Performance Aspects of Some Switching Networks
Zbigniew Hulicki
Department of Telecommunication, AGH University of Science and Technology, ul. Czarnowiejska 78, Krakow, Poland
Keywords: Switching Fabric, Multistage Interconnection Network (MIN), Scalable High-Performance Router.
Abstract: The intention of this paper is to examine the performance and reliability aspects of switching fabrics which
are used for scalable high-performance routers. Topology and capabilities of switching fabrics are
discussed, followed by an examination of the performance vs.– reliability trade-off in diverse scenarios of
possible failures. It has been shown that the switching fabric based on the PM2I type multistage
interconnection network (MIN) outperforms those based on the cube type MIN under any failure scenario.
The simulation results presented should be helpful in predicting the performance vs.– reliability trade-off
before actual fabrication of the switching fabric.
Routers and switches are viewed as the most critical
parts of the current communication infrastructure
and will be also needed to provide fast and efficient
communication in next-generation networks
Recently there have been various efforts to design an
efficient optical switch for use in a high-speed router
(Hossfeld et al., 2009). Besides, there is an immense
interest in designing a simple and high performance
switch which would satisfy the demands of an
entirely new scenario for emerging broadband
In the past few decades, a number of switch
fabrics have been proposed in literature and used in
practical implementations to interconnect key
components in routers, such as routing engines and
line cards (Lien et al., 2010; Rongsen and Delgado-
Frias, 2007). Many of the proposed switch designs
have been based on multistage interconnection
networks (MINs). Various solutions, i.e. single or
multiple panel (replicated), can be used in design of
MIN based switches (Aulakh, 2006).
The purpose of this paper is to examine the
issues dealing with the performance and reliability
of single plane MINs used as switch fabrics for
scalable high-performance routers and/or OXCs.
Topology and capabilities of switching fabric will be
discussed first, followed by a specification of the
switch model and its performance measures. Then,
the performance and dependability of MIN based
switch fabrics will be examined, taking into account
diverse scenarios of possible faults. Lastly, there are
some conclusions and remarks regarding the trade-
offs between switch characteristics
In selecting the architecture of switching fabric, four
design decisions can be identified: operation mode,
control strategy, switching method, and topology of
MIN. The topology of a switching network is a key
factor in determining a suitable fabric architecture
(Skalis and Mhamd, 2010). MINs proposed for the
switch fabrics are usually constructed using small
crossbar switches organized in stages and may have
a uniform or non-uniform connection pattern
between stages.
SEs can be buffered or non-
buffered, but the use of self-routing MINs are
favored because small delays can be achieved.
Generally, the topologies of MINs tend to be regular
and can be grouped into two categories: static or
The static MINs are simple to build and
expand, but fail even in the presence of a single
fault. On the other hand, a dynamic MIN is able to
reroute the data through a fault free path if the
regular path is faulty or busy. Because the reliable
operation of a MIN is an important factor in overall
router performance, it is important to design a
switching network that combines full connection
Hulicki Z..
Performance Aspects of Some Switching Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0004428200900093
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH-2013),
pages 90-93
ISBN: 978-989-8565-69-3
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
capability – in spite of faults – with a slightly lower
A number of diverse fabric solutions which offer
redundant paths between the input and output ports
have been proposed to provide fast, efficient and
reliable communications at a reasonable cost.
However, no single solution network is generally
preferred because the cost-effectiveness of a
particular design varies with such factors as its
application, the required speed of data transfer, the
actual hardware implementation of the switching
network, the number of input/output ports, and the
construction cost.
As far as MINs are concerned, they can be built
using a variety of structures. Two significant
examples of topological structures based on the
single plane design are switching networks based on
the cube
and PM2I interconnection functions (Lien
et al., 2010). Therefore, there is an open question
about the performance vs.-reliability trade-off that a
multiple-path structure of the PM2I network
offer, for various distributed control algorithms and
decision rules, when compared to a cube-type
To evaluate the properties of a fabric based on a
given switching network (MIN), the following
assumptions are made about the operation and the
environment of the interconnection network: the
single plane design of switching fabric is taken into
account; the slotted traffic source model is used with
a uniform random distribution of packet (cell)
destinations (because, in this contribution, we are
focused on the performance vs. reliability trade-off);
the switching network is operated synchronously,
meaning that the packets are transmitted only at the
beginning of a time slot given by the packet clock
and each input link is offered the same traffic load;
the buffering is external to the switch fabric, i.e.
non-buffered switch fabrics formed from non-
buffered SEs are under consideration. Therefore, the
queuing effects are unaccounted in this model. All
output ports perform the function of a perfect sync
and a conflict is said to occur if more than one
packet arrives at the same output link at the same
Two classes of packet switched MINs, one with
redundant interconnection paths and one without are
under consideration (i.e. the cube-type class of MINs
known as unique-path networks and the PM2I class
of MINs which have multiple paths between a given
network input-output pair). It is clear that faults in
the switching network often result in degraded
performance of a fabric. Hence, in order to capture
effects of physical failures on the operation of
switching fabric, generally three models are used:
the stuck at fault model, the link fault model, and the
SE fault model (Aulakh, 2006). The link and SE
fault models will be used in this contribution. In the
former model, physical failures result in a faulty link
whereas, in the latter model in a faulty SE.
Moreover, in both cases the single and multiple fault
model versions will be considered. Because failures
occur at random, and because the combinations of
the type, number and location of faults can widely
vary, the influence of failures on the performance of
the switching fabric will be examined by simulation.
The performance of switching fabric, based on both
of the aforementioned classes of packet switched
MINs, has been studied using simulated
experiments. A discrete time event-driven simulator
has been designed to carry out simulations. The
simulator uses the switch model and performance
measures described in the previous section. It
enables performance evaluation of the fabric under
different traffic and/or interconnection patterns,
including both uniform and non-uniform traffic
patterns, as well as an evaluation of the fabric’s
dependability under diverse fault models, including
combinations of the type, number and location of
faults. Moreover, in order to stop packets from
entering the switching fabric once its resources are
exhausted, the switching network of a router often
employs a backpressure mechanism (Lien et al.,
2010). Therefore, except for non-buffered MINs, the
simulator also allows for a modification to the
switching fabric, i.e. an implementation of buffering
(introduced at the input/output of the switching
network or to the SEs) or using different types of
This section presents only selected results from
the simulation experiments because the results point
to a similar trend and the packet loss (or packet drop
rate) can serve as a good indicator of the
performance vs. reliability trade-off. The
simulation results have been shown and compared in
a few figures (Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5). Each data
value given in these figures is the result after
100,000 clock cycles in the simulation, where this
number of cycles is found to yield steady-state
outcomes (95% conf. lev.).
Figure 1: Comparison of packet loss in a switch with
faulty SE.
Figure 2: Comparison of packet loss in a switch with
faulty SE.
The packet loss versus offered load under a
single SE fault for both the cube type (GC) and the
PM2I type () MIN is demonstrated in Fig. 1 and
Fig. 2 respectively. One can observe a qualitatively
similar nature of the performance of both switching
networks. Besides, it is clear (cf. Fig. 1 and 2) that
faultiness of a SE has crucial impact on the switch
performance. In both cases, the faulty SE determines
the degradation to the switch performance.
However, in the PM2I type MINs this effect will
depend on the stage location of the faulty SE. The
packet loss is higher if the faulty SE is located in the
output or input stage of the switching network (),
and the loss is lesser if the faults of SEs occur in the
inner stages of the MIN. In the cube-type MINs, the
faulty SE exhibits substantial impact to the
performance regardless of the fault locations.
Since faults have a strong tendency to happen in
continuous (or nearby) areas (Rongsen and Delgado-
Frias, 2007), the next tests had to consider the
multiple fault model scenario. The packet loss
versus offered load under a double SE fault for the
modified cube type (ESC) MIN is shown in Fig. 3.
It is observed that the location of the faulty SEs
determines the degradation of switching fabric
performance. A double SE failure has a more
detrimental effect on the performance (packet loss)
if defects of SEs happen in the inner stages of the
MIN, but the worst case is when the faults of SEs
happen in nearby areas.
Figure 3: Comparison of packet loss in a switch with
multiple faults.
Figure 4: Packet loss vs. traffic load in the MIN based
switch with faulty link.
On the other hand, there are SE and link failures
inside the switching fabrics. Therefore, it was
interesting to know what the effects would be of link
failures on switching fabric performance. In
consecutive tests, the impact of single faults has
been evaluated by randomly designating one link to
be faulty. The packet loss versus offered load under
a single link failure in different locations is depicted
in Fig. 4, and the results under a fault-free situation
are also included for comparison. It is observed that
a single link failure also leads to the performance
degradation; however, its impact is not as
detrimental as it was for an SE failure. The location
of the faulty link has (practically) small effect on the
performance degradation as well. Moreover, the
effects of link failures in the switching fabric based
on the PM2I type () MIN are different. One can
observe (cf. Fig. 5) more detrimental effects on
switching fabric performance when a straight link is
faulty and a failure occurs between the input and
output stage of switching network. Irrespective of
the location, other link failures have a negligible
Figure 5: Packet loss vs. traffic load in a switch with faulty
link in different location.
effect on performance degradation. Such capabilities
of the () switching network result from its
architecture which already has built-in redundancy
(multiple paths between a given network input-
output pair in the PM2I type MINs) that provides
fault tolerance. Furthermore, it is also clear (cf. Fig.
3 and Fig. 4 and/or Fig. 2 and Fig. 5) that an SE
failure has more detrimental effects on switching
fabric performance than a link failure. One could
expect this because SE hardware is much more
complex and, therefore, more prone to faults than
the internal link connections.
This paper presents the analysis of the performance
and reliability of single panel multistage switching
fabrics. Two classes of packet switched MINs, those
with redundant interconnection paths (the PM2I type
MINs) and those without (the cube type MINs), have
been examined by simulating performance and
reliability conditions. Simulations under different
fault model scenarios have shown that the
performance of multistage switching fabrics
deteriorates after an increase in load. However, the
switch based on the PM2I type MIN outperforms
that based on the cube type MIN under any failure
scenario. Moreover, the simulation revealed that
PM2I type multistage switching fabrics are highly
fault tolerant against internal link or SE failures.
This property can be preferable for scalable core
routers or backbone OXCs. Such single panel
multistage switching fabrics seem to be an attractive
alternative to the multiple panel architecture of
switching networks. Furthermore, presented results
of the simulation analysis should be also helpful in
predicting the performance vs. reliability trade-off
before actual fabrication of the switching fabric.
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replicated multistage interconnection networks’,
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(4), pp. 19–22.
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Lien, Ch.-M., Chang, Ch.-S., Cheng, J., Lee D.-S., Liao,
J.-T., 2010. ‘Using banyan networks for load-balanced
switches with incremental update’, GLOBECOM
Workshops, 2010 IEEE, pp. 1–6.
Rongsen, H., Delgado-Frias, J.G., 2007. ‘Fault tolerant
interleaved switching fabrics for scalable high-
performance routers’, IEEE Trans. Paral. Distrib.
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Skalis, N., Mhamd, L., 2010. ‘Performance guarantees in
partially buffered crossbar switches’, GLOBECOM
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