EER=0.752%. Then expert marking of pupils was refined by the proposed method, and
same operations of template generation, matching and EER evaluation were done, with
resulting EER=0.390%.
So, the refinement of pupil by circular shortest path method appears to reduce the
recognition error. This can be explained by the imprecise marking of human expert.
5 Conclusions
Location of iris borders with high precision is an important task in automatic iris biom-
etry. Though much attention is paid to iris border location in general, only few re-
searchers tried developing special methods for iris border refinement after their initial
detection. The authors have treated this aspect of iris border location problem with the
help of circular shortest path optimization method. The CSP detection algorithm was
modified to fit the peculiar properties of the task. The results of experiments show that
refinement of pupil-iris boundary by CSP may be a useful addition to general scheme
of iris border location.
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