analytic controllers with an advanced self-learning
system was developed for a printing machine.
For this machine a transfer function model was
designed which describes the principal behaviour.
To identify the model parameter before the
production start, diverse devices and information
about the consumables and the environmental
conditions are used. All influences, whose
correlation can be described analytically, are also
calculated in that way. Influences with unknown
mode of action are regarded with a Neural Network.
Therefore the most important impacts are measured,
conditioned and fed to the network. So it is possible
to predict the machine’s behaviour under varying
operation conditions with unknown effects. The
simulation model and the controller are turned
according the adapted parameter to guarantee a
stable and dynamic production. This enables higher
product quality and efficiency.
The authors want to express their gratitude to the
state government of Bavaria for its financial support
of the project “CogSYS – Resource Efficiency by
Cognitive Control Systems”.
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