Exploring Twofold Adaptability to the User Interface
Different Users and Multiple Devices
Ig Ibert Bittencourt
, Maria Cecília Baranauskas
, Diego Dermeval
, Roberto Pereira
and Juliana Braga
Center of Excellence in Social Technologies, Computing Institute, Federal University of Alagoas, Maceió, Brazil
Computing Institute, University of Campinas, São Paulo, Campinas, Brazil
Federal University of Campina Grande, Paraíba, Campina Grande, Brazil
Federal University of ABC, São Paulo, Santo André, Brazil
Keywords: Adaptable User Interfaces, Inclusiveness, Diversity, Multiple Devices.
Abstract: The Web movement beyond desktop to different devices amplified the possibilities to ensure access to in-
formation for all. Nevertheless, the consideration of multiple devices and different user conditions for the
applications brings complexity to the design and development processes. On the one hand, some existing
tools take into account the design and development of user interfaces according to the target device, but do
not consider the diversity in terms of end user conditions (e.g., abilities, preferences, culture, limitations,
education). On the other hand, some systems provide the adjustment to users with special needs, but do not
adapt to multiple devices. In this paper, we present results of a systematic review on literature to build a
roadmap on the twofold adaptability of user interfaces: for different users and multiple devices. The results
point out a growing demand for solutions that consider adaptation to both: different users and devices;
moreover a distribution of the works per type of adaptation mechanisms found suggest aspects still to be
covered in further research in the field.
The design and development of Web applications
portable to different devices have opened up a huge
set of possibilities for uncountable domains, such as
social systems, educational systems, literacy deve-
lopment, digital and social inclusion, and so on.
Indeed, several organizations around the world have
undertaken work programs to establish electronic
communication via Web technologies. As a result,
such technologies are improving the potential of
access to knowledge everywhere and at any time,
and are becoming a way for tackling the challenge of
providing a participative and universal access to
knowledge. The universal access has been consid-
ered one of the grand challenges of several Interna-
tional Communities around the world (Hoare and
Miller, 2004); (Medeiros, 2008). This challenge is
about the use of technologies to ensure the access to
knowledge in a participative and personalized way
for the citizen, taking into account people´s diversity
and, consequently, different users’ needs encom-
passing disability issues as well as social problems
(e.g., people living in underserved communities).
Although Web-based solutions represent a way
to reach a wide audience, for different reasons, such
technologies are not yet reaching everybody. On the
one hand, the available development tools take into
account the design of user interfaces according to
the device target, but do not consider the features of
the end users, especially those with special needs
(e.g., Haxe (http://haxe.org), Sencha
(http://sencha.com), Foundation Framework
(http://foundation.zurb.com). On the other hand,
some systems provide the adjustment to users with
special needs, but do not cover the different users’
needs and multiple devices. In addition, Web envi-
ronments are even more complex because they are
24/7 worldwide available environments, demand
robustness and are constantly changing require-
ments. As a result, there is a need for systems that
can be generalized for multiple devices and, at the
same time, specialized for users with different needs,
as presented in Figure 1. The main features to be
considered during the adaptation of an interface are:
i) device type which defines the features and re-
striction of each device, such as size, hardware, lan-
guage, and others; ii) adaptation type according to
Bittencourt I., Baranauskas M., Dermeval D., Pereira R. and Braga J..
Exploring Twofold Adaptability to the User Interface - Different Users and Multiple Devices.
DOI: 10.5220/0004418700380045
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 38-45
ISBN: 978-989-8565-61-7
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
the hypermedia adaptive theory (Brusilovsky, 1996)
and software requirements needs; iii) adaptation
time, which represents the moment the adaptation
should occur; iv) adaptation techniques, which could
be represented as the computational techniques used
to adapt the interface or to design/create adaptable
interfaces; v) goals, which describe the domain goal;
and vi) users’ needs, which represent the particulari-
ties of each user intended to adapt the application.
Figure 1: Interface Adaptation mechanisms.
For this reason, several research and industrial
studies have been proposed to support the design of
adaptive systems that can change aspects of their
structure, functionalities, and/or interface in order to
accommodate the different needs of individuals or
groups of users and the changing needs of users over
time (Benyon and Murray, 1993).
As far as we know, no systematic review was
conducted to provide an overview on the design and
development of systems that adapt the user interface
based on the different users needs and for multiple
devices. The goal of this paper is to present results
of a systematic review on literature to build a
roadmap on the design of adaptable user interfaces
for different users and multiple devices.
The research in this work was undertaken as a sys-
tematic literature review (SLR) to provide a repeata-
ble and formal process for documenting relevant
papers about the design of adaptable user interfaces
for different users and multiple devices.
According to (Kitchenham, 2004), a systematic
review is composed by three phases (planning, con-
ducting, and reporting) divided in several steps,
which are: 1) Planning the Review (Identification of
the need for a systematic review; Development of a
review protocol); 2) Conducting the Review (Identi-
fication of research; Selection of the studies; Study
Quality assessment; Data extraction and monitoring;
Data analysis; Data synthesis); 3) Reporting the
review (Report-writing).
2.1 Review Questions
Although many research and industrial studies have
been proposed to design interfaces for multiple de-
vices — such as (Calvary et al., 2003); (Gajos et al.,
2010); (Falb et al., 2009) — no systematic review
has been conducted to provide an overview on the
design and development of inclusive environments
which adapt the user interface based on the different
users’ need and for multiple devices.
As the goal of this systematic review was to
gather the knowledge about the design of inclusive
environments for different users and multiple devic-
es focusing on adaptation capabilities, the high-level
question of this study was:
How researchers are designing adaptable user interfaces
for different users and multiple devices?
This high-level question provides a starting point for
understanding how designers conduct the interface
adaptation taking into account the final user. Based
on this research question, two other more specific
questions were raised. The questions and their moti-
vations are described in Table 1.
Table 1: Research Questions and motivations.
Research Question Motivation
RQ1. Which Interface Design
approaches and support tools
are being used to adapt user
interfaces for multiple devices
and users with different
The answer to this question is
important to understand how
people with different condi-
tions are being considered in
the interface design process
and the different solutions for
building applications adaptable
for all.
RQ2. Which mechanisms are
being used to adapt user
interfaces for different users
and multiple devices?
The answer to this question is
important to identify the dif-
ferent aspects for adapting an
interface to the user (as pre-
sented in Figure 1).
2.2 Sources and Search Selection
The first step in performing the review was to define
the search selection criteria. Due to the fact that this
review has several sources to consider, two kinds of
search strategies were considered (i.e., the automatic
and the manual search).
The automatic search was done according to the
specification of the search terms (i.e., search string).
Although the automatic search covers a huge range
of relevant papers, it is also important to search on
specific and specialized sources to improve the co-
verage. For this reason, a manual search on some of
the most important conferences and journals of HCI
area was conducted.
Hereafter, the search terms definition and the
digital libraries (DLs) selection regarding the auto-
matic search are explained. Based on the research
questions, a set of relevant terms was defined, such
as: cross-device, disabilities, underserved communi-
ties, interface design approaches, multiple devices,
different users, tools, and inclusive. After that, such
terms were categorized and their related terms were
identified. The terms were identified based on: i) the
expertise of the authors; ii) the analysis of terms
present in a HCI systematic review (Almeida and
Baranauskas, 2012); and iii) the TagCloud for HCI
presented in
(Buchdid and Baranauskas, 2012). By
contrast, the set of digital libraries was defined ac-
cording to the most popular and traditional DLs: ISI
Web of Science, Scopus, ACM Digital Library,
IEEE Xplore and ScienceDirect. The SpringerLink
digital library was excluded due to search re-
strictions. After the definition of the relevant terms
and DLs, the search string for automatic search on
the mentioned digital libraries was built as follows:
((tool OR environment OR framework OR au-
thoring OR architecture OR software OR ambi-
ent OR "reference model") AND
(inclusive OR inclusiveness OR inclusivity
OR "inclusive web" OR "inclusive social web"
OR accessibility OR disability OR disabili-
ties OR assistive OR underserved OR "margin-
alized communities" OR "design for all" OR
"universal access" OR "universal design" OR
"designing for diversity" OR "design for
diversity" OR "design diversity" OR diversi-
ty) AND
("Multiple Device" OR "Cross-device" OR
"Multimodal" OR migration OR "different de-
vices" OR "device-independent" OR "migratory
interfaces" OR "distributed interfaces" OR
"plastic user interfaces" OR "flexible user
interfaces" OR "flexible interfaces" OR
"distributed user interfaces" OR portability
OR "portable web applications" OR "portable
systems" OR "information interoperability"
OR "knowledge interoperability") AND
("Interaction design" OR "adaptable inter-
face" OR "adaptable user interfaces" OR "in-
teraction resources" OR "responsive web de-
sign" OR "universal design" OR "inclusive
design" OR "process model" OR "adaptable
model" OR "meta-design" OR "meta design" OR
metadesign OR "participative design"))
Moreover, in order to perform the manual search,
two relevant conferences and journals on Human-
Computer Interaction area were considered, as de-
picted in Table 2. Although this is only part of rele-
vant vehicles, this limitation is due to lack of access
to the library of some journals, such as the Interna-
tional Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. Re-
garding the conferences, some would desbalance the
study; for example, the ACM SIGCHI Conference
on Human Factor in Computing Systems would
represent half of the whole search space.
Table 2: Relevant sources on HCI considered in the
1. International Journal of Human Computer Studies
2. Interacting with Computers
2. Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web Accessibility
2.3 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
The aim of defining a criterion is to identify the
primary studies that provide direct evidence about
the research questions and also to reduce the likeli-
hood of bias (Kitchenham, 2004). Regarding the
inclusion criteria, articles written in the last ten years
related to any of the research questions were consid-
ered. The exclusion criteria involve papers not relat-
ed to the research questions, papers that were not
written in English, short papers, duplicate studies
and papers before 2002. The summarized inclusion
and exclusion criteria are presented in Table 3.
Table 3: Inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Inclusion criteria
Peer-reviewed studies that answers to the research questions
Studies that focus on design approaches and tools to adapt
interfaces for multiple devices
Studies that focus on design approaches and tools to adapt
interfaces for different users’ needs
Studies published from 2002
Exclusion criteria
Non peer-reviewed studies
Studies that are not related to the research questions
Studies that do not consider user interface adaptation
Duplicated studies
Papers not written in English
Studies before 2002
2.4 Data Extraction
After the definition of the search and the selection
processes, a data extraction process was performed
by reading the abstract and full-text screening each
one of the selected papers. It is important to note that
this clustering is based on Figure 1. In order to guide
this data extraction, the data collection from
Biolchini et al., (2005) was adapted as follows:
Paper Information: Study Reference (ID);
Source; Year; Source Type (Journal or Confer-
ence); Affiliations; Authors list; Paper Title;
Google Scholar Citation;
Context (Industry and Academia);
Adaptation Mechanisms:
Where – Device Types (Desktop, Web, Tablet,
TV, Mobile Phones, PDA, Tabletop, Braille
Why – Adaptation Goals: domain-dependent
or domain-independent;
To Whom – Users’ Needs (Target Audience):
Blind/Visual Impairment; Deaf/Hearing Im-
pairment; Motor/ Mental; Underserved people;
What – Adaptation Type: Content presenta-
tion; Navigation support; Screen structure; Sys-
tem requirements;
When – Adaptation Time: Design time; Use
How (1) – Interface Design Approach: User-
Centered; Task-Centered; Participatory; Sce-
nario-Based; Ethnographic Methods; Design
per Target; Model-based; Automatically Gen-
erated; Multi-tier; Universal Design; User Sen-
sitive Inclusive Design;
How (2)Tool Technology: API; Design Pat-
tern; Framework; Platform; Software Product
Line; Authoring; MDA; Reference Model;
Middleware; Architecture;
How (3) Adaptation Process – Manual; Hy-
brid (User and Software Adaptation).
Study Type (Controlled experiments; Quasi-
experiments; Case Study; Survey; Ethnography;
Action Research);
This section presents the included studies according
to the automatic and manual search (see Figure 2).
Firstly, the automatic search was conducted to each
digital library. Then, an iterative process was applied
to exclude the not relevant papers based on the ex-
clusion criteria. The exclusion criteria were applied
according to the analysis of the abstract, full-text
screening and, finally, the duplicate papers. A simi-
lar process was applied to the manual search. At the
end, only 2.19% of the selected papers were consi-
dered relevant to this systematic review. The list of
the 89 studies is available at www.nees.com.br/iceis.
Figure 2: Search process and selected studies.
The automatic and manual queries were conduct-
ed in the period between December 4
(2012) and
January 11
(2013). The manual search indicated the
W4A Conference (55%; 6 studies) as the largest
vehicle of relevant studies, and the IFIP Interact
(9%, 1 study) as the smallest vehicle of relevant
studies. However, other vehicles were identified as
relevant when the automatic search was applied,
such as the International Conference on Computers
Helping People With Special Needs (7.69%; 6 stud-
ies), Interacting with Computers (6.41%; 5 studies),
ACM SIGACCESS (6.41%; 5 studies), International
Conference on Universal Access in Human-
Computer Interaction (5%; 4 studies), and ACM
SIGCHI (3.85%; 3 studies).
From a temporal point of view, an increasing
number of publications in the context of this review
is noticed since 2005 (see Figure 3). It is important
to note also that 2012 is the year with more publica-
tions, which shows a demand for solutions to pro-
vide adaptable user interfaces for multiple devices
and users with different needs.
Figure 3: Distribution of publications per year.
As this review has started on December 2012, it
would be expected a decreasing in 2012 publications
because some papers might be under publication
processes. Nevertheless, we can see, in general, an
increase in the number of publications (based on the
linear progression). Despite this increase, only 2
studies have more than 60 citations (see Table 4);
they are depicted in Table 5.
The significant increase in publications reflects
the need for convergence of technologies and, at the
same time, the importance of deploying inclusive
Table 4: Publications per number (nº) of citations.
nº < 20 20 <= nº < 40 40 <= nº < 60 Nº >= 60
77 6 4 2
Table 5: List of studies with more than 60 citations.
Study (ID) Title Citations
A Unifying Reference Frame-
work for multi-target user
Automatically Generating User
Interfaces Adapted to Users’
Motor And Vision Capabilities
The study holds contributions from 29 countries
located in all the continents. Although all the conti-
nents are represented by the included papers, there is
a concentration in the Europe (67.62%) and Ameri-
can Continent (20.00%). Table 6 presents the publi-
cations per country. Furthermore, according to the
distribution of the included papers, most of the relat-
ed studies were published in conferences (66.29%),
while (33.71%) are published in journals, consider-
ing the automatic and manual search.
As described in Section 2, three research questions
have driven this systematic review. Based on the
research questions, the string search was built and
the type of data extraction defined. Figure 4 presents
the type of empirical study of each included study.
More than 50% of the works report a case study as
empirical evaluation. Less than 20% of the works
report some kind of experiment. By contrast, survey
studies were 15%.
Table 6: Publications per country.
Country Works Total (%)
United Kingdom 13 12.38%
United States of America 12 11.43%
Spain 11 10.48%
Brazil 7 6.67%
Portugal 6 5.71%
France 5 4.76%
Germany 5 4.76%
Italy 4 3.81%
Greece 4 3.81%
Finland 4 3.81%
Sweden 4 3.81%
Others 30 28.58%
Figure 4: Distribution of empirical study type.
4.1 Adaptable User Interfaces
According to the data extraction, most users’ condi-
tions addressed were Blind or Visual Impairment
(26.45%; 41 studies), Motor (16.13%; 25 studies)
and Mental (15.48%; 24 studies). It is worth noting
that although blind and underserved are, respective-
ly, the more and the less discussed conditions, the
other disabilities are well balanced (see Figure 5).
Figure 5: Distribution of the studies per target audience.
Table 7: Distribution per device type.
Device type Works Total(%)
Mobile Phones 46 34.06%
Web 25 18.12%
Desktop 18 13.04%
PDA 18 13.04%
Tablet 13 9.42%
TV 7 5.07%
Others 10 7.25%
Table 7 presents the distribution of the papers
according to the device type. Most of the solutions
were proposed to mobile phones (34.06%; 46 stud-
ies) and Web (18.12%; 25 studies). It is worth noting
that the number of solutions for tablets is still low
(9.42%; 13 studies); it may happen especially be-
cause tablets have become popular more recently
than mobile phones. On the other hand, although the
number of studies for TV is not high (5.07%; 7 stud-
ies), one would expect its increasing over time due
to new platforms for SmartTV.
Table 8 presents the distribution of work per
support tool type. Frameworks, platforms, and refe-
rence models are in the top of the list, while some
approaches are not mentioned. In Table 9, it is pos-
sible to see that the “Automatically Generated” is
the most common ID Approach.
Table 8: Distribution per support tool type.
Tool type Works Total(%)
Framework 24 26.97%
Reference Model 15 16.85%
Platform 15 16.85%
Application 14 15.73%
Architecture 6 6.74%
Authoring 2 2.25%
API 2 2.25%
Design Pattern 1 1.12%
MDA 0 0.00%
Middleware 0 0.00%
Software Product Line 0 0.00%
Table 9: Distribution per Interface Design Approach.
ID Approach Works Total(%)
Automatically Generated 18 23.68%
User-Centred 15 19.74%
Participatory 13 17.11%
User-Sensitive Inclusive Design 8 10.53%
Task-Centered 5 6.58%
Design Per Target Device 5 6.58%
Model-Based 4 5.36%
Ethnographic 3 3.95%
Others 5 6.58%
Table 10: List of studies that propose support tools and/or
applications for users with different conditions and
multiple devices.
Study Paper Title Tool Type
MyUI: Generating Accessible User Interfaces
from Multimodal Design Patterns
Automatically Generating User Interfaces
Adapted to Users’ Motor And Vision Capabili-
Accessibility of Dynamic Adaptive Web TV
SIEEE11 A Framework for Designing Flexible Systems Framework
i*Chameleon: A Unified Web Service Frame-
work for Integrating Multimodal Interaction
A Novel Design Approach for: Multi-device
Adaptable User Interfaces: Concepts, Methods
and Examples
Assistive smartphone for people with special
needs : The Personal Social Assistant
Attuning speech-enabled interfaces to user and
context for inclusive design: technology,
methodology and practice
In contrast, only 18.18% (8 studies) among the
selected propose adaptable user interfaces tools for
multiple devices. Table 10 depicts these works by
presenting their study reference, paper title and the
tool type used.
4.2 Discussion
The twofold adaptability meant in this work refers to
the user interface; i.e. we were interested in the way
the adaptation occurs in the tools that proposed a
solution to different users and multiple devices. In
general, only a very limited number of papers (8
studies, as presented in Table 10) was identified
from the whole list of included studies (see Figure
2), representing 8.98%. It is worth noting that all
these 8 papers were published in the last 5 years; at
the same time 2012 has the highest number of stud-
ies (37.5%). This information demonstrates the cur-
rent (and growing) interest of the HCI community
with the development of solutions capable of adapt-
ing users’ interfaces for multiple devices and differ-
ent users conditions.
In order to answer the research questions raised
in this work, Figure 6 presents the distribution of
papers according to the following six dimensions
considering interface adaptation: (i) “where?”; (ii)
“why”; (iii) “what?”; (iv) “how?”; (v) “when?”; and
(vi) “to whom?”.
The “how?” dimension may be especially helpful
to answer the RQ1 (Which Interface Design ap-
proaches and Tools are being used to adapt user
interfaces for multiple devices and users with differ-
ent conditions?). The distribution on how the studies
provide interfaces adaptation is characterized by
interface design approaches (1), tool type (2) and
adaptation process (3). Hereafter, the results consid-
ering the interface design approaches and tool types
categories are discussed; the adaptation process – as
well the other dimensions – will be discussed under
the perspective of RQ2.
Thus, Figure 6 shows that automatic generated
approach represents only 1/3 of the total, indicating
that most of the studies presented manual adaptation
(in this review, 62.5%). Conversely, the participa-
tory and universal design approaches are representa-
tive, which could indicate the application of more
than one approach to enhance the adaptation.
Regarding the support tool type, more than a half
of the studies used framework as software design
approach. On the one hand, this is expected because
frameworks may support the extensibility of soft-
ware which can be used to adapt different configura-
tions of users’ interfaces. On the other hand, the use
of frameworks shows the adaptation is done only by
designers/developers not the end users. It is im-
portant to note that none of the studies presented
software product lines, model-driven architecture or
middleware as support tool type. This absence may
suggest some kind of detachment between the HCI
researchers (related to adaptive user interfaces for
multi-users and multiple devices) and Software En-
gineering, since these approaches are some of the
best practices of software engineering research re-
garding software reuse, flexibility, and dynamic
Aiming at answering the RQ2 (Which mecha-
nisms are being used to adapt user interfaces for
different users and multiple devices?), the adaptation
process – “How?”(3) – applied in the studies need to
be analysed. As Figure 6 shows, 62.50% of the stud-
ies present manual adaptation; whilst 37.50% pre-
sent hybrid (automatic and manual) solutions. The
interface adaptation technique is very close to the
adaptation time (“when?”), i.e., all studies that apply
manual adaptation also provide adaptation at design
time; in contrast, all hybrid adaptation studies pre-
sent adaptation both at design time and runtime.
Moreover, it is worth noting that the number of stud-
ies that uses frameworks is very similar to the num-
ber of studies providing adaptation at design time;
this information may suggest that the studies that
present framework also implement it at design time.
Alternatively, it can also be noted a similar distribu-
tion in the automatically generated interface design
approach studies. In fact, it is usual that studies that
support adaptation at runtime also provide automatic
generation of users’ interfaces.
Additionally, the outcomes show a regular distri-
bution in the number of studies regarding the target
audience (“to whom?”). The impairments disabilities
have similar percentages (with slightly higher to
blind/visual impairments). At the same time, the
elder audience is somewhat attended by the studies
(only 7.41%) and the underserved audience is not
addressed at all by the identified studies.
Considering the devices types (“where?”) ad-
dressed in the studies, the appearance of mobile
phones is highlighted. The desktop and PDA devices
are also representative in the studies. A smaller
amount of works focusing on TV or Web (only
11.76%) is observed, while none of the 8 studies
took into account the tablets.
The analysis of the studies found three different
adaptation types (“what?”) for users’ interfaces: i) in
the content presentation (e.g. font size and colour),
ii) in the screen structure (e.g. buttons position ac-
cording to screen density) and iii) in the system re-
quirements (e.g. check appointment). Figure 6 shows
that the number of studies found by each adaptation
type are similar, with a slightly decrease in screen
structure. Such distribution shows the importance
and relevance of the different kinds of adaptation.
Finally, it can be noted a concern (“why?”) of the
researchers to provide domain-independent tools
(75%) in designing users’ interfaces for multiple
devices and users.
4.3 Threats to Validity
This section discusses the threats to validity that
might have affected the results of this systematic
review. The review protocol was validated to ensure
that the research was as correct, complete and objec-
tive as possible. However, possible limitations in the
publication selection and in data extraction of the
process may have occurred.
The search for publications was performed in
two major steps: (i) automatic search and (ii) manual
search. In the step (i), there is a limitation because
the search string could not be used in SpringerLink
library, which possibly leads to a reduction in the
considered studies. In the step (ii), there is a limita-
tion concerning the papers included in the review.
The manual searching was only performed in a lim-
ited set of journals and conferences. Although it was
expected that relevant studies published in other
journals or conferences would be captured through
the automatic search realized in the previous step, it
cannot be guaranteed that all related papers pub-
lished are included in this systematic review.
The design and development of Web applications for
different devices have opened up a huge set of pos-
sibilities for uncountable domains, such as social
systems, educational systems, literacy development,
and so on. This paper presented a systematic review
to raise the adaptation mechanisms being considered
in the development of portable systems. Thus, the
study involved data extraction in order to answer the
two research questions. A systematic review proto-
col was defined and the search returned 4061 studies
undertaken between 2002 and 2012. After applying
the exclusion/inclusion criteria, it leads to the inclu-
sion of 89 studies in the review. After that, only 8
studies fulfilled the defined requirements, which
indicate a demand for more research results in the
context of the questions addressed in this paper.
Figure 6: Distribution of studies by interface adaptation mechanisms.
The results indicate that: i) there is a growth in
interest of the HCI community in the development
of solutions capable of adapting users’ interfaces for
multiple devices and diverse users; ii) the tools are
commonly directed to the technical developers; iii)
none of the studies presented a solution to under-
served audience; iv) there is a communication gap
between the Software Engineering and the HCI
communities; in the same way, software engineering
approaches need to consider inclusiveness as an
important non-functional requirement; v) there is a
trend in adapting interfaces to mobile devices; and
vi) the researchers are considering both adaptation in
the hypermedia and in the systems requirements.
As further work, we expected to: i) diminish the
threats to validity in this study; ii) extend the study
to consider more papers of relevant authors identi-
fied in this systematic review; and iii) analyse the
studies according to each type of user condition.
This work has been supported by the Brazilian Insti-
tutions: “Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento
Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)”, processes:
150113/2013-7 and 560044/2010-0 (ecoWeb Pro-
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search. In IHC’12 Proceedings of the 11th Brazilian
Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
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