construction of network and local optimization since
GA is a globally optimal solution).
By the validation of continual versions, the
learned BN method is particularly valuable for the
quality evaluation of the OO systems developed with
the highly-iterative or agile strategy.
There are several threats to validity. The first
threat is that only version series of one software
product (Rhino) were used to train and test the
model. But the paper’s focus is on examination of
the learners in agile process software (not
generalization of the method to general software
modules). We have examined our models across
other different software products and statistically
demonstrated our approach’s advantages in a
previous study (Li and Leung, 2011). The second
threat is that selection of different predictive factors
for different models may damage the validity of the
models. But learning was conducted to get the
optimal prediction performance. Using the same
methods of feature selection and optimal learning
algorithms for different models, the prediction
performance of the models could be comparable no
matter what different predictors were used.
In the future, we will explore the following aspects:
Using additional benchmark datasets (Basili et
al., 1996; Menzies et al., 2007; Pai and Dugan,
2007) from public domain, we will conduct more
empirical validation of the BN in comparison
with other models for the fault-proneness
prediction. This can determine the superiority
and stability of BN for the quality assessment of
agile software.
Given the many data mining and optimization
algorithms, we will explore the effects of
different algorithms on the prediction.
We will investigate the applicability of BN for
the prediction of other aspects (e.g. reliability) of
software quality, using additional metrics (e.g.
slice-based cohesion and coupling) and
qualitative factors.
This research is partly supported by the Hong Kong
CERG grant PolyU5225/08E, NSFC grant
1171344/D010703, MOST grants (2012CB955503
and 2011AA120305–1).
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