It also can be concluded that using the proposed
hardware configuration, there are not problems in
LOS scenarios because high values of PDR and good-
put are obtained. However,this configurationpresents
poor IEEE 802.11p performance in NLOS conditions,
so in order to provide full coverage of a givenarea, the
orography and building distribution must be studied
and maybe a fixed RSUs network should be deployed.
Before concluding this paper, we want to express
that more measurement campaigns should be per-
formed in a near future to complete this study, but
it could be considered as a starting point towards bet-
ter design of active safety applications. Higher dis-
tances among vehicles and RSUs should be tested and
in these situations problems as handover, beacons de-
lay or channel congestions issued will be tackled.
The authors would like to thank the EU Intelligent
Cooperative Sensing for Improved traffic efficiency
(ICSI) project (FP7-ICT-2011-8) for its support in the
development of this work.
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