logic to move the tokens within the location and the
quality control process to test the bypassing tokens.
Another advantage is the possibility to associate
a process with several locations at once. This fea-
ture is particularly useful when implementing custom
warehouse systems. Then the process can act as a su-
pervisor while local processes maintain the structural
integrity of the storage locations.
In the following section we briefly present the
concept and its usage. After that an overview over
current flow-based implementations and warehouse
modeling is given. In Section 4 the concept is pre-
sented in detail, followed by a section where the ben-
efits for custom warehouse implementations are dis-
cussed. We will give details about the integration
of the concept into our research simulation platform
fact and close with a summary and an outlook.
Earlier we mentioned that in general the black box de-
sign of current enterprise building blocks becomes a
problem when it comes to customizing and extending
readily available building blocks. In order to make the
design more flexible and easier to extend, we wanted
to make the different blocks easy to combine to form
new ones. Also we wanted to be able to do this with-
out having to program any code.
Reconsider the example of the conveyor which we
want to extend with a quality control process (Figure
1). Unfortunately, such a building block is not avail-
able as a standard component in the simulation soft-
ware. Therefore, we have to implement a building
block with the desired behavior by ourselves. Let’s
assume, that each of the two distinct functionalities
Conveyor and Quality Control (QC) are available as
separate standard processes.
This opens up several possibilities:
• First of all, if we have access to the source code,
we can copy it and merge the separate functionali-
ties into a new component. Usually, to implement
this approach we have to learn a new program-
ming language and we need detailed knowledge
about the inner workings of the simulation frame-
work. Furthermore, it is error-prone as we would
have to merge and handle code that is not our own.
• Second, we can attach the standard components to
form the desired building block. This approach is
depicted in Figure 2. The problem here is, that
this setup does not match the original problem.
Here the quality control instance is distinct from
the conveyor and furthermore, there are two con-
veyors used. In this example this argument does
Figure 2: The second approach to implement a conveyor
with a quality control.
not look like a big deal. However, a superior or
customer may question this specific setup and be-
cause of that, the simulation results.
However, with our approach where the location of
an entity is separated from the process behavior, such
a process implementation is quite simple. Because
of the separation, we can associate several processes
with a specific location. Therefore, we can combine
the conveyor-process with the quality control into one
component. This setup closely resembles the reality
and can be implemented by simply combining stan-
dard components (without any programming).
By separating the storage (or location) of the en-
tities from the actual processes we gain a new level
of flexibility. Of course, this approach is not applica-
ble in every situation. Also, this approach cannot be
used to create any desired behavior just through com-
bination. However, with a set of predefined generic
processes, this approach allows for a more fine granu-
lar process and model customization. We can add new
features to a model completely without programming
and without copying code.
3.1 Flow-based Modeling
Today’s simulation software packages offer very pow-
erful solutions for the modeling, simulation and anal-
ysis of enterprise systems. Often coupled with a
graphical user interface and a dynamic process an-
imation, the user is allowed to model and analyze
a system via drag and drop, e.g. ((Siemens, 2012;
Rockwell Automation, Inc., 2011; XJ Technologies
Company, 2012b)). In the following the general ap-
proach of most professional and commercial pack-
ages will be discussed. The simulation software suites
“Enterprise Dynamics”, build by Incontrol (Incontrol
Simulation Software, 2012a), and “Anylogic” from
XJ-Technologies (XJ Technologies Company, 2012a)
will be used as examples. Modeling a specific system
can be done in many different ways. The set of rea-
sonable approaches often depends on the system that
will be modeled and the used simulation software. To
help the user getting started, current simulation soft-
ware provides specialized products for different mod-