Reliability Analysis of IEEE 802.11p Wireless Communication
and Vehicle Safety Applications
Unai Hern´andez-Jayo and Idoia De-la-Iglesia
DeustoTech-Mobility Lab, Deusto Institute of Technology, Av. Universidaddes 24, 48007 Bilbao, Spain
Cooperative Vehicular Systems, Communications Reliability, Active Safety Applications Performance.
In this paper we analyze the performance of IEEE 802.11p vehicular networks used as communication media
to warn drivers about hazardous situations on the road. In particular, this paper is focused in three typical
active safety applications which are based on the cooperation among vehicles and intelligent elements placed
on the road. The reliability of these applications relies on the performance of the radio link among the agents
involved in the cooperative scenario, so first we analyze the goodput, Package Delivery Rate (PDR) and delay
of this link. Once the behavior of the media is characterized, the kindness of the safety applications is studied.
These measures were carried out in real V2V and I2V scenarios using a compliant IEEE 802.11p prototype
developed by NEC.
Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks or VANETs have been
of particular interest to the communication research
area in order to develop a set of applications that
could help the driver to avoid or prevent from risky
situations. These services are based on the coopera-
tion among vehicles and offer great potential in reduc-
ing road accidents and therefore in improving drivers’
comfort and efficiency of highways from the traffic
management point of view.
But first, to provide these cooperative services a
stable and reliable wireless communication system
must be deployed on the road infrastructure. For
this propose, different technologies have been ana-
lyzed in the scenario of infrastructure-to-vehicle(I2V-
V2I) and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications
(Wewetzer et al., 2007) (Bazzi and Masini, 2011)
(Chou et al., 2009). Table I shows selected charac-
teristics and attributes of a few wireless systems that
could be used in a vehicle cooperative scenario (US-
DOT, 2004).
Once the communication link is stable then coop-
erative and warning services could be deployed with
the security that all agents involved in a VANET will
have the chance of sending and receiving information
regarding road events.
According to ETSI TC on ITS a set of applica-
tions can be used as a reference for developing co-
operative vehicular systems. In the same way, the U.
S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) has identi-
fied similar applications to be deployed thanks to the
potential of DSRC to support wireless data commu-
nications between vehicles, and between vehicles and
In this framework, this paper aims to determine if
a set of applications based on the description provided
by ETSI TC on TC can be deployed in a real VANET
using two IEEE 802.11p compliant devices, namely
LinkBird-MX communication modules provided by
NEC Technologies. In order to determine the reliabil-
ity of both the communication link and the applica-
tions, first the main characteristics of tested coopera-
tive vehicle applications are described at Sections II
and III respectively, whereas the scenarios used dur-
ing this validation process are described at Section
IV.The results of this experiments and the analysis
about how some safety applications can work in these
scenarios are shown in Section V. Finally the conclu-
sions of the paper are presented at Section VI.
Although all systems included at Table 1 provide spe-
cific solutions to different connectivity problems, in
a mobile environment in which all the nodes must
be able to send and receive reliable messages in real-
Hernández-Jayo U. and De-la-Iglesia I..
Reliability Analysis of IEEE 802.11p Wireless Communication and Vehicle Safety Applications.
DOI: 10.5220/0004401201750182
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications and 10th International Conference on Wireless
Information Networks and Systems (WINSYS-2013), pages 175-182
ISBN: 978-989-8565-74-7
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Table 1: Candidate Wireless Technologies and Atributes.
Range 1 km 4-6km 1km
to vehicle
Two-way X X X
Latency 200us 1.5-3.5 s 3-4 s
time, DSRC is the only one system that:
Is dedicated to wireless access in vehicular Ad-
Hoc networks 1-hop and multihop communica-
Provides active vehicle services with Line-Of-
Sight (LOS) and Non-LOS (NLOS) link scenar-
Is ready to operate in a rapidly varying environ-
ment and to exchange messages without having to
join a Basic Service Set (BSS), that is, without the
management overhead.
Makes possible low latency in communications
among vehicles and infrastructure allowing shar-
ing real-time information.
Provides unicast, broadcast, real-time and bidirec-
tional communications.
IEEE 802.11p WAVE is only a part of a group of
standards related to all layers of protocols of Dedi-
cated Short Range Communications(DSRC) standard
(Uzcategui and Acosta-Marum, 2009). In the DSCR
5.9GHz band, FCC (Federal Communications Com-
mission) reserved seven channels (1 Control Channel
-CCH- , 4 Service Channel -SCH- , 1 Critical Safety
of life Channel and 1 Hi-Power Public Channel) of
10 MHz in a bandwidth of 75MHz for ITS applica-
tions while in Europe, ETSI reserved five channel, 1
Control Channel and 4 Service Channel (ETSI, 0 01).
The IEEE 802.11p standard is limited by the scope
of IEEE 802.11 which is the definition of MAC and
PHY layers, as it is shown at Figure 1 (Jiang and Del-
grossi, 2008). At PHY layer, IEEE 802.11p operates
in the band of 5GHz, reusing IEEE 802.11a OFDM
(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) mod-
ulation considering 52 subcarriers that can be modu-
lated using BPSK, QPSK, 64-QAM or 16-QAM mod-
ulation schemes. Besides, IEEE 802.11preduces inter
symbol interference and the channel throughput (from
3Mbps to 27 Mbps, instead of 6Mbps to 54Mbps
commonly used in IEEE 802.11a). This setup allows
theoretically a communication range over 1000m (de-
pending on the antennas configuration) and the estab-
lishment of communication among vehicles driving
up to 200km/h.
At MAC level, in order to speed up the ex-
change of messages among the vehicles (referenced
as On-Board Units) and Road-Side-Units (RSU),
IEEE 802.11p standard simplifies initial connection
setup used in common IEEE 802.11 networks. The
basic MAC layer is based on CSMA/CA improved
with IEEE 802.11e EDCA protocol to provide ser-
vices with priority levels.
Anyway, MAC layer of IEEE 802.11p is a trend
research topic in which many alternatives and proto-
cols are being developed (Saeed et al., 0 11)(Bhm and
Jonsson, )(Bilstrup et al., 2008)(Han et al., 2012)(Bil-
strup et al., 2009).
IEEE 1609.4 defines a time-division scheme for
DSRC radios to alternately switch within these chan-
nels to support different applications concurrently,
that is, it supplements IEEE 802.11 features providing
frequency band coordination and management within
the MAC layer (Chen et al., 2009). This is possible
thanks to the coordinated operation on CCH (using it
only for broadcast, high priority and single-use mes-
sages) and SCH (for ongoing applications).
Meanwhile, IEEE 1609.3 specifies operation and
management of the communications stack, defining
the use of UDP transport protocol, coordinating the
IPv6 configurationand Logical Link Control (LLC) in
VANETs. This standard also manages WAVE Basic
Service Set (WBSS), which is required to handle the
SCH transmission.
WAVE Short Message Protocol (WSMP) is used
by IEEE 1609.3 networking services in CCH and
Figure 1: IEEE WAVE/802.11p protocol stack.
SCH to enable communicationswith a maximumpay-
load of 1400 bytes. WSMP allows WAVE-aware
devices to directly control physical characteristics
(channel number and transmitter power).
Finally, IEEE 1609.2 standard defines secure mes-
sage formats and the processing of those secure mes-
sages in the WAVE system. It covers methods for se-
curing WAVE management and application messages,
with the exception of vehicle-originating safety mes-
To sum up, IEEE 802.11p WAVE is only a part
of a group of standards related to all layers of pro-
tocols for DSRC based operations which concerns to
physical and MAC layers. Therefore all the charac-
teristics of the links V2X and the performance of the
others DSRC layers depend on the efficiency of IEEE
802.11p standard. For this reason in this paper we will
evaluate first the throughput of the IEEE 802.11p link
and then the reliability of the applications based on it.
In the field of cooperative ITS services, a huge va-
riety of applications and use cases can be described.
Taking into account strategic, economical and organi-
zational requirements, system capabilities and perfor-
mances as well as legal and standardization require-
ments, the ETSI TC on ITS has defined a Basic Set
of Applications to be used as a reference for devel-
opers. These applications are close similar to those
described by the US DOT (USDOT, 2004).
In these applications, four types of communicat-
ing agents are considered: two mobile entities -OBUs
and people- and two stationary entities -the RSUs and
the central systems (it could be referenced as a Traffic
Management System). These entities are able to run
four classes of applications: active road safety, co-
operative traffic efficiency, cooperative local services
and global internet services. In each class, different
applications and uses cases are defined.
Depending on the application and timing restric-
tions, data exchange among referenced entities can be
categorized as:
Warning messages: these are defined as Decen-
tralized environmental Notification Messages and
they can be sent out to each vehicle or RSU.
Heartbeat messages or beacons: these messages
are used by OBUs to report their position, speed
and ID to the RSUs. Moreover, these messages
are also used to keep updated information about
traffic situation. For this, WAVE defines Coop-
Figure 2: Hardware Setup.
erative Awareness Messages (CAMs), which are
broadcasting periodically by each vehicle.
Non-safety messages: which are used to enhance
driver information and comfort: tourism informa-
tion, Internet access, navigation aid, and so on.
In this paper due to this relevance and likelihood of
being deployed in a near future, only three active road
safety use cases have been analyzed : intersection col-
lision warning, emergencyvehicle warning and Road-
work warning.
The three applications under test can be deployed both
in urban or highway scenario. Moreover to be opera-
tive in these environments, cooperative wireless com-
munications must be tested in Line-Of-Sight (LOS)
and Non-Line-Of-Sight (NLOS) conditions. For this
reason to test the performance of I2V IEEE 802.11p
link in an urban LOS and NLOS condition, an indus-
trial area has been chosen. In this location a straight
road and intersections with different height buildings
are available. The communication zone covered by
each RSU is limited to a maximum radius of 1km di-
To test the V2V link in a highway under LOS and
NLOS conditions two vehicles have been equipped as
it is shown in Figure 2. In a real highway both ve-
hicles have been driven at different speeds and with
other vehicles (trucks/bus, cars) in the middle of the
communication link deployed between them.
Therefore, in both urban and highway scenario the
challenges of the described tests are:
Measuring the throughput, PDR and latency of a
V2X link according to different package size and
distance between the entities involved in each sce-
According with the results obtained in previous
tests, determinate if the three proposed applica-
tions are reliable in this context.
4.1 Hardware Setup
In all tests described in this paper, a single omnidi-
rectional radio link is evaluated, either between two
OBUs or between a RSU and an OBU. In both enti-
ties, the same hardware has been deployed running as
OBU or as RSU. The selected hardware is LinkBird-
MX which embedded Linux machines based on a 64
bits MIPS processor working at 266MHz. Besides an
IEEE 802.11p interface, these modules are equipped
with an Ethernet connector that is used to commu-
nicate with the Application Unit (the one that runs
the applications in a regular PC), a GPS interface and
other interfaces as CAN or RS-232. Figure 2 shows
the hardware setup used in the tests that have been
carried out in the described scenarios.
Although LinkBird allows to select two channel
bandwidth, in these tests 10MHz bandwidth has been
selected instead of the 20 MHz one usually used by
802.11a devices, in order to minimize multipath de-
lay spread and Doppler effect that appears in mobility
and highway scenarios. Moreover, in order to main-
tain sufficient reliability of the data transfer in a 1-
hop scenario, the lowest bit rate has been used, that
is 3Mbps (bit rates from 3 to 27Mbps are available
at IEEE 802.11p standard), so also the lowest cod-
ing rate (1/2) with BPSK modulation has been used
to transmit data packets.
Along with the communication modules, two an-
tennas whose characteristics fit well with vehicular
applications are provided. One antenna is tuned to the
178 CCH frequency (5.890GHz) and the other one to
the 180 SCH frequency (5.9GHz) Technical charac-
teristics of hardware setup are shown at Table 2.
4.2 Applications Setup
As it has been mentioned in the introduction, one of
the objectives of this paper is to check the reliability
of three active road safety applications listed by the
ETSI TC on ITS. The goal is to test if the links V2X
that are deployed using previous hardware setup sat-
isfy the requirement of these applications. According
to (ETSI, 9 06), these requirements are summarized
in Table 3.
Table 2: IEEE 802.11P Hardware Setup.
Parameter Values
Frequency 5725-5925 MHz
Bandwidth 10MHz
Tx Power 21dBm
Bitrates 3Mbps
Parameter Values
Model ECO6-5500
Frequency 5.0-6.0 GHz
Gain 6dBi
Radation Omni-directional
The SDK provided by NEC with the LinkBird-
MX modules includes a set of Java API to
interact with the IEEE 802.11p protocol stack.
Thanks to these facilities, it is simple to de-
velop applications that send Geographical Unicast,
Topologically-Scoped Broadcast, Single-Hop Broad-
cast and Geographically-ScopedBroadcast or Unicast
messages. In this way and according to the applica-
tions that we want to test (Table 3), all the packets that
will be transmitted in our scenarios will be Single-
Hop Broadcast.
To carry out these experiments we have developed
a single application in Java in which UDP packages
are generated and sent. In this application the payload
and transmitted package rate parameters are modifi-
able as well as the duration of transmission phase.
The IEEE 1609.3 standard species that the maximum
size of a WSMP message is 1400 bytes. For this
reason we have measured the throughput of the V2X
links using different payload size, from 100 bytes to
1400 bytes.
In order to measure the latency in the commu-
nications between OBUs (V2V) and between RSU
and OBU (I2V), we have developed a simple program
that sends Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
echo request every a configurable time. In this test
also the ICMP payload is also configurable in order
to know if the latency depends on the package pay-
In this section, the results of measurement campaigns
are shown. According with these results, the reliabil-
ity of the applications under test is analyzed.
Table 3: Requirements of applications under test.
Road Haz-
ard Warning
Less than
Less than
Less than
10Hz 10Hz 2Hz
position of
by vehicle
RSU broad-
casts peri-
odic messg.
Figure 3: Intersection crossing warning scenario.
5.1 Intersection Crossing Warning
Chosen scenario is shown at Figure 3, where there
are two vehicles approaching to the intersection. Al-
though tested scenario is placed at an industrial area,
this is a typical situation in urban scenarios where
buildings create closed intersections with Non Line-
Of-Sight between vehicles. Therefore intersection
crossing warning messages is created in order to warn
drivers of potential impact when entering an intersec-
The tested scenario recreated the situation where
both vehicles approach to the intersection at 50km/h
(13.88m/s). While in this scenario a stop bar is in
the lane of red vehicle, we consider the worst sce-
nario where this vehicle enters the intersection with-
Figure 4: Intersection crossing warning test results.
out stopping and could collision with green vehicle.
In order to determinatehow the IEEE 802.11psys-
tem can be used to avoid the collision, first we work
backwards from the worst scenario, that is, the colli-
sion occurs. Applying kinematic equations to a ve-
hicle in movement, the breaking distance can be cal-
culated using equation 1, where V is the velocity ex-
pressed in Km/h, f represents the friction coefficient
and i the slope of the road in %. At 50km/h a vehicles
requires at least 24m to stop in a flat road. According
to (Triggs et al., 1982) (of State Highway and Offi-
cials, 2001), drive’s reaction time can be from 1.26s
to 3s. If we consider an average value of 2.5s, in this
time car travels 34m, so in total driver needs 57m to
stop the car.
254( f + i)
Hence, in order to avoid the collision and warn
the drivers about the presence of each other, the com-
munication link must be reliable and make possible
the messages interchange among vehicles before they
enter within 57m range, referenced as unavoidable
collision area’ (in red) at Figure 3.
In this scenario, the results obtained using
LinkBirds communication modules are shown at Fig-
ure 4. It exposes that in this NLOS scenario, these
modules can provide a reliable communication link
between both vehicles (speed@50km/h) with a Pack-
age Delivery Rate of 95% at a distance of 60 me-
ters from the collision point. Hence the vehicles will
be able to interchange awareness messages to inform
about their presence near the intersection in order to
avoid a collision. Moreover, the measure delay at 60m
is 5ms, that is less than the 100ms specified at (ETSI,
9 06) for this application. The links Goodput in this
scenario is shown at Table 4.
5.2 Emergency Vehicle Warning
In this test, PDR measurements were collected dur-
ing a trip from Mungia to Portugalete. The distance
Table 4: Intersection Crossing Warning Test Goodput.
Payload Size (Bytes) Goodput (kbps) PDR (%)
100 244 93
500 1221 94
1000 2468 96
1400 2809 100
Figure 5: Emergency vehicle warning scenario.
between both cities is 34kms and the speed limit of
the motorway is 100km/h. The goal in this scenario is
to validate the communication link from one vehicle
to other vehicle where both are in movement at high
speed and there are other vehicles like cars or trucks
in the line of sight of both vehicles.
During the trip one OBU plays the role of vehi-
cle in emergency sending continuously warning mes-
sages to the surrounding vehicles with a period of
1Hz. The other OBU is the receiver and it ana-
lyzes the received message. Different situations were
recreated (Figure 5): V2V link with direct and re-
flected paths (ground reflections) and different dis-
tances and relative speed between transmitter and re-
ceiver and V2V link with vehicle blockage (other cars
and trucks) between the OBUs, so it is a NLOS and
that it includes a diffracted signal path to the receiver,
creating the worst-case performance in this scenario.
Figure 6 gives the results of motorway experiment
to measure the PDR for V2V communication link test
using packages with a payload of 100bytes.
The results can be analyzed in sections according
to the events recorder during the test:
Events ’A’: in both time slots a LOS situation is
shown. Both vehicles speed was the same, first
80km/h and then 100km/h and their relative dis-
tance was 45 and 60m respectively. In both sit-
uations PDR is close to 100% being 98-96% the
lowest obtained values.
Event ’B’: in this time slot, vehicles speed was
90km/h and the relative distance was 177m be-
cause 3 cars were located between OBUs under
test. In this NLOS situation the worst PDR is
Event ’C’: it reflects the same previous NLOS link
but the distance between OBUs was bigger due
to the 5 vehicles that were in the middle of the
communication link. In this case, the number of
low PDR measures is bigger due to the number of
obstacles and distance between the OBUs.
Events ’D and ’E’: these events represent the
scenario when a truck blocked the link between
OBUs. Here the worst PDR values were obtained
being the event ’E’ the time slot in which the low-
est PDR (29%) was measured. It happened when
the distance between OBUs where close to 200m.
and truck blocked the communication link.
Event ’F’: during this time slot, only 4 vehicles
were between OBUs but it happened at the mo-
torway output ramp, where there is u-shaped bend
so it was NLOS link. In this case values of PDR
lower than 80% were measured.
5.3 Roadwork Warning
To test this safety application, we have recreated
a vehicle-to-infrastructure communication between a
mobile OBU and a static OBU that plays the role
of Road Side Unit (RSU). In this scenario mobile
OBU travels at 40km/h (11,12m/s) along a road that
has a straight line of 860m (A to B distance) while
RSU send warning messages (100bytes of payload) .
First we have measured the distance range covered by
the RSU using LinkBirds units. The measurements
showed at Figure 7 display a two-way trip from A to
B when RSU is located at ’A location and mobile
OBU starts the trip close to the RSU, travels until ’B’
and comes back to the original position. The obtained
PDR is shown in Figure 7, where dash line represents
point ’B’ where OBU starts come back trip.
Figure 6: Emergency vehicle warning test results.
Figure 7: I2V scenario PDR measurements.
Figure 8: I2V goodput measurements.
During the test link PDR was closed to 0% in
some specific locations. It was because the orogra-
phy of the road due to some ’valleys’ in which mobile
OBU has not LOS to the RSU. The others low PDR
values (around 50%) were caused by some vehicles
that obstacle the link between the OBU and the RSU.
The goodput was measured at different RSU-OBU
distances and the results are shown at Figure 8. The
PHY layer of the IEEE 802.11p transceiver was set
up to 3Mbps. The maximum goodput (2.8Mbps) was
obtained when the payload is setup to the maximum
value of 1400bytes. In this configuration, at the maxi-
mum RSU-OBU distance, the PDR was 100% and the
average delay was 7ms.
According to these results and considering that
RSU is equipped with an isotropic antenna, RSU’s
radio link cover area can be close to 1700m. In this
situation the success of a Roadwork Working safety
application depends on two factors: vehicle speed and
distance from the end of the covered area by the RSU
and the location of roadwork. The limiting cases hap-
pen when the OBU receives the warning message at
the end of the RSUs covered area and the distance to
the roadwork is equal to the distance that the drivers
needs to stop the vehicle. Both situations are shown at
Figure 9 with the calculations of the security distance
according to equation 1.
Figure 9: Roadwork warning scenario.
In case that the roadwork is located in a distance
lower than Ds, the driver will not manage to stop the
car and a hazard situation could happen. To avoid this
situation, two alternatives are suggested:
Deploy a net of RSUs interconnected by a back-
bone in order to keep updated all of them with in-
formation about the traffic events. Then the whole
road (or specific section that could concentrate
blackspots) could be covered by the IEEE 802.11p
Combine I2V with V2V communications. In this
way OBUs that are inside the RSU covered area
could inform about hazardous situations to OBUs
that come near to them.
The results obtained in these scenarios disclosed use-
ful ideas which can help vehicular networks and ac-
tive safety applications developers. Regarding the
goodput, measured values show that increasing the
payload of the messages, high values of goodput are
obtained. This is an obvious conclusion, but we have
tested at the same time that at distances bigger than
800m (RSU-OBU), the PDR of big payload messages
(1400bytes) is 100%. Likelyhood warning messages
do not need more than 400bits of payload if we con-
sider Basic Safety Message (BSM) as a reference
(SAEJ2735, 2009), so it can be settled that in the pro-
posed scenarios, the analyzed applications can work
in a correct way. Furthermore, the delay obtained in
all the measures is behind the threshold delay speci-
fied by the ETSI TC on ITS (ETSI, 9 06).
It also can be concluded that using the proposed
hardware configuration, there are not problems in
LOS scenarios because high values of PDR and good-
put are obtained. However,this configurationpresents
poor IEEE 802.11p performance in NLOS conditions,
so in order to provide full coverage of a givenarea, the
orography and building distribution must be studied
and maybe a fixed RSUs network should be deployed.
Before concluding this paper, we want to express
that more measurement campaigns should be per-
formed in a near future to complete this study, but
it could be considered as a starting point towards bet-
ter design of active safety applications. Higher dis-
tances among vehicles and RSUs should be tested and
in these situations problems as handover, beacons de-
lay or channel congestions issued will be tackled.
The authors would like to thank the EU Intelligent
Cooperative Sensing for Improved traffic efficiency
(ICSI) project (FP7-ICT-2011-8) for its support in the
development of this work.
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