The Algebraic and Descriptive Approaches and
Techniques in Image Analysis
I. B. Gurevich, Yu. O. Trusova and V. V. Yashina
Dorodnicyn Computing Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation
Abstract. The main purpose of this review is to explain and discuss the
opportunities and limitations of algebraic, linguistic and descriptive approaches
in image analysis. During recent years there was accepted that algebraic
techniques, in particular different kinds of image algebras, is the most
prospective direction of construction of the mathematical theory of image
analysis and of development an universal algebraic language for representing
image analysis transforms and image models. So, the main goal of the
Algebraic Approach is designing of a unified scheme for representation of
objects under recognition and its transforms in the form of certain algebraic
structures. It makes possible to develop corresponding regular structures ready
for analysis by algebraic, geometrical and topological techniques. Development
of this line of image analysis and pattern recognition is of crucial importance
for automated image mining and application problems solving, in particular for
diversification classes and types of solvable problems and for essential
increasing of solution efficiency and quality.
1 Introduction
Automation of image processing, analysis, estimating and understanding is one of the
crucial points of theoretical computer science having decisive importance for
applications, in particular, for diversification of solvable application problem types
and for increasing the efficiency of problem solving.
The specificity, complexity and difficulties of image analysis and estimation (IAE)
problems stem from necessity to achieve some balance between such highly
contradictory factors as goals and tasks of a problem solving, the nature of visual
perception, ways and means of an image acquisition, formation, reproduction and
rendering, and mathematical, computational and technological means allowable for
the IAE.
The mathematical theory of image analysis is not finished and is passing through a
developing stage. It is only recently came understanding of the fact that only intensive
creating of comprehensive mathematical theory of image analysis and recognition (in
addition to the mathematical theory of pattern recognition) could bring a real
opportunity to solve efficiently application problems via extracting from images the
information necessary for intellectual decision making. The transition to practical,
reliable and efficient automation of image-mining is directly dependent on
introducing and developing of new mathematical means for IAE.
B. Gurevich I., O. Trusova Y. and V. Yashina V..
The Algebraic and Descriptive Approaches and Techniques in Image Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0004394300820093
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Image Mining. Theory and Applications (IMTA-4-2013), pages 82-93
ISBN: 978-989-8565-50-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
During recent years there was accepted that algebraic techniques, in particular
different kinds of image algebras, is the most prospective direction of construction of
the mathematical theory of image analysis and of development of an universal
algebraic language for representing image analysis transforms and image models.
Development of this line of image analysis and pattern recognition is of crucial
importance for automatic image-mining and application problems solving, in
particular for diversification classes and types of solvable problems and for essential
increasing of solution efficiency and quality.
It is one of the breakthrough challenges for theoretical computer science to find
automated ways to process, analyze, evaluate and understand information represented
in the form of images. It is critical for computer science to develop this branch in
terms of solving applied problems, in particular, increasing the diversity of classes of
problems that can be solved and the efficiency of the process significantly.
Images are one of the main tools to represent and transfer information needed to
automate the intellectual decision-making in many application areas. Increasing the
efficiency, including automatization, of gathering information from images can help
increase the efficiency of intellectual decision-making.
Recently, this part of image analysis called image mining in English publications
has been often set off into a separate line of research.
We list the functions of particular aspects of image handling. Image processing and
analysis provides for image mining, which is necessary for decision-making, while
the very decision-making is done by methods of mathematical theory of pattern
recognition. To link these two stages, the information gathered from the image after it
is analyzed is transformed so that standard recognition algorithms could process it
(we called this process “the reducing an image to a recognizable form” (RIRF)). Note
that although this stage seems to have an “intermediate” character, it is the
fundamental and necessary condition for the overall recognition to be feasible.
We need to develop and evolve a new approach to analyzing and evaluating
information represented in the form of images. To do it the “Algebraic Approach” of
Yu. I. Zhuravlev [43] was modified for the case when the initial information is
represented in the form of images. The result is the descriptive approach to image
analysis and understanding (DA) proposed and justified by I.B.Gurevich and
developed by his pupils [2, 6, 14-16].
In this work, we give a brief review of the main algebraic methods and features.
2 State of the Art of Mathematical Theory of Image Analysis
“State of the art of mathematical theory of image analysis” is the section that
describes modern trends in developing of mathematical tools for automation of image
analysis, in particular in image-mining.
To automate image mining, we need an integrated approach to leverage the
potential of mathematical apparatus of the main lines in transforming and analyzing
information represented in the form of images, viz. image processing, analysis,
recognition and understanding.
Done by pattern recognition methods, image mining now tends to multiplicity
(multialgorithmic and multimodel) and fusion of the results, i.e., several different
algorithms are applied in parallel to process the same model and several different
models of the same initial data to solve the problem and then the results are fused to
obtain the most accurate solution.
Multialgorithmic classifiers and multimodel and multiple-aspect image
representations are the common tools to implement this multiplicity and fusion. Note
that it was Yu. I. Zhuravlev who obtained the first and fundamental results in this area
in 1970s [43].
From 1970s, the most part of image recognition applications and considerable part
of research in artificial intelligence deal with images. As a result, new technical tools
emerged to obtain information that allow representing recorded and accumulated data
in the form of images and the image recognition itself became more popular as the
powerful and efficient methodology to process and analyze data mathematically and
detect hidden regularities. Various scientific and technical, economic and social
factors make the application domain of image recognition experience grow
There are internal scientific problems that have arisen within image recognition.
First of all, these imply algebraizing the image recognition theory, arranging image
recognition algorithms, estimating the algorithmic complexity of the image
recognition problem, automating the synthesis of the corresponding efficient
procedures, formalizing the description of the image as the recognition object, making
the choice of the system of representations of the image in the recognition process
regular, and some others. It is these problems that form the basis of the mathematical
agenda of the descriptive theory of image recognition developed using the ideas of the
algebraic approach to recognition [43] to create a systematized set of methods and
tools of data processing in image recognition and analysis problems.
There are three main issues one need to solve when dealing with images–describe
(simulate) images; develop, study and optimize the selection of mathematical methods
and tools of data processing in image recognition; and implement mathematical
methods of image analysis on a software and hardware basis.
3 Algebraization of Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
(1970 – Till Now)
This section contains steps of the algebraization in image analysis, fundamentals and
the basic theories of pattern recognition, different image algebras. Some words are
concerned with contribution of the Russian mathematical school.
3.1 Fundamentals and the Basic Theories in Pattern Recognition
By now, image analysis and evaluation have a wide experience gained in applying
mathematical methods from different sections of mathematics, computer science and
physics, in particular algebra, geometry, discrete mathematics, mathematical logic,
probability theory, mathematical statistics, mathematical analysis, mathematical
theory of pattern recognition, digital signal processing, and optics.
On the other hand, with all this diversity of applied methods, we still need to have
a regular basis to arrange and choose suitable methods of image analysis, represent, in
an unified way, the processed data (images), meeting the requirements standard
recognition algorithms impose on initial information, construct mathematical models
of images designed for recognition problems, and, on the whole, establish the
universal language for unified description of images and transformations over them.
In applied mathematics and computer science, constructing and applying
mathematical and simulation models of objects and procedures used to transform
them is the conventional method of standardization. It was largely the necessity to
solve complex recognition problems and develop structural recognition methods and
specialized image languages that generated the interest in formal descriptions–models
of initial data and formalization of descriptions of procedures of their transformation
in the area of pattern recognition (and especially in image recognition in 1960s).
As for the substantial achievements in this “descriptive” line of study, we mention
publications by A. Rosenfeld [34], T. Evans [12], R. Narasimhan [29], R. Kirsh [21],
A. Shaw [37], H. Barrow, A. Ambler, and R. Burstall[1], S. Kaneff [20].
In 1970s Yu. I. Zhuravlev proposed the so called “Algebraic Approach to
Recognition and Classification Problems” [42], where he defined formalization
methods for describing heuristic algorithms of pattern recognition and proposed the
universal structure of recognition algorithms. In the same years, U. Grenander stated
his “Pattern Theory” [18], where he considered methods of data representation and
transformation in recognition problems in terms of regular combinatorial structures,
leveraging algebraic and probabilistic apparatus. M.Pavel [31] was introduced
“Theory of Categories Techniques in Pattern Recognition”, that is formal describing
of pattern recognition algorithms via transforms of initial data preserving its class
Then, up to the middle of 1990s, there was a slight drop in the interest in
descriptive and algebraic aspects in pattern recognition and image analysis.
Also we present a very brief description of the most important original results on
algebraic tools for pattern recognition and image analysis in Russian mathematical
school. There are algebras on algorithms, algebraic multiple classifiers, algebraic
committees of algorithms, combinatorial algorithms for recognition of 2-D data[1],
descriptive image models, 2-D formal grammars [34].
In the framework of scientific school of Yu.I.Zhuravlev several essential results
were obtained in algebraic direction by V.L.Matrosov [26], by K.V.Rudakov [35] and
V.D.Mazurov [27].
Algebraic method of analysis and estimation of information represented as signals.
Apart from basic researches of Yu.I.Zhuravlev scientific school there are significant
number of papers concerned with algebraic methods of analysis and estimation of
information represented as signals, in partially V.G.Labunec [22], Ya.A.Furman [13],
V.M.Chernov [4].
3.2 Steps of the Algebraization
The section presents leading approaches of mathematical theory for image analysis
oriented tor automation of image analysis and understanding. First of all there is the
history of developing algebraic construction for image analysis and processing –
formal grammars, cellular automata, mathematical morphology, image algebras,
multiple algorithms, descriptive approach.
Algebraization of pattern recognition and image analysis has attracted and
continues to attract the attention of many researchers. Appreciable attempts to create a
formal apparatus ensuring a unified and compact representation for procedures of
image processing and image analysis were inspired by practical requirements for
effective implementation of algorithmic tools to process and analyze images on
computers with specialized architectures, in particular, cellular and parallel.
The idea of constructing a unified language for concepts and operations used in
image processing appeared for the first time in works by Unger [42], who suggested
to parallelize algorithms for processing and image analysis on computers with cellular
Mathematical morphology, developed by G. Matheron [25] and Z. Serra [36],
became a starting point for a new mathematical wave in handling and image analysis.
Serra and Sternberg [39] were the first to succeed in constructing an integrated
algebraic theory of processing and image analysis on the basis of mathematical
morphology. It is believed [28] that it was precisely Sternberg who introduced the
term “image algebra” in the current standard sense. (We note that U. Grenander used
this concept in the 1970s; however, he was talking about another algebraic
construction [18]). Within the limits of this direction, an array of works continues to
be written, devoted to the development of specialized algebraic constructions
implementing or improving upon methods of mathematical morphology.
From that time till 1990’s the interest to descriptive and algebraic aspects of image
analysis is failing. The final view of idea of IA has become Standard Image Algebra
by G.Ritter [32] (algebraic presentation of image analysis and processing operations).
DIA is created as a new IA provided possibility to operate with main image models
and with basic models of procedure of transforms, which lead to effective synthesis
and realization of basic procedures of formal image description, processing, analysis
and recognition. DIA is introduced by I.B.Gurevich and developed by him and his
pupils [14-16].
The history of algebraization: J.von Neumann [30], S.Unger [42] (studies of
interactive image transformations in cellular space); M. Duff, D. Watson, T. Fountain,
and G. Shaw [10] (a cellular logic array for image Processing); A. Rosenfeld [33]
(digital topology); H. Minkowski and H.Hadwiger (pixel neighborhood arithmetic and
mathematical morphology); G.Matheron, J.Serra, S.Sternberg [25, 36, 39] (a coherent
algebraic theory specifically designed for image processing and image analysis -
mathematical morphology); S. Sternberg [39] (the first to use the term “image
algebra”); P. Maragos [24] (introduced a new theory unifying a large class of linear
and nonlinear systems under the theory of mathematical morphology); L. Davidson
[9] (completed the mathematical foundation of mathematical morphology by
formulating its embedding into the lattice algebra known as Mini-Max algebra);
G.Ritter [32] (Image Algebra); I.B.Gurebich [15] (Descriptive Image Algebra); T.R.
Crimmins and W.M. Brown, R.M. Haralick, L. Shapiro, R.W. Schafer, J. Goutsias,
L. Koskinen and Jaako Astola, E.R. Dougherty, P.D. Gader, M.A. Khabou, A.
Koldobsky, B. Radunacu, M.Grana, F.X. Albizuri, P. Sussner [8, 7, 10, 11, 19, 40]
(recent papers on mathematical morphology and image algebras).
4 Descriptive Approach to Image Analysis and Understanding
This section contains a brief description of the principal features of the DA needed to
understand the meaning of the introduction of the conceptual apparatus and schemes
of synthesis of image models proposed to formalize and systematize the methods and
forms of image representation.
By the middle of 1990s, it became obvious that for the development of image
analysis and recognition, it is critical to: 1) understand the nature of the initial
information – images, 2) find methods of image representation and description that
allow constructing image models designed for recognition problems, 3) establish the
mathematical language designed for unified description of image models and their
transformations that allow constructing image models and solving recognition
problems, and 4) construct models to solve recognition problems in the form of
standard algorithmic schemes that allow, in the general case, moving from the initial
image to its model and from the model to the sought solution.
The DA gives a single conceptual structure that helps to develop and implement
these models and the mathematical language [14-16]. The main DA purpose is to
structure and standardize different methods, operations and representations used in
image recognition and analysis. The DA provides the conceptual and mathematical
basis for image mining, with its axiomatic and formal configurations giving the ways
and tools to represent and describe images to be analyzed and evaluated.
The automated extraction of information from images includes (1) automating the
development, testing, and adaptation of methods and algorithms for the analysis and
evaluation of images; (2) the automation of the selection of methods and algorithms
for analyzing and evaluating images; (3) the automation of the evaluation of quality
and adequacy of the initial data for solving the problem of image recognition; and (4)
the development of standard technological schemes for detecting, assessing,
understanding, and retrieving images.
The automation of information extraction from images requires combined use of
all features of the mathematical apparatus used or potentially suitable for use in
determining transformations of information provided in the form of images, namely in
problems of processing, analysis, recognition, and understanding of images.
Experience in the development of the mathematical theory of image analysis and
its use to solve applied problems shows that, when working with images, it is
necessary to solve problems that arise in connection with the three basic issues of
image analysis, i.e., (1) the description (modeling) of images; (2) the development,
exploration, and optimization of the selection of mathematical methods and tools for
information processing in the analysis of images; and (3) the hardware and software
implementation of the mathematical methods of image analysis.
The main purpose of the DA is to structure and standardize a variety of methods,
processes, and concepts used in the analysis and recognition of images. The DA is
proposed and developed as a conceptual and logical basis of the extraction of
information from images. This includes the following basic tools of analysis and
recognition of images: a set of methods of analysis and recognition of images, BFSR
techniques, conceptual system of analysis and recognition image, DIM classes, the
DIA language, statement of problems of analysis and recognition of images, and the
basic model of image recognition.
The main areas of research within the DA are (1) the creation of axiomatics of
analysis and recognition of images, (2) the development and implementation of a
common language to describe the processes of analysis and recognition of images (the
study of DIA), and (3) the introduction of formal systems based on some regular
structures to determine the processes of analysis and recognition of images (see [14-
Mathematical foundations of the DA are as follows: (1) the algebraization of the
extraction of information from images, (2) the specialization of the Zhuravlev algebra
to the case of representation of recognition source data in the form of images, (3) a
standard language for describing the procedures of the analysis and recognition of
images (DIA) [14-16], (4) the mathematical formulation of the problem of image
recognition, (5) mathematical theories of image analysis and pattern recognition, and
(6) a model of the process for solving a standard problem of image recognition. The
main objects and means of the DA are as follows: (1) images; (2) a universal language
(DIA); (3) two types of descriptive models, i.e., (a) an image model and (b) a model
for solving procedures of problems of image recognition and their implementation;
(4) descriptive algebraic schemes of image representation (DASIR); and (5)
multimodel and multiaspect representations of images, which are based on generating
descriptive trees (GDT) [14-16].
The basic methodological principles of the DA are as follows: (1) the
algebraization of the image analysis, (2) the standardization of the representation of
problems of analysis and recognition of images, (3) the conceptualization and
formalization of phases through which the image passes during transformation while
the recognition problem is solved, (4) the classification and specification of
admissible models of images (descriptive image model - DIM), (5) RIRF, (6) the use
of the standard algebraic language of DIA for describing models of images and
procedures for their construction and transformation, (7) the combination of
algorithms in the multialgorithmic schemes, (8) the use of multimodel and
multiaspect representations of images, (9) the construction and use of a basic model
of the solution process for the standard problem of image recognition, and (10) the
definition and use of nonclassical mathematical theory for the recognition of new
formulations of problems of analyzing and recognizing images.
Note that the construction and use of mathematical and simulation models of
studied objects and procedures used for their transformation is the accepted method of
standardization in the applied mathematics and computer science.
The creation of the DA was significantly influenced by the following basic theories
of pattern recognition: (1) the algebraic approach to pattern recognition of Zhuravlev
and their algorithmic algebra [43] and (2) the theory of images of Grenander [18], in
particular algebraic methods for the representation of source data in image recognition
problems developed in it.
As already noted, in the DA, it is proposed to carry out the algebraization of the
analysis and recognition of images using DIA. DIA was developed from studies in the
field of the algebraization of pattern recognition and image analysis carried out since
the 1970s. The creation of a new algebra was directly influenced by algorithms of
Zhuravlev [43] and the research of Sternberg [39] and Ritter [32], which identified
classic versions of image algebras.
A more detailed description of methods and tools of the DA obtained in the
development of its results can be found in [14-16].
5 Ontology-based Approach to Image Analysis
This section briefly describes the use of ontologies for representation of knowledge
needed to support intellectual decision making in image analysis and understanding
The automation of image analysis assumes that researchers and users of different
qualifications have at their disposal not only a standardized technology of automation,
but also a system supporting this technology, which accumulates and uses knowledge
on image processing, analysis and evaluation and provides adequate structural and
functional possibilities for supporting the more intelligent choice and synthesis of
methods and algorithms. The automated system (AS) for image analysis must combine
the possibilities of the instrumental environment for image processing and analysis
and a knowledge-based system. Therefore, one of its main components is a
knowledge base. Knowledge bases usually contain modules of universal knowledge,
which are not related to any subject domain (knowledge necessary for scheduling and
control of the processing, result mappings, estimation of the processing quality, object
recognition, and conflict resolution, as well as knowledge about methods of image
processing and analysis) and knowledge modules related to a certain subject domain
(segmentation strategies, object descriptions, and specialized strategies for feature
extraction and object identification). The AS must provide software implementation
of the hierarchies of classes of the main objects used in image analysis, have a
specialized user interface, contain a library of algorithms that allow one to solve the
main problems of image analysis and understanding with the help of efficient
computational procedures, and provide accumulation and structuring of knowledge
and experience in the domain of image analysis and understanding.
The need of efficient knowledge representation facilities can be fulfilled by using a
suite of ontologies. Ontologies as an effective way for knowledge representation
became very popular last years. Ontological knowledge representation has the
following advantages: (1) it provides the opportunity to establish a common
understanding of the considered field of knowledge, (2) it enables us to represent
knowledge in a convenient form for processing by automated information processing
and analysis systems, and (3) it provides the opportunity for acquisition and
accumulation of new knowledge and for multiple use of knowledge.
Different works related to usage of ontologies for solving image-based tasks have
been reported. For example, in [23], an approach devoted to semantic image
interpretation for complex object classification purposes is proposed. The described
framework is focused on the mapping between domain knowledge and image
processing knowledge. In the proposed knowledge acquisition methodology, the
mapping between the domain and the image is based on a visual concept ontology
composed of three different types of visual concepts - texture concepts, color concepts
and spatial concepts - associated with numerical descriptors useful for performing
object recognition. In [3], an integrated knowledge infrastructure and annotation
environment for multimedia description, analysis and reasoning is described. The
framework comprises ontologies for the description of low-level audio-visual features
and for linking these descriptions to concepts in domain ontologies based on a
prototype approach. The key idea is to associate domain concepts with instances that
serve as prototypes for these concepts. The proposed infrastructure includes a set of
ontologies including the core ontology, Visual Descriptor Ontology (VDO),
Multimedia Structure Ontology (MSO) and specific domain ontologies. The core
ontology serves as a basis for all components of the knowledge infrastructure. The
VDO represents the structure of the MPEG-7 visual part and models concepts and
properties that describe visual characteristics of objects. The MSO models basic
multimedia entities from the MPEG-7 Multimedia Description Scheme. Domain
ontologies model the content layer of multimedia content with respect to specific real-
world domains. The work described in [5] addresses the problem of explicit
representation of objectives when developing image processing applications. Authors
investigated kinds of information needed to design and evaluate image processing
software programs and proposed an ontology-based model for formulation of user
objectives. In [41], a cognitive architectural model for image and video interpretation
is discussed. The proposed framework demonstrates that ontology-based content
representation can be used as an effective way for hierarchical and goal-directed
inference in high-level visual analysis tasks.
In [6], a novel knowledge-oriented approach to image analysis based on the use of
thesauruses and ontologies as tools for representation of knowledge, which are
necessary for making intelligent decisions on the basis of information extracted from
images, is proposed. The main contribution of this work is the development of a
sufficiently detailed and well-structured Image Analysis Ontology (IAO) needed for
solving the following tasks: 1) construction of unified description and representation
of image-based tasks and methods for solving these tasks; 2) automation of image
analysis methods combination on the base of semantic integration; 3) automation of
navigation and retrieval in knowledge bases on image analysis. As a main source of
the information about concepts (including term definitions and basic relationships
between terms) the Image Analysis Thesaurus (IAT) [2] has been used. The important
feature of the IAT is a novel hierarchical classification of tasks and algorithms for
image processing, analysis and recognition. The following IAO classes were defined:
Task, Method, Data, Context and Requirements. The hierarchy of
subclasses is based on term relations fixed in the IAT. By integrating the ontology
with algorithms for image processing, analysis and understanding, high-level
semantic information can be extracted from images.
6 Conclusions
Note that the idea to create a single theory that embraces different approaches and
operations used in image and signal processing has a history of its own, with works of
von Neumann continued by S. Unger, M. Duff, G. Matheron, G. Ritter, J. Serra, S.
Sternberg and others [30, 10, 25, 32, 36, 39] playing an important role in it.
The main stages of algebraization are:
Mathematical Morphology (G. Matheron, J. Serra [1970’s])
Algorithm Algebra by Yu.I.Zhuravlev (Yu. Zhuravlev [1970’s]
Pattern Theory (U. Grenander [1970’s]
Theory of Categories Techniques in Pattern Recognition (M.Pavel [1970’s])
Image Algebra (Serra, Sternberg [1980’s]
Standard Image Algebra (Ritter [1990’s])
Descriptive Image Algebra (DIA) (Gurevich [1990-2000])
DIA with one king (Gurevich, Yashina [2001 to date])
Analyzing the existing algebraic apparatus, we came to the statement of the
following requirements on the language designed for recording algorithms for solving
problems of image processing and understanding: 1) the new algebra must make
possible processing of images as objects of analysis and recognition; 2) the new
algebra must make possible operations on image models, i.e., arbitrary formal
representations of images, which are objects and, sometimes, a result of analysis and
recognition; introduction of image models is a step in the formalization of the initial
data of the algorithms; 3) the new algebra must make possible operations on main
models of procedures for image transformations; 4) it is convenient to use the
procedures for image modifications both as operations of the new algebra and as its
operands for construction of compositions of basic models of procedures.
This work was supported in part by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research
(projects nos. 11-01-00990, 12-07-31123) and by the Presidium of the Russian
Academy of Sciences within the program “Fundamental Science to Medicine” as well
as within the program “Information, Control, and Intelligent Technologies and
Systems” (project no. 204) and the program of the Division of Computer Sciences,
Russian Academy of Sciences “Algebraic and Combinatorial Methods of
New_Generation Mathematical Cybernetics and Information Systems” (the project
“Algorithmic Schemes of Descriptive Image Analysis”).
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