplines such as health-
care (cf. (Leroy et al., 2010)), where a missunder-
standing between patients and doctors may yield un-
safe services, e.g. wrong diagnoses. Recently, much
research has addressed the problem of providing high
quality multilingual services in the medical domain.
Most of this work addressed three main issues:
(i) Providing a unified database/ontology of health-
care terminology that can be instantiated in dif-
ferent languages. MeSH
, the Medical Subject
Headings maintained by the U.S. National Li-
brary of Medicine and its counterparts in other
languages (e.g. German and French) are promi-
nent examples of such a line of research (see (Nel-
son, 2009), (N
eol et al., 2007)).
(ii) Providing ad-hoc tools for the multilingual
retrieval of scientific literature and medical
databases. Most of this work addresses the prob-
lem of creating centralized catalogues and seman-
tic indexing facilities that can facilitate the search
of multilingual scientific material for reference or
study (see (Kreuzthaler et al., 2011), (Grosjean
et al., 2012)).
(iii) Providing translation tools for healthcare profes-
sionals. MedSLT (Bouillon et al., 2008) is an ex-
ample of a multilingual spoken language transla-
tion system specialized on the medical domain. It
was developed with the aim of aiding the commu-
nication between patients and doctors in real situ-
ations. It supports speech recognition and transla-
tion facilities but its coverage is restricted to a few
domains (headache, chest and abdominal pain).
However, few e-learning resources exist which in-
tegrate all these research trends into a unique plat-
form. In this paper, we describe a component of an
e-learning platform specifically developed for teach-
ing second language to medical professionals provid-
ing a comprehensive resource that supports individual
learning and can be used as well as an assistive equip-
ment in the every-day patient-doctor communication.
The e-learning component presented here implements
interactive video training material.
A first prototype has been realized based on sto-
rytelling technology. In the design of this component
we exploit multi-media and dynamic web technology.
In particular, we provide links between videos, pro-
Amoia M..
Interactive Video-training for Medical Professionals.
DOI: 10.5220/0004386701220127
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2013), pages 122-127
ISBN: 978-989-8565-53-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Interactive Video Training: the GUI.
duced with storytelling and text-to-speech technology
on the basis of real transcript of patient-doctors dia-
logues, with external resources allowing the user to
interact with the content of the video and to access
external knowledge.
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2,
we present the teaching methodology behind the de-
sign of the interactive video training learning compo-
nent. Then we introduce the technical framework on
which the implementation of the e-learning compo-
nent is based. We describe the storytelling technol-
ogy used to realize the video material as well as the
system-user interaction model supported by the com-
ponent. Finally, we show how the videos are linked
with external knowledge resources. In Section 3 we
conclude with some final remarks and pointers for fu-
ture work.
In this section, we present the framework behind the
interactive video training component implemented in
our e-learning platform. We describe how video train-
ing is implemented and which features support the
system-user interaction. Further, we give an overview
of the external resources which are linked to the video
2.1 The Teaching Model
Situated learning (cf. (Lave and Wenger, 1990),
(Brown et al., 1989)) is acknowledged among the best
methodologies for enhancing effective second lan-
guage learning, particularly in the case of adult learn-
ers. A distinctive feature of situated learning is that
it presupposes that learning is linked to a real, every-
day situation in the target culture and that the learner
is immersed in a context where he/she can learn the
language in use in that particular situation.
Further, there are several studies that highlight the
role of multimedia input in enhancing learner perfor-
mance and engagement. (Amoia et al., 2011)), for
instance, show that children learn new vocabulary in
a second language faster, i.e. more effectively and
remember more words if they are exposed to both
audio and textual/visual input. Video training mate-
rial can engage learners more than simple text mate-
rial (Zhang et al., 2006) and it represents an efficient
means to implement situated learning. It further al-
lows to fulfill several tasks required by the learning
component presented in this paper, and namely:
(i) to improve listening comprehension skills of
medics and healthcare givers,
(ii) to enhance cross-cultural understanding, an essen-
tial feature to assure satisfying doctor-patient in-
teraction and safe medical services.
As we focus on language learning in communica-
tion, our learning material mainly addresses spoken
interaction between patients and doctors. The e-
learning component provides interactive video mate-
rial in three European language, e.g. English, German
and Spanish. The target learners accounted for in our
framework include the following groups: (i) medical
Figure 2: Automatic Links to External Resources.
professionals (doctors and nurses) working in a coun-
try other than their own, (ii) patients enjoying medi-
cal treatments in a country other than their own, (iii)
medical professionals working in their own country
but with patients speaking a foreign language.
The learning material aims at allowing self-study
but also at being used as an assistive resource for
reference during real patient-doctor interaction in the
clinic or in the daily care work. In order to satisfy the
needs of all three groups of learners in the learning
component, we distinguish between the clinical lan-
guage used by doctors to communicate with expert
colleagues and the more common, every-day medical
language used to communicate with the patients that
are generally laypersons.
Doctors should be able to express themselves in
the second language in such a way that the patient
can understand them. Thus in the interactive video
learning component, we have tried to find a balance in
terminological complexity. The dialogues displayed
in the videos include a language complexity that cor-
responds to layperson, every day medical language
knowledge and specialized terminology is reduced to
a minimum. So for instance in the examples below,
we prefer the formulation in (1) to that in (2).
(1) Do you have any shortness of breath, or breath-
(2) Do you have dyspnea?
Consequently the material can be used for learning by
both medical experts and laypersons. Of course, doc-
tors will use the term dyspnea in the report for the hos-
pital and talking with expert colleagues. This more
specific terminology can be accessed in our platform
through the knowledge resources linked to the videos.
2.2 Video Material and Dialogues
The video material included in our e-learning compo-
nent aims at recreating real situations in the healthcare
domain and typical patient-doctor interactions.
The videos are based on a corpus of texts includ-
ing typical patient/doctor dialogues gathered by ex-
pert physicians in Spain. The topics addressed in
these dialogues includes:
putting the patient at ease,
collecting patient demographics,
taking a patient’s medical history,
describing symptoms,
explaining a treatment to the patient,
describing the effect of a prescribed medication,
These dialogues have then been translated by expert
translators into English and German and reviewed by
doctors for checking property of language and natu-
ralness. The implementation of interactive video ma-
terial based on these dialogues includes two steps:
creation of the video material,
making the video interactive.
Figure 3: Thesaurus and Dictionary Look-up.
We start by describing the first step. We use sto-
rytelling technology as provided by the Xtranormal
platform. This software is partially freely available.
This system supports text-to-speech facilities and pro-
vides animated video generation from written texts,
where animated characters act the patient-doctor in-
teraction. Xtranormal allows to set the value to differ-
ent features. The system
supports 20 different languages including those
relevant for our e-learning component, i.e. En-
glish, German, Spanish,
provides different male, female and children
allows to chose between different scenarios (e.g.
office, school, hospital) for the animated dialogue
and different background sound effects,
allows to set the camera angle and provides zoom-
ing facilities,
supports different animated characters (avatars)
that can walk, sit and even make up to 80 different
The videos included in the prototype of the e-learning
component contain short dialogues (about 5 min) il-
lustrating a typical situation in the medical practice
in three European languages. In the next section, we
describe the second step, i.e. how interactivity is man-
aged in our component.
2.3 System-user Interaction
In order to create interactive videos, we exploit the
dynamic web technologies integrated into Mozil-
las HTML5 media framework and Javascript. This
framework allows us to manage video, audio and
text material dynamically and to link our compo-
nent to open data resources and web services such as
Wikipedia, Google Map, etc.
In order to create an immersive and interactive
video experience, we proceed in the following way.
Starting from the transcript of a real patient-doctor
dialogue provided by medical professionals, we pro-
duce the video, and then we automatically generate
links to external resources. The written dialogues are
parsed and aligned with their translations, and key-
words relevant to the medical domain are extracted.
Thus, those keywords are highlighted in the textual
output of the component and automatically linked to
external resources such as Wikipedia and MedLine in
all three languages. The timeline managing the in-
teraction with the video is synchronized with the di-
alogue content. This allows us to extend the video
content with hypermedia experiences and links to ex-
ternal resources.
Thus the system supports the following sys-
tem/user interactions. The user can:
stop/start videos on demand,
ask for annotation/transcript of the dialogue being
played in the given video,
ask for translation of the dialogue being played in
the video,
click on highlighted words in the text transcript
of the dialogue and thus access external vocabu-
lary information, translation or linguistic knowl-
edge relevant for these words,
ask for further information relevant to the text
topic, such as information from a thesaurus or an
external dictionary,
In this way, the interactive video training component
of our e-learning system provides a situated learn-
ing experience and further allows the learner to freely
navigate through the linked open domain resources
providing external, probably more specialized con-
2.4 External Resources
The external resources linked to the video in the pro-
totype platform are the following:
Wiktionary. At the moment the dictionary lookup is
implemented as a Wiktionary query. This choice
is motivated by the fact that this resource is freely
available and provides dictionaries in the three
languages required by our learning component.
Wiktionary also supports common medical vocab-
ulary that is relevant to a standard patient-doctor
interaction. In order to support physicians at writ-
ing specialized reports, we plan to include look-
up facilities in specialized terminology resources
in our component, such as MeSH.
MedLine, Wikipedia. At the moment, the dia-
logues are linked with the MedLine
database that
includes a medical domain thesaurus targeting pa-
tients or laypersons, and additionally links to rel-
evant articles, books in both English and Spanish.
For German or in the case the keywords are not
found in MedLine, our component uses Wikipedia
Google Translate. The system further provides
translation facilities. At the moment, this service
is implemented as a pop-up facility that opens a
link to the Google Translate
service and can be
used by the user for translating new words into
his/her native language or in any language sup-
ported by the Google service.
MedLine is a service of the U.S. National Li-
brary of Medicine National Institutes of Health. http://
2.5 The GUI
The user can interact with the video training compo-
nent through the system GUI shown in Figure 1. In
a typical learning session while watching the video,
the learner can interact with the system by asking for
a translation in one of the supported languages (En-
glish, Spanish or German). Further, the user is aided
in learning new vocabulary. In Figure 1 for instance,
the word womb is highlighted, as it is recognized by
the system as a relevant keyword in the medical do-
main. The system provides links to (Wiktionary) dic-
tionary entries (in the bottom left slot) and thesaurus
definitions of relevant concepts (e.g. Voltaren, right
canvas on the top). The user can decide to access
this information by clicking on the highlighted word.
These links are also available if the video is stopped.
By clicking on the Translate button, a popup win-
dow appears providing a link to the Google Translate
utilities that can be used to translate a term or a phrase.
The user can additionally decide to look up a new con-
cept (e.g. sistema linf
atico) in a medical thesaurus by
using the thesaurus lookup slot that is provided by the
system in all three languages of the project (see Fig-
ure 3).
To summarize, the user can stop the video at any
time and interact with the text transcript to gather in-
formation on highlighted keywords, for instance their
translation, or he/she can extract information on arbi-
trary medical terms from Wikipedia or other special-
ized databases. The innovative aspect of the compo-
nent proposed in this paper is that it provides a com-
prehensive platform for learning and for accessing
open domain resources that are directly linked with
the learning component, thereby allowing learners to
freely manage the language acquisition process.
In this paper, we described an interactive video train-
ing framework for teaching a second language to
medical professionals and healthcare givers. The
component presented here integrates self-learning fa-
cilities with external open domain resources, e.g.
thesauri and specialized dictionaries, and provides a
comprehensive infrastructure supplying medical pro-
fessionals with both a situated learning environment
and open domain look-up and information retrieval
facilities in three languages. We performed a prelim-
inary evaluation of the system mainly based on qual-
itative criteria and asked users to judge our system
in terms of easiness of GUI navigation, usefulness of
linked knowledge and enhancement of active learning
and engagement. We received encouraging feedback
and plan a broader evaluation of our system in hos-
pitals and universities. In future work, we want to
extend the range of linked resources to include more
specialized terminologies, e.g. MeSH. Further, we
plan to develop a self-assessment component and to
associate automatically generated training activities
to the existent videos, such as fill-in-the-blank exer-
cises based on the same dialogue used to generate the
The research reported in this paper has been carried
out in the framework of the TELL-ME project (Ref.
517937-LLP- 2011-UK-LEONARDO-LMP), which
has been funded with support of the Lifelong Learn-
ing Program of the European Commission. This pub-
lication reflects the views only of the author, and
the Commission cannot be held responsible for any
use which may be made of the information contained
Many thanks to Igor A.L. da Silva for his support
in the realization of the video material and to Paul
Schmidt for useful comments.
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