Integrating Distributed Data Storage of a Smart City Public
Carmelo Pino, Salvatore Ravidà and Santo Scibilia
University of Catania, Department of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (DIEEI),
V.le Andrea Doria, 6, 95125 Catania, Italy
Keywords: Smart City, e-Government, Cloud Computing, Data Storage Integration, RDF.
Abstract: The developments and increasing solutions offered by Cloud Computing technologies represent a great
opportunity for e-governance of smart-cities. The benefits provided by Cloud-based technologies allow us
to re-design new services to solve many problems afflicting e-governance and public administration in each
country. In particular, one of the primarily need of Public Administration (PA) is the interoperability be-
tween the different areas and districts, which is rather complex due to the lack of standard schemes for data
modeling. In this paper we propose a cloud-based approach for supporting such interoperability by a cus-
tomizable DBMS mapping tool especially dedicated to smart city governance.
As known, a smart city arises when citizens are
ready to use technologies to improve relevant city
life aspects such as governance, local development,
cultural events, mobility and logistics, environment
and health services (Chourabi et al., 2012), (Berthon
et al., 2011). Cloud computing can be considered as
a collection of technologies to store or process data
through the use of distributed hardware/software
over a virtualized Network. It’s a model for structur-
ing IT resources that redefines the way to manage
computer systems (Rimal et al., 2009), (Dillon et al.,
2010). Nowadays, the diffusion of Cloud Computing
and the perception of its benefits represents an op-
portunity to increase the capabilities of the e-
governance in term of offered services, cost reduc-
tion, distributed data storage, security management
(Mukherjee and Sahoo, 2012), (Ramgovind et al.,
2010), scalability, accountability, interoperability
(Cellary and Strykowski, 2009), and reliability
(Chandra and Bhadoria, 2012).
Among the different challenges in e-governance
the interoperability between the existing hardware,
software and data storage is a major issue (Smitha et
al., 2012) that often systems providing e-services in
different administrative units are not able to guaran-
There exists several e-governance applications
and services that can be categorized at different
levels: Government to Government (G2G), Gov-
ernment to Business (G2B), Government to Citizens
(G2C) and Government to Enterprise (G2E) (Jeong,
2007), (Giordano et al., 2013), (Faro et al.,2008),
(Constanzo et al., 2012). Each category is related to
a specific set of applications and the common need
is the communication between multiple data sources
(e.g. the storage related to “municipal maintenance”
has the need to retrieve data about a citizen from the
“registry office storage”). The miscellaneous of data
contained in different archives suggests the use of
RDF or OWL to define a common semantic schema
to map the different terms used in the various data
bases with the same meaning to a standard vocabu-
lary of concepts.
Interoperability is therefore one of main issue for
the development of future e-government systems,
called in following as e-gov systems, which can be
tackled with the use of cloud computing (Tripathi
and Parihar, 20119) and the advantages provided by
its model of services (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS) and distri-
bution (Public, Private, Hybrid) (Armbrust et al.,
In this paper we propose a private cloud archi-
tecture for supporting the interoperability and inte-
gration between distributed e-gov data storages. The
idea behind this work is to collect each data storage
Pino C., Ravidà S. and Scibilia S..
Integrating Distributed Data Storage of a Smart City Public Administration.
DOI: 10.5220/0004407802390243
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems (SMARTGREENS-2013), pages 239-243
ISBN: 978-989-8565-55-6
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
belonging to a Administrative Unit (AU) in a private
cloud architecture (without changing the storage
structure) and to create a layer hiding the storage
details so that it is possible to view the distributed
data storage as a centralized storage that exposes the
data according to a standard data model provided by
a RDFs/XML schema.
This data schema for e-gov data management has
been created analyzing the structures of several data
storages belonging to different AUs. Then, the cloud
has been used as in the Software as a Service (SaaS)
to offer to citizens and employees the possibility to
manage and retrieve data residing on different nodes
using a single front end. In section two, the details
about the developed architecture are discussed,
whereas some examples of how using the proposed
cloud are shown in section three. Concluding re-
marks are given in the last section.
The proposed system is based on a general architec-
ture that supports the interoperability between dis-
tributed data storages belonging to the same or dif-
ferent AUs, e.g. registry office, garbage fee, cadas-
ter, etc. It consists of two main modules: 1) Data
mapping and exposing, 2) Data querying. The first
module creates a transparent layer hiding the details
of each storage in terms of DBMS and data storage
schemata. The second module aims at: a) retrieving
the data exposed by the previous module, and b)
integrating such data according to the user’s query.
More in details:
Data Mapping and Exposing (DME) Module: it
executes the mapping and returns the data accord-
ing to a standard vocabulary, i.e. also called data
ontology. It’s installed on each storage node to in-
terface the query issued by the users to the local
DBMS. Currently, the local DBMSs considered in
our approach are MySql, Oracle and DB2, but oth-
er DBMSs will be considered in future by simply
attaching the relevant driver to the DME module.
Data Querying (DQ) Module: This module be-
haves as a front end for the user and represents the
consumer of the service installed on each storage.
It communicates with each VM in order to perform
a specific query and to obtain the results. The
XML data returned by the different VMs represent
different views and are parsed, collected and
stored locally.
Figure 1: The proposed architecture: each VM has its storage and hides storage details through the DME tool. The DQ
modules resides on the Front-End using the DME tools.
In our private cloud architecture these two mod-
ules are used by each Virtual Machine (VM) to
expose the data through the web service described
above. Another VM houses the service that com-
municates with each VM in order to perform the
requests (Front-End). It interacts with the user
through a specific interface to authenticate the re-
quest and to query the distributed data storage. Each
request is redirected from the front end to the rele-
vant VMs that retrieve the data and return them to
the front-end which takes care of the data integra-
Figure 1 shows the proposed architecture. An
example of usage for public employees could be:
“search for cadastral situation related to a citizen
called ‘Mario Rossi’ and how many people live
together with him”. The front end implemented by a
specific VM, i.e., VM4 in figure 1, receives and
parses the request identifying the VMs which ex-
pose the cadastral and registry data, i.e., VM2 and
VM3 in figure 1. The data querying module residing
on the front end integrates the retrieved data and
provides the information (always updated to the
latest change) to the user in real time.
Our private Cloud infrastructure is based on Mi-
crosoft System Center 2012
and is composed by an
HP C7000 enclosure with 8 blades for a total of 64
processors and storage capabilities of 20 TB. Each
VM is managed by Hyper V for a total of 4 VMs
respectively related to: the garbage fee storage
(VM1), the registry office storage (VM2), cadastral
storage (VM3), the front end (VM4). In VMs 1, 2
and 3 we have installed the DME tool. DQ is ob-
tained by a module residing on the front end cooper-
ating with the DMEs residing on the VMs. The
account, privileges and access policy are configured
and managed with system center 2012.
In this section we illustrate two examples of use.
The first example regards the configuration of a
DME related to a storage. This is an essential step to
select which data will be exposed and mapped.
Fig. 2 shows the DME configuration step: an AU
administrator configures the DME through a graph-
ical interface specifying the DBMS type and a set of
queries that will be exposed as views. The queries
that will be exposed can be specified using SQL,
and will be executed when the front-end sends a
request to the DME. The data obtained from each
query are mapped and returned according to an
Fig. 3 shows an example of interaction between
the front-end and different DME modules. When a
user (citizens or public employees) performs a re-
quest through the graphical interface, the front-end
identifies which are the DMEs useful for the data
retrieval. For example, if the request is: “search for
garbage fee and cadastral situation related to a
citizen called ‘Giuseppe Bianchi’”, the Front-End
understands that three storages are involved in this
search, i.e., garbage fee, cadastral and registry fee.
For this reason it sends a request to three DMEs for
a specific query. Each DME return the data related
to the request in RDF format. The returned data are
integrated by the front-end thanks to the common
RDF schema used.
In this work we have sketched a cloud-based e-gov
system for the integration of PA storages which use
different DBMS and schemas. Our solution has been
tested in public district of Catania (Italy) for the
following archives related to: registry office, gar-
bage fee and cadaster. This architecture is a practical
solution to integrate and retrieve data from multiple
As future work we plan to extend the ontology
for any type of data involved in e-government appli-
cations and to publish this data as part of linked
data. Moreover a hybrid cloud solution will be test-
ed in order to possibly improve the efficiency of the
proposed approach thanks to the advantages of a
consolidated private cloud in term of performance
and computing power.
Data Storage
Query 1
Query 2
Query 3
Query n
Set of configured queries
Figure 2: Example of DME configuration.
Figure 3: Example of Interaction between Front-End and DME modules.
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