Table 2: Comparison of control-quality.
RT-BR (secs) RT-FR (secs) MAR-BR (bits) MAR-FR (frames)
MCA-EI 0.364 0.364 6551 (2.2%) 0.57 (3.6%)
MCA-EB 0.579 0.579 7958 (2.7%) 0.63 (4.0%)
terrupt based approach is much superior for complex
controllers that consume more time. Furthermore,
the overhead can be almost eliminated in the MCA-
EI scheme by running the controller on a tile where
no application task is present. However, such an im-
provement is not possible for the MCA-EB scheme.
In this paper, we presented the MCA-EI approach
aimed towards developinglow-overheadself-adaptive
KPN applications on NoC-based MPSoCs. Com-
pared to the MCA-EB scheme (Derin et al., 2012),
it makes use of inter-processor interrupts to increase
the application throughput. Results from the MJPEG
case study show that the MCA-EI scheme outper-
forms MCA-EB in terms of overhead (about 6.25%
reduction) while offering similar or better quality of
control. The sensitivity of adaptation overhead to
controller workload is also much less in case of MCA-
EI. However, MCA-EI requires platform support to
send data to remote tiles using interrupting messages
over the NoC. This support is implemented by extend-
ing the network interface with a tag decoder.
This work was funded by the European Commission
under the project MADNESS (No. FP7-ICT-2009-4-
248424). The paper reflects only the authors’ view;
the European Commission is not liable for any use
that may be made of the information contained herein.
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