estimation results compared to the current approach
utilizing lumped mass model. This means that this
model offers a major advantage of capturing friction
force at area near zero velocity, i.e. when the system
stops, and guarantees a smooth transition from
presling to sliding regimes. Moreover, at small
displacement, the friction force changes very
rapidly. The proposed model can track quite well in
this case as shown in Figure 6 and 7.
This paper has introduced a new dynamic friction
model to solve the haptic feedback problems for
flexible endoscopic system using tendon sheath
mechanism. The proposed model incorporates
acceleration and velocity information in the sliding
regime and uses a modification of the Dahl dynamic
friction model to capture the hysteresis for both
presliding and sliding regimes. The new model can
give a smooth transition between the two regimes
(sliding and presliding regimes) and is capable of
prediction friction near zero velocity.
Validation experiments have been carried out to
evaluate the proposed model. An efficient
identification method (Genetic Algorithm) has firstly
used to generate a rough initial guess of model
parameters. The obtained results have been refined
using the Nelder-Mead Simplex Method. The
comparisons between the proposed model and the
experiment data have shown a good agreement for
the approach. It can be concluded that the proposed
model promises an efficient approach not only in
accurately predicting the force for haptic feedback
but also in any surgical devices that have similar
friction characteristics as the tendon sheath.
Future activities will be conducted by developing
the experimental setup for a pair of tendon sheath
and the proposed model to adapt to any
configuration of the sheath. A hysteresis
compensation for both position and friction force
feedback will be also developed using suitable
nonlinear control schemes and taking into
consideration for higher degrees of freedom in the
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