Smart Cities Architectures
A Systematic Review
Gustavo H. R. P. Tomas
, Welington M. da Silva
, Paulo A. da M. S. Neto
, Vinicius C. Garcia
Alexandre Alvaro
and Kiev Gama
Informatics Center, Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, Brazil
Recife Center for Advanced Studies and Systems (C.E.S.A.R), Sorocaba, Brazil
Federal University of S
ao Carlos (UFSCar), Campus Sorocaba, Sorocaba, Brazil
Smart Cities, Internet of Things, Architecture.
The smart cities concept arises from the necessity of managing several problems caused by the unbridled
population growth at urban centers. To make a city become “smart” it is needed to employ Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT) to access, process and deliver information according to the urban context.
This information can be employed to mitigate several urban issues, such as traffic jams, high natural resource
consumption, epidemias, sustainability, waste management, low quality and life expectancy of citizens, among
others. Thus, the increasing need to create architectures that are able to interact with the Internet of Things,
i.e., several built-in devices, appliances, sensors and actuators embedded in each urban context. This work is a
systematic review regarding proposals for such architectures. After selecting the relevant approaches, we have
identified a set of issues that these approaches aim to solve and some architectural patterns employed.
The most accepted definition for the term City is de-
scribed in Kuper (Kuper, 1995): a relatively large and
permanent settlement. Usually, big cities have high
population density, with its citizens living in constant
interaction with industries, business and services.
According to a UNESCO report released in 1950
(Nations, 2007), 30% of world population lived in ur-
ban areas. This number grew to 50% in 2010 and
it is estimated that in 2050 the percentage of peo-
ple living in large urban centers will be around 70%.
Consequently, several issues are easily identified in
urban centers, such as traffic jams, high natural re-
source consumption, epidemias, sustainability, waste
management, low life expectancy of citizens, among
This unbridled populational growth sets a chal-
lenge of combining city services with Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT) in order to miti-
gate these urban issues and promote better living con-
ditions for citizens. In other words, the challenge
is how to turn a city into a Smart City and it has
been widely discussed both in academic and indus-
try, from projects and initiatives considering several
To achieve this goal, it is needed the utilize of
some sort of sensing capability in the targeted ob-
jects (vehicles, people, home, etc.) and ensuring con-
nectivity. It is from this unitary monitoring mecha-
nism that a holistic view of the city is built, dedi-
cated to efficient maintenance of its services. This
vision can be specialized to a scenario, where each
object is equipped with enough technology and intel-
ligence to transform it in a data supplier/consumer. It
is reasonable to picture this distribution and integra-
tion with each object owning part of the needed data
to some computation executed in a centralizing en-
tity, responsible for the processing and management.
This set of objects acting collaboratively in pursuit of
a well defined common purpose is called Internet of
Things(IoT) (Atzori et al., 2010), and it constitutes
the essential technological foundation for implement-
ing smart cities.
Smart Cities offer a new approach to optimize ser-
vices, reducing costs and improving citizens life qual-
ity. This way, it is needed that sensors become smart,
since they represent the peripheral elements of a com-
plex future ICT world. However, due to the specific
application field, smart sensors are very heteroge-
neous in terms of communication technologies, sens-
ing features and elaboration capabilities(Fazio et al.,
H. R. P. Tomas G., M. da Silva W., A. da M. S. Neto P., C. Garcia V., Alvaro A. and Gama K..
Smart Cities Architectures - A Systematic Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0004417204100417
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 410-417
ISBN: 978-989-8565-60-0
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Thus, it arises the need of establishing a smart city
architecture able to store, combine, process and de-
livery contextualized information for the Internet of
Things (Sanchez et al., 2011) (Fazio et al., 2012).
These architectures must enable the integration be-
tween different urban contexts, e.g., using smart city
architecture is possible to analyze the impact of every
city event in different contexts.
In this context, this Systematic Literature Review
(SLR) aims to analyze the main approaches that de-
scribe the architectures of smart cities based on the
Internet of Things. According to Kitchenham’s guide-
lines (Kitchenham and Charters, 2007), the aim of
an SLR is intended to support the development of
evidence-based guidelines through selection and syn-
thesize the most relevant research. Many architectural
approaches have been proposed in the literature, and
this paper will focus on architectures that combine in-
ternet of things with smart city. This way, this litera-
ture review will be based on three questions:
Q1. What architectures have been proposed combin-
ing the internet of things with smart cities?
Q2. What are the main goals and issues addressed by
these architectures?
Q3. What are the patterns used by the existing pro-
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows. Section 2 describes the applied research
methodology. Section 3 presents and analyzes the
results related to review questions, while Section 4
closes the paper by describing the main conclusions.
The systematic review is a means of identifying, eval-
uating, interpreting and comparing all available that is
research relevant to a particular question (Kitchenham
and Charters, 2007). Thus, for review purposes, only
approaches that combine smart cities with the internet
of things were considered.
This way, this section aims to describe the search
strategy and all steps followed to filter and extract
relevant data from approaches found. Our research
methodology followed all the stages and steps recom-
mended in Kitchenham’s guidelines (Kitchenham and
Charters, 2007).
2.1 Search Strategy and Data Sources
The strategy used to construct the search terms fol-
lowed the same approach used in (Kitchenham and
Charters, 2007) (Chen et al., 2009) (Khurum and
Gorschek, 2009):
Derive main terms based on the research question
and the topics being researched;
Determine and include synonyms, related terms,
and alternative spelling for major terms;
Incorporate alternative spellings and synonyms
using boolean operator “OR”;
Link main terms using boolean operator “AND”.
Following this strategy, we constructed the search
string as bellow:
(smart city OR intelligent city OR digital city OR
urban environment) AND (internet of things OR het-
erogeneous sensors) AND (architecture OR middle-
ware OR platform)
Due to the variation of the search features pro-
vided by the main digital sources of literature (such
as IEEExplore, Springer Link, and ACM Digital Li-
brary), it was not possible to use a single search string
for all the digital sources (Chen et al., 2009). Thus,
we made a significant effort to ensure that the search
strings used were logically and semantically equiva-
After the search string definition, we searched the
primary studies in these digital sources (1. IEEEx-
plore; 2. Science Direct; 3. ACM Digital Library;
4. Springer Link; 5. CiteSeerX; 6.;
and 7. ISI Web of Science). Furthermore, consid-
ering that smart city involves business concepts, we
also searched patents on the World Intellectual Prop-
erty Organization (WIPO)
About the manual search, we performed it in
these conferences (1. International Conference on
Computational Intelligence, Modeling and Simula-
tion (IJCCI); 2. International Conference on Intel-
ligent Environments (IE); 3. Multimedia Informa-
tion Networking and Security (MINES); 4. Emerging
Technologies for a Smarter World (CEWIT); 5. Inter-
national Conference on Innovative Mobile and Inter-
net Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS)).
The quality of search engines may have influenced
the completeness of the identified primary studies.
That means our search may have missed those studies
whose authors would have used other terms to spec-
ify smart cities architectures associated to internet of
2.2 Study Selection
We selected only works that propose architectures
or frameworks to centralize the several contexts and
technologies involving the urban environment. Thus,
aiming to increase analysis reliability, all the authors
were involved in source selection process.
After defining the search string and data sources,
the filters to refine the work found were defined. Fig-
ure 1 illustrates the results of each step with the cor-
responding filters.
Step 1
Step 3
Step 2
Identify relevante studies in
conference proceedings and
relevant databases
Exclude studies on the basis
of titles
Remove duplicates
Exclude studies outside the
range 2008-2012 year
Step 4
Exclude studies on the basis
of abstracts
Step 5 33
Exclude studies on the basis
of relevance
Step 6 11
Figure 1: Steps of the search strategy.
The goals of the filters were to select the main
approaches that describe architecture of smart cities
based on the internet of things. Thus, the first filter
matches all work found in relevant databases, previ-
ously described, obtained from the search string.
The second filter was applied to exclude the work
in which the publication year is outside the range
2008-2012. This interval was chosen after analysis
and verification that the work published before 2008
dealt with the internet of things applied to smart city
in isolation, i.e., the work proposed to solve problems
in a specific scenario using only a technology, with-
out analyzing the connection between different urban
Regarding the inclusion criteria, the work was in-
cluded if:
it proposed an architecture or framework to cen-
tralize the information from several urban con-
texts or;
it described an IoT middleware design that met
more than one technology and context and;
the approach has not been addressed in earlier
studies analysed;
During the review several papers were found de-
scribing the same architecture. In this case, only the
most complete work was included. After this stage,
there were 11 approaches left.
This high discrepancy between the initial amount
of approaches and the amount of resulting primary
studies is discussed and explained in Kitchenham et
al. (Kitchenham et al., 2009).
Regarding patents, we did not find any patent re-
lated to integration of different city contexts. Usu-
ally, the patents that are closer to the context of this
systematic review generally describe a specific algo-
rithm or technique optimization in a controlled envi-
After performing the search on relevant databases,
and filtering them according to the criteria described
in the previous section, 11 approaches remained.
These approaches were read and discussed among
the authors, aiming to highlight the topics related to
the review questions. This section aims to discuss
these approaches, starting with an approach review,
describing addressed issues, applied patterns, and fi-
nally, analyzing all the results.
If an approach had a name, we used that name.
Otherwise, we created a name using the first authors
surname followed by the publication year. Table 1
lists each of the 11 approaches in chronological order.
Table 1: List of approaches reviewed.
ID Approach Year Reference
1 Al-Hader’2009 2009 (Al-Hader et al., 2009)
2 Anthopoulos’2010 2010 (Anthopoulos and Fitsilis, 2010)
3 SOFIA 2010 (Filipponi et al., 2010)
4 EcoCity/ISMP-UC 2011 (Lee et al., 2011)
5 CPAF 2011 (Mostashari et al., 2011)
6 SmartSantander 2011 (Sanchez et al., 2011)
7 IMS 2011 (Shao, 2011)
8 USN 2011 (Hern
noz et al., 2011)
9 Wu’2011 2011 (Wu et al., 2011)
10 Fazio’2012 2012 (Fazio et al., 2012)
11 S
OiA 2012 (Vega-Barbas et al., 2012)
3.1 What Architectures have been
proposed Combining the Internet of
Things with Smart Cities?
Architectures for smart cities can be designed start-
ing from different areas of scientific knowledge. This
subsection aims to briefly discuss architectures found,
ordered by the publication date, highlighting its goals
and features proposed to solve the issues they address.
Starting with Al-Hader’2009 (Al-Hader et al.,
2009), it proposes an architecture supported by four
principles: applications, business, process manage-
ment and network infrastructure. The first principle
corresponds to applications which uses different tech-
nologies for monitoring sensors, such as Global Posi-
tioning System (GPS). The vast majority of these ap-
plications meet cities operational demand, however,
using the rules defined in the second principle - busi-
ness - they can aggregate economically viable solu-
tions. The third principle is the processes manage-
ment in which relationships, rules, strategies and poli-
cies between smart cities applications and business
units are defined. Finally, the last principle is a net-
work infrastructure, responsible for connecting the
other three principles.
Anthopoulos et al. (Anthopoulos and Fitsilis,
2010) proposed an architecture based on the analy-
sis of different initiatives already implemented, mod-
eled applying the principles of Enterprise Architec-
ture, which sets up a mission, information, technolo-
gies, specific processes and framework required to
implement it. Anthopoulos et al. highlight that the
construction of a smart city must forecast legacy sys-
tems integration to the new infrastructure, migration
and reuse of existing data, simplification of urban pro-
cesses through participatory performance, resource
utilization optimization, systems and equipment inter-
operability, and providing tools for monitoring, man-
agement and analysis.
The SOFIA (Filipponi et al., 2010) project is cen-
tered on the concept of smart environment as an
ecosystem of interacting objects, such as sensors, de-
vices, appliances and embedded systems in general,
self-organized, providing services and custom pro-
cessing. The SOFIA architecture is event driven, in
which an event is an observable change in the state
of an Information Technology (IT) system; it can be
triggered by real world events, such as presence de-
tection, timeouts etc., by internal events like the re-
ception of a message (e.g., a command) or the com-
pletion of a task.
Sensors monitoring and management are also the
goal of the ISMP-UC (Lee et al., 2011) project. The
EcoCity architecture has three basic layers. The bot-
tom layer consists of different types of sensors, actu-
ators, and other devices distributed accross the city.
On the top layer there is a range of U-eco City Ser-
vices. Above these layers lies the middleware which
collects and processes data and contextual informa-
tion. Its service-oriented architecture enables services
to be developed independently and invoked through
standardized Web services interfaces.
Moreover, Mostashari et al. (Mostashari et al.,
2011) proposes a framework, called Cognitive Pro-
cess Architecture Framework (CPAF), which allows
different urban processes to be designed with cogni-
tive abilities. In this context, cognition is the ability
of a system to learn from previous experiences and
adapt its behavior based on them. A cognitive system
is able to sense, perceive and respond to changes in
the environment, and can therefore improve a systems
performance by increasing its adaptive capacity.
Another approach with several sensors embedded
in an urban environment is SmartSantander (Sanchez
et al., 2011). The number of devices to be deployed
in Santander and its surroundings is foreseen to climb
up to 12,000 devices, thus creating the basis for devel-
opment of a future Smart City. The SmartSantander
aims to produce the following key outcomes: i) An
architectural reference model for open real-world In-
ternet of Things (IoT) experimentation facilities; ii) A
scalable, heterogeneous and trustable large-scale real-
world experimental facility; iii) A representative set
of implemented use cases for the experimental facil-
ity; and iv) A large set of Future Internet experiments
and results.
As SmartSantander focuses on interoperability of
objects, the IMS (Shao, 2011) proposes an approach
that combine IoT with citizens. According to the au-
thors, the development of ICT is related to the prox-
imity with people. For this, IMS is based on three
layers: access, session and application. The access
layer is the lowest layer and provides capability to ac-
cess IMS network from different terminals. The ses-
sion layer provides session establishment, modifica-
tion, and termination; providing session management
to the upper layer. Finally, the application layer, the
highest one of IMS network, allows application de-
The interoperability of objects also is explored by
Hernandez et al. (Hern
noz et al., 2011),
that proposed an architecture called Ubiquitous Sen-
sor Network (USN). The goal was to provide an in-
frastructure that enabled the integration of heteroge-
neous and geographically dispersed sensors in a cen-
tralized technological base, in which services could
be developed at minimal cost; to this end, the project
based itself on the integration of Internet of Things
and Internet of Services. Additionally, the architec-
ture included a module known as USN-Gateway that
enabled interoperability between sensor and the IP
Like the USN, Wu’2011 (Wu et al., 2011) pro-
poses a middleware to manage the spatial information
from multiple sources always has different formats,
structures, and spatial database engines. The mid-
dleware builds a bridge to heterogeneous spatial and
application by the support of Multi-Agent and Web
Service. This platform follows the Service-Oriented
Architecture (SOA), and it is consisted of two main
parts: Contract-First model and message conversion
agent model.
Fazio’2012 (Fazio et al., 2012) proposes an ar-
chitecture which allows the aggregation of different
information types from several sensors embedded on
different urban contexts. The main goal of this archi-
tecture is to provide contextualized data, combining
several data sources. To this end, the architecture con-
sists of four levels: I) REST APIs, which allow on-
demand interactions with clients, applications and/or
other services; II) The Sensor Observation Service
Agent (SOS Agent), which supports all functionalities
for describing sensors and observations; III) Sensor
Manager, able to interact with sensors, it coordinates
their activities and collect data for the upper layers.
It provides a uniform management of heterogeneous
sensors; IV) the Sensing Infrastructure (SI), which is
composed of several different sensors and sensing de-
The architecture called S
OiA, described in
(Vega-Barbas et al., 2012), also manage the different
information types and interoperability issues among
such a large number of heterogeneous actors. The
OiA architecture is syntactic and semantic Service-
Oriented Architecture that allows the integration of
any type of object or device on the Internet of Things.
It allows an ad-hoc dynamic application composition
in cooperating and distributed environments which
are uniformly described. To such extent it has been
defined within the architecture design a set of seman-
tic dependency management modules which track ser-
vices and resources allowing the already created ap-
plications to continue running despite changes of the
3.2 What are the Main Goal and Issues
Addressed by these Architectures?
These architectural approaches are proposed to meet
several issues on urban systems. As the analysis ap-
proaches were not proposed for specific purposes,
the techniques used to solve these issues are easily
adapted to different urban contexts. Table 2 summa-
rizes the architectures IDs with the issues addressed.
One of the most discussed and studied issue on
IoT projects is the interoperability of objects, where
the object is an abstraction of a sensor, actuator or any
device able to perform some sort of computation (At-
zori et al., 2010). In fact, this is a critical requirement
to the consolidation of any platform that uses a range
of objects with different technical specifications and
communication protocols. The majority of architec-
tures explicitly designate a module or layer to meet
this requirement, as in SOFIA (Filipponi et al., 2010),
USN (Hern
noz et al., 2011), Wu’2011 (Wu
et al., 2011) and S
OiA (Vega-Barbas et al., 2012).
In particular, the SOFIA project developed an inter-
operable platform and select a set of vertical appli-
cations to compose this smart environment based on
embedded systems. Regarding to USN (Hern
noz et al., 2011), this module - known as USN-
Gateway - besides being responsible for the interop-
erability of objects on the platform, it also implements
mechanisms that allow interoperability between sen-
sors network and the IP network. In case of Wu’2011,
the interoperability is implemented by two main parts:
Contract-First model and message conversion agent
model. i) Contract-First agent model integrates dis-
tributed and heterogeneous spatial information. ii)
Message conversion agent model resolves the proto-
col conflict between different applications problem.
Finally, in S
OiA the integration of heterogeneous ob-
jects (legacy and future created) is made from exten-
sible mechanism using OSGi
Another important feature inherent to the smart
cities context is continuous real-time monitoring.
The real-time monitoring is an important require-
ment for keeping city services constantly updated,
due to an event triggered in a city domain can in-
fluence the decisions-making of others. Furthermore,
the real-time monitoring is the most valuable instru-
ment to provide relevant information that will be used
to predict phenomena. In this context, the main ar-
chitectures which implement this feature built into
the structure are Al-Hader’2009 (Al-Hader et al.,
2009), SOFIA (Filipponi et al., 2010), SmartSan-
tander (Sanchez et al., 2011) and USN (Hern
noz et al., 2011).
This diversity of objects capturing data and oper-
ating over several city domains combined with real-
time monitoring raises a great opportunity for em-
ploying sustainable policies on the data analysis pro-
cess. Due to the high coverage of all city areas, archi-
tectures must include, since its conception, sustain-
able policies. These policies are related to environ-
mental, economic and social aspects of each domain.
The architectures that seek to integrate sustainability
are EcoCity/ISMP-UC (Lee et al., 2011) and Smart-
Santander (Sanchez et al., 2011), however they only
address the environment issue.
Aiming to adopt these sustainable policies, a
smart city architecture must provide mechanisms to
improve social aspects for citizens to be involved ef-
fectively; otherwise the entire investment will not be
effective. One example is the Digital City of Trikala,
Greece, after five million euro spent on infrastructure
maintenance and 6 years of operation, the population
did not use it and was not even aware of the digital
services availability (Anthopoulos and Fitsilis, 2010).
The only architecture that contains a citizen’s involve-
ment principle is IMS (Shao, 2011), in which the ar-
chitecture provides apparatus for citizens to interact
with the things anywhere.
This proximity between devices and people, usu-
ally with access to the Internet, originated the term
ubiquity (Sp
ınola and Travassos, 2012). Ubiquity
comprehends any mobile technology feat capture in-
formation about the environment and citizens or act
over the same (Sanchez et al., 2011). Ubiquity is an-
other key requirement that must be explored in smart
cities. The ubiquity concept is an essential key for the
implementation of real-time monitoring requirement,
that was explored on SmartSantander (Sanchez et al.,
2011) and USN (Hern
noz et al., 2011) ap-
This ubiquity eventually produces a large amount
of data (Filipponi et al., 2010), generating the phe-
nomenon known as Big Data (Gopalkrishnan et al.,
2012). The smart city space can be considered an
ubiquitous computing environment where sensors are
installed in many different areas and provide infor-
mation about the environment to interested devices,
applications and users (Sanchez et al., 2011). All
these high data volumes need to be protected, in
compliance with security policies, both in relation
to the availability and storage. These goals are dis-
cussed in SmartSantander (Sanchez et al., 2011) and
Fazio’2012 (Fazio et al., 2012).
Besides, to improve the data analysis process, sen-
sors location is needed (Shao, 2011) (Hern
noz et al., 2011) (Vega-Barbas et al., 2012). From
the geographic location of the sensors it is possi-
ble to perform actions according to the environment
(Jauregui-Ortiz et al., 2012). This feature is ad-
dressed by the approaches IMS (Shao, 2011), USN
noz et al., 2011) and S
OiA (Vega-
Barbas et al., 2012). In IMS, location is an important
information in the investigation the citizens behavior;
in USN, the location discovery is considered as a es-
sential requirement of architecture. S
OiA aims to
unify the countless device discovery protocols that are
currently used. One of the ideas issued to overcome it
aims to create a new standardized IoT common pro-
tocol or interoperable architectures that abstract these
Finally, urban environments are essentially a set
of complex systems available to meet the needs of its
citizens. Architectures that are willing to give support
to these systems should consider them as complemen-
tary in the search for effective urban management,
rather than treating them isolated. For this end, the
Anthopoulos’2010 (Anthopoulos and Fitsilis, 2010),
CPAF (Mostashari et al., 2011), IMS (Shao, 2011)
and Fazio’2012 (Fazio et al., 2012) approaches im-
plemented some service composition techniques.
3.3 What are the Patterns used by the
Existing Proposals?
Regarding the addressed patterns it was difficult to
identify which patterns each architecture used due to
the lack of design and implementation details. Nev-
ertheless, some patterns were identified, specially the
patterns regarding to communication and messaging
between components.
Among these communication patterns, the most
employed is the publisher-subscriber pattern
(Buschmann et al., 1996). In the publisher-subscriber
pattern, publishers send messages to a specific
channel; the subscriber listening to that specific
channel receives all messages. Among the analyzed
approaches, four of them explicitly described the use
of this pattern: SOFIA (Filipponi et al., 2010), USN
noz et al., 2011), SmartSantander
(Sanchez et al., 2011), Wu’2011 (Wu et al., 2011)
and Fazio’2012 (Fazio et al., 2012).
The main reason is the real world natural model-
ing (Filipponi et al., 2010), since several events can
be triggered simultaneously and can be interpreted by
the same component. Additionally, this pattern en-
ables service composition since each service can re-
ceive information from other services and combine
them appropriately. Moreover, in USN this pattern
is used to constantly monitor the sensors, appliances
and devices.
Besides the publisher-subscriber pattern,
Fazio’2012 (Fazio et al., 2012) employs another
two patterns: facade and abstract factory (Gamma
et al., 2001).
By analyzing the approaches, we noticed that the
architectural model based on layers (Buschmann
et al., 1996) is more employed, due to the facility in
compose and expand components (Hern
et al., 2011) (Fazio et al., 2012) (Vega-Barbas et al.,
2012), being used by 8 studied approaches. How-
ever, two approaches are not arranged in layers: Al-
Hader’2009 (Al-Hader et al., 2009) and SOFIA (Fil-
ipponi et al., 2010). The SOFIA architecture is based
on event driven and Al-Hader’2009 is based on prin-
Due to the difficulty of identifying information
concerning to the architectural patterns of each ap-
proach, it was not possible to identify the patterns
used in Al-Hader’2009, CPAF and IMS.
3.4 Analysis
After answering the questions, others factors were an-
alyzed. The first factor is the adhesion to the layered
model for most of the studied approaches, primarily
Table 2: Approaches reviewed summary.
Architecture ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Object interoperability
Real-time monitoring
Social aspects
Sensor discovery
Service composition
Abstract factory
due to the simple composition and expansion of the
Regarding the issues from this systematic review
may be noted that no architecture met all the issues
surrounding smart city architecture. We believe that
usually the architectures are proposed for specific pur-
poses, to solve problems of small niches in the smart
city context.
It may also be noted that for implementation of
these smart city architecture heterogeneity is essen-
tial, due to factors, such as the high range of devices
and proximity to citizens.
Another relevant point is the proximity with the
citizens. To turn a city into smart city is a social rather
than a technological challenge. So, all technological
mechanism should be developed based on the citizens
needs, so that they feel involved in the process.
Furthermore, a smart city should monitor events
and take preventive decisions in real time. This pre-
vention must be done examining several urban con-
texts. Thus, the architectures are focusing on the com-
position and aggregation of services, data, informa-
tion and contexts.
Finally, the approaches analyzed are in differ-
ent stages of validation. Some approaches, such as
SmartSantander and SOFIA, already have some sta-
tistical data and case studies that demonstrate the
architecture behavior in some contexts. Moreover,
some approaches, such as CPAF, have not presented
any practical validation to the proposed design.
Throughout this systematic review several smart city
architectures based on the internet of things were an-
alyzed. The section 2 described the research method-
ology used and the results were analyzed on section
3 related to the reviewed questions.
At the end of this review, we identified a set of
issues that these architectures aim to solve and that
can be considered as minimum requirements for im-
plementing a smart city architecture. Each issue rep-
resents a core set of features that are critical for the
deployment and adoption of a smart city.
Regarding the patterns, we conclude that the lay-
ered model seems to be the most promising, since
several approaches have successfully implemented it.
Moreover, this pattern provides some interesting ben-
efits in relation to the smart city context.
Furthermore, the analyzed approaches are in dif-
ferent validation stages. Some approaches, such as
Smart Santander and SOFIA, have already presented
some statistical data and case studies that demonstrate
the architecture behavior in some contexts. Moreover,
some approaches, such as CPAF, were designed with-
out practical validations.
From the analyzed studies we noted that no archi-
tectures meets all the issues of a smart city. Thus,
for future work, we will design and implement a IoT-
based smart city architecture. As a case study, it will
be considered essential services in Brazilian context
as a means to validate the architecture in a real sce-
This work was partially supported by the National In-
stitute of Science and Technology for Software engi-
neering (INES)
, grant 2012/10157-1,
, grants 573964/2008-4, APQ-1037-1.03/
08 and CESAR
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