An Agent-based Modeling for Price-responsive Demand Simulation
Hongyan Liu
and Jüri Vain
Department of Information Technologies, Åbo Akademi University, Turku Centre of Computer Science,
Joukahaisenkatu 3-5 A 20520, Turku, Finland
Department of Computer Science, Institute of Cybernetic, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia
Keywords: Agent-Based Modeling, Computational Intelligence, Demand Response, Electricity Markets, Meta-model,
Multi-Agent Systems, Real-time Pricing, Smart Grids.
Abstract: With the ongoing deployment of smart grids, price-responsive demand is playing an increasingly important
role in the paradigm shifting of electricity markets. Taking a multi-agent system modeling approach, this
paper presents a conceptual platform for discovering dynamic pricing solutions that reflect the varying cost
of electricity in the wholesale market as well as the level of demand participation, especially regarding
household customers and small and medium sized businesses. At first, an agent-based meta-model
representing various concepts, relations, and structure of agents is constructed. Then a domain model can be
instantiated based upon the meta-model. Finally, a simulation experiment is developed for use case
demonstration and model validation. The simulation is for the supplier to obtain the profit-maximizing
demand curve which has such a shape that it follows the spot price curve in inverse ratio. The result
suggests that this multi-agent-based construct could contribute to 1) estimating the impacts of various time-
varying tariff options on peak-period energy use through simulation, before any experimental pilots can be
carried out; 2) modeling the electricity retail market evolving interactions in a systematic manner; 3)
inducing innovative simulation configurations.
The deployment of Advanced Metering
Infrastructure (AMI) in many countries allows bi-
directional communications between electricity
consumers and suppliers. It is creating a platform for
demand-responsive load control within the smart
grids, which will shift the paradigm of electricity
markets in many ways. Foreseeably, consumers will
be able to manage and adjust their electricity
consumption in response to real-time information
and changing price signals. Accordingly, electric
utilities will be capable of altering the timing, level
of instantaneous demand, or the total electricity
consumption at times of high wholesale market
prices or when electric system reliability is
jeopardized (Albadi and El-Saadany, 2007). Such a
price-responsive interaction between demand and
supply (a.k.a. Demand Response) will in turn impact
the spot market prices directly as well as over time
(CEER, 2011), eventually, improve the link between
wholesale and retail power markets which to a great
extent are disconnected currently. The potential
benefits of full participation by demand include
flattening daily load patterns, optimizing the
production portfolio by mitigating the variability of
generation from renewable sources, and reducing the
investment in reserve capacity needed to maintain
resource adequacy and system reliability (Schuler,
2012), thus improving overall market efficiency.
However, in order for the above mentioned
demand responsive paradigm to be realized, the
understanding of the ever-evolving interaction
between the demand and the supply sides in the
electricity retail market is crucial. Agent-based
modeling (ABM), compared to traditional system-
modeling techniques, is one appealing approach for
studying how the market participants (e.g.,
consumers, suppliers, producers, prosumers, etc.)
might act and react to the complex economic,
financial, regulatory, and environmental
circumstances embedded in the electricity sector.
Agent-based modeling has been extensively
studied for the simulation of electricity markets in
recent decades, alongside with the electricity
industry restructuring and unbundling. Very often
the demand side is represented as a fixed and price-
Liu H. and Vain J..
An Agent-based Modeling for Price-responsive Demand Simulation.
DOI: 10.5220/0004417504360443
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 436-443
ISBN: 978-989-8565-59-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
insensitive load (Weidlich and Veit, 2008). In this
paper, we will introduce a multi-agent-based meta-
model (MAMM) for systematically modeling the
price-responsive emergent behavior in the context of
demand response electricity retail market. The
proposed MAMM is to present a conceptual
platform for discovering dynamic pricing solutions
that reflect the varying cost of electricity in the
wholesale market as well as the level of demand
participation (e.g., demand responsiveness vs.
various rate designs), especially regarding household
customers and small and medium sized businesses.
Firstly, we introduce a MAMM that defines the
concepts, relations, and structure of utility-based
agents on abstraction level being independent of any
concrete domain. Secondly, instantiating the
MAMM with domain specific notions provides a
uniform abstract interpretation of all domain models
that conform to the MAMM. Thirdly, given a
MAMM, it supports systematic construction of
models that articulate different static, dynamic,
and/or interactive aspects relevant to specific
simulation experiment. Thus, our research objective
is to demonstrate how the MAMM guided domain
model construction can be exploited to address the
impacts analysis problems of various time-varying
tariff options by means of agent model simulation
The paper is organized as follows: the next
section will present the research method and related
research. The conceptual construct will be
introduced in Section 3&4. In Section 5, a use case
is used to demonstrate the simulation, in the
meantime, to validate the conceptual model. In the
final part of this paper, the conclusion will be drawn
and future research will be addressed.
Agent-based modeling for electricity markets
simulation has experienced increasing popularity in
recent decades. For instance, within the research
paradigm of Agent-Based Computational Economics
(ACE), agent-based simulation offers methods to
understand electricity market dynamics and to derive
advice for the design of appropriate regulatory
frameworks (Weidlich and Veit, 2008). Compared to
other electricity market modeling approaches, such
as optimization models or equilibrium models,
agent-based modeling as a bottom-up approach has
the advantage of integrating a high level of detail
and players’ interactions, which are necessary to
analyze short-term development in the electricity
markets (Sensfuß et al., 2007). Agent-based models
not only offered the possibility of realistically
describing relationships in complex systems, but
growing them in an artificial environment (Epstein
and Axtell, 1996), thus the evolving behavior can be
observed step by step (Holland and Miller, 1991).
A great deal of research in the field of agent-
based simulation of electricity markets has
concentrated on the analysis of market power and
market design in wholesale electricity trading.
Various wholesale electricity market simulation
models were developed, for instance, by Bower and
Bunn (2000) in England and Wales electricity
market, Bower et al. (2001) for German electricity
sector, Cau and Anderson (2002) for the Australian
National Electricity Market, and by the research
group at Iowa State University for the Wholesale
Power Market Platform proposed by the U.S.
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
(Koesrindartoto et al., 2005); (Sun and Tesfatsion,
2007). In addition, different computational
algorithms were examined for the agent-based
electricity market modelling, including genetic
algorithms for representing the agents’ bidding
behavior (Nicolaisen et al., 2000); (Richter and
Sheblé, 1998), Erev-Roth reinforcement learning
algorithm (Nicolaisen et al., 2001; Petrov and
Sheblé, 2001), and rule-based learning mechanisms
combining reinforcement learning and genetic
algorithms (Bagnall and Smith, 2005). In the
meantime, an alternative body of agent-based
research modeled electricity consumer behavior at
the retail level. Zhou et al. (2011) studied the
consumption behavior of commercial buildings with
different levels of demand response penetration in
different market structures. Ehlen et al. (2007)
presented a simulation based on N-ABLETM, in
which they studied the effects of residential real-
time pricing contracts on demand aggregators’ load,
pricing, and profitability. Müller et al. (2007)
investigated the interdependencies between the
customer’s engagement and the suppliers’ pricing
strategies in the German retail market. In addition,
some agent-based studies focused on the Time of
Use (TOU) pricing for residential customers under
different context (Roop and Fathelrahman, 2003)
and (Hämäläinen et al., 2000).
The heterogeneity of agent-based electricity
market research, as discussed above, has led to that
the models are rarely comparable, and sometimes
cannot be described in all necessary detail,
especially in terms of electricity retail market
simulation. Therefore, it is necessary and relevant to
take an integral and systematic approach in this
The multi-agent-based conceptual model is
constructed with the deregulated European
electricity market structure in mind, in which the
electricity generation, transmission, distribution, and
supply business are legally unbundled, with the
generation and supply sectors open for free
competition while the transmission and distribution
business are subject to regulation due to their
monopolistic nature. Any producers can deliver
electricity to their respective common electricity
wholesale market - for example, the producers in
Nordic area can deliver electricity to Nord Pool
exchange. The electricity wholesale market consists
of power producers, power transmission and
distribution operators, suppliers, industry and other
large undertakings. The electricity retail market
includes all end-users equipped with hourly
measured smart meters, for instance, industries,
public/commercial buildings, households, small
businesses, and so on. These are the prerequisites for
the demand response under study.
We propose a customized version of utility-based
agents meta-model introduced by Russell and
Norvig (2003). Our MAMM contains abstract
concepts interrelated via abstract relations. Each
domain model that refines MAMM is considered as
its instantiation. To give some intuition about the
notions of MAMM we describe them informally by
showing their relationships in the form a semantic
network depicted in Figure 1.
An agent has one or more roles; each of these
roles determines one or more goals. The way how an
agent reacts to the environment (to other agents)
with different actions depends on the mode and its
goal. A mode includes a set of agent's states. To
fulfil its role an agent performs actions that are
triggered by some event. The actions, in turn, can
generate new events when terminating (atomic
actions) or in the course of execution (non-atomic
actions). Event is a notion related to both - time and
state. Event reflects the instant of time when some
change of state occurs. A state is defined as a
valuation of agent attributes. State is changed by
actions. Action may have non-zero extent in time.
Since each action describes only a subset of state
changes, the action is enabled only in certain states.
Figure 1: Semantic network of the meta-model.
For the clarity of further presentation we introduce
some meta-notions that refine MAMM but are still
domain independent. We call a set of actions to
interaction if the agents' actions on shared states are
in the changes and depends relations.
Before delving into MAMM-based construction
of DM we summarize the key properties of agents
that constitute our further space of discourse:
autonomy (capable of operating and making
decision on its own), sociability (capable of
interacting with other agents), reactivity (capable of
responding to a change of environment), proactivity
(capable of acting on its own initiative in order to
achieve certain goals/utilities), and adaptivity (with
sophisticated learning capabilities) (Müller et al.,
2007); (Wooldridge and Jennings, 1995).
The agent is to represent the market actors in the real
world and act on behalf of them. In the context of
electricity markets, it includes producers,
transmission and distribution operators, suppliers,
consumers, prosumers, and other load servicing
entities (e.g., demand aggregators). Even though the
environment is external and largely uncontrollable, it
is necessary to be simulated also as an agent to make
explicit the way how it will affect production and
consumption activities of the market actors.
For price-responsive demand modeling, a
domain instantiation can be characterized as in
Figure 2. Since the consumer and the supplier are
the focal market players in this context, the focus of
the DM is on their roles, actions and interactions.
The supplier’s major business activities include (1)
pricing in the retail market (i.e., offering various
retail electricity rates to different consumer groups)
according to the supplier’s market share and profit
maximization objectives; (2) bidding in the
Supplier’s Action-State Diagram
Consumer’s Action-State Diagram
Supplier-Consumer Interaction Diagram
Figure 2: Instantiation of MAMM with domain specific
wholesale market, which will generate the following
day’s hourly spot price; and (3) hedging in the
financial market in order to avoid the risk caused by
energy price volatility.
The consumer’s activities in relation to
electricity consumption include (1) consuming
electricity according to their business nature and
living needs; (2) analyzing the possible saving from
choosing the demand response tariff, and the
feasibility and the cost/the inconvenience of
rescheduling electricity consuming activities in order
to respond to changing price signals (i.e., cost-
benefit analyzing when facing time-varying price or
demand response tariff); (3) adjusting timing and
level of consumption based on the real-time
information and price signals.
The supplier’s initial pricing action is determined
by their state. Various ownership relations, different
marketing and risk management strategies, the
supplier’s market share and profit maximization
objectives, and the supplier’s rate portfolio and
dynamic pricing program design have decided the
supplier’s state. The varying state, in turn, will have
influence on the supplier’s pricing practice.
Similarly, the consumer’s state will determine
the consumer’s actions in terms of electricity
consuming and the possibility to respond to dynamic
pricing. The varying demographic attributes (e.g.,
price sensitivity, risk preferences, and the
composition of electric appliances), the feasibility to
shift certain electricity usage to off-peak time, the
perceived saving, the rescheduling cost, the
tolerance towards inconvenience, and so on will all
affect the consumer’s price responsiveness when the
consumer is facing new pricing offer.
The adjusted electricity consumption is the
consumer’s price-responsive demand, which will
have impact on the supplier’s bidding activities in
the next day. Accordingly, the new spot price
resulted from the current interaction will trigger the
next round interaction between the supplier’s pricing
activity and the consumer’s cost-benefit analyzing
and electricity usage adjusting (if possible)
Based on the domain model described above,
simulation experiments can be carried out. In this
section, we will demonstrate a use case, in order to
validate the conceptual construct. The simulation
model is formalized and run on the UPPAAL
environment (Bengtsson and Yi, 2004), which is an
academic-free modeling, simulation, and model-
checking tool.
As mentioned earlier, one of the potential
benefits of demand response is to flatten daily load
patterns. Therefore, the specific theoretical
simulation scenario is for the supplier to obtain the
ideal demand curve which has such a shape that it
follows the spot price curve in inverse ratio
(Belonogova et al., 2011).
5.1 Simulation Design
The simulation setup consists of 1 supplier and N
consumers. The consumers belong to high
consumption cluster (HCC), which makes steering
their demand according to the spot price a priority in
relation to the supplier’s goal of profit maximization.
The spot price is based on the Nord Pool Spot
published system price for Estonia during the 2
week of January, 2013 (
The consumption pattern of HCC depends on the day
of the week and also on external factors, e.g. outdoor
temperature. To be able to compare the simulation
results of different days we take two consecutive
days in the middle of the week Wednesday and
Thursday being closest in their energy consumption,
and calculate the hourly price of Thursday based on
the spot price on Wednesday and show how the
hourly price influences the consumption. We assume
that the difference between contextual factors on
Wednesday and Thursday is insignificant.
5.2 Simulation Assumptions
and Constraints
We introduce the simulation model representing the
Supplier-Consumer interaction where the only
interaction observables are hourly price and hourly
consumption by HCC. Thus, the main agents in the
simulation model are Consumer and Supplier. The
third agent - Environment serves to demonstrate the
flexibility and scalability of the model for different
time scales and contexts. It allows us to take into
account the dynamics of long term factors - outdoor
temperature, hours of daylight, etc. - that all have
impact on the consumption.
The pricing algorithm. When designing the
pricing function for hourly price we aim at getting
the driving effect that smoothens sharp fluctuations
in consumption without alternating HCC's total
consumption and possibly increasing supplier's
profit. Also we set an upper limit
to hourly price
change to avoid overshoots and instability of
The basis of next day hourly price P'(T) at hour T
is the spot price P(T) of the previous day at T. Let
Q(T) be the consumption at T on previous day. Then
the next day hourly price P'(T) at hour T is
calculated in our simulation by formula (1).
) =
) (1 +
)/100), where (1)
is parameter to amplify or suppress the effect of
calculated price correction;
is acceptable price change (%);
sign((T)) is the sign function with co-domain {-1,
1} showing if the price correction is positive or
negative comparing to previous day spot price.
The hourly price calculated by (1) is proportional
to the difference P(TQ(T) - avg(P(TQ(T)), where
avg(P(TQ(T)) is arithmetic mean of P(TQ(T)
over 24 hours. The formula (2) guarantees that the
calculated change of hourly price never exceeds the
limit set by
. That is needed for keeping the
stability of price response.
Consumer's behaviour. All consumers of HCC
are modeled with the same model template. The
template is parameterized with cluster specific
attributes that allow modeling variations in cluster
consumption patterns.
The consumption pattern includes consumption
activities, e.g. ironing, room heating, water heating,
etc. Each activity is characterized by following
attributes: enabling condition and consumption
interval or function. When consumption dependency
is well-defined it is specified by means of explicit
function. When non-determinism is presented in the
consumption pattern the consumption interval is
specified instead so that random value from that
interval is generated for variable Q'(T) update.
Since our simulations are approximating we
abstract away from exact prices and use price
intervals called Price Sensitivity Zones (PSZs)
instead. PSZs approximate the price intervals
acceptable for a customer for his/her consumption
activities. PSZs may be different for different
consumer clusters. For instance, PSZs of HCC are
following: Z
= [
, 34], Z
= [35, 39], Z
= [40, 44],
= [45, 49], Z
= [50,
] (EUR/MWh). The zones
·[P(TQ(T)-avg(P(TQ(T))] , if (T)
avg(P(T) ·Q(T)) P(T)
sign((T)) ·
· , otherwise
(T) =
define the factor space of hourly price, where
denote respectively the bottom and top element of
the price domain.
Table 1: Descriptive attributes of HCC’s consumption.
Enabling condition(s)
func. (W/h)
00 - 24
- [C
Ironing 19 - 22
- [C
06 - 23
- [C
07 - 08;
18 - 19
- [C
07 - 09;
18 - 24
- [C
00 - 24
T < T
a. T
is the highest outdoor temperature when the space heating
is activated (e.g., T
= 16
b. E is the amount of energy needed for space heating in order to
compensate the decrease of outdoor temperature by one degree
(e.g., E = 50 W/
5.3 Formalization Preliminaries
Model constructs. We formalize the agent as a
template of UPPAAL timed automaton (UPTA).
An atomic action is represented in UPTA as a
model fragment consisting of pre-location, post-
location and body-location connected via edges (see
Figure 3). Pre- and post- locations are for composing
aggregate actions from the atomic ones
Figure 3: The model fragment of an atomic action.
Having two actions a
and a
with post- and pre-
locations Post(a
) and Pre(a
), their sequential
composition a
; a
is constructed by merging Post(a
and Pre(a
) into one location. The pre- and post-
locations are of type “committed”, meaning that
their execution is instantaneous.
Consumer template. The template modeling
Consumer is depicted in Figure 4. The guards and
updates of each action are defined in Table 1 and
implemented by using the function programming
language of UPPAAL.
To avoid the overloading of model templates with
technical details we model time counting and energy
metering functions in separate templates that have
joint actions synchronized via channels 'evolve',
'sum_up', and 'spot_price' with the templates
Consumer, Supplier, and Environment.
Supplier template. As in Figure 5, it has two
actions 'Collect_consumption_data' and
'Planning'. The later is joint action with implicit
template Meter. Supplier waits until the metering of
daily consumption is completed which triggers the
action 'Planning' that calculates the next day
hourly prices by function 'NewHourlyPrice'
(following formula (1) and (2)). Recall that the
consumer's choice of consumption actions depends
on that hourly price.
Figure 4: Consumer template.
Environment template. To keep the simulation model
tractable for given use case we model the dynamics
of only one observable state component -
'OutDoorTemperature' as in Figure 6. Changing
fuel prices and macro-economic factors are assumed
to be constants. Modeling the temperature changes
allows to simulate the consumers' responses in
broader variety of contexts, e.g., at very low winter
temperatures, at sharp changes of day and night
temperatures, etc. In our simulations, the actual
outdoor temperatures during 09-10 Jan., 2013 did not
change considerably and have minor effect.
Figure 5: Supplier template.
Figure 6: Environment template.
5.4 Simulation Results
The simulation results show that in the presence of
HCC consumption patterns the implemented pricing
strategy allows to smoothen the demand peak in
relation to the spot price.
Figure 7: Price-responsive demand.
Figure 7 shows the dynamics of pricing-demand
interplay: P is the curve of spot price of Jan. 09,
2013, and P' represents the hourly price curve
generated by the model as described in formula (1).
If the price is lowered from 44 to 42 EUR/MWh at
off-peak time period (11-17hrs), it will encourage
considerable demand shifting to this period (from
500 to 1000 MWh). On the contrary, if the price is
increased during the spikes of Q from 40 to 44
EUR/MWh at 19hrs and from 34 to 38 EUR/MWh at
22hrs, it will cut down the demand to Q' (from 2600
and 2800 to 2200 MWh).
The pricing strategy specified in Supplier model
demonstrates the effect of flattening the daily load.
The standard deviation of the demand Q' decreases
about 57 % in comparison to demand Q.
It is important to note that the simulation is based
on a theoretical scenario. It does not take into
account the impact of other market actors' activities
such as the producer’s actions and other
environmental factors except the outdoor temperature
caused spot price change and demand adjustment. In
addition, the agent capacity of learning and
adaptation is not considered in the simulation due to
short time range.
5.5 Discussion
Based on the domain model and its formalized
representation described above, also other
simulation experiments can be developed. In this
section, we show that the DM is rich enough in order
to validate the conceptual construct and these
constructs provide a set of model patterns that are
easy to handle when formalizing the domain model.
We have chosen UPPAAL timed automata to
formalize the domain model and UPPAAL tool to
run the simulation experiments, but we do not limit
the approach with UPPAAL tool only. Large
simulations presume highly scalable modeling
environments, hence we consider NetLogo as likely
environment for our future work.
We present a conceptual platform for modeling the
price-responsive demand, in order to discover the
dynamic pricing solutions that reflect the varying
cost of electricity in the wholesale market as well as
the level of demand participation. We took an agent-
based modeling approach, in the attempt to capture
and observe the emergent behavior in the electricity
demand and supply interactions.
We hope that the proposed construct will
contribute to both the real-world practice and the
agent-based research community by allowing 1) to
estimate the impacts of various time-varying tariff
options on peak-period energy use through
simulation, before any experimental pilots can be
carried out; 2) to model the electricity retail market
evolving interactions in a systematic manner; 3) to
induce innovative simulation configurations. Going
without saying, the applicability and scalability of
this construct need to be further examined.
Additionally, the agent capacity of learning and
adaptation needs to be included in future research.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial
support by the Fortum Foundation, the Academy of
Finland (Grant No. 127592), ELIKO and European
Social Fund’s Doctoral Studies and
Internationalization Programme DoRa.
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