Continuous Service Optimization as Cloud Brokerage Service
Stamatia Rizou
, Yiannis Verginadis
and Gregoris Mentzas
European Projects Department, Singular Logic S.A., Athens, Greece
Institute of Communications and Computer Systems, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece,
Keywords: Cloud Brokerage, Service Optimization, Adaptation.
Abstract: As cloud service ecosystems evolve, cloud service brokerage systems have emerged as intermediaries
between cloud service consumers and cloud providers to preserve and enhance user expectations. In this
paper, we describe the functionalities of a cloud brokerage tool that assist cloud brokers to ensure an
optimized cloud service selection both during cloud on boarding and operation phases. To this end, we
present an optimisation lifecycle providing customized continuous optimisation of cloud service selection
and we explain the role of the cloud broker within this service optimization loop.
As cloud adoption increases, cloud service providers
broaden the range of their offered cloud services in
an effort to fulfill user expectations and stay
competitive in the cloud market. As a result, users
are offered with a wide spectrum of competitive
services that are difficult to evaluate and select. This
difficulty gives ground to the emergence of new
business roles in the cloud market landscape, such as
cloud brokers that act as intermediaries between the
cloud provider and the cloud consumer, to facilitate
cloud service selection and preserve the benefits of
the user.
In that respect, the problem of optimally
selecting cloud services can be seen as part of a
broader cloud brokerage system that aims to bridge
the gap between user expectations and service
provider’s offerings. Although existing approaches
tackle this problem by using multi-objective
optimization strategies and considering user
preferences (Garg, Versteeg and Buyya 2011), (Han,
et al. 2009), they have several limitations. First,
most of existing solutions have primarily focused on
the interaction between the cloud consumer and the
cloud provider without analyzing the involvement of
the cloud broker in the optimization process.
Secondly, existing works focus on the automatic
adaptation of services in Infrastructure as a Service
(IaaS) layer (Pawluk, et al. 2012), (Lawrence, et al.
2010) and do not analyze the effect of dynamic
conditions such as change in user preferences, price
etc. on the service optimization process. Moreover, a
number of multiple-criteria decision making
(MCDM) methods proposed in the literature (Garg,
Versteeg and Buyya 2011), (Han, et al. 2009)
capture user preferences by applying quantitative
techniques that cannot always depict the vagueness
of the qualitative aspects.
In this paper, we argue that the problem of cloud
service optimization needs to be addressed during
the whole service lifecycle across the different
service layers from IaaS to Software as a Service
(SaaS) layer. To this end, we introduce a holistic
approach that involves actively the cloud broker in
the optimization process and leverages optimization
goals to the specific application needs. Our approach
considers service optimization both during cloud
service on boarding and operation phases including
design as well as runtime service optimization.
Up to now, cloud services optimization has been
primarily investigated from a cloud provider's
perspective as a multi-objective constrained
optimization problem (Moon, Chi and Hacigümüs
2010), (J. Z. Li 2011). Although these approaches
aim to satisfy user requirements, they typically
consider user satisfaction as a constraint rather than
as the actual optimization goal. To this end, services
optimization problems in cloud brokerage systems
have the fundamental difference (with respect to the
Rizou S., Verginadis Y. and Mentzas G..
Continuous Service Optimization as Cloud Brokerage Service.
DOI: 10.5220/0004403603820385
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2013), pages 382-385
ISBN: 978-989-8565-52-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
optimization problems from a cloud providers'
perspective) that they consider the fulfillment of user
expectations as the sole optimization goal.
From the perspective of the cloud consumer or
potentially the cloud broker, Han et al. (Han, et al.
2009) proposed a service recommender framework
using network QoS and Virtual Machine (VM)
platform factors for assisting user's decisions when it
comes to the selection of cloud provider. However,
in their work they do not consider user preferences
and they limit their evaluation criteria only to IaaS
specific factors. Closer to our goal, Pawluk et al.
(Pawluk, et al. 2012) have recently presented the
STRATOS cloud brokerage framework which
addresses the problem of dynamically selecting
resources from multiple cloud providers at runtime.
Furthermore, in (Lawrence, et al. 2010) the authors
propose the use of a so-called service optimizer (SO)
that continuously tests the compliance of service
execution with Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
through the use of dynamic SLAs. However, both of
these works focus mainly on the automatic cloud
service adaptation in IaaS layer.
An approach for cloud service ranking is
provided by SMICloud (Garg, Versteeg and Buyya
2011) which is a framework for comparing and
ranking cloud services. SMICloud is based on a set
of quantifiable measures, formally defined as SMI
attributes that model several quality dimensions of
cloud services. SMICloud uses an Analytical
Hierarchical Process (AHP) ranking mechanism to
solve the multi-criteria decision making problem of
finding the optimal cloud service. Similarly, Godse
et al. (Godse and Mulik 2009) applied an AHP
algorithm for ranking SaaS products.
Based on the above analysis, it is evident that
existing work has mainly focused up to now on the
optimization methodologies rather than on the
optimization process as a whole. Existing work on
the adaptation of service optimization (Pawluk, et al.
2012), (Lawrence, et al. 2010) mainly focuses on
automated service adaptation in IaaS layer and does
not consider the variety of changing conditions that
may occur in a cloud service ecosystem. Therefore,
our approach presented in the next section aims to
give an insight on the service optimization process
by proposing a continuous cloud service
optimization cycle, where cloud broker plays an
active role. Moreover existing optimization
methodologies consider only quantitative metrics by
assigning definite quantitative measures in user
preferences and in service characteristic evaluation.
Real world examples show that quantitative models
cannot always reflect the ranking among the services
accurately (Doyle and Thomason 1999). To this end,
in this paper we also motivate the need for
qualitative metrics to better model the imprecise
ranking among services.
Our approach provides a holistic view on the
optimization process to help the user select the right
service. It includes the main design principles of an
autonomous system (Huebscher and McCann 2008),
i.e. it is based on a MAPE-K (Monitor, Analyse,
Plan, Execute, Knowledge) adaptation loop. The
lifecycle shown in Figure 1 consists of two different
concurrent iteration cycles, similar to the
visualization of adaptation mechanisms for service-
based applications in (Bucchiarone, et al. 2009). The
right cycle concerns the analysis, design,
development and deployment of the monitoring and
optimization mechanisms that constitute the control
layer which efficiently adapts the system in
continuous changes in the environment. The left
cycle applies the optimization and monitoring
mechanisms of the control layer by continuously
adapting the service provisioning layer. Both cycles
are applied both during cloud service on boarding,
i.e. initial cloud service migration as well as during
cloud service operation phase.
In more detail, the design time optimization
cycle sets the scope of the optimization with respect
to the application characteristics and the user
requirements. After the design of the appropriate
optimization and monitoring tools for the targeted
application, the optimization mechanisms will be
deployed in the system put into operational mode.
The optimization mechanisms are applied in the
continuous optimized service selection process
depicted in the left cycle. To this end, we have
identified four different steps that adapt the service
selection to current dynamic conditions. The same
four steps could be applied for the initial service
deployment, i.e. the cloud service on boarding as
well as for the continuous optimization of service
selection during the cloud service operation phase
after initial service deployment. Table 1 summarizes
the different information used before and after
deployment during the proposed four step process.
The proposed service optimization mechanism is
driven through the identification of optimization
opportunities. This step typically relies on the
automatic detection of the relevant information for
the optimization problem. In particular, during initial
cloud service on boarding, the optimization
Figure 1.
opportunities relate to the information that form the
conditions and input for the initial service
optimization, i.e. the early user requirements and
preferences and the historical data regarding the
service operation. Historical data are necessary for
the initial service optimization, since they constitute
the main driver for the evaluation of the candidate
services. In the case of the initial deployment, the
multi-objective optimization mechanism will assess
the candidate services through the use of Multi-
Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods, based
on the information presented in previous step. Note
that according also to related work (Garg, Versteeg
and Buyya 2011), (Godse and Mulik 2009), MCDM
is particularly appropriate for this kind of
optimization problem, since the assessment of the
candidate services is usually affected be several
different criteria that should be all considered before
making a decision. The multi-objective optimization
step will output a set of trade-off solutions that will
be subject to human decision making process.
During this step, the cloud broker plays an important
role in preserving user benefits during the
negotiation of service provisioning with the cloud
service provider. After the completion of the
negotiation step the initial service deployment is
realized. In that step, a cloud broker acts as an
auditor to guarantee the successful deployment of
the new service.
The cloud service optimization process during
the cloud service operation phase after the initial
deployment will follow a similar process. However,
the triggering events and adaptation strategies are
specific to the continuous service optimization
process that takes place after the initial service
deployment. In detail, the identification of
optimization opportunities at runtime refers to the
detection of events that trigger the service
optimization. These optimization triggers could be
either initiated by the user or by the cloud brokerage
monitoring mechanism which seeks for triggering
events tailored to the targeted applications. More
precisely user triggers could include changes in user
requirements which refer to changes in the required
quality of service or changes in user preferences
which refer to changes in the perception of “value-
for-money” and the prioritization of the several
service characteristics. In this respect, we assume
here that user experience after the service
deployment could lead to re-consideration of his
requirements, i.e. relax or stricken his QoS demands.
In addition to the user-initiated triggers, the
monitoring triggers of the envisioned cloud
brokerage mechanism could be the discovery of a
new service that could provide a better solution for
the user, changes in the price (e.g. offers, discounts
that could optimize the cost reduction for certain
users) or poor service performance that could refer
to SLA violations and performance degradation.
All the above triggers will lead to the calculation
of the new trade-off solutions with respect to the
different optimization criteria and subsequently in
Table 1.
Life-Cycle Step Cloud service on
boarding phase
Cloud service
operation phase
Early user
requirements, user
Service operation
historical data
Monitoring events,
Changes on user
Changes on service
provisioning (e.g.
offers, discounts)
MCDM based on
initial user
requirements and
preferences and
service historical
MCDM with up-to-
date user requirements,
preferences and
service monitoring
Price, SLAs,
commitment, service
Price, SLAs,
commitment, service
characteristics , trust
Initial service
selection and
Service replacement,
Service re-
the negotiation step. During the negotiation between
the cloud broker and the provider, prior user
experience with the service provider could lead to
different negotiation conditions with respect to the
case of the initial service deployment. Finally, the
optimization process at runtime will lead to the
adaptation of cloud services. The cloud broker is
again responsible for ensuring that the correct
actions, e.g. new service addition, service
replacement or service reconfiguration, takes place.
In this paper, we discussed the problem of optimal
cloud service selection in a cloud service ecosystem.
In particular, we presented a holistic approach that
describes all the steps of the optimization process in
a cloud brokerage system. Our proposal incorporates
the following concepts: (a) it involves the cloud
broker and the service user in the continuous
optimization loop, (b) it expresses user preferences
in an intuitive way that is understandable for the
user. In our short-term future work, we plan to
implement the proposed framework and validate its
correctness through extensive experimentation.
The research presented in this paper is supported by
the European Union within the FP7 Marie Curie
Initial Training Network “RELATE” and the FP7
ICT Broker@Cloud project.
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