Cameleon reference framework by integrating usabil-
ity issues to the development process. The early us-
ability measurement has the objective to discover the
usability problems presented in the intermediate arti-
fact. Therefore, the present paper proposes a usability
model which decomposes the usability on measurable
attributes and metrics that are based on the conceptual
primitives. Metrics are extracted from existing usabil-
ity guidelines with respect to their relation with con-
text features (user characteristics, platform features,
etc.). Many details about how to measure and inter-
prets attributes are presented.
If compared to the existing proposals, our frame-
work presents three main advantages: 1) costs are
very low: internal usability evaluation reduce con-
siderably the development cost, 2) system does not
have to be implemented, 3) it provides a proper details
about how to measure attributes and interpret their
The continuity of our research work leads directly
to the implementation of the usability driven model
transformation. We have to investigate the relation-
ship between usability attributes and their contradic-
tory influence to the whole usability of the user inter-
face. An empirical evaluation of the early usability
measurement is recommended to clearly demonstrate
the coherence between values obtained by our pro-
posal and those perceived by end-user.
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