projects in regulated markets with greater certainty
but a reduced incentive to sell less energy, and
unregulated markets with greater risk that costs will
exceed benefits (SGCR, 2012). Investors are
further deterred due to the moving set of possibilities
as technology, energy mixes and energy policies are
in a constant state of flux, and the cost-benefit
analysis are primarily based on research instead of
historical or on the ground performance (SGCR,
2012). As mentioned previously, with limited
resources small utilities are less able to fund
research to support a cost-benefit analysis. Without
a well-documented justification, their ability to be
issued credit and secure funding is further reduced.
Another consideration is that utility types range
from investor-owned, to municipalities,
cooperatives, river authorities, aggregators,
transmission and distribution, retail, and power
generation companies each with their own
organizational structure and authority. The
difference between these types is important.
According to a report by the National Science and
Technology Council (NSTC) on the 21
Grid, a utility company’s motivation to engage in
smart grid efforts is impacted by their business
model and their level of incentive to sell less energy
more efficiently.
Investor-owned utilities (IOU), for example, are
profit making enterprises that exist to make a return
on investment for their stockholders. Thus an IOU
has a strong interest in selling more power and is
likely to view smart grid technology less favourably
unless it can help avoid building new peaking plants
(NSTC, 2011). Rural cooperatives, on the other
hand, provide service to their own members and
return profits to them directly. These types of
utilities are likely to have a greater interest in selling
less energy more efficiently and may be particularly
attracted to smart grid investments.
The questionable value proposition is magnified
for a smaller utility whose lower customer base
reduces the cost effectiveness of expensive capital
equipment. Some types of smart grid technologies,
such as smart meters and transmission line sensors,
may be correlated to the number of customers in a
service area. Communication and IT infrastructure
necessary to collect, maintain, and aggregate data
from these systems, however, are a necessary
component regardless if utilities are serving a few
thousand customers or a hundred thousand
customers. Thus smaller utilities with fewer
customers are less able to justify the heavy capital
With these concerns, lawmakers may need to
consider more targeted incentive programs.
Encouraging investors to fund smart grid projects in
specific utility demographics, such as, size or
ownership type may help balance the additional
funding challenges those utilities face as a result of
their customer base and organizational structure.
2.3 Lack of Communication and IT
Unfortunately, with a few exceptions by large
utilities, the collective electric infrastructure has not
been kept up to date with modern technology in the
way that other industries such as banking or
telecommunications have. As a result, the third
barrier to smart grid implementation is the enormous
amount of new communications and IT
infrastructure required to support smart grid
operations with data collection, aggregation,
maintenance, and communication.
The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
describes, for example, that although many
transmission and distribution substations are already
equipped with sensors, there is limited bandwidth
connecting substations to the enterprise. This means
that even if new smart grid sensors are deployed,
there is a limited ability to transmit their data back to
the utility. As a result, estimates range from
$50,000 - $70,000 per substation just to build upon
communication and IT infrastructure of existing
platforms, and these estimates are not including the
additional need to build new substations (EPRI,
2011). On the distribution side, costs run over
$500,000 per feeder to incorporate the necessary
communications (EPRI, 2011).
Thus although smart meters with demand
response, running approximately $940 per customer
(EPRI, 2011), are considered the basic building
block of the smart grid (EEI, 2011), funding the
smart meter itself is not the only cost. Depending on
the legacy system, synchronizing new technology
with existing systems may be problematic and may
delay deployment.
In this manner, the advantages of smart meters
can only be fully realized when the communication
network incorporates all appliances and devices in
the distribution and metering chain, (Depuru, 2011).
The result is that smaller utilities may deploy smart
meters without the ability to take full advantage of
their capabilities. Unfortunately, this further
contributes to the reduced value proposition
discussed above and provides additional justification
for governments to target incentive programs to
smaller utilities and their investors.