Elastic Ubiquitous Platform as a Service for Large-scale Ubiquitous Applications
Fei Li
, Schahram Dustdar
, Jakob Bardram
, Martin Serrano
, Manfred Hauswirth
Vasilios Andrikopoulos
and Frank Leymann
Distributed Systems Group, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
Cetrea A/S, Aarhus, Denmark
Digital Enterprise Research Institute, National University of Ireland Galway, Galway, Ireland
Institute of Architecture of Application Systems, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Platform as a Service, Cloud Computing, Ubiquitous Computing, Healthcare, Hospital.
Large-scale ubiquitous computing applications are rapidly emerging in the fields of pervasive healthcare, smart
cities and so on. They present unprecedented challenges to state-of-the-art ubiquitous systems in the respects
of accommodating fluctuating user demands, handling volatile data quality and adaptation to complex system
and user contexts. Driven by a motivating scenario in future mega-hospital environment, we propose to exploit
the potential of cloud computing in supporting large-scale ubiquitous computing applications. This position
paper will present the novel concept of EUPaaS (Elastic Ubiquitous Platform as a Service), outline the key
research topics, and propose a cloud-based ubiquitous application platform.
In recent years, new business and research op-
portunities have been increasingly emerging from
the need for large-scale ubiquitous computing sys-
tems (Weiser, 1991), including for example pervasive
healthcare, smart cities, and so on. The development
and provisioning of these systems face a range of sig-
nificant challenges. From a system’s point of view,
they are characterized by employing large numbers of
mobile devices and specialized sensors connected in
a volatile network setup. They generate and process
massive amounts of real-time data while coping with
fluctuation of user demands. From the user’s point
of view, these systems need to ensure responsiveness
for ad-hoc usages, support user mobility, adapt to user
context, and provide highly personalized usage expe-
rience. Both viewpoints need to be coherently sup-
ported in large-scale ubiquitous computing systems.
Future mega-hospital
is a typical application en-
vironment of such systems. The scale of a future
mega-hospital will be in the range of 10,000 clin-
icians; 100,000 hospitalizations and 900,000 out-
Plan of the New University Hospital at Aarhus: http://
patient treatments per year; covering 380,000 m
35,000 ambulances and cars arriving every day; and
having 1,300 beds. Although ubiquitous comput-
ing technologies have been successfully applied in
hospital environments (Bardram, 2009), providing
context-awareness to such amount of users, with
many of them in time- and life-critical procedures,
poses unprecedented challenges, including elasticity,
large-scale context-awareness, reliable data process-
ing, application adaptation and so on.
This paper proposes to address the challenges
in mega-hospital and enable large-scale ubiquitous
computing systems by consolidating the core con-
cepts of two computing paradigms—Cloud comput-
ing and Ubiquitous computing. Conceptually, ubiq-
uitous computing implies using massive numbers of
small computational entities to reach all aspects of
human life. Intuitively, the virtually infinite comput-
ing power of the cloud can help resource-constrained
ubiquitous systems to reach large-scale. However, the
state-of-the-art ubiquitous computing systems have
mostly been applied on a small, personal scale and
focused on personal mobility and context-awareness.
The ongoing work on combining ubiquitous comput-
ing and cloud computing still focuses on leverag-
ing the computing and storage resources of the cloud
Li F., Dustdar S., Bardram J., Serrano M., Hauswirth M., Andrikopoulos V. and Leymann F..
EUPaaS - Elastic Ubiquitous Platform as a Service for Large-scale Ubiquitous Applications.
DOI: 10.5220/0004427803090314
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2013), pages 309-314
ISBN: 978-989-8565-52-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
(Satyanarayanan, 2010; Chun et al., 2011). To this
end, we present Elastic Ubiquitous Platform as a Ser-
vice (EUPaaS), which is focused on exploiting the po-
tential of clouds in supporting large-scale ubiquitous
systems. Specifically, this position paper will outline
a set of novel concepts in our ongoing research on
the convergence of the two complementary comput-
ing paradigms, and propose a cloud-based ubiquitous
application platform. Overall the research presented
in this position paper will achieve the following ob-
To genuinely transfer the key characteristics of
cloud computing, especially elasticity and service
orientation, into large-scale ubiquitous systems;
To support the development and execution of
mobile, ubiquitous, context-aware applications in
PaaS paradigm;
To realize cloud-native ubiquitous applications
that posses the characters of both cloud and ubiq-
uitous applications;
To provide real-time data services to large
amounts of ubiquitous applications by quality-
aware, real-time data processing on clouds;
To compose ubiquitous device services and real-
time data into adaptive applications through
service-oriented computing.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2
presents a use case and corresponding challenges in
mega hospital environments; In Section 3 we present
the novel concepts of the work; then Section 4 pro-
poses the EUPaaS architecture under development;
the paper is concluded in Section 5.
Ubiquitous computing technologies have proven par-
ticularly applicable in a hospital setup (Bardram,
2009). Sensors are deployed hospital-wide for loca-
tion tracking of staff, patients, and equipment; video
surveillance; bed monitoring; and biomedical sens-
ing. All of these sensor inputs help build a real-time
overview of the clinical logistics at the hospital and
are used for context-aware information visualization
on large displays and on mobile devices. Moreover,
context-aware notifications are forwarded to relevant
clinical personnel on a timely fashion using the most
appropriate devices. However, as the size of a hospital
is increasing, the scalability of these types of ubiqui-
tous computing systems becomes significantly chal-
lenging. This is especially true in the case of future
mega-hospitals—even the most simple context-aware
applications based on a location tracking infrastruc-
ture will need to handle location updates from 10,000-
20,000 entities in a large area with a sampling rate
of e.g. 1 minute. More importantly, a large amount
of time- and life-critical hospital procedures need to
be supported at the same time in the future mega-
hospital. The following use case illustrates one of
these procedures.
2.1 Clinical Logistics for an Emergency
Monday morning, Mr. Hansen is not feeling well
and his left arm is hurting. His wife takes him to
the Emergency and Accident Department (E&AD) at
the local hospital for examination. At the E&AD, the
Emergency Clinical Logistic System (ECLS) helps
the head nurse to quickly assign a doctor, a nurse,
and an examination room. In the examination room,
his medical information and real-time data on ECG,
pulse, and O2 is displayed on the interactive ECLS
display. When examining Mr. Hansen, the doctor re-
alizes that this is a critical and acute case that needs
immediate transfer to the University Hospital (DNU)
for acute specialized surgery coronary angioplasty.
Together with the head nurse, the doctor uses ECLS to
initiate a transfer request from this local E&AD to the
Department of Cardiac and Thorax Surgery (Dept. T)
at DNU. The head nurse at Dept. T is notified about
the incoming patient via the ECLS system, and ac-
cepts the transfer.
Upon acceptance, the medical data of Mr. Hansen
is relayed through the regional healthcare backbone
infrastructure. At Dept. T, the ECLS interactive dis-
plays at the nursing station start to show real-time
information about Mr. Hansen. Porters and an am-
bulance are automatically scheduled and are notified
to pick up the patient in the local hospital and drive
him to DNU. The ECLS displays show the location
of the ambulance as it is approaching. Once in the
ambulance, medical information on Mr. Hansen and
his triage is entered in the ambulance medical record,
and real-time data on ECG, pulse, and O2 is obtained
through sensors in the ambulance. All of this data is
continuously displayed at the nursing station of DNU.
In the meanwhile, based on real-time knowledge
on the location, workload, medical profile, and work
schedule of the doctors and nurses in Dept. T, the
ECLS system starts suggesting a surgeon and a team
of operating nurses to the incoming patient case. The
final assignment is approved and done by the nurs-
ing station, and the involved staff is notified through
their ECLS mobile phones. Upon confirmation of
availability, the real-time information about the pa-
tient is available from the mobile phones of the as-
signed medical stuff. At the same time, an available
operation room and all the things needed for a surgery
are booked by the ECLS.
Mr. Hansen arrives and the porters can use their
mobile ECLS system to see where to take him. In the
operating room everybody is ready for surgery. The
surgery is successful and Mr. Hansen is moved to
the intensive care unit (ICU) for recovery. Once re-
covered, he is moved to the patient ward where his
wife is waiting for him. She has been able to follow
his treatment along the way using the patient/relative
ECLS mobile phone app.
2.2 Challenges
The use case alone can be realized with the technolo-
gies developed in the past research on context-aware
systems. However, supporting such procedure at a
very large scale presents unprecedented challenges to
both hospital IT platform and ubiquitous applications.
Elasticity. The work load of a hospital is very
uneven across each day and week. Relatively
few activities are taking place on a Sunday af-
ternoon and night, mostly emergencies, whereas
there is a steep increase in activity (and hence in-
frastructure demand) starting Monday morning at
7 o’clock. Moreover, since a hospital to a large
degree is designed to handle critical situations
like emergencies, acute patients being transferred
from other smaller hospitals, and epidemic situ-
ations, its peak load cannot be predicted. There
is therefore a fundamental need for elasticity in a
hospital’s IT systems.
Context-awareness in Large-scale. For a hospi-
tal at the scale of the DNU, a large number of
emergency processes, like in the use case, are per-
formed in parallel day and night. Besides emer-
gencies, many more routine and less-critical pro-
cesses of the hospital are also being carried out
all the time. Context-awareness is needed preva-
lently in these processes. There have been many
solutions to provide contextual information to ap-
plications through dedicated sensors. However,
it requires new approaches to acquiring and shar-
ing context for large amounts of applications and
users on a large-scale, heterogeneous sensory in-
Data Quality and Data Processing. In a life-
and time-critical environment like a hospital, data
quality has significant impact on users. For ex-
ample, in the use case, if the location information
of a doctor is not updated in 3 minutes by RFID-
based tracking (this could happen frequently be-
cause of signal interference), the ECLS needs to
alternatively use WiFi location tracking based on
the doctor’s wireless connection on mobile phone.
Furthermore, the system needs to accommodate
differentiated data quality requirements for dif-
ferent applications. In the use case, timeliness
and accuracy of biological signs are essential for
the treatment of Mr. Hansen. In future mega-
hospitals, these kinds of data will need to be de-
livered from large amount of devices to many doc-
tors reliably, timely, and accurately even when the
hospital is at peak load, e.g. at 7 o’clock Monday
Application Environment. In mega-hospitals like
DNU, many applications like ECLS and other
clinical systems are used by a large number of
users at the same time. For different users, an
application may employ different sensors, require
different data processing schemes, and provide in-
formation on different user interfaces. To ensure
the required service quality for a user, an appli-
cation needs to adapt to many factors, including
availability of devices, fluctuation of data qual-
ity, changes of user context, etc. Furthermore, a
mega-hospital is not only a centralized healthcare
facility, but also a center of regional healthcare
ecosystem. Many healthcare services need to per-
form beyond the boundary of a single hospital and
collaborate with other facilities. As suggested by
the use case, the system should allow applications
to seamlessly interact with authorized outside en-
tities like ambulances, devices and local hospitals.
To address the aforementioned challenges and enable
large-scale ubiquitous computing systems, this pa-
per proposes Elastic Ubiquitous Platform as a Service
(EUPaaS), which constitutes a set of novel concepts
to be investigated in the intersection of cloud comput-
ing and ubiquitous computing.
Elastic Ubiquitous Computing
Elasticity is the infrastructural capability that
computing resources allocated to an application
can be scaled up and down according to the work-
load of the application while maintaining a certain
service level. Elasticity has not been considered
so far in ubiquitous applications because of their
limited scales and closed system environments.
However, with the emergence of large-scale ubiq-
uitous systems like future mega-hospital, it is im-
portant to recognize the need for elasticity in ubiq-
uitous computing environments and realize it on
the cloud. Elastic ubiquitous computing means
that computing resources allocated to an applica-
tion can be scaled up and down depending on the
number and types of devices the application em-
ploys, on the needs to acquire and process the data
provided by the devices, and on the quality level
needed by the application for a certain situation.
Platform as a Service for Ubiquitous Applica-
Platform as a Service (PaaS) (Liu et al., 2011)
is defined as ”the capability provided to the con-
sumer is to deploy onto the cloud infrastructure
consumer-created or acquired applications cre-
ated using programming languages and tools sup-
ported by the provider. The consumer does not
manage or control the underlying cloud infras-
tructure including network, servers, operating sys-
tems, or storage, but has control over the deployed
applications and possibly application hosting en-
vironment configurations. The PaaS model al-
lows application providers to focus on their ap-
plication logic by reusing software services on
cloud and transparently leveraging the elasticity
of cloud platform. For web applications, the tools
provided by PaaS usually include identity man-
agement, data as a service, messaging infrastruc-
ture and so on. For ubiquitous applications, it is
necessary to extend these basic platform services
with the key facilities of ubiquitous computing,
including virtualized device access, device life-
cycle management, real-time data services, and
adaptive application runtime environment. By of-
fering these facilities as services on the cloud,
the development of ubiquitous applications boils
down to a composition of these services.
Cloud-native Ubiquitous Applications
The EUPaaS will enable cloud-native ubiquitous
applications that inherently possess the following
essential cloud and ubiquitous computing charac-
Elasticity—Applications will be consistently
responsive to users in need regardless of the
load on underlying resources.
Multi-tenancy—Applications can provide each
user with a highly personalized and contextual-
ized usage experience by virtually partitioning
data and devices.
Virtualization—Applications can dynamically
bind and use heterogeneous ubiquitous devices
that are virtualized as services on the cloud.
Context-awareness—Applications will be re-
sponsiveto users surroundings, activities, phys-
ical conditions and any perceivable information
that may affect users needs.
Real-time Quality-aware Data Service
Producing, processing, and consuming real-time
data is a fundamental aspect of ubiquitous ap-
plications. Thus, it is desirable to extend cloud
data services with the capability of processing
large-amount of real-time data. Furthermore, in
order to accommodate the volatile data quality
in ubiquitous environments while delivering re-
liable services, quality of real-time data should
be evaluated and assured for applications. The
ongoing research on data quality has been fo-
cused on database applications (Batini and Scan-
napieco, 2006), which generally deal with persis-
tent and relatively stable data. And in ubiquitous
computing field, the research results on Quality
of Context (QoC) are not yet feasible enough to
be adopted in large-scale context-aware applica-
tions (Bellavista et al., 2013). It is necessary to
extend and adapt conventional data quality met-
rics to suit the needs of real-time data in ubiq-
uitous environments. Quality assurance mecha-
nisms should be developed based on these met-
rics and provided as quality-aware data services
for applications. Furthermore, the capacity of
cloud can be exploited to support real-time data
quality-awareness in large-scale ubiquitous com-
puting environments.
Adaptive Context- and Data Quality-aware
The applications in ubiquitous environments need
to be adaptive to various situations while keep-
ing them functioning and responsive. As demon-
strated in the mega-hospital environments, it is
important to enable applications to adapt to com-
plex context changes (location, activity, users
concerned, and resources available), and to data
quality fluctuations (accuracy, freshness, com-
pleteness). To cope with such multiple dis-
tinct volatilities of the environment, past research
on self-adaptive systems and context-aware com-
puting should be put into perspective of cloud-
based applications: in offering ubiquitous appli-
cations with a PaaS environment, such adaptive-
ness should be provided as part of the platform
capabilities and leveraged by applications through
their cloud-based run-time environment.
Figure 1: The EUPaaS architecture.
This section presents the EUPaaS architecture that re-
alizes the aforementioned core concepts.
EUPaaS follows a federated service-oriented mid-
dleware architecture. The foundationfor this architec-
ture is the UCG (Ubiquitous Cloud Gateway), which
is dedicated to integrating large amounts of sensors
and devices within a cloud infrastructure. It pro-
vides a virtualization layer for heterogeneous entities
through existing service standards. Given the ad-hoc
and dynamic nature of ubiquitous environments, a
life-cycle model of virtualized services is being de-
veloped in order to monitor these entities. At the
core of UCG is a messaging infrastructure to manage
the reliability of communication and interoperability
of devices. The messaging infrastructure takes into
consideration both the diverse requirements of ubiq-
uitous applications, as well as the nature of mobile,
volatile, light-weight devices. The UCG is designed
as a cloud-native component with support for multi-
tenancy (Strauch et al., 2012) and elasticity. Overall,
the federation of UCGs is be the key to the success of
the EUPaaS architecture. The federation eventually
allows EUPaaS platform deployments to share load
between UCG instances, integrate with geographi-
cally distributed devices, and to connect different au-
tonomous domains in mega-hospital environments.
In the EUPaaS architecture, quality-ensured, real-
time data are provided to applications as a service.
In previous work, we have developed a set of feasi-
ble metrics and applied it to real-world datasets (Li
et al., 2012). Based on these metrics, formal se-
mantic annotations is being developed for annotat-
ing data streams with quality information. The eval-
uation framework particularly considers a) the data
quality change during data processing, e.g. aggrega-
tion of data streams with different accuracies, and b)
the data quality perceived by applications, e.g. the
completeness of multiple streams required in a cer-
tain situation. The data quality assurance approach
under development is based on statistical methods,
which can dynamically compensate for quality fluctu-
ation according to application requirements, available
resources, and the characters of the stream (e.g. ag-
gregative, single, etc.). The data quality model, and
evaluation and assurance mechanisms will be imple-
mented into a large-scale real-time data processing
system on cloud
. Eventually, the quality-aware data
provisioning capability is open to ubiquitous appli-
cations through service interfaces. Applications can
then specify their data quality requirements while ac-
quiring real-time information of the application envi-
EUPaaS applications carry out the adaptive exe-
cution of complex ubiquitous applications. An EU-
PaaS application model based on service composi-
tion is being developed to assess the impact of con-
text and data quality changes to the application ex-
ecution. Since the adaptation of applications can be
triggered by various factors, the architecture is not fo-
cused on supporting isolated adaptation mechanisms
for different situations. Instead, we aim at supporting
multiple adaptation mechanisms from a wide range of
options provided by the system, which can include re-
placement of services, changing of data sources, and
modification of the application logic. Adaptation trig-
gers are defined based on real-time quality informa-
tion from the data services, a system wide view of
resources, and the application context.
This position paper presented our vision and ongo-
ing work of EUPaaS (Elastic Ubiquitous Platform as a
Service). The work is motivatedby the need for large-
scale ubiquitous systems in future mega-hospitals.
The challenges we have faced mainly include elastic-
ity, large-scale context-awareness, reliable data pro-
cessing and application adaptation. To address these
challenges, we propose to enable the seamless con-
vergence of cloud computing and ubiquitous com-
puting by researching and realizing a series of novel
concepts, including elastic ubiquitous platform as a
service, cloud-native ubiquitous applications, real-
time quality-aware data service and context- and data
quality-aware applications. The research and devel-
opment work is in progress and will be integrated into
the EUPaaS software platform.
It is worth noting that the challenges addresses in
this work are not limited to hospital environments.
The need for large-scale ubiquitous systems, pro-
pelled by the emergence of Internet of Things, is
evident in applications in smart cities, smart health-
care, smart transportation and so on. The proposed
cloud-based approach will not only enable context-
awareness in large-scale, but also extend the applica-
tion domains of cloud computing to better support the
applications based on the growingly ubiquitous sen-
sors and smart devices.
This work is sponsored by Pacific Controls Cloud
Computing Lab (PC
L), a joint lab between Pacific
Controls L.L.C., Dubai, United Arab Emirates and the
Distributed Systems Group of the Vienna University
of Technology.
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