“Artificial Communication“
Can Computer Generated Speech Improve Communication of Autistic Children?
Eberhard Grötsch
, Alfredo Pina
, Michael Schneider
and Benno Willoweit
Fakultät für Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik, Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften,
Sanderheinrichsleitenweg 20, Würzburg, Germany
Departamento de Informática, Universidad Pública de Navarra, Campus Arrosadia, Pamplona, Spain
Keywords: Natural Language Processing, Autistic, Autonomous Toy, Robot, Children.
Abstract: Autistic children are often motivated in their communication behaviour by pets or toys. Our aim is to in-
vestigate, how communication with “intelligent“ systems affects the interaction of children with untypical
development. Natural language processing is intended to be used in toys to talk to children. This challenging
Háblame-project (as part of the EU-funded Gaviota project) is just starting. We will discuss verification of
its premises and its potentials, and outline the technical solution.
It is a well established fact that autistic children
often are motivated in their communication
behaviour by pets or toys, e.g. in the IROMEC
project (Ferari, Robins, Dautenhahn, 2009),
(IROMEC, 2013). We found analogous results in a
group of disabled persons who were motivated by
technical systems to move or dance. (Pina, 2011).
Within the Gaviota Project (Gaviota, 2012), we
want to investigate, how communication with “in-
telligent“ systems affects the interaction of children
with untypical development.
2.1 The Beginning: Eliza
As early as 1966 Weizenbaum (Weizenbaum, 1966)
implemented an interaction technique which was
introduced by Carl Rogers (client centered psycho-
therapy, (Rogers, 1951)). This therapy mainly
paraphrases the statement of the client. The Eliza
implementation used to react to a limited number of
key words (family, mother, ...) to continue a dialog.
Eliza had no (deep) knowledge about domains - not
even shallow reasoning, rather a tricky substitution
of strings. Modern versions of Eliza can be tested on
several websites, e.g. (ELIZA, 2013).
2.2 Robots in Autism Therapy
So far robots in autism therapy have been used to
enhance the abilities of children to play, using robots
as a toy, which means they playfully interact with
The robot’s simple face can be changed to show
feelings of sadness or happiness by different shapes
of the mouth (IROMEC, 2013).
These robots (which are just special computer
screens in a first step) execute pre-defined scenarios
of interaction, and are controlled by humans.
So far results have shown that more children are
responding to those robots compared to the children
that do not respond.
2.3 State-of-the-Art Dialog Systems
State of the art dialog systems (e.g. the original
Deutsche Bahn system giving information about
train time tables, or the extended system by Philips)
are able to guide people who call a hotline and exe-
cute standardized business processes (delivering
account data, changing address data, etc.). Those
systems work well, but within an extremely limited
Grötsch E., Pina A., Schneider M. and Willoweit B..
“Artificial Communication“ - Can Computer Generated Speech Improve Communication of Autistic Children?.
DOI: 10.5220/0004412805170521
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2013), pages 517-521
ISBN: 978-989-8565-53-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2.4 Natural Language Processing
A spectacular demonstration of natural language
processing was given by IBM’s artificial intelligence
computer system Watson in 2011, when it competed
on the quiz show Jeopardy! against former human
winners of that popular US television show
(JEOPARDY, 2011).
IBM used the Apache UIMA framework, a stan-
dard widely used in artificial intelligence (UIMA,
2013). UIMA means “Unstructured Information
Management Architecture“.
UIMA can be viewed from different points of
1) architectural: UIMA represents a pipeline of
subsequent components which follow each other
in an analytical process, to build up structured
knowledge out of unstructured data. UIMA
primarily does not standardize the components,
but the interfaces between components.
“... for example "language identification" =>
"language specific segmentation" => "sentence
boundary detection" => "entity detection
(person/place names etc.)". Each component
implements interfaces defined by the framework
and provides self-describing metadata via XML
descriptor files. The framework manages these
components and the data flow between them.
Components are written in Java or C++; the
data that flows between components is designed
for efficient mapping between these languages“.
(UIMA, 2013).
2) UIMA supports the software architect by a set
of design patterns.
3) UIMA contains two different ways of
representing data: a fast in-memory repre-
sentation of annotations (high-performance ana-
lytics) and an XML representation (integration
with remote web services).
The source code for a reference implementation
of this framework is available on the website of the
Apache Software Foundation.
Systems that are used in medical environments to
analyze clinical notes serve as examples.
2.5 Natural Language Processing in
So far there are no reasoning systems with
knowledge about the domain of how to behave
properly in a pedagogical way.
The IROMEC project demonstrated that weekly
sessions with a robot with rather simple abilities to
move and show emotions by standardized facial
expressions are helpful to enable/empower children
to play more naturally than without those sessions
(Ferari, Robins, Dautenhahn, 2009). So we conclu-
ded that it is worth trying to build a robot, which is
talking autonomously with a child in rather simple
and standardized words and sentences. We decided
to start a subproject Háblame („talk to me“) to in-
vestigate the chances and problems of building such
a robot as part of the EU-funded Gaviota project.
4.1 Verification of the Hypothesis
Before we start the core project, we have to verify
our hypothesis: we have to show that autistic
children positively react to toys which talk to them.
We will build a simple prototype without NLP-
functions. Speech will be produced by a hidden
person via microphone and suitably placed speakers.
4.2 Concept of a Dialog System
Within the project, we first had to / have to get
experience with natural language processing. When
we studied basic concepts of NLP (Figure 1), we de-
cided to put stress on syntax parsing and semantic
Figure 1: Concept of a dialog system (Schneider, 2012).
4.3 Parsing Syntax of Natural
First a prototype parser – based on a grammar
developed by Roland Hausser (Hausser, 2000) – was
implemented, which can analyze simple sentences
entered in English. The parser processes the sen-
tence entered, splits it into words and compares them
to a lexicon, specified in an external text file.
It tries to re-combine the sentence word by word,
taking account of the valences, also specified in the
lexicon. If the sentence can be re-combined correctly
and all free valences are filled, the parsing process
was successful. Otherwise the sentence is gramma-
tically incorrect (or the parser could not deal with it).
4.3.1 Parser Prototype and Valences
The parser works with valences of words, e.g.:
to sleep has 1 nominative valence
Peter sleeps.
to give has 1 nominative valence
(abbreviated Nx), 1 dative valence (Dx) and
1 accusative valence (Ax)
Peter gives Mary books.
All valences (mostly opened by verbs) have
to be filled (mostly by nouns). Otherwise
the sentence is not correct, e.g.: Peter gives
Mary. accusative noun is missing.
One can think of valences as slots, which have to
be filled with proper words.
4.3.2 Processing Valences
Valid words, their valences and their function (V =
verb, PN = plural noun, etc.) have to be specified in
an external lexicon, e.g.:
sleeps NS3x V
(S3: use only with 3rd person singular)
give N-S3x Dx Ax V
(-S3: use NOT with 3rd person singular)
books PN
Words currently have to be entered in the
lexicon with all flection forms used, e.g.:
give N-S3x Dx Ax V
gives NS3x Dx Ax V
gave Nx Dx Ax V
The parser takes the first word of the sentence
and combines it with the following word to a more
complex starting sequence using predefined rules,
Noun phrase followed by a verb with
corresponding valence erase the valence
Peter (SNP) sleeps (NS3x V).
Peter sleeps (V).
Article followed by adjective do not
change any valences:
The (SNx SNP) beautiful (ADJ) …
The beautiful (SNx SNP) …
This combining procedure is repeated bottom-up
until the end of the sentence is reached (Figure 2).
Figure 2: Bottom-up processing of valences (Schneider,
2012), cf. (Hausser, 2000).
Examples of sentences, the prototype of the
parser can deal with:
The beautiful girl reads an old book.
Does Peter sleep?
Mary has bought a new car.
Examples of sentences, the prototype currently
cannot deal with:
Beautiful girls like Peter.
Reading books gives Peter pleasure.
Peter, who is 20 years old, sleeps.
4.4 Processing of Semantics of Natural
Languages – Analyzing Semantics
Analyzing the semantics of natural language, we
first define our prerequisites and our goals:
Oral utterances (of children) are transcribed
by a supervisor and fed into the system. The
sentences are analyzed one by one, and the
results of the analysis should be stored in a
semantic network
Exploring the linguistic techniques for se-
mantic analysis.
Determining the technical and linguistic
Evaluate which software components and
libraries may be used to accomplish this task.
Evaluate which libraries can be used to access
a semantic network, and how to create the
necessary ontologies.
Building a software prototype, which inte-
grates all necessary components.
Basically, there are two approaches towards
linguistic analyzing:
The „formal“ approach:
Every sentence represents a logical statement
(„Proposition“), and we have to translate every
sentence into meta-language. Those languages
are called „Meaning Representation Languages“
(MRL) and are often based on first order logic
or the lambda calculus.
The „cognitive“ approach:
One can‘t determine the exact meaning of a
sentence by the sentence itself. A straightfor-
ward translation of language into a logical re-
presentation is therefore impossible.
In the process of understanding there is a lot
of background knowledge involved.
This knowledge may be specific to a single
person or a group of persons (e.g. cultural or
personal background).
4.4.1 Adoption in Computational Linguistics
The formal approach is well explored and adopted in
Computational Linguistics.
Its main advantages are easy integration with
code and other logical structures like semantic
networks. The disadvantage is that it is not language
agnostic and very narrow in scope (one has to define
logical expressions for every meaning of a
The cognitive approach was investigated mainly
by adopting Fillmore‘s work on frame semantics,
which he developed back in the 1970s (Fillmore,
2006). His idea was that the meaning of a sentence
can be described by a so-called frame or a
combination of those. A frame is consisting of:
A description which outlines the meaning of the
A number of frame elements (FE) that describe
possible roles or agents
Relations to other frames, including
specialization, part-of or temporal relations
A number of language specific lexical units,
i.e. words or groups of words, which may evoke
that frame.
The main advantage of the cognitive, frame-
based approach is, that frames are language agnostic,
so only the lexical units that may evoke a frame
have to be defined per language. Every frame is a
formal representation of meaning, so there is no
reason to build an own meta-language. The scope is
very broad and not limited to a specific application.
4.4.2 Software Tools for FrameNet based
Analysis (Cognitive Approach)
The FrameNet database consists of a large set of
XML files (FrameNet, 2012).
Frame semantic parsers relying on FrameNet
already exist, both systems use a probabilistic
SHALMANESER (English, German) is a pro-
ject at Saarland University, Saarbrücken,
Germany, and
SEMAFOR (English) is a project at Carnegie
Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA.
4.4.3 Preprocessing of Sentences (Cognitive
In a first step we preprocess the sentences to be
Tokenizing: we split sentences into words
(Apache NLP Tools),
POS-Tagging: we determine the part of speech
of each token (Apache NLP Tools),
Syntactic parsing: Determining the grammatical
components of each sentence (Maximum
Spanning Tree Parser, Pennsylvania State
Named Entity Recognition: Check if one or
more tokens represent a proper noun, a number,
a date, etc. (Apache NLP Tools),
Frame identifications: Find the frames that
match the given sentence (Semafor, Carnegie
Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA).
So far there are only results, as far as NLP is
The pre-trained classifiers for both SHAL-
MANESER and SEMAFOR did not yield good
results with our test data.
SHALMANESER is hard to integrate with
other tools.
There are plenty of java-based tools to
preprocess the data and extract features that
can be used with probabilistic models. Fur-
thermore, many of these tools can be inte-
grated with the Apache UIMA platform.
A modular, client/server based approach
proved to be necessary for the project.
A fairly large corpus of transcribed child
language is nearly impossible to obtain.
Although there are FrameNet data sets for a
couple of languages (Spanish, German,
Chinese, etc.), their number of frames and
lexical units is presumably too small to use
for semantic parsing.
First we have to verify that autistic children react to
the prototype system in the manner expected.
If this is done successfully, there is much work left
to be done on the NLP side. We will not do further
research on using FrameNet with the Semafor parser
however, nor use database semantics (another
approach, which is not covered in this report).
We will intensify research on custom probabilistic
models with the following steps:
1. set up Apache UIMA since the NLP tools are
easy to integrate,
2. obtain a domain specific corpus,
3. split that corpus into a training and a test part,
4. annotate the corpus with semantic class labels,
5. select domain specific and situational features,
6. incorporate the features generated by the pre-
processing tools (i.e. taggers, parsers, etc.),
7. train a probabilistic model, possibly by using
the MaxEnt library of the Apache NLP tools,
8. evaluate the performance with different feature
6.1 Necessary Data
We need corpora about children’s language
domains, and we have to decide, which age level,
and which speech domains. If no corpus is available,
we have to develop one. Those corpora should be in
English language to develop and stabilize the
system. Later iterations may incorporate German
and Spanish language.
6.2 Further Steps
We will set up an experimental environment, based
on the work already done, gather experience and
knowledge on analyzing/parsing natural language.
Then we have to acquire or produce corpora
covering our domain of interest (child language).
Furthermore we have to work on creating natural
sentences as part of a dialog.
This work has been partially funded by the EU
Project GAVIOTA (DCI-ALA/19.09.01/10/21526/
245-654/ALFA 111(2010)149.
ELIZA, 2013. www.med-ai.com/models/eliza.html
(March 3,2013)
Gaviota, 2012. Report on the Results of the Gaviota
Project, International Meeting, Santa Cruz, Bolivia
(unpublished presentations)
Ferari, E., Robins, B., Dautenhahn, K., 2009. Robot as a
Social Mediator - a Play Scenario Implementation
with Children with Autism, 8th International Con-
ference on Interaction Design and Children Workshop
on Creative Interactive Play for Disabled Children,
Como, Italy
Fillmore, C. J., 2006. Frame Semantics, in Geeraerts, D.
(ed.): Cognitive Linguistics - Basic Readings, chap.
10, Mouton de Gruyter, p. 373–400.
FrameNet, 2012. The FrameNet Project, University of
California, Berkeley, https://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu
(Mar 06, 2013)
Hausser, R., 2000. Grundlagen der Computerlinguistik –
Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation in natürlicher
Sprache, Springer Verlag Berlin
IROMEC, 2013. http://www.iromec.org/9.0.html (Jan 27,
JEOPARDY, 2011. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/17/
science/17jeopardy-watson.html?_r=0, (Jan 28, 2013)
Pina, A., 2011. New Technologies for Language and Lear-
ning Disabilities, 17
International Conference on
Technology supported Learning & Training, Online
Educa Berlin
Rogers, C. R., 1951. Client-centered therapy, Oxford,
Houghton Mifflin
Schneider, M., 2012. Processing of Semantics of Natural
Languages – Parsing Syntax of Natural Languages,
Bachelor-Thesis, HAW Würzburg-Schweinfurt
UIMA, 2013. http://uima.apache.org/ (Jan 28, 13)
Weizenbaum, J., 1966. ELIZA - A Computer Program for
the Study of Natural Language, Communication bet-
ween Man and Machine. Communications of the
ACM. New York 9.1966,1. ISSN 0001-0782
Willoweit, B., 2012. Processing of Semantics of Natural
Languages – Analyzing Semantics, Bachelor-Thesis,
HAW Würzburg-Schweinfurt