5.1 Product into Rotational Mandalas
In [7] an operation ∏ was defined of arity n>1. For a good assessment the parts
should be arranged in a regular polyhedron with n vertices. An iterative solution was
given (equation (4)) for the attributes po and sc, fitting quite perfectly into the settings
here. The position of the new Gestalt is initialized by averaging the positions of its
parts. The radius of the polyhedron can be initialized from the mid distance of the
parts to the initial position. A closure theorem would have to prove the convergence
of the iteration.
We did not (yet) include this operation here, because there is a problem with the
orientation attribute: The iteration outlined in [own citation] yields a phase defined in
[0,2π/n). This does not really fit the intentions of the second component of G in (1).
The operation would be of interest, for instance because an interesting Lemma on
generalized commutativity could be stated here stating ∏g
for any
є D
where D
is the Dihedral group of n. So here we have non-trivial group action
on the gestalts. We will investigate this further and modify the definitions such that
this operation can also be included consistently.
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