A Web-based Support System for Providing Effective Monitoring,
Feedback and Evaluation in Project Management Education
Ana Gonz
, Fernando Alba-El
and Joaqu
ın Ordieres-Mer
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universidad de La Rioja, c/ Luis de Ulloa 20, 26004 Logro
no, La Rioja, Spain
PMQ Research Group, ETSII, Universidad Polit
ecnica de Madrid, Jos
e Guti
errrez Abascal 2, 28006 Madrid, Spain
Project Management, Distant Learning, Collaborative Learning, Web 2.0.
This work introduces a web-based learning environment to facilitate learning in Project Management. The
proposed web-based support system integrates methodological procedures and information systems, allowing
to promote learning among geographically-dispersed students. Thus, students who are enrolled in different
universities at different locations and attend their own project management courses, share a virtual experience
in executing and managing projects. Specific support systems were used or developed to automatically collect
information about student activities, making it possible to monitor the progress made on learning and assess
learning performance as established in the defined rubric.
Project Management education was traditionally de-
signed according to an expository paradigm that was
accompanied by exercises to directly apply a partic-
ular technique or use a specific tool. However, exer-
cises or case studies do not provide sufficient stimuli
to foster the level of engagement needed to effectively
facilitate learning (Barron, 2005). The teaching and
learning of project management has grown in inter-
est and popularity recently ((Berggren and Sderlund,
2008), (Ojiako et al., 2011)) and it is well accepted
that new and non-traditional initiatives are required. It
is important to ensure that students move into a higher
order of thinking and learning with the idea of mov-
ing from knowing what to know to knowing how and
why to know (Roger, 2008).
In the process of acquiring the competences re-
quired to become project management professionals,
learners seek to acquire a learning process that pro-
vides them with experiences that are similar to what
they will encounter in the world beyond the class-
room. The ability to work in teams and to communi-
cate effectively is deemed to be an essential skill. This
is particularly important when design team members
are based in differing locations and meet in a virtual
environment (Rooij, 2009).
This paper introduces a new web-based learning
environment that is designed specifically to facilitate
a structured approach to involve M.Sc. students in
project management and B.Sc. students in project en-
gineering learning processes.
Section 2 presents a brief review on related works.
Section 3 provides an overview of the learning expe-
rience and section 4 is dedicated to describe the web-
based support system designed. Finally, the last sec-
tion discusses some general conclusions and presents
future work.
There is evidence that teaching Project Management
must be organized in a more learner-centered ap-
proach than classical lectures offer. Several practical
approaches to the teaching of project management can
be found in the literature.
For instance, (Martin, 2000) presents a software
environment for generating customized computer-
based simulations that facilitate project management
education. (Abernethy et al., 2007) describe a spe-
cific experimental approach for information technol-
ogy students. They argue that project activities must
mirror the real world, if information technology stu-
dents are to learn what needs to be done in indus-
try projects. (Cobo-Benita et al., 2010) proposed a
teaching approach that is based on the learning by do-
ing paradigm to enable students to acquire technical
knowledge and to develop some human skills, such as
González-Marcos A., Alba-Elías F. and Ordieres-Meré J..
A Web-based Support System for Providing Effective Monitoring, Feedback and Evaluation in Project Management Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0004388102540257
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2013), pages 254-257
ISBN: 978-989-8565-53-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
conflict resolution, complex problem-solving and de-
cision making.
More recently, (Crespo et al., 2011) advocated a
combination of theoretical content, individual applied
tasks, use of software systems and a strategy of learn-
ing by doing in teaching project management. They
formally introduce negotiating and virtual team man-
agement aspects to different teams from different uni-
versities in different locations.
(Mawdesley et al., 2011) focuses on a teaching
module that employs simulation games as the pri-
mary source of instruction in a self-directed learn-
ing exercise. Similar approach has been reported by
e et al., 2011) where the gap reductions
between academia and the industry were discussed.
According to the previous non exhaustive
overview there are so many already proposed frame-
work that it is relevant to make clear why one more
framework is required. Authors believe that there is
not a convenient framework allowing to foster the
project management learning process from an struc-
tured point of view, including distant, cooperative
learning and based on evidences and paying attention
to learner’s competence development.
The learning experience presented is based on playing
to manage projects. The main purpose is to move on
from simply learning content by heart to understand-
ing, discussing and sharing in order to learn from ex-
To reinforce concepts and improve learning by
traditional methods, the simulated scenario involves
the student in the development of a real engineering
project. Thus, the instructors team adopts the role of
a corporation that has decided to embark on the con-
struction of a new facility in accordance with its fea-
sibility studies.
In this study, the program owner, P2ML INC.,
wants to invest in the rising up automotive oriented
nano-coating market. As a part of its strategic plan,
this corporation is considering hiring a company as
provider of basic engineering services for its new
plant. Main representative for the owner into the
project board will be the teachers.
The companies in the program are composed of
students from two different universities, Universidad
Politcnica de Madrid (UPM) and Universidad de La
Rioja (UR). P2ML INC. expects to obtain the tech-
nical documentation necessary to authorize and build
the facility. This includes both documents and digital
content like computer models and systems.
It is expected that students will learn and apply
a methodology that enables them to manage projects
better. As a way to develop their own strategy, they
will learn the project management method (Project
in Controlled Environments: PRINCE2
). This
method is published by The Stationery Office (TSO),
is protected by Crown copyright, and is owned by
the Cabinet Office of the UK Government Commerce
(OGC) (Office Of Government Commerce, 2009).
The use of this method, even for academic purposes is
not new, as it has been frequently reported ((Hewaga-
mage and Hewagamage, 2011) and (Zhang et al.,
According to the chosen method a multiphase life-
cycle is accomplished, where meaning for all of them
is learnt during the first three weeks of the course. The
general picture of the project life-cycle can be seen at
Figure 1.
Pre-project Initiation Stage
Subsequent delivery
Final delivery Stage
SU: Starting
Up a Project
Directing a Project
Initiating a Project Controlling a Stage Controlling a Stage
Managing Product
Managing Product
Figure 1: Project life-cycle: phases and processes.
Although the two main roles, teacher and student,
are still recognizable, they have evolved. Teachers
still have the traditional roles of evaluator and knowl-
edge provider, but now must also assume the follow-
ing roles:
Owner. To identify his or her interests and to ne-
gotiate various aspects to ensure that her interests
are carried out.
Auditor. To be responsible for the independent
assessment of specific aspects of the evaluation in-
dicators and also for any corrective action, if nec-
For the students learning process, it is necessary to
make clear the difference between the different roles
of persons who work together on the same project,
but with very different responsibilities. In order to do
this, and because students from different locations and
different backgrounds are involved, they are exposed
to different participation experiences by playing three
different roles:
PM. Project Manager, with management respon-
sibilities. Each project is managed by a team of
seven or eight PM.
TMg. Team manager. A PM temporarily assigned
to manage Project Engineers (TM), to produce
what it was described into the Work Package doc-
ument (Managing Products processes).
TM. Team member, with engineering tasks de-
velopment responsibilities. Each project is com-
posed of seven or eight TM.
In order to promote cross learning process each
learner is requested to invest forty working-hours as
PM and thirty working-hours as TM.
To facilitate the development of the learning experi-
ence, a set of information systems are used. The de-
signed support system is a web solution based on the
following software tools (Figure 2):
An Enterprise Program Management Office
(ePMO) that provides the necessary project man-
agement tools, as well as some collaborative tools
such as blogs, forums, news, automatic e-mail re-
ports, document repository, etc.
The selected ePMO software was Project.net
(http://www.project.net), which is a well known
Project and Portfolio Management (PPM) soft-
ware. This software facilitates the students use
of the different roles that coexist in the manage-
ment of a project, enabling the team members to
communicate and work together even though they
may be located at distant locations.
A 360-degree feedback web that contains the de-
signed surveys for collecting numerical assess-
ments about each of the project members regard-
ing their behavioural skills, as well as their team-
working orientation. This makes possible for
learners not only become focused on the technical
aspects of the assigned work, but also pay atten-
tion to other social skills which are keystone for
professional PM.
The designed forms were generated by means
of Limesurvey
(http://www.limesurvey.org), an
open source, PHP-based web application that al-
lows to develop and publish online multi-question
multi-lingual surveys. Moreover, jQuery appli-
cations were developed to communicate the sur-
vey engine with the ePMO software in order to
customize the surveys at runtime by authenticat-
ing the user, automatically providing individual
information once the user has been authenticated
(projects, role, actual phase,...), etc.
An integration tool (P2ML) specifically devel-
oped to monitor the operation of the simulation
for each participant, to provide forensic trace-
ability to the assessments, to provide feedback
about the learning progress of each participant,
and to integrate the data collected from the pre-
vious tools to obtain a performance assessment of
each participant.
A global forum to deal with methodological is-
sues. Learners used to ask colleagues and some-
times the same question find different answers. In
order to make it possible to increase the social
knowledge this maintained resource was provided.
A course management system (CMS), used to de-
liver pieces of knowledge, like lessons, tests, etc.,
as well as to discuss theoretical issues.
(https://moodle.org/) was chosen be-
cause it is a free web application which pro-
vides many tools to create effective online learn-
ing sites.
Integration Tool
360-degree feedback
Web-based support system
Figure 2: Collection of web tools used and created for the
designed support system.
4.1 The P2ML Tool
In order to support teachers in their supervision and
evaluation activities, a new software tool was devel-
oped by means of CakePHP (http://cakephp.org). It
was designed to communicate with the ePMO soft-
ware –as well as the 360-degree feedback web– in or-
der to collect real-time information about project and
team members progress, to monitor the operation of
the simulation for each participant, to provide foren-
sic traceability to the assessments, to provide feed-
back about the learning progress of each participant
automatically, and to integrate the data collected from
the previous tools to obtain a performance assessment
of each participant.
This application allows instructors to make peri-
odic reports to better identify mistakes or inappropri-
ate behaviors. In this way, the teachers can more ob-
jectively and efficiently monitor and evaluate students
continuously throughout the whole course. Further-
more, to make the most of the information gathered,
the system was built to provide feedback to students
automatically. It checks different analytical errors,
such as links between deliverables and tasks, the re-
lationship between tasks in the project work plan and
many other problems. Thus, when a measurable mis-
take is identified, an e-mail is sent to all students (PM
or TM) and instructors who are involved.
The presented virtual learning environment stores
a huge number of variables, allowing to perform anal-
ysis that would be helpful to instructors in the design
of adequate activities or identify better learning paths.
This paper has presented a virtual environment that
permits learners and teachers to play around it, mak-
ing possible to learn Project Management techniques.
This learning environment not only include techno-
logical solutions like application servers to manage
learners or gather relevant information, but also in-
cludes operating procedures that highlight method-
ological aspects like phases, relationships between
tasks and work packages, etc.
The web-based support system is useful to pro-
moting the Project Management learning process
among geographically-dispersed students. Also, as it
captures individual actions, makes it possible to ver-
ify inconsistencies in actions and can send alert mes-
sages, a type of feedback, to help learners to improve
their performance, in addition to the regular assess-
ment activities carried out by teachers.
Authors planned to use artificial intelligence tech-
niques embedded in the support system to shed light
on several matters related to learning processes, such
as the differences in the learning paths that students
Authors wish to acknowledge Universidad de la Ri-
oja and Universidad Polit
ecnica de Madrid as well as
Gobierno de la Rioja for supporting the work under-
neath this paper. Also thanks are given to the Spanish
Ministerio de Educaci
on, always fostering such kind
of initiatives by means of the Acciones Especiales
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