Fingerprint Identification Problem: Using Delaunay
Triangulation Technique for Model Database Indexing
Michael Khachay
, Alexander Dremin
and Anton Leshko
Krasovsky Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics,
16 S. Kovalevskoy st., Ekaterinburg, Russia
Ural Federal University, 15 Mira st., Ekaterinburg, Russia
Omsk State Technical University, 11 Mira ave, Omsk, Russia
Abstract. A new modification of Delaunay triangulation of finite minutiae sub-
sets extracted from fingerprints is proposed. Stability examining and numerical
analysis results are presented as well.
1 Introduction
Recently developing activity of automatic biometric verification and identification is
steadily increasing. A variety of biometric technologies have been developed for the
last fifty years. Among these, fingerprints, face, iris, speech, and so on. Each technol-
ogy has its strength and weakness. The main criteria used for comparative analysis of
several biometric technologies are universality, uniqueness, collectability, permanence
etc. Fingerprint biometric technology (also known as dactyloscopy) is the oldest and
the most popular due to the high personality and stability of fingerprint images. For a
given finger and a given person, fingerprint is just a digital gray-scale image obtained
by optical scanner and containing a picture of papillary ridges and valleys. So, finger-
print verification / identification systems are based on special image processing and
image analysis algorithms. While the former, verification problem seems to be solved
for the most part, the later remains a great challenge for researchers and developers.
Along with accuracy, scalability becomes one of the first-priority issues of developing
identification methods and algorithms.
Although there are known several fingerprint verification systems comparing raw
fingerprint images using correlation analysis, usually [1] the verification / identification
stage is preceded by some feature extraction one. Among them, minutiae feature ex-
traction technique is the most popular. Geometrically, minutia is an irregular point on
a fingerprint image (termination, bifurcation, crossover etc. of papillary lines). These
points can be considered as finite collection (template) on the plane, and many modern
fingerprint analysis algorithms are based on this consideration. Unfortunately, a reg-
ular fingerprint image usually contains several dozens of minutiae and analysis of all
their sub-combinations can be very computationally expensive. Several geometric tech-
niques are developed [2] to reduce this combinatorial complexity, and triangulation of
the minutiae set is one of them.
This research was partially supported by RFBR, grants no. 13-07-00181 and 13-01-210, and
Ural Branch of RAS, grants no. 12-P-1-1016 and 12-S-1017/1
Khachay M., Dremin A. and Leshko A..
Fingerprint Identification Problem: Using Delaunay Triangulation Technique for Model Database Indexing.
DOI: 10.5220/0004394400940100
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Image Mining. Theory and Applications (IMTA-4-2013), pages 94-100
ISBN: 978-989-8565-50-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)