methods chosen on the basis of the individual
learner’s intentions, such as receiving their
evaluation of learning outcomes and
accreditation or credit.
C) One-to-One Approach:
The LSS should provide one-to-one relationship
that is unrealizable in traditional classroom
between a teacher and a large number of learners.
Existing LSOCs like MOOCs are insufficient for
the three above mentioned reasons. Here are
several significant examples of LSOC. The
activities of MOOCs include two distinctive
learning models of cMOOCs and xMOOCs
(Siemens, 2012). cMOOCs are based on the idea of
Web2.0 with interactive learning between educators
and learners on the internet. cMOOCs provide the
learning environment of the social network between
educators and learners by utilizing existing internet
resources such as wiki, blogs, and social networking
sites like Twitter and Facebook.
xMOOCs follows the method of conventional e-
learning and provides online courses with its
original learning support system.
Both LSSs have their distinctive challenges.
Figure 1: The Two Branches of MOOCs. (HILL, 2012).
3.1 For Stable and Low-cost Service
As explained above, a cMOOC creates LSS in
combination with the existing available service on
the Internet such as social network service and
provides its online courses without own LSS for 1.5
million learners (Carr, 2012).
In principle, the idea of cMOOC is effective for
providing a stable and affordable LSOC because it
is not dependent upon a particular network
xMOOCs which have their own LSS, provide
courses through their own original service. As such,
xMOOCs require substantial investment and face
difficulties in providing stable operations. Actually,
Coursera experienced a partial outage caused by its
AWS’s system failure in October 2012
(examiner.com, 2012). The accident impacted close
to million users and clearly presented a significant
3.2 Learning Method Selected
based on Learners
LSS’s concepts of cMOOCs and xMOOCs are
incompatible. Hence learners can select neither
learning support systems nor learning methods,
according to their learning purposes.
cMOOCs have an advantage in their stable and
low-cost LSS. However, this LSS cannot be
utilized to evaluate learning outcomes. cMOOCs
are indifferent to learning assessment, accreditation,
and credit, even though they are interested in
dissemination of learning.
In contrast, xMOOCs can be utilized to evaluate
a student’s learning outcomes and grant credit.
They follow the method of conventional e-learning
and provide online courses with its original LSS. In
this regard, Siemens, as one of the early developers
of cMOOCs, criticizes xMOOCs as merely
traditional learning using lecture videos and quizzes.
LSS designed for LSOC should be capable of
dealing with any kind of LSOC even if LSOC has
different methods of implementation.
3.3 One-on-One Teaching
Many LSOCs such as cMOOCs and xMOOCs have
functions making it possible to create a one-on-one
relationship between the educator and the learner on
chat, live video, and SNS.
One-on-one approach is an essential function of
the LSS and should be carefully examined.
existing LSOC that both an educator and teaching
assistants teach numerous learners is not truly one-
on-one teaching. One-on-one teaching should be
that one educator teaches one learner.
The LSS designed for LSOC requires the functions
that allow for a stable and low-cost operation;
learning methods based on learners; and a one-on-
one approach between an educator and a learner.