Organisation, and Information Systems between Formal and Informal
Continuum, Balance, Patterns, and Anti-patterns
Karim Baïna
ENSIAS, Université Mohammed V-Souissi, BP 713 Agdal, Rabat, Morocco
Formal/Informal Organisation, Information System, Formalisation, Over-formalisation, Deformalisation,
Continuum, Balance, Patterns, Anti-patterns.
There is no doubt that formalising information systems is of great value to an organisation. This enables,
among others, business processes, rules, services and objects models to be standardized, structured, capital-
ized and reused. A formal information system involves a structured organisation, clearly defined roles and
responsibilities and therefore a rational management. However, generalising a formalisation approach to all
information system perspectives or all levels of granularity can inversely be fatal to the smooth running of
the business, its management, and operation. The aim of this paper is to explore information systems formal-
informal continuum, to discover and understand its characteristics, patterns, anti-patterns, and the forces part-
cipating to its equilibrium, and to propose recommendations to reach right level of formalisation
- From Object to Form. Through-
out its evolution, man has always used the formali-
sation more or less explicit for his needs of survival,
communication, memory, friendliness, trade, war, etc.
He shared his ideas by gestures and sounds, then
transcribes his ideas and sounds in writing. Then,
he changed his writing system (based on pictograms,
ideograms, and phonograms) and tools for these writ-
ing systems (reed and clay tablet, papyrus, paper).
Long after, man has delegated the reproduction of
his writing he has formalised to machines (inven-
tion of printing). Man then knew mastering energy
by inventing the steam engine he has replaced after
by the electric motor. He made remarkable progress
in all theoretical and experimental sciences (physics,
This work is partially financed by the research grant
EvA (vulgarisation of Enterprise Architecture) n
SIAS/2011 of Université Mohammed V-Souissi.
To formalise is (i) to give (something) legal or for-
mal status (a year has elapsed since the marriage was for-
malised), (ii) to give a definite structure or shape to (we be-
came able to formalise our thoughts) (OUP, 2012). Formal-
isation for Husserl, is precisely the relationship of an object
to form (Quesne, 2003). (Ostrom, 2009) distinguishes be-
tween rules-in-form (dead letters) and rules-in-use (actually
followed) (Kingston and Caballero, 2009). formalisation
means a reduction in personal and relational elements of
coordination and an emphasis on objectively documenting
decisions, discussions, and work processes (Meijer, 2008).
chemistry, biology, etc., but also economics, psychol-
ogy, sociology, etc.). He has delegated his duties he
has rationalised and formalised by programming ma-
chines to reproduce them faithfully (system automa-
tion, computer science, robotics, etc..), He even for-
malised learning mechanisms and delegated to the
machine tasks of decision making or at least decision
support (application of pattern recognition on events
in critical environments, dashboards and automated
governance of complex systems, application of game
theory in economics, application of bio-medical tech-
nologies, etc.). The evolution continues and with it
the process of formalising ideas. For (Fraser et al.,
1994), formalisation process may be direct (transition
informal to formal) or transitional (transitions infor-
mal to semi-formal then semi-formal to formal).
The aim of this paper is to explore information
systems formal-informal continuum, to discover and
understand its characteristics, patterns, anti-patterns,
and the forces partcipating to its balance.
Human and Formalisation
Example of implicit formalisation - man and bodily
faculties externalisation. According to (Serres et al.,
2004), what is a hammer else than a fist with a fore-
arm, which fell to our arm. The technique was in-
vented by outsourcing a bodily factulty. Actually,
there exists a mechanism that produces continuous
despecialisation of human organs. Human being is
unique in his capacity to lose a faculty and to develop
Baïna K..
Organisation, and Information Systems between Formal and Informal - Continuum, Balance, Patterns, and Anti-patterns.
DOI: 10.5220/0004401000850093
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 85-93
ISBN: 978-989-8565-60-0
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
others. In instrumenting, and transforming his body,
the human is involved in a endless loop of transsub-
stantiation that is transmitted by using technical ob-
jects (Serres, 2001). In fact, externalising his or-
gans to objects (first hominescence loop), humanity
has freed itself from species adaptation mechanisms
(exodarwinism). Invention of first tools has freed
human being from evolution towards culture. Since
the technique appears, the human exit from evolutive
laws, his body changes sparsely, but his adaptation
becomes very quick. We believe that bodily facul-
ties externalisation includes, among others, a contin-
uous formalisation mechanism of ("defining a shape
to" (Quesne, 2003)) objects, tools, and processes nec-
essary to achieve human tasks.
Example of Explicit Formalisation - Human Writing
Systems. According to (Wilson, 2005), all writing
systems followed the same general progression. The
first actual writing was pictographic or iconographic
where a simple picture designated a real object. Gen-
erally the pictures were very simple and abstractions
of what we might think of as a drawing (a drawing of
a deer represented a real deer). A stylised picture is
called a pictogram. Gradually the pictures were for-
malised and also began to be used to represent rela-
tionships and ideas as well as objects. This is called
ideographic writing. A symbol standing for an idea
is a semantic sign and is called an ideogram or lo-
gogram (a picture of the moon could represent the
idea of night or darkness as well as that of the moon
itself). Also, the sounds corresponding to pictograms
are combined to form a word. This can markedly re-
duce the number of symbols required for a full writ-
ing system. Symbols representing sounds are called
phonograms. All writing systems are a combination
of phonetic and logographic elements but the propor-
tions of these two elements vary among languages
(for instance, French and Finish are more phonetic
than English, while, Chineese and Japaneese are more
ideographic). We think that all informal, semi-formal
and formal languages, and notations used to represent
information systems, are only results of this continu-
ous process of writing system formalisation based of
pictograms, ideograms, and phonograms.
Formalisation - From Human to Entreprise Activ-
ity. If man is the heart of the enterprise, any analysis
of phenomena in this business cannot be conducted
without considering the evolution of man from micro
and macro viewpoints. Thus, could not we make the
analogy between the development of the enterprise
and the development of man both as an individual
and a species? Could not we make the analogy be-
tween the analysis of the formalisation aspects in the
enterprise and the study of the formalisation evolution
accompanying human species evolution? The analy-
sis of human development was conducted using two
approaches: micro and macro. The microscopic ap-
proach (ontogeny) focuses on human individual bio-
logically and psychologically from conception, birth,
development, maturity, aging until his death. As for
the macroscopic approach (phylogeny), it analyses
man development as reproducing the evolution of the
human species in relation to his instincts, reflexes,
emotions, language development, motor skills, biped
posture, games, intelligence, interaction, social life,
ledearship, etc. We will look at the second point of
view to try to understand the enterprise through the
evolution of man in a macroscopic scale. Businesses
did not they (i) start by improving their oral cul-
ture and visual communication (sounds and ges-
tures) internal (customs, rumors, discussions, meet-
ings, etc.) and external (corporate identity, adver-
tising slogans, informal marketing, communications
and audio-visual marketing, etc.).? Then, companies,
did not they (2) develop their written culture either
formalised (official letters, orders, hierarchical esca-
lation, coorporate public communication, newspaper
articles, patents, etc.) or informal (or rather defor-
malised: e-mail, web 2.0, blogs, vblogs, wiki, pro-
fessional social networking, etc.).? Companies, did
not they, for capitalising their memory, standardis-
ing their interactions, and controlling the quality of
their products and services, (iii) opt for cartography-
ing their knowledge, strategic know-how, and their
operational information systems (business and or-
ganisational visions and strategies, knowledge, qual-
ity manuals, management processes, business pro-
cesses, business rules, procedures) in a semi-formal
style based on pictograms and ideograms (graphic no-
tation and symbolic with flexible semantics)? Did
not they, since the advent of information technology
and communications, (iv) project their information
system into more formal electronic and computer
frames (physical computer infrastructures, telecoms,
networking and embedded systems, security direc-
tories, rules engines, computer applications, gover-
nance dashboards, etc.) in order to be automated,
measurable and therefore improvable? Table 1 shows
some artifacts examples having evolved through a for-
malisation process.
We will never over emphasis on the formalising power
Table 1: Examples of artifact evolution at entreprise level and their formalisation process.
Origin artifact Purpose of formalisation formalised artifact
oral culture preservation of knowledge writing culture
paper data dematerialisation digital data
handwriting externalisation of bodily faculties printed writing (keyboard)
information system modelling information systems models
manual procedure dematerialisation & automation automatic procedure
real information system automation virtual computer system
line work dematerialisation & automation automated process
physical (in-house) computer system virtualisation & outsourcing virtual (out-house) computer system
real bank counter virtualisation automated teller machine
real agency virtualisation virtual office (online)
real money virtualisation electronic money
real machine virtualisation virtual machine
of informal style. In fact, it is, often better, to pre-
fer the informal style instead of semi-formal or even
formal styles to provide a good knowledge descrip-
tion, sharing, sustainability, implementation and op-
eration. Do not they say, "A picture is a thousand
words"? According to (Renaud, 1995), (Enriquez,
1990) has noted: "Organisations have never been only
formal, functional, impersonal. Even in the most rigid
bureaucracies, there exist informal relations, groups
based on elected affinities, on the work necessity, on
the circumvention of rules, or collective defense. Any
organisation contains within itself diverse communi-
ties, micro-cultures and is a place to live not just a
workplace". (Stamper et al., 2000) highlights that or-
ganisations that learn most easily are often those able
to work well informally. He adds that classical meth-
ods tend to increase the proportion of formality in an
organisation without drawing attention to the possi-
bility of meeting requirements by improving or ex-
tending the informal part of the organisation. For
(Schmidt and Bannon, 1992), no formal description
of a system (or plan for its work) can be complete.
The formal is best used for predictable and repeat-
able work that needs to be done efficiently and with
little variance. The predictability and repeatability of
the work warrants the effort to develop the infrastruc-
ture of the formal organisation, which can be docu-
mented and constantly improved upon to improve ef-
ficency and remove variation. Many of formal pro-
cesses and tasks can be and have been implemented
over the years. Payroll distributions are a good exam-
ple. Conversely, the informal is best applied against
unpredictable events. Issued that arise outside the
scope of the formal organisation are often surprises
that need to be sensed and solved. Increasingly, pe-
pole who need to do the solving need to be motivated
outside the reward system, collaborate across organ-
isational boundaries. Every organisation must deal
with both predictable and unpredictable work, that is
why it is necessary to learn how and when to call on
the logic of the formal and balance it with the magic
of the informal (Katzenbach and Khan, 2010).
The information that must be distributed in a hu-
man activity system indicates that two separate infor-
mation systems must be considered. One is imple-
mented through policies and processes (that is, the
formal information system), whereas the other (the
informal information system), ties the people in the
organisation together. If something goes wrong with
the formal system, we still need experimented people
to fix it (Flatau, 1988).
Informal information systems complement formal
systems. They are more spontaneous and provide
for flexibility and adaptation yet they may themse-
leves suffer from bias and noise. The key design
decision is where to draw the line between the for-
mal and informal and to monitor continuously the
dividing line. This may mean, on occasions adopt-
ing an unofficial system and formalising it, or ceas-
ing to produce information which becomes inappro-
priate (Lucey, 2005). For (Howarth, 2005), formal
information systems consist of rules and procedures,
while informal information systems rely on common
practice and common sens of the organisation’s em-
ployees. Informal information systems usually arise
from restraints or inadequacies of the formal system.
By filling in the gaps in the formal system, the in-
formal system creates an added flexibility to the way
in which the organisation functions. Ideally, the two
systems should complement one another. However,
unless managers monitor the interaction between the
two systems to ensure that they are working together
effectively, there is a danger in having the two systems
(Howarth, 2005).
Formal Information systems (particularly infor-
mation retrieval systems) are developed to be con-
sulted and queried in purposeful ways, meaning that
users must have some idea of what they need to know.
While, informal information systems generally evolve
from the bottom up rather that the top down, emerg-
ing directly from the community of users. By the
way, even if teanagers do not clearly differentiate be-
ween informal and formal information environments,
it certainly appears that formal information systems
are loosing out with the teen audiance who use them
only when required to (Harris, 2011).
This section studies duality, continuum and bal-
ance between formal & informal and between formal
& informal information systems in particular.
2.1 Informal - Formal: Duality
The contribution of informal is undeniable for the
enterprise, it complements the formal. In (Renaud,
1995), informal (badly named) is not a "complemen-
tary" resource that should be "formalised and ratio-
nalised", the form hits the formlessness which makes
it live. For instance, informal communication chan-
nels complement the formal communication channels
when they are no longer sufficient or are no longer
adequate (Amosse et al., 2010). Also, instead of de-
structuring effects by which the informal sector is des-
ignated, it is its complementarity with formal mech-
anisms that is nowadays highlighted, which signifi-
cantly alters the approach to problems (Désert, 2006).
Companies that balance between their formal and
informal organisations, retain the efficiency and clar-
ity of the well-defined structures that define the for-
mal organisation while also capitalising on the flexi-
bility and speed of the social networks (Katzenbach
and Khan, 2010). (Renaud, 1995) calls the formal
and informal a "notional couple" where one does not
combine without the other. According to (Kingston
and Caballero, 2009), for the first half-century of its
existence Lloyd’s insurance operator had virtually no
formal structure at all, and when a formal structure
was eventually created, largely as a result of the im-
petus provided by the Napoleonic wars, formal rules
were adopted mainly to systematise a practice which
had already been adopted to meet the requirements of
commerce as they arose. Even then, informal rules
and reputation mechanisms (not written down, ethi-
cal codes or moral, social norms and conventions) re-
mained the dominant mode by which participants at
Lloyd’s were constrained from opportunistic behav-
ior. Business practices which evolved acquired the
force of informal custom long before they were sys-
tematised as formal rules.
According to (Foudriat, 2007), the extent and na-
ture of the informal have led some theorists to propose
a metaphor comparing the organisation to an iceberg,
where the emergent part corresponds to the formal as-
pects (behavior related to the organisations scientific
approach), while the submerged part, consists of indi-
viduals strategies, affective ties, coalitions of groups,
power relations. (Foudriat, 2007) studied informality
in three views:
For scientific management (Taylorism) single ra-
tional point of view, the informal is considered as a
temporary residual rationality deficit that new formal
rules will reduce or to remove. While human relations
school (including surveys of Elton Mayo at Western
Electric), considers that the informal includes goals
and psychological needs of individuals which can nei-
ther be filled, nor reduced, nor manipulated by ratio-
nal logics, and which are in shift with the local order
that the formal organisation seeks to impose. Infor-
mal and formal are two opposite and irreducible sides
of the the organisational phenomenon. For systemic
and strategic analysis ((Crozier and Friedberg, 1977)
surveys), the informal is not limited to the psycho-
logical needs of individuals, but includes the inter-
ests centered power games that individuals find in the
formal organisation. Informal behaviors are seen as
We believe that each formal system, has and
depends on a dual informal system (complemen-
tary image) more important (duality or dichotomy).
Both systems evolve in parallel and interact con-
tinously. There exist several examples of for-
mal/infomal duality in the entreprise. The idea of
the duality of formal/informal information systems is,
by no means, a simplistic binary polarity of informa-
tion systems states, but a consideration of the possi-
ble levels of formalisation of information systems be-
tween the two limits: over-deformalisation and over-
formalisation. Evaluation of this duality is closely re-
lated to the size and business of each organisation or
part of organisation (department, business unit, etc.)..
The following sections are intended to define the dif-
ferent concepts characterising this duality.
2.2 Informal - Formal: Characteristics
Degree of Formalisation/Deformalisation. The for-
malisation (respectively defomalisation) degree of a
system is a qualitative value that evaluates on a dis-
crete scale its level of formalisation (respectively
deformalisation). The level of formalisation is an
attempt to model discrete steps defined in a uni-
verse of infinite posibilities between two limits: over-
deformalisation and over-formalisation. The degree
of formalisation (deformalisation respectively) may
be called "degree/level of standardisation" (Hughes
et al., 2005; Ross et al., 2006) (respectively defor-
malisation (Delzescaux, 2002)). (Hughes et al., 2005)
mentions that the degree of formalisation of an organ-
isation depends on its size and nature of work (for in-
stance, a production unit cannot have the same degree
of formalisation that a unit of R&D).
Gap between Formal and Informal. The formal-
informal gap is the difference between the degree of
formalisation and deformalisation of a system and its
dual at a given time (peak-to-peak - ptp). The gap is a
discrete value not necessarily positive. (Delzescaux,
2002) calls this gap "synchronic" (as opposed to "dy-
achronic gap" which measures the difference between
formal and informal systems at two different instants
in time). Furthermore, (Delzescaux, 2002) noted that
the larger the gap in society, the greater the distinc-
tion between social classes (one could project this gap
on the depth of a hierarchy in an organisation, that
(Hughes et al., 2005) called vertical complexity of
an organisational structure). (Delzescaux, 2002) adds
that the reduction of this gap indicates a shift in the
balance of power (which we will define later as the
center of gravity of the couple formal / informal).
Centre of Gravity of Formal-informal Couple. The
center of gravity of formal-informal system couple
is a point representing the balance of power between
formal and informal. (Renaud, 1995) says the forms
are not of the same rigor, the same mass, the same
power of attraction and energies conformation. Be-
tween volunteering and professional relationship, be-
tween the community and the public network, there
is a mass difference, that when it differs, the attrac-
tion/conformation are changing from one to another.
The center of gravity of formal-informal couple fol-
lows the metaphor of the formal / informal iceberg
evoked by (Foudriat, 2007). In fact, moving the cen-
ter of gravity of an iceberg is sufficent for the iceberg
to capsize or roll on itself. We can confirm this anal-
ogy through (Delzescaux, 2002) who talks about the
balance of formal/informal power. Indeed, shifting
the center of gravity of the couple formal/informal is
a characteristic of a regulation (search for the balance
of forces governing them).
Trail of Formal-informal Couple. The area delim-
ited by fomal and informal systems time evolution de-
fines the trail of formal-informal system couple. The
trail records the different levels of information sys-
tems formalisation. If an information system is at a
certain level of formalisation, behaviours of differents
actors of this information system should be consid-
ered not only through the current formalisation level,
but also through (1) the whole history of informa-
tion system formalisation, (2) the history of dual in-
formal information system formalisation, and (3) the
trail contained between the two formalisation evolu-
tion histories.
2.3 Informal - Formal: Continuum
Complementarity between formal and informal sup-
ports a kind of it continuum which ensures the move
from one to the other in a continuous way. If the tran-
sition from informal to formal is insured by formali-
sation, the dual transition from formal to informal is
provided by deformalisation. Knowledge deformali-
sation, according to (Volckrick and Deliège, 2001) is
to defer the weight of problems and conflicts resolu-
tion mainly on participating parties (e.g., for (Deliège,
2010), knowledge deformalisation is also reflected in
the fact that the patient become himself well informed
about his illness, or on the fact that all the actors in-
volved in a problematic claim as legitimate their point
of view and "experience know how" on some situa-
tion). In addition, justice procedures deformalisation
is easing rules by the players or the law itself (Cadiet,
2008). Table 2 shows some examples of formal arti-
facts deformalisation.
Based on the work of (Crozier and Friedberg,
1977), (Livian, 2004) emphasizes that there is a close
relationship between formal and informal. In fact, in
learning situations, for example, deformalising for-
mal is taking the risk to formalise what is by nature in-
formal (over-formalisation duality) (Brougère, 2007).
Thus, replacing traditional training situations (formal
artifact) by less formal projects debrieffing situations
(intermediate situation between formal & informal) is
trying to transform informal learning activities (dual
informal artifact) to in more framed learning while
one cannot eliminate the role of informal learning.
According to (Kingston and Caballero, 2009) in-
formal constraints are the major source of institutional
(formal) inertia, because (i) they continue to exist
within formal rules that they were prior configura-
tions, and (ii) they change in an incremental slow evo-
lution. The influence of informal on formal rules is
not wholly conservative, cultural endowments can ac-
tually make some kinds of institutional change easier.
He gives the example of Japan, where he argues that
traditional patterns of cooperation which emerged in
the distant past facilitated modern rural development
programs. (Kingston and Caballero, 2009) highlights
the importance of temporal dimension when he con-
sideres the role of the whole organisation past evolu-
tion systems current change. Thus, formalising pro-
cess is not a choice but an evolution.
One can deduce, with generalisation, that defor-
malising a formal system returns to formalising its
dual informal system (negative correlation). This
type of correlation can also connect systems not nec-
essarily formally dual. Also, ability to formalise a
system depends on the preparation of other infor-
Table 2: Examples of deformalisation processes in organisations.
Formal artifact Purpose of deformalisation deformalised artifact
"formal" hierarchical mail make bureaucratic communication more flexible "informal formalisation" (e-mail)
(Meijer, 2008))
autocratic management involve the group in decision making permissive management
classical innovation put the individual/user in the center of innovation open innovation
classical leraning democratise access to knowledge & cost sharing e-learning
personal computers favor mobility intelligent tablets
real networks banalise professional networking virtual networks
workflow give more freedom to the user handle the unpre-
groupware & advanced case
web with passive users,
integrate social dimension & crowdsourcing in
knowledge production
web 2.0 with wiki, etc.
SOAP + WS-* web ser-
reduce dependences to protocols & static formats RESTful web services (light
relational databases efficient & scalable data storage for distributed en-
NoSQL (Not Only SQL)
mal systems on which it depends (positive correla-
tion). In this continuum between formal and infomal,
there exists a dynamics acting between formal and
informal systems in space and time.
If there exist a continuum between formal and infor-
mal, dynamics of this continuum is governed by a
regulation of power between different systems pro-
ducing a state of stable equilibrium. If research
works affirm the existence of this equilibrium (bal-
ance) (e.g., (Hesse and Verrijn-Stuart, 2000; Purao
and Truex, 2004; Ailawadhi and Heller, 2010)), they
do not study the problem in depth and think that for-
malisation can respect that balance through a deci-
sion rather than considering power evolution between
formal and informal systems
. Certainly, we must
choose a useful and pragmatic formalisation (neces-
sary and sufficient) rather than a purpose-less formal-
isation, disconnected from the priority needs of in-
progress projects, but what is more important is to
consider the whole organisation eco-system in a sys-
temic (holistic) vision.
We believe that the continuum between formal-
informal information systems finds its balance
(Ailawadhi and Heller, 2010) offers a best practice to
achieve this level of formalisation just by modeling just-
time (JIT) just-enough architecture that reflects the business
requirements and technical available resources.
through regulation cycles of those informa-
tion systems (series of oscillations formalisation-
deformalisation until an equilibrium position). Levels
of insufficient-formalisation or over-formalisation are
relative thresholds that vary over time. Also, infor-
mation systems cannot be compared against a level
of formalisation except if they have the same char-
acteristics and evolve in the same context. Regula-
tion between formal-informal information systems re-
spects the formal/informal iceberg metaphor evoked
by (Foudriat, 2007). Moreover, a floating body (e.g.
a ship) does not hold for a moment its stable state,
but it continuously oscillates around this state. More
particularly, the movement of an iceberg depends on
its characteristics (density, thickness, shape) and is af-
fected by external phenomena: ocean currents, winds
push, wave action (when storms), Coriolis force (ice-
berg drift). Also, each iceberg has its own iceberg
oscillation period depending to its characteristics and
movements of its center of gravity enough to capsiz-
ing or rolling. Figure 1 shows four states of the dual
formal/informal information system couple including
three anti-patterns.
1. Formal/Informal Stable Equilibrium: deformal-
isation of a formal information system leads to a logi-
cal and normal deformalisation of dual informal infor-
mation system and vice versa without neither impor-
tant gap nor overlap (i.e. neither instability nor over-
fomalisation/over-deformalisation). The application
of the iceberg metaphor means that the center of grav-
ity of the formal/informal couple remains stable. The
state of stable equilibrium represents a highly desired
situation (pattern). (Ring and van de Ven, 1994) de-
notes the formal/informal equilibrium state as a sit-
uation of organisational cooperation. (Katzenbach
and Khan, 2010) mentions that managers, are able
to motivate their people to higher levels of perfor-
mance, not by enslaving workers with rigid top-down
metrics or by being nice to all and making friends.
Their approaches were neither hard nor soft. Instead
they took the best of both the formal and informal or-
ganisations and integrated them to drive their people
and partners to a shared purpose. While on a business
trip to China, a manager of Bank of America was no-
tified about an exceptional performance accomplish-
ment at TeleTech. He wanted to congratulate every-
body, which meant schedulting a call during a shift
change. The only time he could arrange that was at
3AM local China time. The fact that Sheehy would
make a call at that hour made his words of congratula-
tion all the more meaningful to the TeleTech employ-
ees. In just a few months, TeleTech’s call center rose
from last place to fist place among BofAs call centers.
While Gregg Sheehy has very little formal authority
on TeleTech staff, he could find a balance between
formal imperatives with informal mechanims in ways
that would create the emotional commitment and en-
ergy needed to change behaviors to push Teletech up
the ladder of performance results.
2. Formal/Informal Instable Equilibria: there are
two kinds of instable formal/informal equilibria, (i)
the first is characterised by a deformalisation of a for-
mal information system that meets the formalisation
of an informal dual system so that we no longer dis-
tinguish the two dual systems (zero formal/informal
gap). Instability comes from the fact that this gap may
become negative and cause an over-deformalisation
of the formal information system. (ii) The second
instable formal/informal equilibrium is characterised
by successive information system formalisations that
may yield, if repeated, an over-formalisation of the
formal information system. Unless managers moni-
tor the interaction between the formal and informal
systems to ensure that they are working together ef-
fectively, there is a danger in having the two sys-
tems (Howarth, 2005). (D’Adderio, 2003) mentions
that the interactions between formal tools and infor-
mal practices can be described as a fragile, unstable
equilibrium, characterised by never-ending frictions,
loose ends, and unforeseen consequences. While de-
vices or routines may be created to ’fix’ recurrent
tensions, these will also tend to generate new prob-
lems. (Gerrard et al., 2001) warns against the over-
formalisation and over-institutionalisation by promot-
ing creative situations known to be instable, chaotic
and disorderly and maintaning a kind of structured
informality. States of instable equilibria are called
"chaos border area" by (Stacey, 1992) and are known
to be states of creativity and innovation.
3. Over-deformalisation of Formal Informal Sys-
tem: deformalisation of formal information system
drops below the minimum informal limits for formal
system for this system (this leads to a formalisation of
the dual informal system beyond the maximum for-
mal limits for informal system -over-formalisation
of informal IS-). State of over-defomalisation is an
anti-pattern. Suppose the organisation moves into a
new market or increases its workforce so that the na-
ture of the organisation is changed or developed in
some way. The flexibility created by the informal sys-
tem allows the changes to be accomodated without
any revision to the formal system. This is acceptable
up to a point, but, it means that the informal system
is overriding the formal system and therefore the ef-
fectiveness of the formal system has decreased. As a
result, the managers’ knowledge of the way in which
the organisation functions has decreased. This means
they have lost control to some extent (Howarth, 2005).
We categorise the state of over-deformalisation as a
chaos state by (Stacey, 1992).
4. Over-formalisation of Formal Informal System:
formal information systems follow a succession of
formalisations more and more complex without any
regulation (this leads to deformalising the dual in-
formal information system in the same pace -over-
deformalisation of informal IS). The causality may
be reversed: (2) may precede and yield (1). This
state is characterised by an abnormal growth of for-
mal/informal gap. State of it over-defomalisation is
an anti-pattern. (Gerrard et al., 2001) describes over-
formalisation as "the obsession by the processes in-
stead of results." (Lewis et al., 2010) adds that over-
formalising the collaboration can impede what a few
informants called the open dialogue of the collabo-
rative process. Regimented agendas and too many
subcommittees were common symptoms of an over-
formalised collaboration. We categorise the state of
over-formalisation as a chaos and messiness state by
(Stacey, 1992).
Even if we take the notion of "chaos" from
(Stacey, 1992), we do not agree with him on sev-
eral points of classification of business states. While,
R. Stacey highlights the equal importance of formal
and informal organisations and advises managers to
consider both formal processes and structures and in-
formal systems, he did not study the subtleties be-
tween formalisation and over-formalisation and their
dual state deformalisation and over-deformalisation.
He badly transcribed this duality as he called nonlin-
ear feedback system when it defines a linear transition
relationship between chaos, instable equilibrium and
stability flattening formal/informal duality. This flat-
tening pushes R. Stacey to qualify the state of over-
formalisation (that he called "ossification") as a state
of stability and state of over-deformalisation (that he
Table 3: Semantics of formal/informal states.
Formal system
Dual informal sys-
tem state
Semantics (Stacey, 1992) Enterprise
state semantics
over-formalisation over-deformalisation obsession by processes instead of results
instable equilibrium endless frictions between formal & in-
chaos border: tensions & in-
stable equilibrium organisational cooperation & regulation
of powers
stability: harmonious, or-
derly & with previsible repe-
over-formalisation loss of control chaos:paradoxal, conflitual,
fractal & infinitely creative
called "disintegration") as a state of instability. How-
ever, the two states in terms of formalisation, are dual
chaotic states, one testing the limits of form and the
other testing the limits of formless. The same flat-
tening, pushes R. Stacey to consider a single state of
chaos, certainly unpredictable, but rich of conflicts,
paradoxes, and innovations counter-balancing the sta-
ble equilibrium state. Thus, R. Stacey has considered
only a single instable equilibrium state, in middle way
between chaos and instability, characterised by ten-
sions predicting the chaos. The fact that he ignored
the formal/informal dualilty in his classification, it
was forgotten that the stable equilibrium is, in turn a
middle way between formal and informal instability.
Computing, based on mathematical rigor and ratio-
nality of scientific management, has strongly inher-
ited of the defect of formalising and rationalising ev-
erything, even the most ordinary tasks or the most
unique events. This excessive use of meta, axiomati-
sation, and abusive rationalisation has exceeded hard
sciences to reach also social sciences (economics,
management, psychology, etc.). As far as we study
this phenomenon from information systems formali-
sation point of view, companies can be found in five
different states: two extreme states (i) state of over-
formalisation and (ii) state of over-deformalisation,
(iii) one state of formal/informal equilibrium, and (iv)
two states of instable equilibrium, the first predicting
formal instability, and the other predicting informal
instability. The purpose of this paper is to highlight
the importance of the informal, and to study infor-
mation systems formal/informal duality, continuum,
and formalisation patterns and anti-patterns charac-
terising formal/informal regulation cycles. The origi-
nality of this work is its approach genericity towards
formal/informal enterprise facets, which ensures its
applicability to study several problems. Our current
Figure 1: Correlation between dual systems in all states.
works aim to apply our model to organisational and
technical problematics within enterprises.
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