concerns for users. Monitorial BP Languages are not
practically fitting in this context to evaluate,
although promising for future CN requirements.
In this paper, we presented a review of BPMLs,
from the point of view of their suitability for
supporting collaboration among enterprises. Rooted
in (Frank, 98), we extended the model for evaluation
of BPML categories. First our “focus” represents
categories of BPMLs (section3). Then the
“contextual model” is proposed based on CN’s
reference model. Our “review” step resulted in six
BPML categories (table 1). As the guidelines for
evaluation, the “primary guidelines” is provided by
CSFs, and the “complementary guidelines” gives us
requirement indicators (table 2 and figure2). Finally,
representing “context analysis” of these guidelines
through discussions (in subsections 5.1-5.5) and the
summary (table 3).
Due to adopting a partially qualitative analysis
approach used for reviewing and evaluating BPMLs,
our analysis conclusions are not fully objective.
Nevertheless, our results in table 3 represents the
most appropriate categories of BPMLs that can
support each aspect of collaboration, e.g. for
technical BP expressability purposes, the formal and
ontological BPML categories are more suitable than
others, especially for adoption in VBEs and VOs.
Applying the results gained in our evaluation
approach, in practice to model the processes in
typical CN context, and depending on the
environment requirements, the domain experts may
tends towards taking advantage of the BPMN or
OWL-s for BP integration purposes.
This work is partially supported by the FP7 project
GLONET, funded by the European Commission.
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