High- vs. Low-quality Video Lectures
Don't Worry, Just Put them Online!
Robert Schleicher, Tilo Westermann and Sebastian Möller
Quality & Usability Lab, Telekom Innovation Laboratories, TU Berlin, Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7, 10587 Berlin, Germany
Keywords: Video Lectures, Video Quality, Real-time Annotations, Crowd Sourcing, Teaching.
Abstract: This position paper claims that a major obstacle of offering video lectures for public universities appears to
be the fact that they intend to compete with prestigious private universities regarding quality of the videos
and complexity of the installed platform without being able to provide the additional resources required to
do so. We argue that in other areas of teaching this issue has been acknowledged for a long time, and lack-
ing resources are usually compensated for by primarily two means: individually offering provisory course
material (manuscripts), and active participation of the student body in administering those. Based on this, a
simple system is proposed that mostly draws on existing platforms and tools, and refrains from extensive
video editing prior to publishing. We discuss technical and non-technical requirements and possible re-
search directions that result from establishing such low-fidelity video lectures.
More and more private universities provide video
recordings of their courses, and some even special-
ize on online lectures targeting a huge audience,
therefore called massive open online courses
(MOOC). Examples are Udacity, Coursera, edX.
The format switches from 90 minute lecture record-
ings to short clips enriched with visualisations or
augmented reality to attract a worldwide audience
beyond the campus.
Public universities try to copy this approach and
will thus have to compete with these offers, while at
the same time frequently lacking comparable re-
sources, e.g. time of already employed lecturers,
dedicated technical staff etc. Exemplary recordings
in prestigious private universities are achieved with
the help of a large group of dedicated experts – the
MIT Open Courseware team for example includes
more than 20 people
, while at many public German
universities the basic idea appears to be that the
lecturers accomplish recording, editing, and publish-
ing themselves. Supplying additional staff is usually
limited to pilot projects which are then difficult to
maintain once funding ends. Of course there are
exceptions, but the aforementioned statement sum-
marizes the situation we were confronted with when
we started to inquire ways to provide video record-
ings ourselves. Our experience motivated us to con-
sider alternative ways to tackle this issue, which we
will describe in the following.
1.1 General Rationale
The first step was to bring to mind the assets many
public German universities have in this case:
A large audience that will be attending the lec-
tures in any case as it is required by their
study regulations, i.e. the predominance of on-
site learning with supplementary online mate-
rial over mere online classes.
a long tradition of providing students some-
times ill-formatted, still highly informative
provisory course material, i.e. manuscripts of
the basic course content, which cannot com-
pete with published books in terms of layout,
but are at least as valuable with regard to con-
tent, partly due to the fact that they do not
have to consider copyright issues to the same
extent as an 'official' publication. Unlike in
universities with high tuition fees, students
expect much less professionally edited materi-
al as long as it is free or inexpensive, e.g. the
master copy template residing in a library for
duplication. Concomitant with that, there is
Schleicher R., Westermann T. and Möller S..
High- vs. Low-quality Video Lectures - Don’t Worry, Just Put them Online!.
DOI: 10.5220/0004414802040209
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2013), pages 204-209
ISBN: 978-989-8565-53-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
usually no centralized supervision of these
manuscripts, but they are rather issued single-
handedly by the lecturer.
A mentality of active participation in the
courseware preparation process among the
student body, manifested in student associa-
tions (in German: 'Fachschaft'), and less the
expectation of being treated as paying educa-
tional customers. It is common that these stu-
dent associations offer access to self-written
summaries of textbooks or exams, usually un-
der the premise that the borrower contributes
to the available corpus e.g. by writing exami-
nation minutes him/herself.
Web 2.0 communities also rely to a large extent on
user-generated content. Instead of having a central-
ized professional editorial team, quality control is
usually achieved by letting other users rate and
comment the contributions, which appears to work
stunningly well (Giles, 2005). A key aspect is that
user involvement in the preparation of the material is
quite high, which might be desirable also for the
preparation of course material.
Combining these two approaches, offering edu-
cational 'raw material', e.g. mostly un-edited film
footage via existing platforms like YouTube plus a
couple of low-fidelity tools to annotate and extend
this material might be a feasible and perhaps even
desirable way to proceed for public universities with
too little resources for preparing online material with
high technical quality.
In the following, we will first describe a couple
of such desired functionalities and outline their pos-
sible implementation to provide the reader with a
more specific idea of what we have in mind, and
also make clear where it extends previous similar
proposals, e.g. Copley (2007). Subsequently, we will
discuss non-technical requirements which will also
clarify what makes us favour such a system, and
mention research questions that might arise. Finally
we will summarize the idea and our motivation in
the conclusion.
A combination of a couple of basic functionalities
that are in part already available on popular web
sites might suffice to allow for simple processing of
lecture recordings. By processing we do not refer to
video-editing as it is done with software like Adobe
Premiere®, Camtasia® and the like, but the attempt
to enrich the content of a lecture recording in order
to facilitate understanding of it. In particular, these
functionalities might be:
A simple way to make videos available online
for a larger audience, i.e. upload them some-
The possibility to add text comments includ-
ing links to slides or other web documents at
certain points of time in the video. We will
call these annotations, and as far as they are
done subsequent to the lecture, subsequent
A listing of these annotations that can serve as
a rough table of content or index for the video.
The possibility to give simple ratings via a 5-
star or thumbs up/down scale of added com-
ments to indicate their usefulness
A way to perform annotations during the lec-
ture, e.g. to mark important or less understood
parts. We will call this real-time annotations.
Most of these functionalities are included in pro-
fessional video editing software, however, next to
their price, they also require considerable training
and a deeper understanding of the underlying data
organization in terms of projects, audio- vs. video
track, codecs, and so on. Similarly, the most prom-
inent open-source platform to manage audio- and
video lectures, Opencast Matterhorn, at least re-
quires the setup of a server prior to working with
it, a task that is envisaged for a dedicated campus
. Evidently, the complexity of these
programs is due to the fact that editing and pub-
lishing videos on a professional level is complex.
We would like to keep all this to a minimum as it
might scare off the user. To specify our proposal, a
possible implementation is drafted below.
2.1 Possible Realization
For the case of simplicity, we will restrict this de-
scription to the most popular web site to publish
videos, YouTube. So let's assume a simple camcord-
er recording of a lecture has been uploaded to this
platform. The first task would be to add simple
comments to certain moments in the video once it is
recorded, and to make these annotations available in
a way that they can be searched and serve as a sim-
ple table of contents.
2.1.1 Subsequent Annotations
YouTube already offers the possibility to add com-
ments in the video that then appear at the defined
point of time inside the video once the video is
played back. However, for using them as an index, it
would be desirable to have access to them as a per-
manent text outside of the video, which also persists
once the video has stopped playing. Apparently, the
added notes are stored as an XML file by YouTube
that can be downloaded and added to other clips
. In
a similar way, this XML-file could be parsed and the
notes including their time stamp (with regards to
video clip time) extracted as text.
2.1.2 Index / TOC
The aforementioned XML comments are then used
on a new web page with the video embedded, where
all available annotations from the XML-file are
listed in the order of their appearance in the video,
desirably with the possibility to jump to the moment
in the video by clicking on the corresponding time
stamp. To illustrate the layout, we refer to the ap-
pearance of comments on SoundCloud
(see Figure
1), a popular web site to listen to uploaded music,
predominately DJ sets. The search function of the
web browser allows finding keywords in the com-
2.1.3 Review
It is likely that, if done anonymously, not all annota-
tions made by users are on the same level of appro-
priateness. Therefore, a simple rating system would
be helpful to indicate valuable annotations. These
systems are widely available as open source soft-
ware (e.g. MooTools MooStarRating
, for a discus-
sion of various rating interfaces see (Nobarany et al.,
2012), and comments with low rating can later be
filtered out or deleted at all.
2.1.4 Real-time Annotations
So far, the described elements were all adopted from
other sites that present user-generated content. How-
ever, one big difference to these sites is that for
lecture recordings a large group of later users were
already present during the time of recording. Thus it
might be useful to offer them a way to start annotat-
ing in real time, i.e. while sitting in the lecture to
facilitate blended learning, the desired combination
of face-to-face and electronic lectures (Wieling &
Hofman, 2010). Here, our proposal is a simple app
that synchronizes with the first slide via a QR code
(containing the title of the lecture or the later video
file name) and then offers a GUI to immediately
mark critical moments and stores them in the same
XML format as the subsequent annotations so that
they can later be loaded together with the actual
video file. As annotation should not distract too
much from attending, few, easy-to-reach functionali-
ties would be desired (Schleicher, Sahami, Rohs,
Kratz, & Schmidt, 2011). An exemplary GUI is
depicted in figure 2.
The available tags or markers are limited to four
types, each represented with an icon: indicating
moments where the listener did not completely un-
derstand what was explained, moments that ap-
peared important to listener or included a good ex-
ample, and finally moments where the lecturer
pointed out that the current statement might be rele-
vant for the exam. This one-click-tagging might
reduce cognitive overload during the lecture as it
reduces the need to write down extensive notes and
already facilitate later processing of the lecture re-
cording (Mayer & Moreno, 2003).
The individual real-time annotations can be up-
loaded to the joint web page serving as a starting
point for subsequent review by the individual stu-
dent, while at the same time serving as non-
personalized clusters of short tags to see where other
students struggled or noted important points. A simi-
lar idea is pursued by myTU
, an app for the Tech-
nical University Bergakademie Freiberg, however,
their emphasis is on providing real-time feedback to
lecturer in order to slow down the pace, not on sub-
sequent review.
We are aware that several aspects of the pro-
posed system are not completely specified on a
technical level, and others may be disputable. For
example the advantage of just having one common,
anonymized set of annotations online and thus need-
ing no additional user management for administrat-
ing sets of comments comes with the disadvantage
that some users may not want to share their personal
annotations, or cannot be contacted individually.
Here, modifications are easily conceivable. The
main purpose of the above given outline is to pro-
vide the reader with an idea of the system we have in
mind when we now describe the non-technical re-
quirements we see for it to work.
Figure 1: Layout of SoundCloud, where user comments to an audio track are listed below including the time in the track
they refer to ('ID' in the comments refers to 'track ID', i.e. the specific title of the piece of music playing at that time).
Figure 2: Exemplary GUI of an app that allows for basic
annotations during the lecture, containing only four types
of labels/tags. Lecture time and title is given in the header
of the GUI.
There are certain non-technical requirements to
establish a comparable system, the first surely being
a change of mind to move away from offering pol-
ished videos under centralized supervision, and
rather go for uncoordinated low-fidelity versions, as
it is the case with written material: if professionally
edited video material corresponds to published text-
books, the proposal made here is to go for the video
equivalent of manuscripts. As pointed out above, we
did not include any video editing prior to publishing
it online, because we have the impression that this
constitutes a major obstacle to most lecturers inter-
ested in offering video material.
The time lecturers save editing the footage can
be invested to supervise the correctness of the sub-
sequent annotations addressing the content of the
lectures, their actual area of expertise, rather than
urging them to become semi-professional video
editors. There are various examples of amateurish
recorded lectures online (e.g. YouTube), which still
convey valuable information to the viewer.
The second major obstacle we notice is a general
uncertainty regarding legal aspects of offering re-
cordings that may include pictures or other copy-
righted material. This uncertainty may differ be-
tween countries (c.f. Deimann & Bastiaens, 2010)
for a discussion for German institutions), as copy-
right laws may include a fair use
doctrine like in the
US. Of course, publishing lectures as proposed here
requires a certain ambiguity tolerance to reside in a
legal grey zone, but we are not aware that this dis-
cussion was that prevalent for the master template of
a manuscript residing in the library for every student
to make a copy of it. These scripts certainly con-
tained copyright-protected material. Here, apparent-
ly no one cared, probably because the library was
not that easily accessible as content in the internet.
Offering the videos only within the intranet of a
university or their online learning management sys-
tem (e.g. Moodle
) might be a compromise to estab-
lish similar conditions for digital material. However,
we rather think the main reason for this previous
indifference was the implicit agreement amongst all
involved parties that the provisory copy cannot
compete with the high-quality original. In a similar
vein, the sensitivity towards copyright issues might
be attenuated in the right holder if the video depict-
ing protected items is of obviously lower quality
than the officially published version, and not a loss-
less copy. Our intention is not to dry out commer-
cially produced and distributed lecture material, but
to complement it.
The availability of manuscripts did not keep au-
thors off from publishing textbooks, in some cases
the previously published script was offered as a beta
version of the actual book. The ratings collected via
'informal' videos may help to decide which lecture
should be edited and released, then in agreement
with the publishers whose material is involved.
The third requirement is the willingness to
switch from complete control over all content in-
cluding annotations to 'moderated' control by stu-
dents. In our opinion, this is the least difficult part
because considering student-generated material to
complement teaching is quite common at our univer-
sities, and the experiences have been clearly positive
(e.g. 'informal' solutions published by a student
being declared the 'official' sample solutions later on
as experienced by one of the authors). To establish
low-fidelity online courses as additional material, it
might be necessary to provide student organizations
with a couple of annotated lecture videos as some
kind of initial seed. Shifting processing partly to
students will encourage active learning instead of
passive consumption of information, which increas-
es both, learning outcome as well as satisfaction
(Zhang, Zhou, Briggs, & Nunamaker, 2006).
The internal discussion of the approach revealed
several research questions that arise from using low-
fidelity video material for educational purposes.
3.1 Open Questions & Research
The main questions are whether such low-fidelity
videos will first be accepted by the students and
lecturers, and to what extend it will actually support
the learning process.
We think that using platforms and interaction
concepts instructors and students are familiar with
from their daily internet browsing (watching
YouTube videos, rating content, and adding com-
ments) will be less time-consuming than getting
used to completely new tools. We are aware of the
impact technical quality of audiovisual material has
on the recipient (Möller, 2010)(Arndt, Antons,
Schleicher, Möller, & G., 2012), although the issue
might not be as important as reported in (Lauer,
Müller, & Trahasch, 2004) due to a general increase
in available bandwidth since then. The Opencast
Matterhorn app Matterhorn 2 go
for example offers
searching and watching video lectures on the mobile
phone. Nevertheless, the lower quality as compared
to MOOC clips will of course be obvious, and may
in some cases even lead to ambiguous or non-
understandable sections. The euphemistic reply
would be that this emphasizes the 'authentic' charac-
ter of the material like jittery mobile phone clips
presented in news shows, where the unedited nature
of the clips almost increases their credibility.
However, this may be too optimistic, so let's as-
sume that the quality impairments simply prevent
understanding of certain sections. Here, a look in the
other available course material may be necessary,
probably based on the recommendations of fellow
students. The fact that processing a lecture cannot be
achieved without supplementary material might also
help to attenuate one objection we repeatedly heard
from lecturers, namely the worry that offering online
versions will discourage students to attend the class-
room. The more obvious it is that working with the
video material already starts in the lecture (by anno-
tating it in real time) and that attending it will have
benefits in terms of acoustic and visual quality (as
compared to the low-fidelity video), the less an atti-
tude of 'I can attend it later/at home' will arise.
In this position paper, we outlined a simple way to
offer video recording of lectures with low technical
quality to students and enable them to use this as
supplementary learning material. Unlike most avail-
able systems, the approach aims at utilizing existing
platforms and interaction paradigms as much as
possible, namely the possibility to watch videos
online via e.g. YouTube, add comments, and rate
those comments. Instead of editing the videos exten-
sively prior to uploading, the idea is that the main
focus should be on content-related annotating, which
can to a large extend be achieved by the students. To
facilitate this, they should be enabled to already start
with annotating while attending the lecture.
Shortcomings due to limited annotation func-
tionalities or arguably low technical quality of the
video footage are acknowledged and accounted for
by explicitly stating that the videos are just an addi-
tional teaching supplement without the intention to
replace other material or even lecture attendance.
This proposal is based on our experience that the
attempt to compete with platforms that offer profes-
sionally produced video lectures might fail without
providing substantial additional resources regarding
technical as well as legal expertise. At the same
time, the imbalance in resources has been dealt with
for a long time in other areas of teaching at public
universities both by students and lecturers alike, who
usually compensate for it by individually providing
material with low technical quality and increased
participation of the student body. We tried to show
how the same principle might be applied to video
lectures. The intention is to encourage all involved
parties, lecturers and students as well as experts on
e-learning to further develop this idea.
We would like to thank the Zentraleinrichtung Wis-
senschaftliche Weiterbildung und Kooperation
(ZEWK) TU Berlin, whose courses and support
motivated this manuscript.
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