Advanced Learning Environments 2016
Clive Holtham, Martin Rich and Leona Norris
Cass Business School, City University London, 106 Bunhill Row, London EC1Y 8TZ, U.K.
Keywords: Virtual Learning Environments, e-Learning Futures, Disruptive Innovation, Personalised Learning.
Abstract: In the first section we address key aspects of the future of learning environments in the context of types of
change in technology environments, in particular Christensen's distinction between sustaining and disruptive
changes. We consider the development of virtual learning environments up to 2016, which is essentially an
evolutionary or sustaining period. We also discuss a number of possible factors which will affect the
development in this period, and consider alternative perspectives which might exist within higher education
The strategic future of virtual learning environments
has been considered by van der Heijden (2012).
Starting from the flattening growth of adoption, van
der Heijden went on to carry out a SWOT
(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)
analysis using the language of business strategy.
There are starkly different views about the future
of learning environments, some of which were
accentuated in the "VLE is dead" debate at the ALT-
C conference in 2009. In general, monolithic VLE’s
such as Moodle and Blackboard are challenged on
the one hand by even generic content management
systems such as Drupal, and on the other hand by
“modular” products, most particularly massive
online open courses (MOOCs), as well as by
elearning products which make little or no claim to
be comprehensive (Pearson 2012), by innovative
cloud based educational applications, and by
strategists who envisage a wide constellation of
learning technologies and tools, with the VLE being
"merely" one type of specialist application (Millard
et al, 2011).
Most of the challenges outlined above are
essentially tactical, concerned with products
available today and meeting today's problems and
aspirations. But technology is a fast-moving area,
and a key dimension of this paper is how
technologies to enhance learning may develop over
the next decade, and the implications of this for the
virtual learning environment community today.
Academically, this paper is located in the
intersection of the discipline of business strategy,
together with the discipline of learning technology.
Its underlying perspective is from a position of
strong support for the achievements of the VLE
community to date, and positive views about the but
articulated, namely that the positive nature of short
and medium term perspectives could well create the
climate for a worrying shortfall in longer term
strategic thinking.
TO 2016
We now go on to consider some broad alternatives
open to higher education institutions. These are
typical of the options open to institutions currently
and for the next few years in terms of the
institutional strategy. We have created three existing
options, and deliberately constructed a fourth option
which is scarcely feasible at present. Our primary
focus in this paper is VLEs by 2016.
Within the broad field of eLearning, we focus
here almost wholly on virtual learning environments
and their broad competitors. This largely excludes
the area of content, of classroom and student
personal technologies, of virtual worlds and of other
important areas. This is a relatively mature market,
dominated in the USA by Blackboard. According to
the Campus Computing Project (2011) Moodle has a
19% share of a market that appears to be becoming
increasingly competitive. The proportion of survey
Holtham C., Rich M. and Norris L..
Advanced Learning Environments 2016.
DOI: 10.5220/0004388005890592
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2013), pages 589-592
ISBN: 978-989-8565-53-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
participants reporting that their institution uses
various versions of Blackboard (including Angel and
WebCT) as the campus-standard learning
management system (LMS) fell to 50.6 percent in
2011, compared to 57.1 percent last year and down
from 71.0 percent in fall 2006. Concurrently,
Blackboard’s major LMS competitors –
Desire2Learn, Moodle, and Sakai - have all gained
share during this period, and new LMS providers,
including Epsilen, Instructure, and Loudcloud,
among others, are generating significant interest
Figure 1: New Registrations ( 2012).
This paper reviews a variety of VLE architectures
and develops one that could be expected to emerge
by 2020. A pedagogic architecture needs to contain
all relevant support to education, both technological
and physical, and enables the relationship and
balance of the components to be examined. It is vital
that it clarifies genuine alternatives enables the
relative costs and benefits to be evaluated. And it
needs to be remembered that there will not be one
right way, not even within a single institution.
We can divide the resources needed to
implement a VLE into two types:
Infrastructures - the basic level, most
typically institutionally or even national;
relatively static; commodity
Content and apps - more related to the needs
of schools, programmes and individual
faculty and groups of students; relatively
dynamic; often customised/proprietary
Today we can consider four alternative VLE
1. Transmissive: the traditional VLE, reflecting
the traditional teaching approach in most
societies. Here the VLE is used principally by
lecturers as an organising tool to make
resources available to students
2. Constructivist: supporting the learner to
construct their own knowledge perhaps
implying a more flexible, lightweight
institutional learning environment (ILE) with
VLE as one of several components
3. Informal: rejects formal structures and
processes; auto-didactic and social; Personal
Learning Landscape (PLL) with the
implication that students will build their own
4. Proactive: Proactive Environment for
Learning (PREL), involves the intensive use
of learning analytics, in which data collected
through the learning environment is
continuously collected and analysed,
particularly in real time to make mid-course
corrections to modules in progress
Figure 2: Alternative VLE infrastructure.
Moodle as used by most universities is a
transmissive VLE. However, Mark Stubbs (2012) at
Manchester Met University sees Moodle as a way of
"wrapping the institution around the learner". By
contrast Hugh Davis (Millard et al, 2011) at
Southampton sees Sharepoint, which is positioned
by Microsoft principally as a collaboration product
for commercial users, as its integrating technology
and Blackboard as a narrow specialist tool.
In practice much of the support for a Personal
Learning Landscape comes from those who are
hostile to formal education, for instance ELGG
(Tosh and Werdmuller, 2004). This is unlikely to be
a feasible option for the vast bulk of universities, but
VLE's and ILE's will continue to accumulate social
software functionality, such as the Open University's
Open Learn.
To provide a clearer and less technology-centric
approach, we have built on the Southampton
structure which does reference content and physical
resources. It is vital to recognise three types of
learning "process":
1. Administrative - important underpinning
2. Knowledge - important that this covers both
explicit knowledge, such as in books and
journals, as well as tacit knowledge in
humans that is shared by interpersonal
3. Pedagogic - what is needed for teaching and
learning in any given class/cohort; can and
must reflect a selected pedagogy
Linking these to the two types of resource produces
a two dimensional framework, into which we can
then allocate the various technologies.
Figure 3: Two dimensional framework.
The red in figure 4 below shows how a classic
monolithic VLE includes much functionality in itself
(red text). By contrast, figure 5 shows a lightweight
decentralised learning environment distributes
functionality (green) while possibly still retaining a
VLE (red) only for narrowly defined tasks.
Figure 4: Monolithic VLE in two dimensional framework.
Consideration of a move away from formal
education is nothing new. Over forty years ago Ivan
Illich (1971: 72) advocated “a new style of
educational relationship between man and his
environment” (Illich, 1971: 72) using four channels:
Reference services to educational objects
Skill exchanges
Reference services to educators-at-large
The third and fourth of these have particularly
close resonances with contemporary approaches to
Figure 5: Lightweight decentralised VLE in two-
dimensional framework.
learning environments. Peer-to-peer learning,
enabled by peer matching, is a key element of any
constructivist learning process. Reference services to
educators-at-large facilitate the ability to locate
experts - in the Tosh and Werdmuller structure
provided by the social networking component.
Hart (2001), notes that Illich prefigured the
world-wide web. Laurillard (2012: 4) alludes to
Illich’s critique of formal education but observes
that contemporary arguments against formal learning
can “plunge us back into traditional approaches”.
Budgetary pressures have made it driven the
search for new ways to achieve (hickering and
Gamson’s (1987) seven principles of engagement:
encourages contact between students and
develops reciprocity and cooperation among
encourages active learning,
gives prompt feedback,
emphasizes time on task,
communicates high expectations, and
respects diverse talents and ways of learning.
Graham Gibbs (2010) has endorsed these in his
comprehensive review of how education adds value
to reciprocity and cooperation among students.
MOOCs are based around a scaled version of the
concept of implementing a constructivist approach
to education online. In recent discussions some
thinkers see them as a disruptive force within higher
education. We share the scepticism expressed by
Brady (2012) because of the lack of any clarity
applied to the business models underlying MOOCs.
One recent initiative in the field of MOOCs is
FutureLearn, supported by a range of British
universities, and this has attracted significant media
interest (Coughlan, 2012). Its partners include the
Open University which has proved to be a valuable
addition to the higher education landscape, but it has
not superseded established universities.
One particular strand of work, building on the
concept of proactive computing (Tennenhouse,
2000), is proactive learning (Coronado and
Zampunieris 2010), which has particularly involved
developing software that is activated by actions or
inactions in Moodle.
Technologies beyond 2016 are likely to include the
educational semantic web (Anderson and Whitelock.
2004), as well as intelligent tutoring systems.
Stemming from research with small children
(Meltzoff, 2009), Koedinger and Aleven (2007)
describe an intelligent tutoring system at university
level, where cognitive tutors provide a rich problem-
solving environment with tutorial guidance and
response to individual student performance.
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Education", AAHE Bulletin
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Review 19:239-264
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Building Pedagogical Patterns for Learning and
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