Automatic Test Item Creation in Self-Regulated Learning
Evaluating Quality of Questions in a Latin American Experience
Gudrun Wesiak
, Rocael Hernández Rizzardini
, Hector Amado-Salvatierra
, Christian Guetl
and Mohammed Smadi
IICM, University of Technology, Graz, Austria
GES department, Galileo University, Guatemala, Guatemala
Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Keywords: Self-Regulated Learning, Automatic Test Item Generation, Evaluation Study, e-Assessment.
Abstract: The research area of self-regulated learning (SRL) has shown the importance of the learner’s role in their
cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies to self-regulate their learning. One fundamental step is to self-assess
the knowledge acquired, to identify key concepts, and review the understanding about them. In this paper,
we present an experimental setting in Guatemala, with students from several countries. The study provides
evaluation results from the use of an enhanced automatic question creation tool (EAQC) for a self-regulated
learning online environment. In addition to assessment quality, motivational and emotional aspects,
usability, and tasks value are addressed. The EAQC extracts concepts from a given text and automatically
creates different types of questions based on either the self-generated concepts or on concepts supplied by
the user. The findings show comparable quality of automatically and human generated concepts, while
questions created by a teacher were in part evaluated higher than computer-generated questions. Whereas
difficulty and terminology of questions were evaluated equally, teacher questions where considered to be
more relevant and more meaningful. Therefore, future improvements should especially focus on these
aspects of questions quality.
Learners are increasingly faced with a huge amount
of knowledge and with new learning tasks that
require abilities to improve the organization of their
learning process. Therefore there is a shift from
learning controlled by the teacher to a process where
the students regulate themselves (Kroop et al.,
2012). There is a relevant amount of research effort
on student’s self-regulated learning (SRL) strategies,
mostly focused on highly controlled learning
environments such as intelligent systems for
tutoring, self-reflection, formative assessment and
feedback (Zimmerman, 1989; Bannert, 2006; Nicol
and Macfarlane-Dick, 2006; Conati and Vanlehn,
2000). Also there is a need to foster the students’
SRL skills when they are not able to predict the
output of a learning activity or the best learning path
in virtual learning environments. Good SRL skills
will help to adapt the learning process and improve
the learning outcome. Therefore providing tools for
continuous assessment and feedback is a key for the
learning process. In this sense, in their introduction
to assessment as a tool for learning Dochy and
McDowell (1997) already pointed out how
important assessment and evaluation are at all stages
of a learning process. For a deeper understanding of
a learning content reflection, feedback, learning path
and an integration of learning and assessment are
crucial elements. In SRL students often perform
individual online searches regarding some learning
topic and therefore their learning resources differ
from those of their peers. In general, learning
materials found in the web do not have integrated
assessment tools (such as quizzes or short
knowledge tests) and students are therefore not able
to get feedback on their understanding of the
materials. With an automatic question creation tool
for natural texts, learners receive a possibility to
generate their own little quizzes for any textual
learning resource found in the web - independent of
time, place, or the input of a teacher or tutor. Thus,
they can deepen their understanding and learn more
effectively by answering questions and obtaining
Wesiak G., Hernandez Rizzardini R., Amado-Salvatierra H., Guetl C. and Smadi M..
Automatic Test Item Creation in Self-Regulated Learning - Evaluating Quality of Questions in a Latin American Experience.
DOI: 10.5220/0004387803510360
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2013), pages 351-360
ISBN: 978-989-8565-53-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
feedback to their chosen learning context.
There has been extensive work on the idea of
automatic creation of assessment items. One key
component is the extraction and identification of the
most relevant concepts used in natural language
texts of the learning contents, still being a current
research focus (Villalon and Calvo, 2009). There are
a variety of experiences for automatically or semi-
automatically generated test items from a given
input text (e.g. Stanescu et al., 2008; Liu and Calvo,
2009). As an example, Liu and Calvo (2009)
provided a tool that is capable to generate open-
ended questions out of essays. Chen, Aist and
Mostow (2009) created a tool that generates also
open-ended questions but from informational texts.
According to Agarwal, Shah, and Mannem (2011)
the two main challenges in automatic test item
generation are (a) to identify a content for which an
item should be created and (b) to find a
corresponding test-item type. Most research in this
field deals with only one type of test item (mostly
open-ended or multiple choice) generated for one
specified content, e.g. a given sentence (Goto et al.
2010). Exceptions are for example Brown, Frishkoff,
and Eskenazi (2005), who generated multiple choice
and assignment items for vocabulary assessment or
Myller (2007), who used multiple choice, single-
choice, and open ended questions in his work on
prediction questions for visualizations. Guetl,
Lankmayr, Weinhofer, & Hoefler (2011) have
developed a tool which generates four types of
questions out of natural text.
In our proposed approach, a learning
environment scenario enables students to read a text,
then select key concepts from this text, and finally
get an automatic assessment that will help to
improve their understanding and knowledge
acquisition. The test items are either based on the
concepts selected by the student or on concepts
extracted by the tool itself. We used the EAQC by
Guetl et al., (2011) integrated in an online learning
environment (Intelligent Web Teacher, IWT, by
Capuno et al., 2009) to generate test items for two
different topics. EAQC has already been evaluated
with several quality criteria (Hoefler et al., 2011;
2012). However, previous studies were set up as
stand-alone experiences with undergraduate students
as participants and no direct involvement of the
teacher. To test the quality of the EAQC in a more
realistic, broader, and more discerning setting, this
study was carried out in Guatemala with participants
from different countries in Latin America. Students
were enrolled in a full online SRL course and are for
the most part teachers with different cultural
background. Furthermore, EAQC test items were
compared to items generated by participants’ actual
teacher. The main goal of the study was to evaluate
the quality of the concepts and questions generated
with the EAQC.
This paper is organized as follows: after a
description of the EAQC and IWT tools, the
research methodology including participants,
instruments used, and the experimental design, is
presented. The next section reports the results, which
are followed by a discussion and final conclusions.
The Enhanced Automatic Question Creator EAQC
(Guetl et al., 2011) is a tool that automatically
creates test items from textual learning material.
EAQC has the functionality to generate different
types of test items from textual input. The item types
supported by the EAQC are: open end (OE),
multiple choice (MC), true or false (TF), and fill-in-
the-blank (FiB) questions. EAQC processes the
textual input, which can come in a diversity of file
formats, then extracts the most important content
from the text provided and performs a relation of
concepts. EAQC creates the different test items and
also creates reference answers. The EAQC
architecture provides a flexible extension to multiple
languages, an important feature to test the tool with
international scenarios. Furthermore, the EAQC is
capable to export the test items in a standard
compliant format (e.g. IMS Question and Test
Interoperability QTI).
EAQC supports mainly the following scenarios:
First, a totally automatic question creation scenario
where students and teachers cannot control the
assessment authoring but they only select the
learning materials. Second a more interactive setting
where students and teachers can select not only the
learning material but also they can tag and select
concepts using an online editor. These concepts are
used for creating the questions, which finally results
in an assessment that has been created automatically,
but is based on users’ selection of relevant concepts.
The generation of questions in EAQC can be divided
into two processes. In a first step, the EAQC extracts
concepts out of the text, which can be viewed by the
user. In a second step, questions are generated based
on the extracted concepts. Therefore, the user can
choose which concepts are to be used for the
generation of questions, and which types of
questions are to be generated (e.g. two multiple
choice, three true/false questions, etc.). The
generated questions are presented as test to the user
and right after taking the test, students receive
feedback on their performance. Thereby, the EAQC
lists again all questions but this time with the answer
given by the student, the correct answer, and the
received points.
2.1 The e-Learning Platform (IWT)
The EAQC was used by the students within the
Intelligent Web Teacher (IWT) platform. IWT
provides flexibility and extensibility characteristics
for contents and services at a low level and for
strategies and models at a higher level (Capuano et
al., 2009). Furthermore, IWT platform provides easy
to adopt didactic experiences based on user
preferences for a personalized learning.
The EAQC was integrated into the IWT after
previous studies (Al-Smadi et al., 2011; Hoefler et
al., 2011; 2012) and further improved with two new
features. These features were the implementation of
a function for adding concepts and other function for
tagging concepts. To add new concepts in the tool,
the user open the list of concepts the EAQC
extracted from a text and then is chooses further
concepts from a list of words and phrases contained
in the text. Furthermore, the user can order the final
list by relevance and choose only the most relevant
concepts to generate questions. The function for
tagging concepts allows students to simply highlight
a concept within the text and then save it to their
concept list. Afterwards, they can generate questions
on the basis of their self-extracted concepts.
3.1 Motivation and Goals
The main goals of this study were (a) to
systematically test the quality of concepts and
questions generated with EAQC by comparing them
to those generated by a real teacher (with course
material used in an actual learning setting), and (b)
to provide an automatic assessment tool that
motivates and supports students in a SRL
3.2 Participants
The experiment was carried out in the Institute Von
Neumann (IVN) of Galileo University, Guatemala.
IVN is an online higher education institute.
Thirty students enrolled in a course on “Learning
models and processes for e-Learning” participated in
the study. From these students, 27 were from
Guatemala, 2 from the United States, and 1 from
Colombia. The course is part of a complete online
learning Master degree program in “e-Learning
Management and Production”. The students are
university professors, consultants and instructors at
Twelve students were male and 18 were female.
Participants were between 22 and 48 years with an
average of 36 years (SD = 10.45). Concerning the
highest level of education, 11 students finished their
Bachelor, 16 held a Master’s degree and 3 a PhD.
Participants’ native language was Spanish, but they
indicated (on 5pt.-rating scales) that they had good
writing (M = 3.57, SD = 0.84) and reading (M =
4.13, SD = 0.72) skills in English. Participants were
familiar with e-learning environments (M = 4.43, SD
= 0.63) and slightly preferred online-courses over
face-to-face courses (M = 3.57, SD = 0.94). Students
gave their consent to participate in the study by
filling out the first out of four questionnaires.
Due to their enrollment in the master degree
program, all students had already acquired basic
skills for online learning. The activities for this study
were introduced by the course professor (teacher) to
increase students’ motivation for fulfilling the
required tasks (Ko and Young, 2011).
3.3 Experimental Design
One main goal of the study was to test the generated
questions quality with a balanced design covering
the following aspects: The first factor concerns the
question type and comprises the three factor levels
multiple choice (MC), true or false (TF) and fill-in-
the-blank (FiB) questions. Open ended questions
were not included, because the automatic assessment
cannot account for different wordings. The second
factor refers to the creator of the concepts on which
the questions are based on and has two levels,
teacher and EAQC. Hence, the concept is either
extracted by the teacher or automatically by the
EAQC. The third independent variable refers to the
creator of the questions. As the question is either
generated by the teacher or by the EAQC, there are
also the two factor levels, teacher and EAQC. Thus,
the evaluation of the questions’ quality is based on a
3 x 2 x 2 design. All questions were presented for
two learning contexts, namely Problem-based
learning and Project-based learning.
The dependent variables concern the quality and
difficulty of the questions and their respective
answers. The following evaluation criteria have
already been applied by Hoefler et al. (2012) and go
back to the work of Cannella et al. (2010). Quality
of questions is measured by the four aspects
pertinence, level, terminology, and difficulty.
Pertinence denotes the relevancy of a question with
respect to the topic. Level addresses whether a
question is trivial or expresses a significant meaning.
Terminology focuses on the appropriateness of the
words chosen and difficulty refers to the perceived
difficulty of a question. Quality of answers is
measured for FiB and MC questions by means of the
aspects terminology of the correct answer, ambiguity
of the answer, and for MC questions also by the
quality of the given distracters. For both, question
and answer quality mean scores were calculated
from the 4 respectively 2 (or 3) single aspects. All
aspects were evaluated by the participants on 5-pt.
rating scales with 1 indicating a low quality and 5
indicating a high quality (except for ambiguity,
where 5 indicates high ambiguity and therefore low
answer quality). According to the experimental
design, we calculated a multivariate ANOVA with
three factors.
Regarding the concepts extracted from the two
learning contexts, we differentiated between teacher,
EAQC, and student concepts. To evaluate the quality
of these concepts participants rated their relevancy
on a 5pt. rating scale.
3.4 Research Instruments
and Procedure
During the self-regulated learning experiment,
participants had to read two texts, extract concepts
from these texts, take knowledge tests, and fill out
four questionnaires. The questionnaires which were
presented via Lime Survey, an open source survey
application tool (see It
took five weeks to carry out the entire study starting
with the selection of learning material until the
presentation of the last questionnaire.
The two texts were provided by the teacher of
the course and concerned the topics “Problem-based
learning” and “Project-based learning”. They had
1307 and 1002 words respectively and dealt with
basic knowledge (definition, history, theoretical
foundations, etc.) on the two topics.
The experiment consisted of four phases (Phases
1 – 4). The first phase took place before the students
started working on IWT. In this pre-phase students
were asked to fill in a pre-questionnaire (Q1), which
covered the following sections: demographic data,
previous knowledge regarding e-learning, general
questions about learning preferences, evaluation of
question types, and students’ English skills.
Furthermore, in Phase 1 the two learning resources
were selected by the teacher. For both texts the
EAQC and the teacher extracted 10 concepts each
and put them in an order of relevance. For each
topic, the extracted concepts were collected in an
evaluation questionnaire (Q2), which was given to
the students in Phase 2 in order to evaluate the
concepts’ relevancy. In the case of equivalent
concepts, the next one in the order of relevancy was
chosen. The 20 concepts in each questionnaire were
randomized, i.e. students did not know which
concepts were extracted by the EAQC and which
ones by the teacher. Hence, we could check whether
the quality of the EAQC concepts is as good as the
quality of the teacher’s concepts.
For the second phase students were assigned to
two groups (Group 1 and Group 2). First, each group
was asked to read one learning resource presented
via IWT. Group 1 read the text on Problem-based
learning, Group 2 the text on Project-based learning.
Second, the students, in this phase, had to extract at
least 6 concepts from the text by tagging and
highlighting keywords. Additionally they were
asked to put their concepts in an order of relevance.
At the end of Phase 2 students answered the
evaluation questionnaire Q2 with the teacher and
EAQC concepts concerning the learning resource
they had just read before.
In the third phase of the study questions based on
the 20 concepts extracted in Phase 1 were generated
by the teacher and the EAQC as follows: For each
learning resource, the teacher was asked to generate
one question for each of the six most relevant
concepts extracted and ordered by herself and by the
EAQC, four teachers’ and EAQC concepts were
discarded. The only constraint was to use each
questions type (MC, TF, FiB) twice for the teacher
as well as for the EAQC concepts. Thereafter, the
EAQC questions were generated for the same 12
concepts under consideration of the question type
chosen by the teacher. Thus, we obtained two
parallel questions for each concept. This approach
was taken to make sure that for each concept a
suitable question type was chosen and to ensure a
fair comparison of teacher and EAQC questions.
Summarized, for each learning resource, 24
questions (12 teacher / 12 EAQC questions) based
on 12 concepts (6 teacher / 6 EAQC concepts) were
generated. This resulted in four different variants of
questions: teacher questions based on teacher
concepts, teacher questions based on EAQC
concepts, EAQC questions based on teacher
concepts, and EAQC questions based on EAQC
concepts. Combining the four question variants with
the three types (MC, TF, FiB) yielded 12 different
sorts of questions. From these questions the
evaluation sections of Q3 and the knowledge tests
for Phase 4 were constructed. For each topic, two
parallel test forms were created and students were
assigned to 4 groups (Group A, B, C and D).
Students from Group 1 were assigned to Groups A
and B, Group 2 was divided into Group C and D.
Each pair of groups received parallel test and
evaluation forms. Group A for example received a
teacher question based on the first concept and an
EAQC question based on the second, whereas Group
B received those backwards, and so on.
Phase 4 was the second unit with students
working in the IWT. First, students learned the text
on IWT, which they had read in Phase 2. Second,
they were asked to extract six concepts as in Phase 2
in order to compare consistency of the extracted
concepts. Then, the students should generate “on-
the-fly” questions from the EAQC based on their
self-extracted concepts. After that, students received
the knowledge tests created in Phase 3 about the
text, they had just learned before. Groups A and B
received the parallel tests on Problem-based
learning, and Groups C and D the tests on Project-
based learning.
After this, the students switched topics and read
through the other learning resource. Groups A and B
read the text on Project-based learning, and Groups
C and D the one on Problem-based learning. Then,
the students received Q3, in which they were asked
to evaluate (a) the tool’s usability, (b) the 10 most
frequent student concepts extracted by their peers in
Phase 2, and (c) the 12 questions generated by the
teacher and the EAQC. Groups A and B evaluated
the concepts and questions regarding the text
Project-based learning, Groups C and D the concepts
and questions related to Problem-based learning.
Thus, Groups A and B evaluated the concepts
extracted by students which were in Group C or D
and the questions which Groups C and D had
received in their knowledge tests and vice versa.
Finally, after students had finished their tasks in
Phase 4, a post-questionnaire (Q4) was sent out
concerning their motivation during the study. It
contained the subscale “Task Value” from the
MSLQ by Pintrich et al. (1991). This scale measures
students’ perception of the course material in terms
of interest, importance, and utility. High task value
should lead to more involvement in one’s learning
outcome and Pintrich et al. (1991) found a high
correlation between task value and intrinsic goal
orientation (r = .68). More specifically, students
have to indicate their (dis)agreement to six questions
regarding the task value. Furthermore, Q4 contained
questions regarding students’ motivation to do the
different tasks involved in the study, e.g. reading the
texts, extracting concepts, or working with the IWT.
Answers were given on a 5pt. rating scale ranging
from (1) not motivated at all to (5) very motivated.
Additionally, a post-questionnaire for the teacher
was provided, which included questions on the
usability of IWT, emotional aspects, and some open
questions. We used the SUS (System Usability
Scale) by Brooke (1996) in order to investigate the
tool’s usability. For the emotional status of the
participant we added a scale (Computer Emotion
Scale) by Kay and Loverock (2008) developed to
measure emotions related to learning new computer
software, describing four emotions: Happiness,
Sadness, Anxiety and Anger.
From the 30 participants filling out the pre-
questionnaire (Q1), 25 took part in Phase 2, in which
they evaluated the relevancy of 20 concepts
extracted by the teacher and EAQC. In Phase 4, we
collected data from 20 participants, who all
evaluated 10 student concepts and the 12 questions
created by the teacher and EAQC. The knowledge
tests which also contained the EAQC and teacher
questions were taken by only 13 students. The data
of one student was not included in the analysis
below, because she called and saved the test, but did
not answer a single question. Thus, for each of the
two topics, six students took the prepared knowledge
test. Furthermore, four students took an on-the-fly
test with a total of 21 generated questions (seven for
each question type).
The two texts were not chosen by the
experimenters, but by the teacher of the course
herself. Independent samples t-tests performed for
concept relevancy (RelConc), mean question quality
(QualQu), and mean answer quality (QualAns)
yielded no differences between the two topics
Problem-based and Project-based learning
t(68)=.155, p=.877; QualQu:t(238)=.715,
p=.475; QualAns:
t(158)=.243, p=.808). Thus, for the
following statistical analysis the data were
aggregated across the two topics.
4.1 Relevancy of Extracted Concepts
One important requirement for the generation of
high quality questions is the extraction of relevant
concepts within a given context. Thus, in Phase 2 of
the experiment (see Section 3.4) the 10 most
relevant concepts extracted by teacher and EAQC
were given to the students to be evaluated (Q2).
Additionally, 10 concepts extracted by the students
in Phase 1 were presented to the other half of
students in Phase 4 (Q3) and also evaluated with
regard to relevancy. Thus for the comparison of
EAQC and teacher concepts paired samples are
available, whereas comparisons with student
concepts involve independent samples. Figure 1
shows the average ratings for the three concept types
for each topic. Across the topics mean ratings,
teacher concepts, from 25 (for teacher and EAQC
concepts) and 20 (for students) had the best rating
over 4.12 (SD = .44).
A one-way ANOVA for the three concept
extractors showed a significant effect (F
(2,67) = 3.66,
p = .031). Post-hoc tests after Scheffé’s method
revealed a difference between teacher and student
concepts (p = .032) but not between EAQC and
teacher or student concepts (p = .353 and .42
respectively). Since teacher and EAQC concept
evaluations are based on the same sample, we also
performed a repeated measures t-test for a stricter
comparison of these ratings; however, with t
(24) = 2.0
and p = .057 EAQC concepts do still not differ
significantly from the concepts extracted by the
teacher. Thus, it can be stated that concepts
extracted from the EAQC are as relevant as concepts
extracted by humans.
Figure 1: Relevancy ratings for concepts extracted by
EAQC, teacher, and students.
4.2 Quality of Questions
To evaluate the quality of questions 3x2x2
MANOVAs were performed by aggregating the data
from both topics (Problem-based and Project-based
With 20 students performing the evaluation and
12 questions per student, 240 answers were collected
for each criterion. These are divided equally over the
question types (80 data points for TF, MC and Fib
questions each), concept extractors (120 from
teacher and EAQC each), as well as question
creators (also 120 from teacher and EAQC each).
The evaluation metrics consisted of four
measures for the quality of the questions themselves
(pertinence, level, terminology, and difficulty) and
two and three measures for the quality of the
answers of FiB and MC questions (terminology of
answer and ambiguity of answer for both, plus
quality of distractors for MC). Since TF questions
are not included in this analysis, the number of data
points for answer quality decreases to 160 (80 for
distractor quality). Figure 2 shows the mean ratings
for question and answers quality per question variant
(concept extractor x question creator) and question
type (TF, MC, FiB). Because of the different
numbers of questions types (TF, MC, Fib) involved,
we performed two 3x2x2 ANOVAS for mean
questions and mean answer quality.
The results are summarized in Table 1. Whereas
none of the three factors had an effect on mean
answer quality, we found one significant effect on
mean question quality. More specifically, with
Mteacher= 3.57 and MAQC = 3.32 (SE = .063)
questions created by the teacher were evaluated
significantly higher, than those created by the
EAQC. However, with a partial eta
² value of .034
the effect size is rather small. Interactions are also
non-significant. To investigate, in which aspect the
questions differ, we had a closer look at the different
aspects contributing to question (and answer)
A three-way MANOVA including the four
aspects of question quality yielded the expected
effect of question creator for the multivariate results
(4,225) = 2.51, p = .043,
²=.043) and no other
main effects or interactions. Univariate results
showed that the effect is due to higher evaluations of
teacher questions’ pertinence and level. For
pertinence teachers questions reached a mean rating
of M = 3.95 as compared to M = 3.58 for EAQC
questions with SE = .092 (F
(1,228) = 7.82, p = .006,
² = .033).
Figure 2: Mean rating for question and answer quality of
T/F, MC, and FiB question (Tconcept = concept extracted
by teacher, EAQCqu = question created by EAQC, etc.).
Table 1: Effects from three-way ANOVAS on mean
question and answer quality.
Ratings for level imply that teacher questions are
more meaningful (M = 3.62) than EAQC questions
(M = 3.27, SE = .096), with F
(1,228) = 6.56, p = .011,
² = .028. However, for both aspects the effects are
only small in size. Ratings for questions’
terminology and perceived difficulty did not differ
significantly, and there were no significant
interactions among the three factors.
With respect to the quality of answers, a closer
look at the three aspects revealed no significant
effects and no interactions for the multivariate
results of the performed MANOVA (for MC and
FiB questions), for the aspect terminology of the
answer, and for the quality of distracters (ANOVA
for only MC questions). However, we did find an
effect of question type on the ambiguity of answers.
With M = 2.35 (SD = 1.17) for MC and M = 2.8 (SD
= 1.26) for FiB questions, participants evaluated
answers of the latter question type to be more
The results presented in this section clearly show
that the answers to the questions provided from the
tool are relevant. Moreover, participants evaluated
the quality of answers generated by the EAQC as
equally high as the quality of answers generated by
the teacher. By using teacher concepts for half of the
questions created by the EAQC, we could also show
that the tool is able to generate questions from
concepts entered by users. Regarding the question
whether all types of questions generated from the
tool are as high in quality as questions generated by
humans, the answer is two-fold. Whereas the quality
of answers, the terminology, and the perceived
difficulty of EAQC questions are evaluated equally
high as those of teacher questions, the level and
pertinence of questions received lower ratings. Thus,
teacher questions seem to be less trivial and address
the topic in a more meaningful way.
4.3 Difficulty of Questions
To further investigate if all types of questions
generated from the tool are as high in quality as
questions generated by humans, we also collected
data concerning the real difficulty of questions.
Therefore, the same questions which were presented
for evaluation were also prepared as knowledge test
and uploaded to the courses in the IWT. To avoid an
influence of the evaluation process on the test taking
or vice versa, each test was given to half of the
students as test and to the other half for evaluation
purposes. Whereas 20 students did the evaluation of
questions only 13 took the knowledge test. Data of
12 students who each answered 12 questions could
be analysed. All together 45.83% of the questions
were answered correctly, which equals 66 out of 144
questions. Table 2 gives an overview on how many
items per questions variant have been answered
correctly. Since there is no difference between the
topics Problem-based and Project-based learning (32
vs. 34 correct responses), the data are aggregated
across the two topics. We calculated ² tests to
compare the frequencies for questions that (a) are
based on EAQC vs. Teacher concepts, (b) are
generated by EAQC or teacher, and (c) are designed
as either TF, MC, or FiB question. Except for the
question type, the critical ² values exceeded the
empirical ones. With ² = 22.46, the differences
between the three question types are statistical
significant, which can clearly be attributed to the
very low solution rate for fill-in-the blank questions
(8% correct solutions compared to 69% for MC and
60% for TF).
To investigate the relationship between
perceived difficulty of actual difficulty, we
correlated the mean ratings and number of correctly
solved items per questions variant (i.e. for 12
different item types, as e.g. TF with teacher concept
and teacher questions or MC with EAQC concept
and teacher questions, etc.). The resulting correlation
of r
= -0.71 (p = .009) indicates that questions
which are perceived as more difficult are also solved
by less participants.
We also looked at the difficulty of the on-the-fly
questions. From seven questions per type, five TF,
six MC and 1 FiB have been answered correctly,
which is in line with the findings reported above
(high difficulty of FiB, no difference between TF
and MC).
Table 2: Number of correctly answered questions per
question type.
4.4 Usability of the EAQC Integrated
in IWT
The basis for the validity of usability measures is the
time participants spent in the system. Log data show
that students accessed the IWT on average 3.31
times (SD = .72, MIN = 1, MAX = 7) and spent M =
103.78 min (SD = 89.3) within the system. The
teacher (and her assistant) spent together 39 hours
28 minutes in the IWT, accessing it 102 times.
To evaluate the usability of the integrated
EAQC, the SUS scale (see Section 3.4) was
presented to students as well as the teacher.
Students’ mean SUS scores amount to 57.59 (SD =
16.99) with a rather large range from 23.75 up to
87.5. The SUS score provided by the teacher was
48.13. Thus students perceived the usability of the
EAQC integrated in the IWT very differently, but on
average higher than the teacher. However, both
student and teacher scores are below the average of
68, which is the reference value suggested by
Brooke (1996). Despite the low SUS score and the
great amount of time the teacher spent in the IWT,
ratings from the Computer Emotion Scale (see
Section 3.4) show very positive emotions while
working with the system (mean scores for
happiness/sadness/anxiety/anger in the given order
are 3/1/1.25/1).
4.5 Motivational Aspects and Task
To evaluate whether the tool had a positive impact
on users’ motivation concerning their learning, an
analysis with results from 14 students filling out the
post-questionnaire is presented. A requirement for
having a positive impact on students’ motivation is
that they are generally comfortable with SRL
settings. Participants of this study indicated that they
like SRL environments (M = 3.77, SD = .76) and
that they prefer learning on their own over being
supervised all the time (M = 3.8, SD = 1.01).
Furthermore, they agreed on the statements that
testing themselves helps when they learn something
(M = 3.87, SD = .72) and that they need clear
instructions when they learn something (M= 3.93,
SD = 1.03). These results are in line with the
comments on the tool itself, namely that they liked
the EAQC and automatic assessment as well as the
possibility to highlight and save important concepts
to support their learning process.
The task value scale by Pintrich et al. (1991),
which was presented in the post-questionnaire
showed that students were highly interested in the
task and also perceived it as being important and
useful. Mean ratings to the six single questions
ranged between 4.5 (SD = .65) and 4.71 (SD = .47)
resulting in a mean task value of 4.58 (SD = .48).
Due to the high correlation of task value and
intrinsic goal orientation reported above, it can be
assumed, that students were also intrinsically
motivated and involved in their learning activities.
This result is also supported by the high motivation
ratings for the single tasks required during the study,
which ranged between 3.77 (SD = 1.01) and 4.31
(SD = .85). Figure 3 shows the mean ratings for task
value and motivation for doing different task.
Figure 3: Mean task value (MSLQ) and level of
motivation for various tasks.
4.6 Support of Self-regulated Learning
To investigate the pedagogical and psychological
impact of the tool, we checked, whether the tool
supports self-regulated learning and students can
thus benefit from using the tool. According to the
teacher the tool constitutes a support for students in
the self-study process. From a teacher’s point of
view, the functions tested by the teacher were too
few to judge the worth of the tool for teachers.
From student’s point of view, testing themselves
with questions had a positive impact on their
learning activities (M = 4.43, SD = .76), taking the
course improved their understanding of domain
concepts (M = 4.5, SD = .65), and the course was a
worthy educational resource (M = 4.43, SD = .76).
In their open comments, all 14 students stated that
they would benefit from self-assessments (self-
generated tests) when learning in general. More
specifically, they said, that self-assessments are a
good preparation for real assessments, that they help
to know one’s level of knowledge or progress, and
that it helps to improve the understanding and
retention of concepts. Only one student indicated
that he wouldn’t go through a self-generated test,
because for him reflection on his knowledge is more
important. Another student stated that the self-
assessments help to study a text, but that the
questions were not good.
The aim of the conducted study was to evaluate a
tool for automatic question creation (EAQC) and its
application within the IWT. All questions generated
by the EAQC are based on concepts, which are in a
first step automatically extracted from a given text.
In a second step the EAQC creates for each concept
the required types of questions (up to four different
questions per concept). Thus, the quality of the
extracted concepts is an important factor for the
achieved quality of the generated questions.
In this study the teacher of an online course on e-
learning provided two texts and extracted the 10
most relevant concepts out of each text.
Simultaneously, the EAQC extracted concepts out
the same texts and put them into an order of
relevance (see Section 3.4). We compared the
relevancy of concepts extracted by the EAQC, by
the teacher, and by students. The obtained results
show comparable quality of automatically and
human (teacher and students) generated concepts.
Thus, we can conclude that the tool is able to extract
relevant concepts from a text, which form a suitable
basis for knowledge questions.
The quality of questions and their respective
answers was evaluated by comparing it to the quality
of questions created by a teacher (both EAQC and
teacher questions were based on an equal number of
EAQC and teacher concepts). A three-way
MANOVA including the factors questions type (TF,
MC, FiB), concept extractor (teacher, EAQC), and
question creator (teacher, EAQC) revealed an effect
of question creator for the dependent variables
pertinence and level. Thus, EAQC questions are
equally well formulated as teacher questions (no
effect on terminology) and are perceived as equally
difficult, but they are evaluated as more trivial and
less relevant than teacher questions.
However, considering that the factor “question
creator” accounts for only about 3% of the overall
(effect and error) variance (
² =.033 and .028 for
the two measures) and that the EAQC is mainly
meant as tool to support self-regulated learning, the
outcome of the evaluation is definitely positive.
Results from the evaluation of answers revealed
no difference between teacher and EAQC
terminology, ambiguity, or distractor quality. The
same is true for the actual difficulty of questions,
indicated by the number of correctly solved items.
Thus, the application of the EAQC in a real learning
setting and the evaluation of the tool by postgraduate
students yielded very promising results. In a next
step, the evaluation process should also involve
domain experts (e.g. a group of teachers) as well as
experts in the field of assessment.
Regarding the tool’s usability, SUS scores from
both teacher and students were below average, but
the teacher was still in a very positive emotional
state and open comments from both sides show that
they appreciate the tool and its functions. Students
indicated that they would benefit from automatic
self-assessments and that the course is a worthy
educational resource. The results show high task
values and high motivational ratings for the different
tasks performed during the study. Thus, we can
conclude that the EAQC and in general automatic
question creators are able to motivate students in
their learning activities and should be a fundamental
part of SRL environments.
The results from the evaluation of questions
generated automatically by EAQC in a broader
setting are encouraging. The study, including
participants with different cultural background in
Latin America, allowed the researchers to test the
tool and perception of the assessment in PLEs in
order to look for worldwide solutions.
Besides the above mentioned evaluation studies
with experts, future work needs to focus on
improving the tool’s usability, clarity, and
performance. Also a focus on the quality of
extracted concepts and questions with text in
different languages should be considered.
This research was supported by the EC under the
Project ALICE "Adaptive Learning via
Intuitive/Interactive, Collaborative and Emotional
Systems", Grant Agreement n.257639. We are very
grateful to Isabella Pichlmair, Dominik Kowald,
Marcello Rosciano, Patricia Lavin and GES Team
for their great support in conducting this study.
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