Smart Space-based Ridesharing Service in e-Tourism Application for
Karelia Region Accessibility
Ontology-based Approach and Implementation
Alexander Smirnov
, Nikolay Shilov
, Alexey Kashevnik
, Nikolay Teslya
and Santa Laizane
St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation RAS (SPIIRAS), St. Petersburg, Russia
Center for Internet Excellence, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland
Keywords: Ridesharing, Ontology, Smart-M3, Smart Space, Smart Museum, Questionnaire.
Abstract: The paper describes a ridesharing service proposed for improving tourism accessibility in Russian Karelia
region. The ridesharing service has been developed using Smart-M3 information sharing platform as a smart
space infrastructure, which increases the service scalability, stability and speed, as well as reduces the
network load. The presented service is the first implementation of ridesharing concept based on the Smart-
M3 platform. The paper describes technical studies carried out to develop the prototype of ridesharing
service as well as empirical studies. An effective matching algorithm, which finds correspondences between
driver paths and tourist start and end points, and two heuristics significantly reducing path matching time,
have been presented. Besides, data analysis of online questionnaire developed to better cognize whether
prospective customers will accept ridesharing services as an alternate mode of transportation is discussed.
The unique cultural and historical heritage, abundant
nature and landscape of the Russian Karelia region
provide great opportunities for tourism development
in the region. There are more than four thousand
cultural, historic and nature objects, for instance
eminent Kizhi ensemble, Vaalam Island and
Monastery, Solovetsky Islands and Monastery.
However, to facilitate the region tourism
development appropriate infrastructure should be
deployed. For instance, the lack of convenient public
transportation affects the accessibility of attractive
tourism destinations. Besides, the use of available
transportation alternatives, for example taxi, results
in considerable costs for tourist to reach the places
of interest. Thus, to improve tourism object
accessibility in the Karelia region a prototype of
ridesharing service has been developed.
Ridesharing, also known as carpooling, lift-
sharing or covoiturage, is a shared use of a car by
the driver and one or more passengers, usually for
commuting (Abrahamse and Keall, 2012).
Ridesharing enables travellers to save travel costs
and provides an alternative transportation way for
tourists to reach desired destinations. Moreover,
ridesharing is an eco-friendly and sustainable
transportation technology (Cho et al., 2012) and
therefore has been proposed, for instance, as a
promising way to reduce carbon emissions.
Recently, there has been growing interest in the
use of the web and computing methods in assisting
with ridesharing (Kamar and Horvitz, 2009). There
is a number of possibilities enabling search of fellow
travellers: public forums and communities (like,
eRideShare (, PickupPal
(, Zimride (,
RideshareOnline (, (Rideshare., CarJungle
(, Podorozhniki (;
private Web-services (e.g., Zimride service provides
a private interface for universities and companies);
and mobile applications (e.g., PickupPal, Avego
However, most of mentioned services provide
platforms for finding fellow travelers offline, rather
than real time mobile services for generate rideshare
plans. In everyday life people often make
spontaneous decisions and are keener to pursue own
schedules. Thus, the service should enable dynamic
formation of carpools depending on current situation
and people preferences. In this paper, dynamic
ridesharing service implementation for mobile
devices is described.
Smirnov A., Shilov N., Kashevnik A., Teslya N. and Laizane S..
Smart Space-based Ridesharing Service in e-Tourism Application for Karelia Region Accessibility - Ontology-based Approach and Implementation.
DOI: 10.5220/0004419005910598
In Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT-PT-2013), pages 591-598
ISBN: 978-989-8565-68-6
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: System working scenario.
Majority of existing ridesharing services for
mobile devices, for instance, uses the client-server architecture what
affects service scalability. Hence, to increase the
service scalability, stability and speed, as well as to
reduce network load, the prototype of the
ridesharing service has been developed using the
decentralized smart space infrastructure. Use of open
sourced Smart-M3 information sharing platform
(Honkola et al., 2010) makes it possible to
significantly simplify further development of the
system, include new information sources and
services, and makes the system highly scalable.
Presented service is the first implementation of
ridesharing concept based on the Smart-M3
The aim of this paper is to describe technical
studies carried out to develop the prototype of
ridesharing service as well as empirical studies what
forms encouraging ground for further service
The system working scenario can be found in
Section 2. Section 3 introduces the logistic service
ontology used to enable interoperability between
different devices in the smart space. An effective
matching algorithm, which finds correspondences
between driver paths and tourist start and end points,
and two heuristics significantly reducing path
matching time, have been presented in Section 4.
There are technical studies, focusing on the
development of ridesharing support systems with
travel route matching techniques (Jin and Hu, 2012);
(Cho et al., 2012). The main difference of the
proposed approach is that there are two heuristics
developed, which significantly reduce matching
time. In addition, a data analysis of online
questionnaire developed to better cognize whether
prospective customers will accept ridesharing
services as an alternate mode of transportation, is
provided in Section 5. Main results are summarized
in Conclusion.
Common service working scenario is shown in
Figure 1. A tourist fills information about his/her
schedule, preferences (Figure 2, a), most frequent
routes, additional constraints, for example, max.
delay, max. detour, social interests, etc. (Figure 2, b)
using ridesharing service mobile application. Then,
internal processing and depersonalization of
provided information is implemented and it is
transferred into the smart space.
After, using the algorithm for finding matching
driver and passenger paths, the groups of fellow
travelers are formed. Finally, within short period of
time information about possible fellow travelers,
their profiles, meeting points, meeting time, full
recommendations about the route are provided to the
tourist (Figure 3, a-d).
Figure 2: User's routes and preferences definition.
Smart Space
The interaction via
the GUI
Mobile device
List of
possible tourists
The interaction via
the GUI
information about the
routes of the users
List of
possible drivers
Mobile device
a) Driver's path without ridesharing b) Tourist's path without ridesharing
c) Driver's path with ridesharing d) Tourist's path with ridesharing
Figure 3: Found routes.
Figure 4 presents an example of preliminarily
museum attending plan using ridesharing service.
Let´s assume that a tourist is going to
Petrozavodsk and he/she would like to attend
National Museum, Industry Museum, Local History
Museum, Polar Odysseus Museum, and Geological
Museum. Figure 4 presents the preliminary attending
plan for a tourist. The tourist needs to specify in
ridesharing service next place, which he/she would
like to attend and the service automatically finds
drivers, which will pick-up a tourist and drive
him/her to the place near the specified museum.
The open source Smart-M3 platform (Smart-M3 at
Sourceforge) has been used for the pilot
implementation of the presented ridesharing service.
Usage of this platform makes it possible to
significantly simplify further development of the
system, include new information sources and
services (Figure 5), and makes the system highly
scalable. The key idea of this platform is that the
formed smart space is device, domain, and vendor
independent. Smart-M3 assumes that devices and
software entities can publish their embedded
information for other devices and software entities
through simple, shared information brokers.
Information exchange in the smart space is
implemented via HTTP using Uniform Resource
Identifier (URI) (Berners-Lee et al., 2005). Semantic
Web technologies have been applied for
decentralization purposes. In particular, ontologies
are used to provide for semantic interoperability.
Figure 4: An example of museum attending plan in the
capital city (Petrozavodsk) of the Republic of Karelia.
The logistic service ontology describes the domain
area of ridesharing at the macro level (Figure 6).
The macro level ontology is based on integration
of parts of the mobile devices’ ontologies. The
logistics service ontology consists of three main
parts: "actors", "vehicles", and "paths".
The "actors" are: "drivers" and "passengers". All
of them are associated with class "vehicles" and
have "paths". For example, "driver" has his/her own
car and several points defining his/her home, work
and other locations. "Passenger" may prefer some
vehicle type and has points of home, work, and other
The classes "driver" and "passenger" are
subclasses of the class "actor" and inherits all its
properties with two own properties. The class
"passenger" is a subclass of the class "actor" and
Polar Odysseus
Local History
Industry Museum
Figure 5: Smart-M3 platform.
inherits all its properties with own property "detour"
the same as in the class "driver".
For the path definition, the set of points is used.
This set is an ordered list of key points obtained as
result of the shortest path searching algorithm (e.g.,
Dijkstra or A*).
More details about the logistics service ontology
can be found in (Smirnov et al., 2010).
Figure 6: Logistics service ontology on the macro level.
The problem of finding a matching path between the
driver and the passenger in the ridesharing service
can be formulated as follows: it is needed to
determine the possibility of ridesharing between
users, based on the information about their routes
and restrictions set by users’ services. The following
algorithm describes the procedure of finding a
matching path acceptable for the driver and the
passenger in the presented ridesharing service.
Let A be the start point and B be the end point of
the pedestrian's path. C is the start point and D is the
end point of the driver's path. The shortest driver's
path, is indicated by the solid line in Figure 7 (in
generally, CD is not a straight line; it depends on the
map of the region). The driver and pedestrian move
almost in the same direction and in some parts of the
routes the driver can give the pedestrian a ride. This
situation is indicated in the figure by the dotted line
(the CABD path) and it is the simplest situation,
because the meeting points match with the start and
end points of the pedestrian’s path. A more difficult
situation is searching for a meeting point when it
belongs neither to the driver’s shortest path nor to
the pedestrian’s one, but satisfies both the driver and
the passenger. One of the possible situations is
indicated in the figure by the dash-dot line with the
meeting points E and F (the CEFD path).
Figure 7: Matching driver and passenger paths.
Family Car
associated wit
The general scheme of the matching route searching algorithm will be follows:
FOR EACH driver DO
FOR EACH passenger Do
Find_mathing_path(driver.path,passenger.path); // according to the above
IF ALL constraints IS performed THEN
These points have to meet the following restrictions:
1. The distance between the start point of the
passenger and his/her meeting point should be
less than the maximum allowed detour of the
passenger (dotted circle around point A).
2. The distance between the end point of the
passenger and his/her drop-off point should be
less than the maximum allowed detour of the
passenger (dotted circle around point B).
3. The driver's detour should be less than the
maximum allowed detour.
The goal functions for finding the meeting points
Shortest total path (interesting for the driver);
Minimal waiting time (interesting for the driver
and passenger);
Shortest distance between the passenger’s start
and end points and meeting points (interesting
for the passenger).
As a result, the general task of matching paths has
the exponential complexity; therefore, it is necessary
to apply heuristics to reduce the task dimension.
There are two heuristics proposed to reduce the
algorithm complexity. The first one allows roughly
reduce search space in short time and after that the
second heuristic allows to reduce search space even
more. However, computation complexity of a
second heuristic is higher than first; therefore, it has
to be used after the first heuristic.
5.1 Heuristics 1
Assumption: There is no need to calculate matching
paths for all pairs of drivers and passengers. It is
enough to build a set of candidate passengers for
every driver.
where pp
, pp
— the start and the end points of the
passenger's path, dp
— driver’s path point i,
PDetour, DDetour — detours of the driver and the
5.2 Heuristics 2
Assumption: There is no need to search through all
possible combinations of meeting points. The
following alternative sub-heuristics help to reduce
the number of the possible combinations.
The first sub-heuristics selects points of the
sector from which the driver starts. Figure 8 shows
the situation when there is only one point ("C" point)
meeting constraints (1) and (2). To determine the
potential meeting points it is needed to calculate the
angle (3) and select points in the area:
(points L and M in Figure 8).
Figure 8: The first sub-heuristics.
Figure 9: The first sub-heuristics with two driver's points.
Point A will always be within the list of the
possible points as the passenger’s start or end point.
If there are more than one point meeting constraints
(1) and (2), then the search area expands. This
situation is shown in Figure 9 with two points C and
F meeting the constraints (1) and (2), and point N is
also included in the expanded area.
The negative sides of this sub-heuristics are:
selected points can be further than the driver’s
maximal detour;
some of potential meeting points can be lost if an
incorrect angle is chosen.
The second sub-heuristics (Figure 10) selects
meeting points in the intersections of the circles of
radius PDetour around the passenger’s start and end
points with the circles of radius DDetour around the
points of the driver’s path.
In this case, all of the selected points are
potentially reachable for both the driver and the
passenger, with no need to determine the angle that
restricts the selection area. The selection area can be
expanded via increasing the number of the driver's
path points meeting constraints (1) and (2).
Both sub-heuristics require the following
constraints to work effectively:
A large amount of drivers. Heuristics have strong
limitations and filter out a lot of points. If there
are no enough drivers, then the use of the
heuristics will rarely produce positive result.
A small value of DDetour. Heuristics will not be
helpful with a large value of DDetour.
Uniform distribution of roads on the map. The
uneven distribution of roads (rivers, lakes, etc)
leads to a lack of roads in some sectors, which
could lead to the loss of possible meeting points
due to the need to detour around the obstacles
and to pick up the pedestrian on the other side.
Both heuristics 1 and heuristics 2 are used in the
logistics service prototype. Without using the
heuristics, the system finds from 10 to 12
meeting points for each pair of driver and
passenger and it needs to check all of 100–144
combinations to find the best one. With using the
heuristics, the number of points is reduced to 8-9
points with 64–81 combinations for each pair of
driver and passenger.
The algorithm for matching driver and passenger
paths has been tested using the following computer:
Intel Pentium 4, 1.6 GHz, RAM: DDR1 512 Мб. For
the experiments, the algorithm with proposed
heuristics has been run on random datasets as input
parameters for the predefined drivers and passengers
(see, Table 1). Each dataset includes coordinates of
start and end points of a fellow traveler. Experiments
show that heuristics help to reduce the time of search
in more than 1.5 times.
Figure 10: The second sub-heuristics.
Table 1: Results of the experiments.
Drivers Passengers Matching time, sec
1 1 0,0135
5 5 0,0316
10 10 0,0641
20 20 0,2248
40 40 1,5462
60 60 2,2416
80 80 3,4725
Figure 11 presents relationship between
matching time and number of drivers and passengers
in the service.
Figure 11: Relationship between matching time and
number of drivers and passengers in the service.
To better cognize, whether our prospective
customers will accept ridesharing services as an
alternate mode of transportation, an online
questionnaire has been developed.
7.1 Questionnaire Design
and Respondent Selection
The questionnaire was constructed using Likert
Scale statements and open-ended questions. The
statements in Likert Scale were structured in a way
that there were five choices i.e. (Strongly disagree;
Disagree; Not Sure; Agree; Strongly Agree). We
opted for Likert Scale when designing the
questionnaire as it gives participants an opportunity
to specify their responses on different levels. In
response, the participants expressed their opinions
pertaining to costs associated with travelling,
security concerns (for instance, travelling with
strangers), and issues relating to travel
schedules/routes etc. Open-ended questions were
poised to gain richer insight into peoples’ attitudes
towards ridesharing. For example, to establish main
reasons why people use the service or why they
make specific choices while using ridesharing
service abroad.
Ridesharing service has been proposed as an
assuring approach to improve tourism in Russian
Karelia accessibility for local tourists and those who
travel across the border. The study took place during
November and December 2012 and responses were
gathered both from Russian and Finnish population.
In all, forty eight (N=48) responses were collected.
However, forty six (N=46) were used to perform the
analysis because two responses were incomplete.
Out of the 46 respondents, there were 33 males
(71.7%) and 13 females (28.3%) with an average
age of 32 years (ranging from 20 to 68 years). From
Finland (primarily Oulu region), 26 responses were
received and 26 participants completed the
questionnaire from Russia (St. Petersburg and
7.2 Analysis of Questionnaire Results
More than half of the participants (56.5%) reported
that they had never used ridesharing in their
respective countries. Interestingly, a bigger number
of participants (76.1%) stated that they did not use
ridesharing abroad. A significant number of
participants (32.6%) stated that they rarely used
ridesharing and the remaining (10.8%) informed that
they either used it on monthly, weekly or daily basis.
More than half of the respondents (54.3%)
confirmed that they would prefer to use the mobile-
based ridesharing application. The responses suggest
that people have an inclination to use the service for
reasons such as reduced travel costs (80.7%) and
saving time (69.5%). These findings were confirmed
by the responses to open-ended questions where
majority of the respondents stated that they preferred
ridesharing to save travel costs and time. Yet, a
number of participants (39.1%) stated that they
would use ridesharing only when it is time efficient
when compared with public transport, or, when their
destination is not accessible via public transport
(36.9%). Besides, there is a similar amount of
respondents who stated that they will use ridesharing
even though a destination would be accessible by
public transportation (45,6%) and also when by
public transportation it would be faster (32,6%).
Therefore, we can cautiously propose that
ridesharing is a promising solution to improve
tourism object accessibility.
Although the data analysis indicates positive
attitudes towards the acceptance and potential usage
of ridesharing, the service will need to be
incorporated with features that will enhance security.
Security aspects were stated as main reasons why
people would not use ridesharing. For instance, the
majority of the respondents (65.2%) will use
ridesharing only together with people who is
suggested by personally known person. Therefore
developing ridesharing further is a prerequisite
through social networks, facilitation of comments
and feedback and an option to share individual
The paper proposes the smart space-based
ridesharing service to improve tourism in Russian
Karelia accessibility. The paper describes the service
architecture, main algorithms, used heuristics (which
help to reduce the time of search in more than 1.5
times), implementation, and the questionnaire
developed to cognize whether prospective tourists
will accept ridesharing services as an alternate mode
of transportation. Developed questionnaire analysis
shows applicability of this type of transportation in
Karelia region (respondents would like to use the
ridesharing service for reduced travel costs (80.7%)
and saving time (69.5%)). Smart-M3 information
platform is used as a smart space infrastructure for the
presented approach. Use of this platform makes it
possible to significantly increase the scalability and
extensibility of the prototype system. The algorithm
for finding appropriate fellow travelers for drivers as
well as definition of acceptable pick-up and drop-off
points for them is presented in the paper. This
algorithm can effectively find appropriate fellow
travelers for drivers. Importance of driver path and
passenger start and end points matching has been
confirmed by analysis of questionnaire results. For
instance, majority of the respondents would
rideshare if there is no need to change their travel
routes (50%) and when it fits well with their
schedules (73.9%).
Although there are positive attitudes towards the
acceptance and potential usage of ridesharing, the
service will need to be incorporated with features
that will enhance security. Besides, integration of
social networks, facilitation of comments and
feedback and an option to share individual
experiences are planned in the future work.
This research is a part of grant KA322
«Development of cross-border e-tourism framework
for the programme region (Smart e-Tourism)» of
Karelia ENPI programme, which is co-funded by the
European Union, the Russian Federation and the
Republic of Finland. The presented results are also a
part of the research carried out within the project
funded by grant # 13-07-00336-a of the Russian
Foundation for Basic Research.
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