One-on-One Approach for Open Online Courses
Focusing on Large-Scale Online Courses
Masumi Hori
, Seishi Ono
, Kazutsuna Yamaji
and Shinzo Kobayashi
TIES Support Division, Tezukayama University, Nara Prefecture, Nara, Japan
NPO CCC-TIES, Nara Prefecture, Nara, Japan
Research and Development Centre for Academic Networks, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan
CEO, SmileNC & co., Tokyo, Japan
Keywords: Open Education, Large-Scale Online Course, e-Books, e-Learning, GakuNin.
Abstract: Large-Scale Online Course (LSOC) requires stable and low-cost services and special learning and teaching
methods because numerous learners are generally studying on a course for free. This paper proposes
Learning Support System (LSS) using e-book with an access management federation designed for LSOC.
The proposed LSS reaches the solution to a flipped teaching and one-on-one approach of the massive
learner using e-book, which is a new e-portal alternative to a web.
Recently, the utilization of Massive Open Online
Courses (MOOCs) are increasingly attracting
attention. MOOCs are an emerging tool of open
education that allows anyone who wants to
participate to freely study on the Internet. It is
estimated that hundreds of thousands of students
enroll in MOOCs (Lewin, 2012). Ivan Illich
predicted in “Deschooling Society” that the
Information Computer Technology would provide
an equal opportunity of open education (Illich 1971).
The activity of MOOCs was initially influenced by
his philosophy.
Large Scale Online Course (LSOC) like
MOOCs have the potential to bring revolutionary
change to education, especially higher education
because of this equal opportunity.
However, LSOC including MOOCs face
challenges in motivating learners and managing
system operation because the existing Learning
Support System (LSS) are limited by conventional
technology and methods. Therefore traditional LSS
do not meet the evolving specifications of LSOC.
This paper discusses a new LSS that combines
the benefits of e-books with an Access Management
Federation (AMF). This LSS will facilitate one-to-
one learning on LSOC even when there are
hundreds of thousands of learners.
The differences between LSOC and traditional
courses that utilize e-learning systems include scale
(number of learners) and cost (fees). It is estimated
that hundreds of thousands of students initially take
a MOOC at no cost (Carr, 2012). LSOC should
meet the following requirements.
Provide a stable operation for online courses for
numerous learners
Secure sustainable revenue for free open online
Provide efficient methods to motivate learners for
As Hill points out (Figure 1), MOOCs have
barely addressed significant educational problems
relating to revenue models, credentialing,
accreditation, course completion rate, and learner
authentication (Hill, 2012).
Therefore, LSS designed for LSOCs require the
A) Stable and Low-Cost Service:
Stability and afforadable services are essential
for a course having large numbers of learners.
Therefore it is imperative that the LSS should be
able to integrate with different media platforms.
B) Learning Methods Selected by Learners’
The LSS should provide diverse learning
Hori M., Ono S., Yamaji K. and Kobayashi S..
One-on-One Approach for Open Online Courses - Focusing on Large-Scale Online Courses.
DOI: 10.5220/0004413401770182
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2013), pages 177-182
ISBN: 978-989-8565-53-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
methods chosen on the basis of the individual
learner’s intentions, such as receiving their
evaluation of learning outcomes and
accreditation or credit.
C) One-to-One Approach:
The LSS should provide one-to-one relationship
that is unrealizable in traditional classroom
between a teacher and a large number of learners.
Existing LSOCs like MOOCs are insufficient for
the three above mentioned reasons. Here are
several significant examples of LSOC. The
activities of MOOCs include two distinctive
learning models of cMOOCs and xMOOCs
(Siemens, 2012). cMOOCs are based on the idea of
Web2.0 with interactive learning between educators
and learners on the internet. cMOOCs provide the
learning environment of the social network between
educators and learners by utilizing existing internet
resources such as wiki, blogs, and social networking
sites like Twitter and Facebook.
xMOOCs follows the method of conventional e-
learning and provides online courses with its
original learning support system.
Both LSSs have their distinctive challenges.
Figure 1: The Two Branches of MOOCs. (HILL, 2012).
3.1 For Stable and Low-cost Service
As explained above, a cMOOC creates LSS in
combination with the existing available service on
the Internet such as social network service and
provides its online courses without own LSS for 1.5
million learners (Carr, 2012).
In principle, the idea of cMOOC is effective for
providing a stable and affordable LSOC because it
is not dependent upon a particular network
xMOOCs which have their own LSS, provide
courses through their own original service. As such,
xMOOCs require substantial investment and face
difficulties in providing stable operations. Actually,
Coursera experienced a partial outage caused by its
AWS’s system failure in October 2012
(, 2012). The accident impacted close
to million users and clearly presented a significant
3.2 Learning Method Selected
based on Learners
LSS’s concepts of cMOOCs and xMOOCs are
incompatible. Hence learners can select neither
learning support systems nor learning methods,
according to their learning purposes.
cMOOCs have an advantage in their stable and
low-cost LSS. However, this LSS cannot be
utilized to evaluate learning outcomes. cMOOCs
are indifferent to learning assessment, accreditation,
and credit, even though they are interested in
dissemination of learning.
In contrast, xMOOCs can be utilized to evaluate
a student’s learning outcomes and grant credit.
They follow the method of conventional e-learning
and provide online courses with its original LSS. In
this regard, Siemens, as one of the early developers
of cMOOCs, criticizes xMOOCs as merely
traditional learning using lecture videos and quizzes.
LSS designed for LSOC should be capable of
dealing with any kind of LSOC even if LSOC has
different methods of implementation.
3.3 One-on-One Teaching
Many LSOCs such as cMOOCs and xMOOCs have
functions making it possible to create a one-on-one
relationship between the educator and the learner on
chat, live video, and SNS.
One-on-one approach is an essential function of
the LSS and should be carefully examined.
existing LSOC that both an educator and teaching
assistants teach numerous learners is not truly one-
on-one teaching. One-on-one teaching should be
that one educator teaches one learner.
The LSS designed for LSOC requires the functions
that allow for a stable and low-cost operation;
learning methods based on learners; and a one-on-
one approach between an educator and a learner.
The authors developed the new LSS using e-
book that is a substitute for web interface.
4.1 LSS using e-Book
LSS using e-book has the following characteristics:
The inherent functions of e-books allow various
formats such as html, video as well as contents or
learning topics on online courses to be packed into
one book.
e-Books can provide online course content
through different media including web, mail,
portable electric devices and e-book store.
e-Books have high discoverability on the Internet,
including assigned Digital Object Identifier (DOI).
Our newly developed LSS based on e-book have the
following advantages.
1) Standardization:
e-book structure inherited from traditional books
has an established standard. In addition, e-book
format has an established standard like epub
2) Portability:
e-Book is readily portable.
3) Using varied the Internet resources:
e-Book can provide diverse learning
environment tailored for each learner combining
use of learning contents and Internet resources
such as SNS.
4) Content distribution:
e-Book provides online courses through a
variety of ways such as e-library, e-book store,
websites, and e-mail.
5) Flipped Teaching:
Learners freely can edit distributed contents of
e-Book created by an educator. And this e-book
will be prevalent in the LSOC community
worldwide (Figure 2).
Figure 2: Flipped teaching.
6) Diversity of access methods:
Learners study online courses by various access
methods regardless if there is the Internet access
or not.
7) One-on-One approach:
The environment for conducting one-on-one
approach is easily implemented by simply
adding the application.
The authors designed LSS based on e-book by
utilizing the formerly mentioned advantages (Hori
2101). Figure 3 below shows the concept of LSS.
Figure 3: An Online Course Portal by e-book.
4.2 Three Essential Components
for the LSS
LSS based on e-book consists of three essential
1) Discoverability:
DOI, an element of metadata of network
information resources, which overcomes URL’s
limitations like temporariness, attempts to
identify digital media on various levels such as
paragraphs, sentences, and figures. The
assignment of a DOI makes it possible to
identify learning resources of online courses.
2) Flipped Teaching:
DOI name prefix can be assigned to each
“flipped teaching” community within a LSOC.
Each community can assign DOI numbers to
their e-books. Herewith, discoverability and
traceability are expected in these e-books thus
guaranteeing product quality.
3) Learners Authentication:
As previously mentioned, e-book with academic
AMF realizes low-cost and high reliability user
4.3 Access to Academic AMF
The specification of student’s learning resource is
necessary for the evaluation of student’s learning
outcomes. In this case, student authentication is
required. For example, the proctors on Coursera
monitor learners via a mix of webcams and
`keyboard dynamics’ for strict authentication
(, 2013). However, the authors will
develop a low-cost system with the Access
Management Federation (AMF) to evaluate learning
The authors adopt a common authentication
platform that the National Institute of Informatics
(NII) promotes the Academic AMF in Japan
(GakuNin) (Yamaji et al., 2010).
The Academic AMF in Japan consists of both
users (universities) and producers (publishers) of
academic e-resources. By mutually implementing
rules and policies stipulated by the Federation,
organizations can easily access each other.
A user’s authenticated account of each
authorized participant in GakuNin is issued after
verifying its identity, which is guaranteed by the
participants, including higher education institutes.
4.4 Creating Microlecture Contents
The authors have introduced a one-minute lecture
video (microlecture) as the method to motivate
learners (Figure 4).
Figure 4: Example for microlecture.
Microlectures are brief lecture videos focused on
key concepts and are widely utilized by Khan
Academy and TED-Ed. EDUCAUSE cites
microlectures as a new educational approach
(EDUCAUSE, 2012).
Microlectures allow learners to be free of time
constraints, increase completion rates, and generate
a sense among learners that they are receiving a
face-to-face lecture via mobile.
4.5 Flipped Teaching on e-Book
Table 1 by Gende shows roles of both teachers and
learners in the process of creating a textbook based
on e-book (Gende, 2012). For example, in the
learner-centric approach, learners are involved in
making the textbook in Research and the Inquiry;
while teachers are also involved in Topic Selection
and Essential Questions. The same process happens
when creating e-books. Thus, learners can add and
revise in e-book provided by an educator in the
process of the Inquiry or the Research.
The learner may become the teacher and create a
new learner’s community and redistribute the e-
book to other learners who belong to the community.
The learner has developed a deep understanding of
educational contents thus contributed to the
enhancement of the educational quality.
Table 1: Teacher and Learner Roles (Gende, 2012).
4.6 One-on-One Approach
based on e-Book
One educator has to handle diverse requests and
intentions of numerous learners to create a one-on-
one approach on LSOC. It is so challenging that
many LSOCs depend on various means such as
SNS and teaching assistants. In contrast, LSS based
on e-book with AMF and DOI should make flipped
teaching possible which can then enhance the
quality of education. This LSS will lead to
cooperation and collaboration between educators
and learners on the Internet. A number of small
communities based on one-on-one relationships can
be formed.
Figure 5: The CHiLO e-book distribution.
A Creative Higher Education on the Learning Open
Course (CHiLO) is a new project for Open Online
Course in Japan. Within this project, the authors of
this paper aim developing new LSS based on e-
book, which is called a CHiLO Book. In this LSS,
e-book will consist of microlectures (Figure 4) and
will provide authentication services endorsed by the
GakuNin (Yamaji, 2010). Additionally, this e-book
will be granted DOI to ensure discoverability and
traceability. Finally, the CHiLO Book will contain
varied Internet resources to replace website (Hori
These elements will realize flipped teaching,
which may facilitate the creation of several small
communities of learners in the LSOC (Figure 2).
As a result, these the goal of one-on-one teaching
will be achieved (Figure 5).
The CHiLO Book, which is distributed in these
small communities, will continue to develop the
educator-to-learner or learner-to-learner link and
further promote mutual understanding of
educational contents.
LSOCs hold the potential of resolving the challenge
attaining educational equality and changing
traditional pedagogy.
The authors propose an LSS based on the e-book,
which will maintain learners’ motivation, evaluate
their learning outcomes, and provide stable and
low-cost access.
LSS facilitates a one-on-one approach, provides
diverse learning methods and environments chosen
based on an individual learner’s intentions, and
utilizes the flipped teaching to enhance educational
quality. This method also ensures learner
authentication by using academic access
management federation. Such functionality meets
all requirements of LSS designed for LSOC.
The authors thank the members of the Education
Support Office (ESO), Musashi Academy for their
assistance and advice. The authors are grateful to
Brian Masshardt, Ph.D., and ESO Academic
Coordinator for his careful proofreading and useful
comments. The authors also thank Yuka Ito, ESO
Assistant Coordinator for her extensive translation
and useful advice.
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