The paper proposes the smart space-based
ridesharing service to improve tourism in Russian
Karelia accessibility. The paper describes the service
architecture, main algorithms, used heuristics (which
help to reduce the time of search in more than 1.5
times), implementation, and the questionnaire
developed to cognize whether prospective tourists
will accept ridesharing services as an alternate mode
of transportation. Developed questionnaire analysis
shows applicability of this type of transportation in
Karelia region (respondents would like to use the
ridesharing service for reduced travel costs (80.7%)
and saving time (69.5%)). Smart-M3 information
platform is used as a smart space infrastructure for the
presented approach. Use of this platform makes it
possible to significantly increase the scalability and
extensibility of the prototype system. The algorithm
for finding appropriate fellow travelers for drivers as
well as definition of acceptable pick-up and drop-off
points for them is presented in the paper. This
algorithm can effectively find appropriate fellow
travelers for drivers. Importance of driver path and
passenger start and end points matching has been
confirmed by analysis of questionnaire results. For
instance, majority of the respondents would
rideshare if there is no need to change their travel
routes (50%) and when it fits well with their
schedules (73.9%).
Although there are positive attitudes towards the
acceptance and potential usage of ridesharing, the
service will need to be incorporated with features
that will enhance security. Besides, integration of
social networks, facilitation of comments and
feedback and an option to share individual
experiences are planned in the future work.
This research is a part of grant KA322
«Development of cross-border e-tourism framework
for the programme region (Smart e-Tourism)» of
Karelia ENPI programme, which is co-funded by the
European Union, the Russian Federation and the
Republic of Finland. The presented results are also a
part of the research carried out within the project
funded by grant # 13-07-00336-a of the Russian
Foundation for Basic Research.
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