A Generic Workflow Metamodel to Support Resource-aware Decision
Ravi Ramdoyal
, Christophe Ponsard
, Myriam-Amina Derbali
, Gabriel Schwanen
Isabelle Linden
and Jean-Marie Jacquet
CETIC Research Center, Charleroi, Belgium
University of Namur, Namur, Belgium
Business Modelling, Business Process Management, Workflow Modelling, Exception Management, Decision
Making, Resources.
When dealing with workflows, either at design-time or run-time, it is very likely to have to take resources
into account at some points. Many kinds of requirements on workflows can involve resources: they can
constraints the execution of specific tasks, require global optimization, allow some flexibility or not, etc.
However, resource is seldom expressed as “first class citizen” in many workflow definition languages. Hence it
is difficult to design rich reasoning abilities on top of them and consequently this does not ease the development
of powerful resource-aware decision support. In this paper, we propose an enhanced workflow metamodel
capturing the resource dimension within both design-time and run-time dimensions. Based on this metamodel,
we illustrate some interesting usage scenarios coping with design-time aspects (e.g. potential bottlenecks) and,
most importantly, run-time aspects (e.g. strategies from intelligent recovery, degraded mode). The model was
elicited and validated from an industrial case study which is illustrated in a simplified way.
As business processes are getting increasingly com-
plex, more and more organizations now turn to mod-
elling and workflow management systems to better
understand and master all the different tasks and ac-
tors involved in the implementation of their processes.
At the time being, various languages and tools allow,
on the one hand, to express the structuration and exe-
cution of the various tasks, as well as the constraints
related to the participants. On the other hand, they
provide assistance to decision-making in situations
with several acceptable alternatives.
However, these solutions are still limited, espe-
cially in terms of resource management in the broad-
est sense, as well as for the management of unex-
pected events for which there is no pre-procedure de-
fined. Indeed, the management of resources in the
workflows is traditionally mainly considered under
two approaches. On the one hand, flow-oriented mod-
elling languages only take into account human re-
sources involved as actors in the workflows. On the
other hand, resource-oriented proposals neglect flow
aspects of the processes. In this work, we hence pro-
pose a metamodel that incorporates a refined notion
of resources and their availability in a stream-oriented
In order to illustrate the metamodel and its appli-
cation, we use an airport management case study from
the ongoing BEM project (BEM, 2013). It focuses on
the landing procedure of approaching airplanes until
they are fully parked, and includes alternative sce-
narios such as redirection to other airports and inci-
dent/accident management. Key resources to consider
are related to the plane (such as fuel, schedule) and
the airport (such as number of tracks, waiting levels,
The remainder of the paper is structured as fol-
lows. Section 2 delineates the research context and
describes the related works in the field of workflow
modelling. Section 3 presents the resource-aware
workflow metamodel that was defined to overcome
the limitations of existing approaches. Section 4 sub-
sequently discusses this proposition and its applica-
tion, notably with respect to the airport management
example. Section 5 finally concludes this paper.
Ramdoyal R., Ponsard C., Derbali M., Schwanen G., Linden I. and Jacquet J..
A Generic Workflow Metamodel to Support Resource-aware Decision Making.
DOI: 10.5220/0004417002430250
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 243-250
ISBN: 978-989-8565-61-7
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Today, there are various available WMLs, that dif-
fer in the way they support the different aspects of
processes (e.g, activities, roles, resource, data, etc.).
Among WMLs, the most commonly used are control-
flow driven, which focus on the activities and their
flow. The resources required to actually perform
the activities at run-time, when mentioned, are usu-
ally only subject to a basic description. Other lan-
guages, called resource-driven, consider resources as
first class citizens and provide more refined descrip-
tion of resources and related constraints. These lan-
guages are more declarative and less commonly used
by industries. In this section, we present and discuss
the resource integration in representative WMLs of
both families.
2.1 Business Process Modelling
Notation (BPMN)
Currently maintained by the Object Management
Group, BPMN was developed to provide a notation
describing business processes understandable for both
analysts and developers, while bridging the gap be-
tween their design and implementation (BPMN 1.2,
2009). The BPMN 2.0 specification (BPMN 2.0,
2011) gathers the core elements used to describe
the process model, which consist in four categories.
Flow objects define the behaviour of business pro-
cess (events, activities and gateways). Connecting
Objects (sequence flows, message flows and associ-
ations) specify the connection of the flow objects to
each other or with other information. Swimlanes and
Pools distinguish different (types of) participants in a
process, either being a specific business entity (e.g. a
company, a department or a team) or a more general
business role. Artefacts allow the introduction of ad-
ditional information about the process, including data
object, group and annotation. The modelling of re-
sources is outside the main scope of BPMN (Wohed
et al., 2006), but the concepts of lanes and pools reveal
the need to support at least human-resources. In addi-
tion, BPMN offers a specific resource attribute at the
activity level that allows to specify who will perform
(or be responsible for) the task (a person, a group or
organizational unit or position).
2.2 Petri and Workflow Nets
First introduced in (Petri, 1962), Petri Nets were orig-
inally designed as a tool for modelling and analysing
concurrent (distributed) systems. Their simple graph-
ical syntax makes them very easy to use while their
clearly defined formal state-based semantics supports
a large number of useful and efficient analysis tech-
niques (Murata, 1989). Such characteristics make
them particularly well suited to model workflow pro-
cesses (van Der Aalst, 1998). The Workflow Nets pro-
posed in (van Der Aalst, 1996) are a sub-class of Petri
Nets specifically defined to represent workflow pro-
cesses and that simplify the modelling of workflows
(van Der Aalst and van Hee, 2004). They provide
dedicated graphical operators to represent common
control flow structures (as the synchronization or the
sequencing of activities).
Despite Petri Nets intrinsic qualities, it is very dif-
ficult, even sometimes impossible, to express some
control flow structures frequently used in workflow
management, namely those involving multiple in-
stances of the same activity and those implying a
wait and see behaviour. Likewise, the fact that tran-
sitions are only local in Petri Nets makes impossi-
ble the specification of activities that cancel others
in the workflow (cancellation activities). The use of
High-level Petri Nets, that extends Petri Nets (e.g.
with colour or hierarchy), allows to overcome some
of these (control-flow related) drawbacks but not all
at once (van Der Aalst and van Hee, 2004).
Regarding the resources modelling, Petri nets, and
thus Workflow Nets too, greatly lack syntactic support
to expressivity. Indeed, a set of n equivalent resources
can easily be modelled by the presence of n tokens in
a place used as input of all the transitions requiring
this type of resource. However, as soon as the re-
sources description involves multiple attributes, avail-
ability agenda, structuration in sub-categories and so
on, increasing complexity makes the model unman-
ageable and enhances the inadequation of the nota-
2.3 Yet another Workflow Language
In the mid-2000’s, an international academic joint ef-
fort delivered a new language to overcome the fail-
ure of High-level Petri Nets to solve all the prob-
lems seen before at once (van der Aalst and ter Hofst-
ede, 2003). The so-called YAWL (Yet Another Work-
flow Language) supports the 20 control flow patterns
identified by the Workflow Patterns initiative in (van
Der Aalst et al., 2003). Although inspired by Petri
Nets and its extensions, YAWL is a graphical and ex-
ecutable language with its own syntax and semantics,
and extends the class of Workflow Nets with multiple
instances, composite tasks, OR-joins gateways and
removal of tokens, i.e. cancellation (ter Hofstede and
van der Aalst, 2005; ter Hofstede et al., 2010). The
YAWL System built around the YAWL language is
designed as a services-oriented application that offers
an editor to model workflows in YAWL and an exe-
cution engine to verify and execute them. The YAWL
language implements only the control flow perspec-
tive while the YAWL system supports partially those
related to data and resources. Resources are linked
during the modelling step to an organizational model,
which specifies information about the participants,
such as roles, capabilities and privileges. Initially,
participants can be system actors or human resources
related to activity (task) level. The data layer also con-
tains the execution data, which includes case data and
execution logs. Resources are managed during exe-
cution through the Resource Service provided by the
YAWL system. The recent 2.3 version (The YAWL
Foundation, 2012) introduces support for non human
resources. In that version, similar resources can be as-
sociated in (sub)categories and availability calendars
can be associated to each resource. This recent evolu-
tion enhances the need for developing resource spec-
ifications and manage events in control flow driven
models. However, except the calendar, description
of resources stays limited and their dynamic evolu-
tion (creation, modification, destruction) is not con-
2.4 Event-driven Process Chains (EPCs)
EPCs provide a graphical business process descrip-
tion language introduced within the framework of
ARIS (Scheer, 2000) and based on the concepts of
stochastic networks and Petri nets. The control flow
of the process is presented as an event-driven process
chain consisting of the following elements. Functions
model the activities of the workflow through trans-
formations from an initial state to a resulting state.
Events link functions together by describing the situ-
ation before and/or after their execution (pre and post
conditions). Logical connectors connect function and
events through the logical operators AND, XOR and
OR. EPCs has been extended with data and organiza-
tional elements called extended event-driven process
chains (eEPCs) to support data and resource aspects
(Scheer, 2000). For each function, an organizational
role is specified to perform this function. These roles
are defined in an organizational chart of the company
and are mainly dedicated to model human resources.
2.5 Resource-driven Framework
The alternative framework proposed in (Kumar and
Wang, 2010) supports resource-driven workflow
modellings, which is typically useful when multiple
resources are involved in a process and may be sub-
ject to usage conflicts. This model is based on an
analysis of resource flows between tasks and checks
that each task will obtain its input resources. In addi-
tion, it can be used to generate a preliminary design
for ad hoc-workflows. Processes modelled according
this framework, on one hand, are very flexible and
can be changed instantly by changing constraints. On
the other hand, the framework is difficult to use in an
industrial context because the model loses the expres-
sivity of the control flow and makes it difficult to get
an intuition of the system’s behaviour.
2.6 Evaluation
Table 1 summarizes this survey of workflow mod-
elling languages focused mainly on their resource
modelling capabilities. The control-flow aspect is
presented in most WMLs but lacks in the resource-
driven framework because it focuses only on the de-
pendencies between the necessary resources to exe-
cute the activities. However, each language differs
in the way to describe tasks, gateways, connectors,
etc. Besides, WMLs partially provide the resource
aspect, except for the resource-driven framework. All
other WMLs of table 1 focus on the human resources
as workflow participant and include the role con-
cept at activity level. However, such simple resource
management and the recent progress of Yawl argue
in favour of a framework supporting more sophisti-
cated resources management even within control-flow
driven models.
Table 1: Evaluation of WMLs.
Petri net
Control flow + + + + -
Data + +/- + - +
Human resource + +/- + +/- +
Non-human resource - - +/- - +
This led us to opt for a generic workflow meta-
model to deal to the observed limitations. The so-
lution developed in this paper covers all workflow as-
pects (control flow, all resource type, data,...). Among
other qualities, this integrated view offers efficient
support to dynamic management and improve the
flexibility of the workflow.
To answer the previously mentioned limitations, we
propose a resource-awareness workflow metamodel
presented according to two dimensions, namely (i)
Design-time versus Run-time and (ii) Control-flow
versus Resources. The design-time concerns the up-
stream definition of the workflows for the given en-
vironment, which notably implies defining, classify-
ing and associating concepts such as processes, ac-
tivities, events, exceptions, resources and roles. In
contrast, the run-time relates to the downstream in-
stantiation, execution and monitoring of these work-
flows. The control-flow aspect focuses on the struc-
turing and succession of the activities, as well as the
management of exceptions, in terms of (i) occurrence
and (ii) handling. As for the resources, they embrace
the means that can be used to achieve these activities.
The proposed metamodel is subsequently described
according to these two dimensions, using the wide-
spectrum Generic Entity-Relationship (GER) model
(Hainaut, 2005), which is typically used to describe
conceptual (meta)models in various abstraction levels
and paradigms. The metamodel provides the vocabu-
lary to express both design time checks but also, and
more importantly, dynamic run-time recovery strate-
gies which we address in section 4.
3.1 Design-time Control-flow
Deriving from traditional approaches, modelling
design-time control-flow requires to be able to spec-
ify the processes of the application domain and their
decomposition into activities, as described in Fig-
ure 1(a). This aspect is typically covered during the
analysis of the application domain, to understand how
the given organizations are supposed to operate while
managing well-known or predictable deviations from
the normal modes of operation. A process can be
composed of any number of activities, which can in
turn be decomposed into sub-activities. An activity
may be mono-instance or multi-instance. It is pre-
ceded by a junction point (Join) and followed by a
separation point (Split) into any number of activities.
These joins and splits may be subject to specific con-
straints regulating the start and the termination of the
activities. The processes and activities may encounter
known exceptions, which may result from the occur-
rence of a known event. Identifying such events can
be done using standard approaches and techniques,
such as the risk analysis methodologies described in
(Tixier et al., 2002). For each of these events, the na-
ture of the exception is crucial. In particular, we focus
on how the resources are impacted. Specific recovery
processes can be defined to handle documented ex-
ceptions, and in turn be decomposed and described.
3.2 Design-time Resources
Modelling design-time resources requires implies
specifying all the means necessary to achieve the var-
ious processes and activities described in Section 3.1.
We here use the term resource as defined in (Kumar
and Wang, 2010), which implies that they are not lim-
ited to (human) participants, but also covers tools,
machines, consumables and so on. Exhaustive ex-
amples of ways resources can be used in workflows
are presented in (Russell et al., 2005). Resources can
therefore be classified into resource types for which
different properties can be defined (Figure 1(b)). The
expected availability and unavailability of these re-
sources may also be defined, as well as the possi-
ble conflicts between them (Figure 1(e)). Each re-
source may be owned by one or several organiza-
tions (Figure 1(d)). For human participants (users),
personal and contact informations may be provided.
The hierarchical structure of the organizations may
be specified in terms of groups and positions. The ex-
pected availability, unavailability and reachability and
the groups may also be defined. An activity may re-
quire different roles for its execution (Figure 2). Each
role may necessitate specific prerequisite capabilities
and be assigned to a specific participant or position.
Roles can be organized into a given hierarchy, and an
assignment order can be defined. Roles can also be
forbidden to specific participants or positions.
An activity may also require the occupation of
specific resources or types of resources (Figure 1(c)).
The occupation rate and the shareability of the (types
of) resources may be specified. An assignment or-
der can be specified for the occupation and specific
(types of) resources can also be forbidden. Besides,
activities can impact or modify specific types of re-
sources during their execution. Finally, the meta-
model enables to express the link between events and
resources at design time. This implies defining how
an event may impact a resource type or modify some
of its properties (similarly as the execution of an ac-
tivity), but also expressing how the unavailability of
resources for specific roles and occupations can trans-
late into specific events.
3.3 Run-time Control-flow
Modelling run-time control-flow focusses on logging
Figure 1: Metamodelling of (a) design-time control-flow, as well as resources (b) properties, (c) occupation, (d) organizations
and (e) availability/conflicts.
Figure 2: Design-time resources modelling in the meta-
model: roles.
Figure 3: Run-time control-flow modelling in the meta-
the instances of processes, activities, events and ex-
ceptions defined in Section 3.1, as described in Fig-
ure 3. Note that it is however possible to encounter
events or exceptions that have not been predicted up-
3.4 Run-time Resources
Finally, modelling run-time resources focusses on
logging the real-time usage of resources specified in
Section3.2 by the instances of processes and activities
logged in Section 3.3, as described in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Run-time resources modelling in the metamodel.
The resource perspective provided by the metamodel
opens new reasoning possibilities for the system
to manage processes over time and circumstances,
e.g. in the context of our airport management
case study. The resource characteristics captured
by the model include the expected/observed avail-
ability/unavailability, the activities within workflow
that relies on it or can impact it, specific constraints
(exclusions, ordering, amount,...), etc. Our high-
level framework for decision support (Figure 5) inte-
grates these information and enables several resource-
related reasonings such as: (i) statically analyze re-
source bottleneck and monitor their usage to antici-
pate potential risks; (ii) plan and dynamically adapt
processes based on the evolving demand and offer
of involved resources; (iii) capture unexpected events
and reactively overcome them using non-explicitly
described processes; (iv) define complex processes to
manage documented exceptions for which recovery
processes have not been defined (typically because
the exceptions occur extremely rarely, or the recovery
processes are not part of the operational activities of
the organisation). This expert system relies on the de-
tection of abnormal situations and the application of
adequate corrective actions based on domain-specific
and/or more generic decision rules, that can typically
be expressed through the conditions and rules repre-
sented in Figure 1(a). For the sake of simplicity, we
here consider basic rules of the following form:
IF <deviation condition>
THEN <corrective action>
The airport case study is resource-limited in
several ways (Figure 6), e.g. planes have a limited
amount of fuel which translates into the limited
time available before requiring emergency landing.
Airports also have only limited infrastructure to
host the planes in terms of tracks and separations
Figure 5: Overview of a Business Event Manager.
levels, which translates into a limited acceptance
rate for incoming flights. Managing resources is
hence important, e.g. to ensure safety (critical for
the case study), minimize operation costs (hence
optimizing resource allocation) or allocate the work
load according to the available manpower. Rules
regarding the management of runways and plane
rerouting can be stated as follows:
(i) IF <the traffic grows AND the separation
level on allocated runways exceeds a given
threshold AND there exists an unallocated
runway> THEN <allocate extra runway>
(ii) IF <there is no free runway for the plane
AND the plane has low fuel AND another airport
is available> THEN <reroute the plane to the
other airport>
(iii) IF <the number of used runways is smaller
that a given threshold AND the traffic is not
growing> THEN <close unnecessary runways>
Such rules, balancing operational conditions and
costs optimisation, can be generalised to many
industrial application domains.
Regarding the management of unexpected events,
it must be pointed out that in-depth design-time
modelling is expensive and may lead complex and
hard-to-maintain workflows, while risk analysis
methodologies have their limits. In this context, the
proposed approach provides dynamic mechanisms
to directly tackle unexpected events with feasible
resources-wise solutions. Unrealisable solutions
are discarded either by default (if defined as such)
or whenever available resources are incompatible
with the current global state of the system (active
workflow instances, allocated resources, environment
characteristics...). The previously stated rules coped
with dynamic variation of the related resources, and
can hence be extended to deal with adverse events.
For instance, regarding the management of weather
conditions and rerouting:
(i) IF <there is adverse wind on a runway> THEN
<close that runway>
(ii) IF <there is no nearby airport available>
THEN <open all available runways>
An important discussion point relates to what extend
the envisioned actions can be applied automatically
given the unexpected character of what is happening.
Again, we could have identified the above conditions
at design time and have foreseen these in the work-
flow. Adding them at run-time can be done either
manually or using some automatic instantiation of
generic rules. For example, replacing an unavailable
resource by an equivalent available resource. Looser
strategies can also be designed to allow using only
partly compatible resources whenever the impact is
acceptable (e.g. identified degraded mode). Applying
such strategies requires the greatest care as it can
impact the stability of the system. This can be
supported by specific analysis techniques such as
model-checking. However this kind of strategy
update and analysis should be seen as an intermediate
and flexible adaptative maintenance on the system,
hence taking place on another time scale than the
system operation. It must also take into account and
arbitrate the needs for pure immediate automatic
system reactions versus the low-term evolution of the
system workflows.
In this paper, we presented a resource-aware work-
flow metamodel coping with the limitations of exist-
ing WMLs. Taking into accounts two critical dimen-
sions (design-time versus run-time and control-flow
versus resources), it enables to capture and express
advanced characteristics of the resources that can typ-
ically be used to improve decision support. In par-
ticular, it enables to distinguish human participants
from other types of resources such as consumables
and to explicit the close interactions between activi-
ties and resources, as well as between events and re-
sources. We also showed how the meta-model pro-
vides a rich semantic framework supporting rules to
enable reasoning on the system evolution, beyond the
classical static resource bottleneck analysis. It should
be noted that a tool-supported methodology is cur-
rently being developed to exploit the metamodel. It
relies on a guided questionnaire that progressively ex-
plores the various aspects of the meta-model with the
stakeholders, and provides an extension to the YAWL
software environment to capture the resulting speci-
fications. The next steps of this work will consist in
pushing further the evaluation of the meta-model and
Figure 6: Airport management case study.
polishing its methodology and tool-support in order
to improve the quality of the resulting specifications
and tune the metamodel accordingly. On the run-time
side, a run-time expert system connected to a work-
flow monitoring and enacting framework is currently
being designed: the rule language sketched in the pa-
per is being refined and a library of resource manage-
ment patterns is being elaborated.
This work was carried as part of the BEM project,
supported by the R
egion Wallonne and its Plan Mar-
shall funding (convention number 6306). We also
thanks the partners of the BEM project for providing
the air traffic management case study.
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