Research on Automatic Assessment of Transferable Skills
Jinbiao Li and Ming Gu
School of Software, Tsinghua University, Haidian District, Beijing, China
Keywords: Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA), Automatic Assessment (AA), User Behavior Modeling, Soft
Sensor, Rule Matching.
Abstract: Automatic Assessment is an important research subject in Computer Assisted Assessment. However, for
transferable skills, which have become important talent criteria in the talent standard of modern service
industry and higher education, there are few universal and effective automatic assessment methods. In order
to improve the efficiency of the assessment of transferable skills, and provide methodology foundation for
automatic assessment of transferable skills, this paper combines the automatic assessment methods based on
operation result and operation sequence, and proposes an automatic assessment method for transferable
skills. This method includes four parts: definition of user behavior model, collection mechanism of user
operation sequence, rule matching algorithm, and weighted score summary. In addition, this paper
introduces an instantiated application in a virtual simulation environment to evaluate the proposed method.
Assessment is a very important link in the teaching
process. It can provide an intuitional way for the
teachers and students to know the teaching process,
and provide feedback for teaching and learning as
well. As is known, assessment is a repetitive work,
can be defined accurately, and has strong timeliness.
Moreover, sometimes people may not be the best
valuator, because they may have different
understanding of the same subjective item. In this
case, Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA) has
become a hot topic in the field of computer
supported education, because it has advantages such
as high efficiency and timely feedback, and it is
almost unlimited in users’ time and region.
At present, in the research field of CAA,
automatic assessment (AA) of personal knowledge
and some professional skills has well-developed
theories, methods and technologies. Especially in IT
skills, there are a large number of relatively mature
systems, covering many aspects of the basic IT skills
assessment, including programming languages, such
as Java (e.g. RoboCode (O'Kelly and Gibson,
2006)), C/C++, VHDL (e.g. CTPracticals (Gutiérrez
et al., 2010)), and operating system application
skills, such as Linux (e.g. Linuxgym (Solomon et al.,
2006)). These systems can be roughly divided into
two categories: 1) AA systems for programming
competitions and 2) AA systems for (introductory)
programming education (Ihantola et al., 2010). And
they are playing a great role in promoting the
teaching and learning of IT major.
However, with booming and growing rapidly,
modern service industry has changed its talent
standards, which means the transferable skills have
been paid more attention than professional skills
gradually. Transferable skills are skills can be
applied either or both: (i) across different cognitive
domains or subject areas; (ii) across a variety of
social, and in particular employment, situations
(Bridges, 1993), such as planning capability,
teamwork, interpersonal influence, etc. The
assessment of transferable skills is also an important
issue in talents cultivation and selection of higher
education. However, the assessment still mainly uses
artificial ways, and lacks suitable automatic
methods. There are two primary reasons: the AA of
transferable skills needs appropriate simulation
environment; there are great differences between the
evaluation standards of transferable skills and
standards of knowledge or IT skills, which means
the former needs to synthesize users’ operation
information, operation steps, and operation results to
make assessment, instead of simply using the result
data as the only standard. In order to improve the
efficiency of the transferable skills assessment, and
provide methodology foundation for AA of
Li J. and Gu M..
Research on Automatic Assessment of Transferable Skills.
DOI: 10.5220/0004410004430448
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2013), pages 443-448
ISBN: 978-989-8565-53-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Framework of AA method for transferable skills.
transferable skills, this paper combines the AA
methods based on the operation result and operation
sequence, and proposes an AA method for the
transferable skills. This paper also shows how to
apply this method by introducing an application of
the method in a virtual simulation environment
The AA method of transferable skills is
presented in Section 2. The feature of the virtual
simulation environment (SIP) and the application of
this AA method in SIP are introduced in Section 3.
Conclusion and future work are discussed in Section
From point of view of the implementation, AA
methods can be roughly divided into two categories:
methods based on operation result and methods
based on operation sequence, which respectively
correspond to the Summative Assessment and
Formative Assessment (Harlen and James, 1997).
AA methods based on operation result are relatively
simple and intuitive, as both the acquisition and
assessment of operation result are easy to achieve.
Nevertheless, because operation result does not
include operation process information of students,
the assessment based on operation result is one-sided
in a certain degree (Xuan-hua and Ling, 2012).
There are few mature AA methods based on
operation sequence, and exist following problems: 1)
the operation sequence is various in forms and lacks
a unified formalization method; 2) user operation is
uncertain, so it is difficult to ensure that the
operation information collected is valid, which also
causes difficulties in analyzing result; 3) the final
result of the operation sequence is usually not
unique, due to the difference in the timing and
repetition of some operations, which makes it
difficult to achieve a high accuracy rate in automatic
In order to achieve a more comprehensive and
accurate assessment result, it is necessary to
integrate these two methods, that means both the
operation result and operation sequence are used as
standards for evaluation. Therefore, this paper
combined AA methods based on the operation result
and operation sequence to propose an automatic
assessment method for transferable skills. The
method could efficiently solve the problems
mentioned in the end of last paragraph. Its process
framework is shown in Figure 1, including following
four steps: define user behavior model, collect and
analyze user operation information, rule matching
and weighted score summary.
2.1 Define Behavior Model
In order to describe user behavior in a unified way
and make it easier to collect user operation
information, this paper defined a user behavior
model according to the characteristics of user
behavior in simulation environment. This model
described the detail information of user operation,
including action, operation time, parent node of the
current operation, result of the current operation.
And in order to make it easily implemented on
computer, this model was defined as a four-tuple
type E(A,T,P,R):
A: Action, including operation object and
brief event description.
T: Time, the operation time of the action,
including starting and ending time. It is very
important to record the operation time, for the
assessment of transferable skills is usually
related to the completion time.
P: Parent, the parent event node of the current
operation, also called pre-node. There is more
than one operation in an assessment link, and
they are connected by pre-nodes.
R: Result, the result caused by the current
operation. It can be a piece of result data or
change of system state.
This formalized form could record relatively
complete user operation information and had good
versatility. When applied to certain environment, the
Define Behavior Model
Collect and Analyze User
Operation Information
Rule Base
Assessment Link Result
Weighted Score
Build Assessment
E(A,T,P,R) could be adjusted depending on the
simulation environment. Using a serial of associated
E, the user operation information would be
represented clearly.
2.2 Collect and Analyze User
Operation Information
Because the user operation in simulation
environment is uncertain, not all user operation
information has effective semantic. Traditional
methods in user behavior mining (Baglioni et al.,
2003) (e.g. web log mining, web usage mining),
would gain a lot of useless user operation
information, which could not be analyzed before the
preprocessing steps such as data cleaning, user
identification, session identification and so on.
These methods were not suitable for automatic
assessment technology, due to high complexity of
algorithms. In order to ensure that user operation
information collected was effective as far as
possible, this paper designed an information
collection mechanism, called "Soft Sensor", which
meant it was similar to the sensor and could be
“inserted” into the simulation environment in right
place to collect user operation sequence. “Soft
Sensor” was based on the user behavior model
E(A,T,P,R), and mainly included three parts: Event
Listener, Event Buffer, Event Handler.
Figure 2: Soft Sensor Workflow
The workflow of “Soft Sensor” is shown as
Figure 2. Event Listener was used to capture user
operations that were meaningful to transferable
skills assessment. The object to which the listener
monitored might be a key user operation, system
state, or data. When the operation was called or the
state/data was changed, the Event Listener would
capture this event, and package it into a four-tuple E
(A,T,P,R), and sent to the Event Buffer. In the Event
Buffer, two things need to be done: insert
E(A,T,P,R) into the user operation sequence data
store; send those events that meet their processing
conditions to the Event Handler, while keeping
others waiting in Event Buffer. Depending on the
types of operation events, event processing
conditions could be defined as three types:
immediately, wait for activation (activated by other
events), setting time. In Event Handler, the event
will return to the original processing operation in
system after completing its process flow.
Meanwhile, the T(Time) and R(Result) in the event
E(A,T,P,R) had probably been changed, so it was
necessary to update them in the user operation
sequence data store.
2.3 Rule Matching
Due to the difference in the timing and repetition of
some operations, the final result of the operation
sequence was usually not unique. In order to
increase the accuracy of operation sequence
assessment, this paper proposed a fuzzy matching
An orderly linked list of user operation sequence
was generated after the collection and analysis
mentioned in Section 2.2. The element of the linked
list was the four-tuple E(A,T,P,R), and links
between elements were maintained by P(Parent).
Before the linked list was processed, a series of
standard rules should be established as reference
standards for assessment. Inference rules were
divided into two kinds, rules based on the operation
result and rules based on operation sequence.
Inference rules based on operation result were
relative simple: for results of numeral type,
corresponding scores could be derived directly
compared to reference answers; for results of string
type, Levenshtein Distance could be used to
calculate evaluation score.
Inference rules based on operation sequence
were more complicated. Since operation sequences
of different users in the same simulation link might
be different in timing or repetition of some
operations (e.g. the student failed in a sub-link, and
retried several times before success), therefore user
operation sequences were diverse. In order to
illustrate inference rules based on operation
User Operation
Sequence DataStore
Event Listener
Capture Event
Event Buffer
meet conditions of handling
Event Handler
[Update Sequence ]
[Insert Sequence ]
sequence, we defined those indispensable events in
one simulation link as “critical node” E
and operation sequences made of critical nodes as
“critical path”, which could also be considered as
reference answer. As the proper operation path of
one simulation link might be more than one, the
corresponding matching rules should be composed
of one or more critical paths as well. Fuzzy
matching was used to process user operation
sequence, which meant using regular expressions to
filter out non-critical node event. For example, one
critical path was 
, and its
regular form used for fuzzy matching should
be 
0 
in which E
meant non-critical node and N valued
depending on the complexity of simulation event.
The rule matching algorithm for operation
information is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Rule Matching Workflow
1. Use fuzzy matching method to match the user
operation sequence list with the critical paths in
rule base;
2. Matching successful:
a) Handle result data of critical nodes using
inference rules based on operation result, and
send the scores to the assessment link result;
b) Handle non-critical sequences that are
filtered out. Minus scores will be evaluated,
according to the time consumption and
complexity of the non-critical sequences.
That ensures students those spend less time
and energy on the non-critical paths to get
higher scores.
3. Matching failed:
a) The result of final critical node is correct:
i. Submit the user operation sequences to
administrator, because it may be correct
but does not exist in the current rule base.
ii. Extract a new critical path from the
sequences, and add it into the rule base
(by administrator).
iii. Return to step 1.
b) The result is not correct, end.
2.4 Weighted Score Summary
It is not comprehensive to evaluate one transferable
skill by a single simulation link, because user’s
transferable skill may be affected by suitability of
simulation environment. Therefore, one skill should
be assessed through a serial of related situation, and
use the summary of weighted score from each
assessment situation.
In Section 2, this paper proposed a common AA
method for transferable skills, and this method need
to rely on a virtual simulation environment. This
section introduces an existing virtual internship
simulation platform (SIP, Service Industry
Perception and Virtual Enterprise Practice), and
describes how to apply the AA method into SIP and
basically achieve the automatic assessment of
transferable skills.
3.1 Brief Introduction of SIP
The SIP platform is a CSCL platform based on
virtual business environment, and its major objects
are senior undergraduate students. Students
participate in the SIP in several teams, and complete
the following tasks: team building, founding
enterprise, virtual business operation and
competition, etc. Thus, on the one hand, this virtual
internship can deepen students’ awareness of the
modern service industry; on the other hand, it can
help students improve their transferable skills, such
as teamwork, planning capability, interpersonal
communication skill, etc.
The SIP platform has the following features:
1. It is a multi-disciplinary platform, and has
low requirements for students’ professional
Sequence List
Match(Fuzzy) Critical
Handle Critical
Node Result
Link Result
Link End
Submit To
Extract Critical Path
and Add to Rule Base
[Final Result Wrong]
[Result Right]
[Deduction Probably]
knowledge, but high requirements for
students’ transferable skills such as learning
ability, planning capability, teamwork and
2. It is interesting and attractive to the
students, because the SIP is more like a
virtual business game than an assignment or
test. The students finish their tasks in “non-
examination condition”, which also means
the assessment result has higher reliability.
3. The operation links of the SIP are distinctly
separated, and the phased target of each link
is also defined clearly.
According to the above characteristics, this paper
applied the AA method based on both operation
result and operation sequence into the SIP platform,
to provide assessment results for the students’
3.2 AA Method in SIP
This section mainly introduces the implementation
of Soft Sensor and Rule Matching in SIP.
The SIP platform was developed using SSI
(Spring + Struts + iBATIS), so Soft Sensor was
realized by adopting Spring AOP mechanism. The
“probe” of Event Listener used the custom java
annotation (e.g. @interface SoftSenorListener
{String eventID = "";}), thus it could be easily
inserted into the code or action that needed to be
monitored. A pointcut advisor was implemented to
monitor the code which had been appended the
annotation “@SoftSensorListener”. And a method
interceptor was defined to act as the Event Buffer.
The Event Handler was a serial of service which
implemented the same interface. When the
processing conditions were met, the Event Handler
would be called by the method interceptor (Event
Buffer) using “eventID”, which was also the id of
corresponding service.
The students play different roles in the SIP
platform, and their tasks and transferable skills
required in each link are also different. Therefore,
this paper chose a typical role – the team leader (also
called “CEO” in virtual enterprise) as the assessment
object to expound the application of AA method in
The “CEO” in the SIP platform has a lot of
independent operation links, and one of them named
“Team Building” is chosen as an assessment
Team building, refers to the process that CEOs
simulate personnel recruitment of their enterprises,
including creating department and position
(authority distribution included) as E1, releasing
recruitment notice (according to position) as E2,
receiving resumes as E3, screening resumes as E4,
providing offers as E5, receiving applicant feedback
as E6, completing recruitment as E7. The major
transferable skills tested in this link are planning
capability (“can the CEO organize his/her enterprise
and make plan well?”) and interpersonal influence
(“can the CEO attract other to join his/her enterprise,
and is the CEO popular in class?”). Make Ek0 the
start event of team building, thus the most perfect
critical path is shown as (1), which means CEO
smoothly completes team in the shortest way.
But in fact, in most cases, it is difficult for a
CEO to finish the task in such ideal way like (1).
Situations may occur during the team building: after
releasing the recruitment notice, CEO realizes that
the position setting is unreasonable so that he/she
has to adjust the positions and accordingly release
the recruitment notice again, as in (2); when one
round recruitment is finished, there are some
positions still vacant so CEO need to repeat the
recruitment again.
Under the circumstances, to ensure that a critical
node in the linked list is latest, it is necessary to
search the last critical node of the same event and
update it to a non-critical node, when a new critical
node is inserted into the list. At this point, Equation
(2) should be changed to Equation (3).
Using fuzzy matching strategy to match the
operation information list of CEO with the critical
path, as in (1), could determine whether the CEO
had completed the entire team building process, then
judged the complexity of the non-critical sub-paths,
including time spent and repeat times. If CEO had
finished this link, the “length” of his/her operation
list was shorter, the better score he/she would get in
planning capability and interpersonal influence.
Conversely, if the complexity of non-critical paths
was high, that meant the CEO was under
performance of these two abilities. In addition, result
data was also used as assessment standard, such as
the quantity of resumes received by CEO, the
number of positions recruited successfully in the
same round recruitment, and regular data like clicks
and glance time of the notice, etc.
The assessment of CEOs’ planning capability
and interpersonal influence reflected in team
building was achieved using the AA method. But it
was just part of the overall assessment of these two
abilities, with summary of weighted assessment of
each link, we could acquire relatively objective and
comprehensive assessment data.
This paper integrates the advantages of the AA
methods based on operation result and operation
sequence, and put forward a new AA method for the
transferable skills.
The method proposes a standardized way for
user behavior in simulation environment, and has
greatly improved the efficiency in collecting valid
user operation information. The method uses both
operation result and operation sequence as
assessment criteria so that it can achieve more
comprehensive and objective assessment results.
Moreover, this AA method has good versatility,
and is flexible to make appropriate adjustments
according to requirements of the automatic
assessment environment. This paper describes an
instantiated application of the method in a
simulation platform, and realizes simple automatic
assessment of transaction skills. Although the
method may not be mature enough, it provides
methodology foundation for the automatic
assessment technology of transferable skills.
In future work, this method could be further
improved in the following ways: the perfection of
rule base mentioned in Section 2.3 is artificial, so we
will introduce machine learning strategy into the
method to achieve the automatic improvement of the
rule base; we will also make further application of
the method to more assessment environment, and
collect application feedback and result data to
improve this AA framework and method.
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