NS-2 user, or a veteran one, which covers all aspects
of simulation from start to end. With most of the
common tasks simplified and completed by the pro-
gram itself, he can simply focus on what’s im-
portant: The simulation and the test results, while
generating error-free scripts. The user may also use
additional TRAFIL functionality such as simple NS-
2 simulation and result output, chart creation, im-
portant variable metrics and custom calculations in
the form of SQL Queries.
Our conclusions are that the pre-simulation de-
sign and execution enhancements significantly in-
crease TRAFIL’s potential, since they can now be
combined with its metafile-based flexibility and
form a powerful, expandable and easily accessible
simulation framework. Furthermore, simulation de-
sign process can be reversed since existing NS-2
scripts can be recognised and loaded within the
framework for further processing.
Our future work will include extensions in the
simulation design module that will enable a more
complete support of NS-2 functionalities and add-
ons. We also plan to investigate the possibility of
generalizing the framework to operate around other
simulators such as NS-3, in order be able to provide
a generic simulation facilitation framework.
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