Sociality in Web Forum
Bing Wu
School of Economics and Management, Tongji Univeristy, Shanghai, China
Keywords: Sociality, Web Forum, Exponential Random Graph, Sentiment.
Abstract: We use exponential random graph to examine the generative processes that give rise to widespread sociality
patterns in web forums. We apply the methods to Yahoo finance Wal-Mart message board from 1999 to
2008 to investigate authors’ propensities to establish relationship increase by activity. Research results
shows that although having the lowest percentage in Web forums, medium activity authors are more social
than high activity authors, which shows the consistent pattern with few core members contributing the
majority of content. Considering sentiment, objective authors have the highest sociality, followed by
negative subjective authors, which is proportional to the constitution of author sentiment group. Similar
situation happened in author sociality by class, authors’ tendency to establish relationship is quite different.
We conclude with a discussion of how exponential random graph may contribute to our understanding of
social interaction structure and the processes that create it.
A long line of research has shown the importance of
social behavior in web forum, and many of the same
themes continue to be explored today. Despite the
proliferation of web forums, not much is currently
known regarding sociality patterns. Tools are needed
to provide a means of identifying and assessing the
characteristics of social interaction patterns, and how
social interaction patterns further our understanding
of the network-scale sociality in web forums.
Currently Exponential Random Graph Models
(ERGM) provides a better way for construction of a
comprehensive and dynamic model for the following
reasons. Accordingly our research goals are to
develop a general framework for understanding
sociality in web forum based on ERGM and then to
provide a statistically principled approach to the
systematic exploration of several features
simultaneously. And potential applications of this
study can be useful for managing a community and
its members as well (Campbell and Cecez-
Kecmanovic, 2011).
To form a comprehensive understanding of our
study problem, a literature review was conducted in
two aspects, including social interaction network in
web forum and corresponding modeling methods.
2.1 Social Network in Web Forum
A web forum details a sequence of discussions
through threads of messages. Therefore, web forums
create implicit ties that connect senders and
receivers in what is often called a “reply network” or
“reply graph.” The reply networks can be analyzed
to identify important relationships (Lee and Lee,
2006). Consequently the social relationships in web
forums can be described as social networks, which
consist of finite sets of authors and the relationships
between them.
As key indicators can be used to understand the
status of social network in web forums, we examine
and classify previous papers in terms of attributes in
web forums, including: author activity, message
sentiment and topics
To establish of any relationships between
measures of web forum discussions and author’s
behavior. The author activity analysis is based on
Activity Theory, which is the idea that human
activity is a dialectic relationship between subject
(person) and object (purpose) (Levy, 2008). In
Activity theory, the constituents of activity are not
fixed, but can dynamically change with conditions
(Kaptelinin and Nardi, 1997). The unit of analysis in
Wu B..
Sociality in Web Forum.
DOI: 10.5220/0004425000540057
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 54-57
ISBN: 978-989-8565-61-7
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Activity Theory is an activity directed at an object
which motivates activity.
Sentiment analysis (Das and Chen, 2007);
(Antweiler and Frank, 2004) web forum discussions
is considered to deal with computational evaluation
of expressions of opinion, sentiment, and
subjectivity in text (Pang and Lee, 2008). Broadly
speaking, there are two types of sentiment analysis
approaches. Machine learning-based approaches
require a pre-coded training dataset which consists
of texts and labeled sentiments. Obtaining the
training data and training is a time intensive task
(Aue and Gamon 2005). In contrast, lexicon-based
approaches are faster provided an appropriate
dictionary is available. One of the advantages is that
they can take negation (e.g. not) and intensification
(very) into account. Some well-known lexicons
include Senti Word Net (SWN) (Esuli and
Sebastiani 2006) and the Harvard-IV-4 dictionary
(Tetlock, 2007; 2008).
2.2 Corresponding Modelling Methods
Empirical studies validate a model with real data.
The model is parameterized based on real data, and
the interaction process depicted with estimated
parameters is compared to the real interaction
process. In empirical research of web forums,
findings show that there is a consistent pattern of
participation with a few core members contributing
the majority of content, many peripheral members
contributing infrequently, and a large number of
lurkers (Nonnecke and Preece, 2000) who benefit by
overhearing the conversations of others (Hansen,
2009). The nature the conversation depends largely
on the type of web forum. (Hansen et al., 2010).
Regression analysis evaluates models by testing
their feasibility and equilibrium status based on
mathematical variables and models. Results from
analyses demonstrate that the social context,
including pre-existing social networks, groups, and
intergroup boundaries, significantly constrained the
flow of information interaction pattern across
intercultural CMC (computer mediated
communication, CMC) groups. And in addition the
influence of the social context on CMC
collaboration could be moderated by other
contingent factors such as national culture and
individuals’ expectancies of Internet use (Hichang
Cho, Jae-Shin Lee, 2008)
As social network analysis provides powerful
ways to summarize networks and identify key
people or other objects that occupy strategic
locations and positions within the matrix of links.
The threaded conversation structure in web forums
leads itself well to social network analysis. The basic
properties of social networks include the size,
density, centrality, degree, reach ability (Hanneman,
2001), connectivity (Stocker et al., 2001) and
multiplicity (Emirbayer and Goodwin, 1994).
Pioneering contributions to model social
interaction using ERGM have been made in the
study of sociological implications of friendship
network. ERGM was used to model friendship
formation as a selection process constrained by
individual’s sociality (propensity to make friends),
selective mixing in dyads (friendships within race,
grade, or sex categories are differentially likely
relative to cross-category friendships), and closure in
triads (a friends' friends are more like to become
friends), given local population composition), so that
socio demographic structure and the processes that
creates it can be understood (Goodreau, 2007);
(Goodreau, 2009). Furthermore in order to acquire
sociological implications for single-gender and
cross-gender influences on teenagers’ behavior,
ERGM framework including social network
techniques were used to examine gender clustering
in a complete network of teenagers and their friends
(Kirke, 2009).
The Yahoo! Finance Forum is chosen as the test
bed due to the large amount of message postings in
this platform. Wal-Mart was selected due to its
prominence in the market, societal presence, and
active collection of stakeholder groups. As social
interaction pattern in web forum should be
considered over the long-term, the time span for
analysis covers from January 1999 to June 2008.
Each author’s sentiment can be obtained by the
average sentiment of all messages posted or replied
to by whom. In this study, sentiment of each author
will be normalized as three sentiment groups,
negative subjective author (ps1), objective author
(ps2) and positive subjective author (ps3).
The author group depends on the result of key-
phrase extraction for all of his/her all messages
posted or replied to by whom. Thereby the author
class is employees (pt1), investors (pt2) and
customers (pt3) in Yahoo finance forum.
In this study we normalize activity as three
activity groups delegating low activity (pa1),
medium activity (pa2) and high activity (pa3).
Since the dataset spans 10 years, from Jan 1999 to
June 2008, we will use a graphical display, i.e., box
plots. Box plots enclose the interquartile range of the
data in a box displaying the median, giving an idea
about the center, variability, and degree of
asymmetry of a sample. Interquartile range is
between the 75th percentile (upper quartile) and the
25th percentile (lower quartile). Box plots are used
in this study to present the variation for each
measures group with a given degree across the 10-
years span, the vertical solid line in each horizontal
box denotes the median value of each given group
with lower quartile and upper quartile on both ends.
Figure 1 charts the sociality estimates from the
ERGM. As the vertical solid line in each horizontal
box is on the right side of the 0 axis, sociality
estimates for each category are positive.
In the lower part of Figure 1, based on low
activity authors (pa1), the positive median values of
medium activity authors (pa2) and high activity
authors (pa3) mean authors’ propensity to establish
relationship increases by activity. This is consistent
with the pattern of a few core members contributing
the majority of content, similar to research results of
Nonnecke and Preece’s (2000).
The positive median values of negative
subjective authors (ps1) and objective authors (ps2)
denote authors’ preference to post messages
increases based on objectivity (Figure 1). Thus,
objective authors (ps2) have the highest sociality,
followed by negative subjective authors, which is
proportional to the constitution of the author
sentiment group.
The upper part of Figure 1 shows that authors’
tendency to post messages is the strongest among
investor authors (pt2), then employee authors (pt1),
based on the positive median values. This tendency
is consistent with the proportions of the author group
as well.
Figure 1: Sociality estimates plotted across 10 years.
Based upon these findings, we state the conclusions
and implications of this study below. In this case
study, other attributes in addition to author activity,
author sentiment and author class, such as author’s
residence time, reply interval, etc., could be added,
which will be useful for further exploration of
dynamic social interaction pattern in future. In
addition, selective modeling by vertex attributes,
holistic feature modeling and goodness of fit will be
in future ERG modeling, so that complex social
interaction networks in Web forum can be explored
by most appropriate ERG model. Meanwhile an
iterative exploratory technique of progressively
increasing the model complexity should be used in
ERG modeling process. Moreover other experiments
for different test beds are on the agenda of future
This work was supported in part by NSFC under
Grant Nos. 71071117.
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