Crafting a Rich and Personal Blending Learning Environment
An Institutional Case Study from a STEM Perspective
Su White
, Hugh Davis
, Kate Dickens
and Sarah Fielding
Web and Internet Science, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton, U.K.
Centre for Innovation in Technologies and Education, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton, U.K.
Keywords: Institutional Initiative, Design Patterns, Disciplinary Differences, TEL, E-Learning, PLEs, Co-Design,
Participatory Design.
Abstract: Institutional pressures to make optimal use of space can be powerful drivers to develop technology
enhanced learning approaches to traditional curricula. Engaging students in active learning and reducing the
academic workload are important and complementary drivers. This paper presents a case study of
curriculum development in a STEM area at a research-intensive UK university. A team of academics and
learning designers have worked collaboratively to build this module as a mix of online and face-to-face
activities. The module addresses professional issues, so a strong emphasis is being placed on establishing
authentic activities and realistic use of social tools. It is important to the university to carefully document
the development process and identify reusable design patterns that can be explained to other academics.
This case study provides a reflective account of the
processes needed by a multi-skilled team to develop
a blended learning module. A number of target
curriculum areas have been identified as candidates
to establish or demonstrate educational design
patterns (Goodyear and Retalis 2010). The intention
is to use design patterns to explain workable and
pedagogically clear responses to recurrent
educational problems which will be exposed in a
clear and systematic manner enabling them to be
more widely understood and then reused by
colleagues across the wider university.
The selection of target areas has sought to take
into account disciplinary differences (Biglan, 1973)
and the consequent variability in prefered practice
and effective strategies across different cognate
disciplines (White and Liccardi 2006). The changes
enacted, and specific modules identified as
exemplars typically incorporate responses to local
drivers for change which can be widely recognised.
These encompass imperatives beneficial to learners,
the institution and to teaching academics:
This case concerns the design of a ‘professional
issues’ module which equates with 150 total
teaching + study hours taken by a mixed cohort of
Software Engineering, Computer Science and
Information Technology students. Typical cohort
size is 150 students, with the module being taught
during one twelve week semester. The module will
be led by two experienced academics who have
designed and taught the two 100 hour predecessor
modules on which the revised module is based.
Some of the content and philosophy of the existing
modules are being incorporated into the new design.
Both academics have a had extensive prior
involvement in curriculum design and establishing
teaching innovations plus a practical and research
experience in technology enhanced learning. The
academics are keen to preserve, yet transpose, the
activities which they have observed to be effective
during the predecessor modules. They are also
seeking to alleviate pressure points generated by
trying to manually organise the workflow generated
by activities which have evolved and now
incorporate a high degree of complexity. The
academic expertise of the multi-disciplinary design
and development team is a particular strength.
Experienced teachers and researchers are working
alongside learning designers have extensive practical
experience. They are already skilled at specifying,
designing and deploying a broad range of
educational resources and online learning activities.
In addition they understand the potential benefit of
participatory design and co-creation which enables
White S., Davis H., Dickens K. and Fielding S..
Crafting a Rich and Personal Blending Learning Environment - An Institutional Case Study from a STEM Perspective.
DOI: 10.5220/0004388901420147
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2013), pages 142-147
ISBN: 978-989-8565-53-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
them to gain insights to academics' educational
motivations. For this reason, they particularly value
the collaborative nature of this work.
The remainder of this paper provides a structured
account of the technical and pedagogic balance
which has been established during this design
activity. It addresses the four themes of:
i) Information technologies supporting learning; ii)
Learning and teaching methodologies and
assessment; iii) Social context and learning
environments; iv) Technology enhanced learning in
STEM disciplines. It provides an account of the
working methods employed and presents an interim
reflective evaluation of the activity.
The two professional issues modules which this
design is seeking to replace are both taught in a
predominantly face-to-face manner. They aim to
develop soft skills using authentic activities to create
opportunities for situated learning. All the degrees to
which this module contributes are accredited by the
British Computer Society, which to some extent
determines and constrains the content which is
addressed and the assessment methods used Students
who successfully complete the modules will have
demonstrated broadly:
An understanding of the legal, ethical and
professional issues relevant to an IT specialist
during their working life;
An understanding of their personal learning
An ability to research and communicate
technical information;
Incorporating in their routine learning
practices an ability to reflect objectively and
critically evaluate their own and other’s work.
The teaching methods employed in the predecessor
classes are a mix of large lecture classes and small
group sessions. The lectures incorporate individual
and group student activities and are complemented
by a number of assessments including, individually:
Preparing a CV; Researching and writing a technical
report; Preparing an annotated bibliography;
Demonstrating basic legal understanding via an
online test; Undertaking an open book exam
evaluating professional issues in a seen case study.
As a group: Researching and making a group
presentation on a technical topic; Building and
creating an information resource; Creating and
presenting a group poster.
The design generates some key challenges. One
obvious challenge is how to consolidate the
assessments for the new module. This requires
careful consideration. The new module has a
nominal education study and contact time which is
25% less than the two established modules.
Clearly cuts and changes have to be made. The
academics have a clear sense that students’
behaviours, learning and perceptions of priorities are
shaped by their experience of assessment. As Boud
argues: assessment shapes learning, in addition,
there is a clear need in this case to craft assessments
which develop “the kinds of highly contextualised
learning faced in life and work” (Boud and
Falchikov, 2005). This argument is consonant with
Bigg’s emphasis on the value and importance of
ensuring that the assessments are constructively
aligned with the curriculum. Furthermore it may
well be possible to gain mutual benefit for students
and academics. Although it is front heavy to
undertake the process of structuring and framing
peer reflection and evaluation to be embedded in the
teaching, this process may well reward academics
with long term time saving, whilst the student
experience is also enhanced.
There is a particular challenge in teaching
professional issues to students from the computing
disciplines. Such students typically have specialised
in technical subject early in their academic career; as
is typical in the UK education system. Many
students acknowledge they purposefully selected
study options which avoid any volume of writing. In
disciplinary terms, their preferences, and the bulk of
the topics, knowledge organisation and study
practices are those of Biglan’s Hard Soft fields of
study, with some overlap into Hard Pure activities
(Biglan, 1973). By contrast the topics of professional
issues are more closely identified with the Soft
Applied fields of study. The specific challenge is
identifying and using teaching methods and
associated study activities which are compelling and
aligned with the soft applied. In order to address the
challenge consequent of disciplinary differences in
the existing predecessor modules, much care has
been taken in the way in which the motivation for
the study area is explained to the students. The
modules are presented as providing an opportunity
which will enable students with an acknowledged
preference for the technical focus of their chosen
degrees to:
Demonstrate a broader understanding of the
professional legal and ethical issues which
complements their technical expertise;
Individually tailor a high degree of matching
knowledge and understanding for topics which
relate to their personal technical preferences
and specialisms
Acquire expertise in knowledge and processes
which will offer them opportunities for
success in the job market and during future
Activities and assessments are designed to meet
the ambitions of the expressed motivations.
Throughout the predecessor modules, emphasis is
placed on working collaboratively with fellow
students and actively engaging as a part of a team;
both for formal assessments and as a routine part of
developing a successful approach to learning.
Although the new module will be taught in the
second semester of the first year of study, it is
essential that the educational resources remain
accessible to the students throughout their degree. Its
role in professional development also requires that to
some extent resources will be available after the
students have graduated. The large cohort size and a
requirement for rapid feedback on assessment tasks
means that significant effort needs to be addressed to
the assessment component of the final system.
The overarching objective for the design team is to
make effective use of information technologies
blended with face-to-face activities to support these
broad educational, organisational and administrative
Building on existing experience the design team
is basing their approach on an adapted version of a
co-design and co-deployment methodology which
has been successfully used in previous projects at
the University (Millard et al, 2009). An interim
model of the learning design phase of this activity is
being mapped. From this, the design team are:
Developing use cases which directly align with the
module learning outcomes. Learner contexts
include: personal characteristics of the learner;
cohort cultures; time available to the learner for
learning; extrinsic and intrinsic motivations for
learning; pedagogical practices of instructors.
The design team are keenly aware of the
importance of recognising the technology
affordances of the tools which are used to realise the
design. The constraints of the existing institutional
meta-level technologies is as follows. Commercial
products - Blackboard: Virtual Learning
Environment; Turnitin; Plagiarism, grading and peer
review; QuestionMark; High Stakes Assessment
Engine. Local tools - EdShare: Open educational
repository; ECS Notes: Linked data driven module
information pages; eFolio: persistent online
Portfolio: Mobile Lecture: feedback and learning
analytic tool.
Whilst readers may be familiar with the
functionality of the commercial tools, it may be
helpful to provide a little more detail of the local
ones. Computer Scientists at the University of
Southampton have a history of working on
hypertext, technology enhanced learning, the web,
linked and open data and the semantic web.
ECSnotes, an open data driven information suite
and EdShare, the institutional educational repository
http:// are examples
of local infrastructure tools which have been
developed in association with research projects in
these areas. The design team includes colleagues
with a broad experience and understanding of the
implementation and user interface factors of
establishing repository use (Davis et al 2010). The
academic team routinely use EdShare to organise
and share educational resources. Resources stored in
EdShare are tagged with course codes and then
automatically populate the relevant ECS notes
module page. Linked data, for example syllabus
information, tutor profiles, student profiles, and
handin specification; are automatically aggregated to
a single location. Content can also be rapidly edited
through wiki’s embedded in the module page
eFolio ( is a well-
tested tool which was originally developed to
support psychology students at the university and is
also extensively used by undergraduates in medicine
and health sciences. A further advantage of this
solution is that the resultant portfolio can be
accessed or exported after the student has graduated
from the university (Furr et al, 2010). Since this
module focuses on professional issues, the
affordances of eFolio are being used to promote
behaviours aligned with good professional practice
from the start of the module e.g. reflection, digital
literacy, online identity and portfolio development.
Students will be guided into assembling a portfolio
for self-assessment: auditing; evaluating; and
critically reflecting upon their strengths and
weaknesses in knowledge, skills and understanding
within eFolio.
Mobile Lecture is a rapid feedback tool which
has been developed as part of a current research
project. It can be used to prompt reflection and self-
evaluation of learning at the end of face-to-face
sessions. It also provides learning analytic
information (Aljohani & Davis, 2012). The
university does not currently have any particular
specialist tool in use for peer assessment. After
extensive evaluation, it was decided to use mix the
peer evaluation features of Turnitin for more formal
peer evaluation, and WebPA as the tool to support
simple developmental peer assessment.
As a matter of principle, the design incorporates
the use of Open Educational Resources (OERs)
where possible. The cost of developing resources
from the ground up is expensive, and there is an
additional objective of ensuring students become
familiar with the value and abundance of OERs. The
affordances of EdShare in conjunction with
Blackboard are being utilised. The implementation
stores and catalogues discoverable resources
(including links to OERs) in EdShare. Blackboard’s
role is as a tool to manage the workflow. A
particular strength of Blackboard and EdShare is that
both tools are capable of providing learning analytic
information which may be useful in the short and
long term. It is intended that such information will
be used by the module team and where appropriate
be presented to learners to enable them to calibrate
their achievements and progress. QuestionMark and
Turnitin are the two remaining commercially
available institutional tools. QuestionMark is used as
a standalone tool for high stakes assessments. In this
module, student achievement will be demonstrated
by a mixture of interim courseworks and a final
summative examination. Turnitin is routinely used
for all submitted courseworks to check the academic
integrity of students’ work. However its additional
affordance is also being used in the context of peer
CITE is perhaps unusual for an institutional
centre for educational innovation in that its co-
location with an active computer science research
group ensures that there is active participation in the
design process by researchers who are also highly
experienced in software engineering and user design.
The learning design team have experienced a
crash course in this particular aspect of computing,
and have responded to the challenge. Whilst the
learning curve on heavyweight design tools is
significant, pragmatic modifications has enabled the
team to capture and communicate their designs in a
well structured and ordered manner. This resulted in
a set of formal specifications articulating the
workflow created following discussions and
negotiations with the academic members of the team
who will be responsible for the teaching.
Mock ups and walk through are used to
communicate work in progress, and to validate with
the academics whether the online realisation
matches (or even exceeds) their specification. Since
the team is relatively new, some aspects of the
workflow implementation are necessarily forcing
them to explore new territory. In this respect the
ambition to capture design patterns has an additional
strength in that it forces the team to examine and
articulate implicit understandings and reflect on the
replicable and compelling aspects of their
experience of the design and its process.
The endeavour which the design team have
undertaken is an ambitious one. The two modules
which we are seeking to transpose into a blended
format are both already pedagogically complex.
Where the design of the existing face-to-face
predecessor modules is predominantly constructivist,
the realisation of the new blended module is
necessarily connectivist (Siemens and Page, 2005).
When considering information technologies
supporting learning the area in which we expect to
experience the greatest learning is in relation to
disciplinary differences and technology affordances.
The students will routinely make use of a wide range
of information technologies. The blended approach
presents web-based learning in a formal and
informal context. Students will make use of wiki’s
and blogs. In ECS, it is unusual to use Blackboard,
even though it is the university’s adopted VLE. Our
students will be much more familiar with the ECS
notes system. We will be closely monitoring usage
of both routes into the systems. Further insights need
to be gained.
Use is being made of student generated content,
and we anticipate a full interim review of the system
after its first instantiation. Student interns will be
working to analyse the evaluation data and also to
provide individual analysis and input for the
inevitable tweaking and modifications and redesign.
Current experience in ECS suggests that the use of
linked and open data is a powerful timesaver which
facilitates simple integration of diverse learning
materials. The first implementation will provide an
opportunity to objectively evaluate the comparative
benefits of data driven consolidation with
handcrafted creation.
Reflecting on learning and teaching
methodologies and assessment it is believed that the
higher level objective of recording, analysing and
capturing design patterns will make a valuable
contribution to fuelling a more informed discussion
of these agendas across the university campus. It is
interesting to observe the ways in which the team’s
working methods have evolved, and to compare
them with similar, but different experiences – for
example the collaborative creation of educational
repositories in modern languages and the
The blended learning approach has also acted as
a vehicle to purposefully design a ‘flipped
classroom’ approach to the teaching. The design
pattern and the evaluation of the experience will be
Turnitin for large-scale peer assessments has
been implemented in Computer Science (Hamer et
al, 2011), but is a novel departure for our university.
The Southampton implementation is lighter weight
than the earlier accounts and it will be interesting to
compare the outcomes.
Students continue to exhibit a preference of
default social software when left free to establish
this social context and learning environment.
However it would be possible to view this behaviour
as a manifestation of the use of ‘worldware’ (Morris
et al 1994) taken into the twenty-first century. The
value of a purposeful requirement to make use of a
wide range of authentic social tools, and to reflect on
the viability and effectiveness of the methods
chosen, remains to be evaluated.
In our local experience, the use of technology
enhanced learning in STEM disciplines is not
widespread. The model chosen by this initiative is to
use technology as a workflow manager in
conjunction with authentic tools and authentic tasks.
It remains to be this experience is undermined by the
acknowledged dissonance between the natural
methods of predominantly hard applied fields of
study compared to those which best match soft
applied disciplines. One thing is sure, this particular
design, and its design patterns may give us some
insight. One thing which remains unanswered is
whether the students will actually enjoy the
The task of redesigning any area of the
curriculum, whatever the discipline, is not one to be
taken lightly. This paper has provided a case study
of such an activity, where a specific objective of the
team engaged in the redesign was to identify the
pedagogic and learning design patterns inherent in
blended learning.
The importance of the learning which results
from producing systems, such as the one describe
here, are valuable because they demonstrate a
pragmatic solution to a real large scale problem
constrained by existing infrastructure and
established working patterns and practices. Whilst
more powerful tools may exist, and ideal practices
documented in the theory, transforming face-to-face
teaching into effective blended learning, requires
insights and understandings of the student
experience in the specific context of their university
The potential benefits of recording the steps
required in such activities are manifold. It remains to
report on a detailed evaluation of the experience;
and it will be important that such evaluation
considers the changes implemented and the
interactions generated from the perspective of each
one of the actors in the system. Perhaps most
importantly the systematic acquisition and
cataloguing of institutional or organisational
knowledge is an activity which every university
must surely value. Such knowledge can be of use to
achieve diverse objectives; financial stringency,
maximal student satisfaction or optimal use of all
available resources. This exercise has, this far,
yielded some valuable insights.
Information technologies supporting learning:
There is a strong case for arguing that information
technologies can be used to remove the barriers to
learning. Providing access to information at anytime
and anyplace makes a compelling argument.
From the academic’s viewpoint, systems which
manage workflow alleviate a major pressure point in
the day-to-day working life at university.
It remains to be seen whether learning analytical
information is as valuable to educationalists as
customer profiles and analytics are to commercial
organisations. It seems reasonable to assume that
students might benefit from learning about
successful practices (students who have a first class
mark so far are looking at these web pages…).
University teaching has sometimes been
described as the last cottage industry. Institutions
like the UK’s Open University have long established
practices of working with a mixed team formally
planning and creating learning resources to be
integrated with specific educational experiences.
Such an approach has provided a framework for
much more clearly identifying and utilising
preferred learning and teaching methodologies.
The systematic approach to learning design, has
provided an opportunity to methodically make use of
a wide range of approaches to assessment; a far
wider range than might typically be found in a
conventional face to face educational programme.
Students in the department were already making
extensive independent use of technology for social
learning activities. It remains to be seen if this
structured approach will be acceptable, or be judged
a poor second to the ad hoc solutions crafted from
the preferred social network chosen and used by the
vast majority.
At the university department being studied, there
is a strong infrastructure of linked data driven
module pages, many coursework submissions are
electronic, and some examinations and tests take
place online. Much information is published online,
and some academics make wide use of the
institutional repository. None the less, it is possible
to argue that before this particular exercise
technology enhanced learning has not widely used.
The predominant philosophy here is that
technology is good for admin, but teaching and
learning is a process where people and face-to-face
interactions are prime. This detailed design activity
is providing an opportunity to open up from that
view, but it will only be more widely accepted if the
student learning experience is at least as good, if not
better than that afforded by conventional
There remains, of course, much future work
which can be done. When the module is run it will
provide a large volume of detailed evaluation data
mapping student experience. Alongside routine and
systematic evaluations which can be compared to
previous years’ and previous methods a range of
different evaluation approaches are proposed.
Focus group discussions will be used to identify
key strengths and weaknesses. These will be
complemented by critical and reflective evaluation
by academics at the end of the module. It is also
intended to recruit students from the cohort to
become participative evaluators and co-designers to
help identify and create the inevitable and necessary
revisions which will emerge.
Equally important, the learning designers will
consolidate their knowledge, understanding and
reflection of the process. Initial drafts of the formal
design patterns will be circulated and subjected to
peer review, and the whole pattern of integrative
innovation will begin again.
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