ST-Rays: A Google Maps-based Geospatial Tool
to Cross-analyze Urban Services and Tax Payments
Alfio Costanzo
Department of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, University of Catania,
Viale Andrea Doria 6, Catania, 95125, Italy
Keywords: e- Government, e-Payment, e-Democracy.
Abstract: From the Public Administration point of view, the local tax payment is the basic condition to implement
suitable urban services for the citizens. However, from the citizen point of view, control tools that measure
the quality of the services offered at urban scale are also requested to verify the correlation between taxes
and services. Therefore, tax control and payment facilitation methods should be implemented to increase the
yield of the taxes, as well as transparency and accountability, but also deeper information on the status of
the services should be given to plan possible service quality improvement. Aim of this paper is to show an
e-government tool to inform the citizens, using a Google Maps interface, on how much to pay depending on
her/his properties and use or to inform the public offices on the proper and timely actions to solicit the tax
payment of citizens in arrears. Also, the tool supports statistical inquiries to visualize the payment degree
for an area chosen by authorized users by issuing the name of the district or the road of interest, or by
sketching the zone contours directly on the display. Also, the tool allows the user to visualize for the chosen
area the offered services to assess how their tax is being spent and to express their feedback.
From the Public Administration point of view, the
local tax payment is the basic condition to
implement suitable urban services for the citizens.
However, from the citizen point of view, control
tools that measure the quality of the services offered
at urban scale are also requested to assess how their
tax is being spent. Therefore, tax evasion control and
payment facilitation methods should be carried out
to increase the yield of the taxes, but also deeper
information services should be implemented to
inform citizens and public managers on the quality
of the available public services, and possibly to plan
their improvement.
In the paper we take into account the case in which
tax payment at local level depends, as in Italy, on the
correct proportioning of the tax amount to be paid
with respect to the consistence and use of the taxed
entities, e.g., the citizens’ real estates. This
computation is not so easy since it depends on the
integration of many data that reside on the data
stores of different departments of the Public
Administration (PA), e.g., personal data residing on
a Municipality Data Base (DB) should be linked to
the cadastral data, i.e., data dealing with ownership,
boundaries, and value of real property.
Let us note that several works are available in the
literature dealing with geospatial data for land use
management as well as for providing volunteered
geographic information, e.g., (Coleman , 2009) and
(Ganapati, 2011), whereas few solutions deal with
the taxation, e.g., the projects named Elisa
(Engineering, 2010) and K-Metropolis (Costanzo,
2012a) promoted by Italian Research Programs. The
former approach is centralized, whereas the latter is
distributed, but both these solutions are based on
data integration technologies to transform data
codification from proprietary formats to standard
vocabularies, also called ontologies, e.g., (Faro,
2003) and (Zhai, 2008). A discussion on this theme
is outside the scope of the paper and may be found
in (Giordano, 2013).
Aim of this paper is to show a tool, called ST-
Rays, able to visualize on Google Maps the tax
payment status of the citizens so that they may be
informed on how much to pay depending on their
properties or to solicit the tax payment in arrears.
Statistical inquiries are supported by the tool to
visualize the payment degree of an area chosen by
Costanzo A..
ST-Rays: A Google Maps-based Geospatial Tool to Cross-analyze Urban Services and Tax Payments.
DOI: 10.5220/0004404603930397
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2013), pages 393-397
ISBN: 978-989-8565-54-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)