A Survey on Time-aware Business Process Modeling
Saoussen Cheikhrouhou
, Slim Kallel
, Nawal Guermouche
and Mohamed Jmaiel
ReDCAD Laboratory, University of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia
CNRS-LAAS, 7 avenue du colonel Roche, F-31400 Toulouse, France
University of Toulouse, INSA, LAAS, F-31400 Toulouse, France
Temporal Constraints and Dependencies, Business Process Modeling, Workflow, Web Service Composition,
Inter-organisational Business Process.
One key perspective when dealing with Business Process Management (BPM) is time. All business experts
agree upon the fact that time is a key resource for each business process within an organisation. Indeed, time
managing is an effective cost and error reduction strategy. Consequently, modeling and managing temporal
requirements in the business process field is becoming a topic of intensive research. This paper presents a
survey of the existing approaches to specifying and verifying the temporal perspective in business processes.
Nowadays, business is migrating from Business-
to-Comsumer (B2C) applications to Business-to-
Business (B2B) ones in order to deal with the ever in-
creasing economic pressure and to enhance the over-
all competitiveness. When addressing the issue of
B2B, one organisation may collaborate with many
others with complementary skills to form an Inter-
Organisational Business Process (IOBP). The emer-
gence of the IOBP field gave already a major contri-
bution to different sectors such as aeronautic domain,
in which more than 50% of the supply chain is sub-
contracted. Furthermore, the aeronautic sector’s strat-
egy is migrating from one-tier sub-contractor to an
important number of sub-contractors with a ditributed
control over the different sub-contracting processes.
Satisfying time constaints such as time deadlines is
vital for the processes of the aviation industry, since
the violation of such constraints may lead to critical
situations and could even threaten the aviation safety.
Different specification methods and verification
techniques and tools have been developed to deal with
such setting (Bettini et al., 2002; Kazhamiakin et al.,
2006a; Guermouche, 2010; Watahiki et al., 2011).
Nevertheless, the temporal resource management in
business processes, especially in huge and collabora-
tive processes as used in the aviation industry, is still
a challenging research task.
This paper surveys the current state of the art in
specifying and verifying the temporal perspective in
business processes. The main focus of this paper is
the specification step.
This paper is structured as follows. Section 1 gives
an overview on the existing temporal constraints spec-
ification and verification methods in the business pro-
cess field, followed by a rich evaluation and discus-
sion in Section 2. The last Section concludes and
highlights the emerging research challenges to ad-
dress in the field of business process time manage-
As preliminary step of this work, we give a classi-
fication of the existing temporal constraints models.
Mainly, the studied approaches are collected from
three research areas: workflows, Web service com-
position, and inter-organisational domain. These re-
search areas can be generalized and seen from a busi-
ness process field perspective.
2.1 Temporal Constraints in the
Workflow Research Area
The major contribution of Time-BPMN (Gagn
e and
Trudel, 2009), is the extension of Business Process
Modeling Notation BPMN (OMG, 2008) with a large
Cheikhrouhou S., Kallel S., Guermouche N. and Jmaiel M..
A Survey on Time-aware Business Process Modeling.
DOI: 10.5220/0004413202360242
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 236-242
ISBN: 978-989-8565-61-7
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
set of required temporalities. This extension deals
with various temporal constraints and dependencies
between business process activities. However, this ex-
tension does not permit to model temporal constraints
relating to the duration of business process activities.
In addition, Time-BPMN is limited to the specifica-
tion phase since no verification mechanism of tempo-
ral constraints conflicts is provided.
The work presented in (Watahiki et al., 2011) pro-
poses a formal specification of BPMN (OMG, 2008)
with timed automata. First, the authors extend BPMN
to handle temporal constraints (i.e., the minimum and
maximum execution time of a task), resource con-
straints, and concurrency constraints. Second, they
provide an automatic mapping of the extended BPMN
onto timed automata. Computation tree logic (CTL)
formulas are used to specify the different properties
to be verified by the UPAAL model checker. This ap-
proach aims at verifying some features, such as dead-
locks and bottlenecks. The scope of this paper is lim-
ited to a small subset of BPMN elements. Addition-
nally, this BPMN extension permits to specify tempo-
ral constraints related to only one activity within the
business process model.
Huai et al. (Huai et al., 2010) present a method for
verifying BPMN (OMG, 2008) models based on time
Petri nets. The proposed method supports the analysis
of model structure (dead task, deadlock and infinite
loops) and tests the time conflicts of the model. First,
the authors translate the BPMN model to time Petri
nets. Second, they construct the reachability graph of
the Petri nets in order to verify the model structure.
Furthermore, they exhibit the time choreography ver-
ification algorithm to verify time conflicts. The first
limitation is related to the lack of temporal dependen-
cies between multiple activities of the business pro-
cess, which makes the proposed time choreography
verification algorithm very limited.
The major contribution of the approach cited
in (Du et al., 2011) is that it can dynamically check the
temporal violations of multiple concurrent workflow
processes with resource constraints. First, the au-
thors construct the sprouting graph models of the time
workflow nets (TWF-nets) (Ling and Schmidt, 2000)
for multiple workflow processes. Second, they update
the sprouting graph at different checking points and
check the temporal constraints. Finally, and most im-
portantly, the violation paths and solutions (by modi-
fying the duration of some activities) are given. More-
over, they use the UPAAL model checker to verify the
correctness of their approach. This work verifies only
temporal constraints of the form: an activity a
end its execution no later than x time units after the ac-
tivity a
starts. The complexity of the construction of
the sprouting graph becomes high when the number
of resource constraints increases. This is identified as
the major weakness of this approach.
The particularity of the approach of Bettini et
al. (Bettini et al., 2002) is that it merges several
research directions on temporal workflow models
and on temporal constraint networks. Regarding
the modeling of temporal constraints, Temporal
Constraint with Granularity TCG graph is used
for this purpose. Additionally, this paper provides
temporal constraints reasoning and management
tool offering the following services: First, it checks
the consistency of complex temporal requirements.
Second, it monitors workflow activities and predicts
their starting and ending time. Finally it provides the
enactment service with useful temporal information
for activity scheduling. Hence, the concept of Free
schedules is a relevant contribution of this paper. A
schedule is free when it is possible to statically fix
the start times of all tasks of the workflow without
constraining their durations while satisfying all the
other temporal constraints.
Time modeling and management in the clinical
workflow domain has been widely investigated by
Combi et al. (Combi and Posenato, 2009). Among
the proposed temporal constructs, we can notice:
the duration (the activity duration) and delays (the
edge duration), the relative constraints, the absolute
constraints, and the periodic constraints. To this
regard, the authors developed a tool named Temporal
Workflow Analyzer (TWA) to support workflow
modeling at workflow design time. Furthermore,
in (Combi and Posenato, 2009), the authors intro-
duced and discussed the concept of controllability
checking which refers to the capability of executing a
workflow for any possible duration of tasks.
2.2 Temporal Constraints in Web
Service Composition Research Field
The authors in (Kazhamiakin et al., 2006a) address
the problem of qualitative and quantitative analy-
sis of timing aspects of web service compositions.
To capture the timing aspects of BPEL4WS pro-
cesses, the Web Service Timed State Transition Sys-
tems (WSTTS) formalism is previously introduced
in (Kazhamiakin et al., 2006b). For the verification,
they use the NuSMV model checker. The authors ver-
ify the composition against a large set of temporal
properties such as deadlock and the termination of the
procedure within a given delay. Furthermore, the ap-
proach aims at calculating the maximal and minimal
duration time of the process. This work has the advan-
tage not only to check whether a certain time-related
requirement is satisfied, but also to compute extreme
time bounds that satisfy such requirement. Neverthe-
less, considering only timing aspects of BPEL4WS
processes limits the mentioned approach to the ser-
vice oriented research field. Verifying the timing re-
quirements on the model (exp. BPMN) results in a
generalized approach applicable to a service oriented
implementation as well as to other possible imple-
The approach proposed in (Kallel et al., 2009)
covers the specification of temporal constraints for the
web service domain using a new proposed language,
XTUS-Automata. In the specification phase, this
work presents temporal specification patterns ( i.e.
patterns for duration properties and pattern for tempo-
ral properties over cardinalities). This work combines
timed automata (TA) and extended time unit system
(XTUS) to allow specifying temporal properties in-
volving relative time as well as absolute time. Fur-
thermore, this work conducts a formal verification of
deadlock using the model checker UPAAL. It is worth
noting that this paper offers interesting specification
patterns by which we can cover a large set of real
world workflow temporal constraints. Nevertheless,
this work is unable to verify the existence of temporal
constraint conflicts.
In (Guermouche, 2010), the author uses tempo-
ral properties in order to analyze the compatibility in
web service composition. A formal model abstract-
ing messages, data, data constraints as well as tempo-
ral constraints, based on timed automata is proposed.
A compatibility analysis of the web service chore-
ography is conducted. The UPAAL model checker
was used to detect some structural problems due to
temporal conflicts. So far in this approach, the focus
has been on the construction of a correct web service
composition. For this end, a mediator is generated,
whenever it is possible, to overcome the web service
collaboration incompatibility issues. The clock order-
ing process is used to verify deadlock freeness due to
time constraints conflicts. Nevertheless, the scope of
this paper is limited to the verification of time con-
straints only caused by message interaction between
services of the process.
In (Guermouche and Zilio, 2012), the authors pro-
pose a framework to check temporal requirements
on choreographies. This is achieved by the verifi-
cation of the composed annotated BPEL processes.
This work enables efficiently to specify time con-
straints such as the estimated execution time of ac-
tivities and the temporal delay between two activ-
ities or messages. Furthermore, complex temporal
requirements could be expressed. For instance, the
absence pattern with delay and the response pattern
with delay. The timed business processes are au-
tomatically translated into the formal modeling lan-
guage, Fiacre (Berthomieu et al., 2008). The TIme
petri Net Analyzer (TINA) (Berthomieu et al., 2004)
model checker tool is used for complex real-time re-
quirements automatic checking. This work has the
advantage of supporting synchronous as well as asyn-
chronous services. This work has attempted to pro-
vide a modeling environment inspired from BPMN
to visually specify the temporal requirements whereas
no translation mechanism from the graphical specifi-
cation to the used formal language is provided.
Benatallah et al. have widely invested in check-
ing compatibility and replaceability analysis in timed
ptotocols of web services (Benatallah et al., 2004; Be-
natallah et al., 2005). The approach detailed in (Bena-
tallah et al., 2005) models business protocols as deter-
ministic finite state machines. The scope of this work
is limited to synchronous services and temporal re-
quirements can only be associted to messages inside
the same service.
2.3 Temporal Constraints in the
Inter-organisational Research Field
Eder et al. (Eder and Tahamtan, 2008b) focuses on
checking temporal consistency in interorganizational
workflows. In this context each organization con-
tributes to the interorganizational workflow through
its process view. Process views are a prevalent model-
ing approach for interorganizational workflows. They
include a subset of the activities of the organisational
private workflow needed for communication. Indeed,
it allows to organisations to well interact with oth-
ers while preserving their organisational privacy. The
proposed approach checks if the interorganizational
workflow is temporally consistent by checking if its
participating views are temporally consistent. For
that, the authors use the concept of temporal plans
and use timed activity graphs as the basic modeling
language. It is clear that assuming that the different
activities of the workflow have a deterministic dura-
tion is quite restrictive. Additionnally, this approach
enables to specify only deadline constraints between
the corresponding activities of the process(i.e. activ-
ities that communicate with each other). Finally, the
authors do not mention any other issue for full consis-
tency like messaging conformance, data flow confor-
mance or structural conformance.
Time conformance has been studied by Eder and
Tahamtan in (Eder and Tahamtan, 2008a). It con-
sists in checking whether a timed orchestration sat-
isfies a timed choreography by generating temporal
execution plans. The algorithm calculating the timed
graphs and checking temporal conformance is de-
tailed in (Eder and Tahamtan, 2008a). The confor-
mance condition verifies that for each activity the sum
of its earliest possible start and its duration must be
less or equal to its latest allowed end for both best
and worst cases. The durations of activities are pre-
sented by deterministic values which limits the scope
of this work. The authors do not consider tempo-
ral constraints crossing the boundary of an activity or
event-related temporal constraints.
In the context of Inter-Organizational Workflows,
the approach detailed in (Makni et al., 2010) deals
with the deadline constraints conformance verifica-
tion, and thus without exposing the private processes
of the involved partners. The authors demonstrate
how missing deadlines while delivering the required
services may cause a global failure execution, even
if the business behavior complementarity of the in-
volved services is ensured. Based on the CoopFlow
approach and using Time Petri nets theory, the au-
thors propose a method for modeling and advertis-
ing temporal requirements for cooperative activities
on the abstracted version of business processes by us-
ing observers. In fact, they prove that a deadline local
verification process executed by a partner can lead to a
deadline conformance in the resulting interconnected
workflow. However, no method is proposed for the
deadline local verification process.
The authors in (Makni et al., 2011) discuss the
application of Inter-Organizational Workflows (IOW)
for automating processes in the collaborative context.
This paper presents a proof of concept for automating
the temporal conformance process in CoopFlow. The
author noticed the use of TINA and Little Parametric
Tool (LPT) tools for verification purposes. Neverthe-
less, no more details are provided. Throughout this
paper, the authors focused on mentioning negotiation
aspects of temporal constraints in the presented case
study but no negotiation strategy is detailed.
Throughout this survey paper, we provided a repre-
sentative overview of the major efforts of time man-
agement in the business process field. This section
highlights the different characteristics of each ap-
proach according to the following criteria:
1. How Temporal Requirements are Modeled
within the Approach?
Eg. BPMN, TWF-nets, etc.
2. What Properties against which the Business
Process is Verified?
Eg. the structural properties (i.e. the analysis of
dead tasks, bottlenecks, deadlocks), the time con-
flicts of the model, the user-defined temporal con-
straints (eg. deadline constraints), etc.
3. How this Verification is Proceeded?
Eg. model checker tools, algorithms, etc.
Based on the above observations, we identified
that most of the studied work constraints include
the temporal perspective. The temporal constraints
are usually correlated with other constraints such
as data (Guermouche, 2010) and resource con-
straints (Watahiki et al., 2011; Du et al., 2011).
Consequently, there are been several attempts to
model the different constraints in the business pro-
cess diagram itself using the defacto industrial stan-
dard for business process modeling, BPMN (Gagn
and Trudel, 2009; Guermouche and Zilio, 2012). The
use of a graph-based modeling approach of business
processes as BPMN, is a competitive advantage. Ind-
edeed, the visual appeal of the graph-based modeling
approaches makes them useful for all kinds of work-
flow designers since no technical background is re-
quired. Similarly, other research efforts (Makni et al.,
2010; Makni et al., 2011; Kallel et al., 2009; Guer-
mouche, 2010; Du et al., 2011; Huai et al., 2010)
opted for formal specification languages with mod-
eling capabilities such as Petri nets and Timed Au-
tomata. The approach followed by (Pesic et al., 2007)
is somewhat different from the others since it models
the constraints apart from the business process model
(eg. by LTL formulas). When considering the busi-
ness process model itself, there are works specifying
different constraints for one business process. Others
take into account the cooperation between more than
one business process both in the web service composi-
tion field and in the inter-organizational business pro-
cess field. When addressing the issue of IOBP, it is in-
evitable to reason about the migration of the different
constraints between the private and the public work-
flows. There are several ideas for further research es-
pecially in the IOBP field. We can, first focus on elab-
orating a generic modeling approach which supports
different constraint modeling such as temporal con-
straints and other associated constraints, namely, re-
source and data constraints. When dealing with tem-
poral constraints, we remarked the lack of absolute
time constraints in the majority of the works. In addi-
tion to that, just one work has modeled time points ob-
tained from the execution phase (Kallel et al., 2009).
We propose to deal with sequence, choice and con-
currency structures and thus adopting best and worst
cases of execution.
We now turn our attention to the temporal re-
quirements verification problem. Temporal verifica-
tion mechanisms are of paramount importance since
they enable to detect, early on, possible temporal con-
flicts and to react to them effectively. In this con-
text, although many efforts confound the time con-
flict verification of the model (i.e. the violation of
some temporal requirements) with the structure veri-
fication (i.e. the analysis of dead tasks, bottlenecks,
deadlocks and loops) (Kallel et al., 2009; Watahiki
et al., 2011), there are some works which have tried
to differentiate the two verification processes (Guer-
mouche, 2010; Huai et al., 2010; Du et al., 2011). To
cope with the time conflict verification, there are some
works which have neglected the intra-activity tem-
poral requirements (eg. the duration of the modeled
activities) (Guermouche, 2010). On the other hand,
there are some approaches which have neglected the
inter-activity temporal dependencies (Watahiki et al.,
2011; Huai et al., 2010). Besides, the approach de-
tailed in (Du et al., 2011) has tried to include the two
different temporal requirements.
Additionally, there are some efforts concentrat-
ing on verifying other issues such as time confor-
mance (Eder and Tahamtan, 2008a; Makni et al.,
2010), the absence constraint (Guermouche and Zilio,
2012), and controllability (Combi and Posenato,
Once the verification process is conducted and
a possible violation is detected, only few ap-
proaches (Du et al., 2011; Guermouche, 2010) tried
to detect erroneous paths and to propose solutions. So
far, the approach detailed in (Du et al., 2011) has pro-
posed the modification of the duration of some activi-
ties as solution to the temporal violation in concurrent
workflow processes with resource constraints. Addi-
tionnally, the author in (Guermouche, 2010) has con-
sidered the use of mediators when dealing with the
compatibility analysis of the web service choreogra-
phy. The idea of mediators proposed in (Guermouche,
2010) sounds very promising since it has succeeded in
resolving a large set of temporal violations in an effi-
cient manner.
Typically, researchers in the field of time man-
agement in the business process field are invited to
widen the set of possible solutions to temporal con-
straints violations. From the research directions that
have to be considered, we can notice the modification
of the allocation policy of the shared resources and
the change of the overall business process structure
arriving at the substitution of some activities.
Finally, we can proceed by monitoring or enforc-
ing of the different constraints in the execution phase.
Another line of research is to study constraint-based
business process models which offer design decisions
at the execution time and enable different process
Business managers, researchers, and academicians in
management are striving to have full-support of tem-
poral aspects in current business process management
suites. Obviously, modeling and managing tempo-
ral requirements has long been a topic of intensive
researches. Hence, with the help of the critical and
comprehensive analysis presented within this survey
paper, we pointed out that this emerging research field
still face a multitude of challenges. The succeeding
listing illustrates the major challenges to be addressed
to substantially enhance the time management in the
business process management field.
Proposing a business process model supporting
different temporal requirements : to enable the
specification of temporal constraints related to
one activity as well to Ad-Hoc sub processes and
concurrent business processes sharing resources
and exchanging messages.
Improving the existing process view generation
methods in order to define the mapping of a large
set of temporal requirements from private to pub-
lic process models.
Defining a mapping mechanism from the busi-
ness process model to a suitable formal language
for future verification purposes. And if necessary,
proposing a new formal language to well support
the specification of all the temporal requirements.
Suggesting efficient verification approaches to di-
agnose potential temporal violations of the pro-
cess model early enough. In this context, it is
beneficial to verify the business process against
several issues such as structural properties (i.e.
the analysis of dead tasks, bottlenecks, deadlocks
and loops), time conflicts of the model, user-
defined temporal constraints (exp. the deadline
constraints and the absence constraint), time con-
formance of the IOBP (similarly the compatibil-
ity analysis in the web service field) as well as the
controllability checking.
Defining violation identification mechanisms and
proposing relevant primitives to resolve viola-
To summarize, in this paper we have analyzed
and compared existing approaches for modeling and
verifying time-related properties on business pro-
cesses. Based on this analysis and evaluation, we have
pointed out the challenges which sets foundations for
full temporal support in business process modeling
area. We are convinced that finding solutions to these
challenges will significantly improve the interorgan-
isational business process temporal support, helps to
achieve process automatisation and thus helps the or-
ganisation to get advantage over competitors and to
maximize its revenue.
Part of this work has been supported by FP7-ICT
IMAGINE research and development project, co-
funded by the European Commission under the ”Vir-
tual Factories and Enterprises” (FoF-ICT- 2011.7.3,
Grant Agreement No: 285132).
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