This research helped to understand the needs of
blind users for better usability of the resources
offered by the Internet and showed the importance
of having a web development more accessible
because it makes the information available to the
blind through the use of screen readers.
The web is an indispensable tool in today,
enabling disabled people are able to use and
contribute web content is an important aspect of
making it accessible. In the following work were
developed initially specified in the commands that
allow blind users are able to make downloading
pictures and videos, however these features are still
in the experimental stage to give disabled better
usability, interactivity, and especially in order to
ensure greater access to a wider range of resources
and ensure the visually impaired the same
capabilities to interact with the Web, as well as
people who do not have such limitations.
Through these studies were developed in the new
commands that allow blind users are able to perform
downloading and printing files as pages, images and
That gave the blind a better use of resources the
internet offers. As for the new features implemented,
several improvements must be made in order to
enable better usability and interactivity, mainly in
order to ensure greater access to a wider range of
Another important point is the need to use
existing resources in creating accessibility of sites.
For without them, however there are specific
features in the browser, some elements remain
Finally, this research demonstrates how
important it is to provide the same capabilities
visually impaired to interact with the Web, as well
as people who do not have such limitations. This
brought to blind users an autonomy and a better use
of resources the Internet offers.
This work was supported by CAPES Foundation.
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