SESGAL Software for Managing Earthquake Risk in Galicia
Carla Iglesias
, Eduardo Giráldez
, Javier Taboada
Roberto Martínez-Alegría
and Isabel Margarida Antunes
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Engineering, University of Vigo, Vigo, 36310, Spain
Spanish Civil Protection Service, Valladolid, 47009, Spain
Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco, Castelo Branco, 6000, Portugal
Keywords: Seismic Risk, Vulnerability, Simulation, Emergency, Earthquake.
Abstract: According to the laws in place in Spain, the autonomous Community of Galicia (NW Spain) has two zones
–Lugo and Ourense– at greater seismic risk. In order to control and minimize the damage to buildings and to
population, a Special Civil Protection Plan for Seismic Risk in Galicia (SISMIGAL) has been drawn up,
including a software tool specially designed for this purpose.
The Galician Seismic Scenario Simulator v1.0 (SESGAL) is based on a geographic information system
(GIS) and provided with a comprehensive database of the elements and resources that intervene in the
management of an emergency. In addition to the typical functions of GIS, SESGAL incorporates a seismic
scenario simulator –which enables the prediction of the effects of an earthquake– and a seismic emergency
manager –which provides a tool for addressing the needs of the population in case of a catastrophe.
The SESGAL software presented here provides a useful, rapid tool for an effective and efficient response to
the damage caused by an earthquake in the Galician territory, managing the means and resources available.
A new Spanish Earthquake-Resistant Construction
Standard (NCSE-02) was approved by Royal Decree
997/2002, of 27 September, replacing the previous
standard in place since 1996. This new regulation
was drawn up in accordance with current earthquake
engineering and seismology knowledge, including
an updated seismic risk map that identified two
zones in Galicia – Lugo and Ourense – with
different seismic acceleration and so at greater risk.
The Basic Civil Protection Regulation, approved
by Royal Decree 407/1992, of 24 April, to
complement and develop Law 2/1985, of 21
January, governing civil protection, includes
earthquakes among the risks that could result in a
catastrophe and so require special planning.
The Galician Territorial Civil Protection Plan
(PLATERGA) – within the legal powers assigned to
this autonomous region – provides for the need to
develop a plan to address earthquake risk in the
region. The Special Civil Protection Plan for
Seismic Risk in Galicia (SISMIGAL) was thus
drawn up to ensure effective and coordinated use of
public and private resources and means to minimize
the consequences for people, property and the
environment of a possible earthquake. The main
novelty of this plan is that it includes a specially
designed software tool called SESGAL (Galician
Seismic Scenario Simulator) v1.0. SISMIGAL and
SESGAL, whose territorial scope is the entire
geographic area of Galicia, are activated for any
seismic movement affecting the region with
consequences for the population and property.
Most seismic plans consist of a set of documents
(memoranda, reports, schedules and plans); the
Galician seismic plan also includes the specially
developed computer application SESGAL. SESGAL
enables digital databases to be queried and seismic
events and their possible consequences to be
simulated; it also provides decision-making support
during earthquake emergency management.
The SESGAL software reflects all the features of
the SISMIGAL, as follows: it characterizes seismic
risk in Galicia, taking hazard and vulnerability
estimates as a starting point; it catalogues the means
and resources available for planned earthquake
actions; it describes the organizational and
functional structure for emergency interventions in
earthquakes; and it establishes precise emergency
Iglesias C., Giráldez E., Taboada J., Martínez-Alegría R. and Margarida Antunes I..
SESGAL Software for Managing Earthquake Risk in Galicia.
DOI: 10.5220/0004433200070014
In Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT-EA-2013), pages 7-14
ISBN: 978-989-8565-68-6
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
intervention steps aimed at evaluating earthquake
consequences, providing assistance to the affected
population and minimizing the people-property
Earthquakes and their consequences have been
widely studied and modelled, existing a number of
tools and software developed in order to model this
kind of natural event such as Hazus (FEMA, 2003)
or CAPRA (CAPRA, 2012). Hazus is a GIS-based
model used for the estimation of potential losses due
to natural disasters in the USA, while CAPRA
assesses Central American communities by
estimating physical, economic and human risks
derived from an earthquake. NISEE (NISEE, 2011),
a public service project of the Pacific Earthquake
Engineering Research (PEER) Center Library, has
developed several tools in the field of earthquake
engineering which focus on the response of
buildings and infrastructures.
Other works can be found in the literature
covering the study of mitigation alternatives in order
to avoid or minimize losses in future earthquakes
(Gupta and Shah, 1998); (Dodo et al., 2007) and
facilitate the recovery of damaged environmental
structures (Du et al., 2012).
However, the vast majority of the existing
models don’t comprise the stage of response to the
emergency. The Karmania hazard model
(Hassanzadeh et al., 2013) allows the simulation of
an earthquake in the region of Iran, as well as the
estimation of the resources needed after the seism in
terms of emergency facilities, food and water. China
has a simulation system based on GIS and Artificial
Intelligence (Tang and Wen, 2009) which includes a
seismic emergency response module similar to the
Seismic emergency manager developed in this work.
Nevertheless, the SESGAL Seismic emergency
manager addresses the Spanish and Galician Civil
Protection policies and structures, and allows the
establishment of several advanced command posts to
manage and coordinate the response in this territory.
Time is critical and effective emergency
activities are essential in order to minimize the death
rates among people trapped in building collapses
(Coburn et al., 1992). The main advantage of
SESGAL is that it ensures a practical and agile
response to emergency situations when rapid
decision making is key to minimizing seismic
The application provides information down to
the level of the parish, being this detailed,
exhaustive database one of its strenghts. SESGAL
has three main functions:
(1) Layer Viewer. The software is based on a
geographic information system (GIS) and so can
query a cartographic database (scale 1:50000) and a
number of other elements that intervene directly or
indirectly in the management of an emergency. For
municipalities at the highest seismic risk in Galicia
(As Nogais, Baralla, Becerreá, Láncara, Samos,
Sarria and Triacastela) more detailed maps (scale
1:5000) are provided.
(2) Seismic Scenario Simulator. The effects of
an earthquake can be simulated and investigated
according to the epicentre, depth and magnitude (or
(3) Seismic Emergency Manager. The damage
to buildings and services and the number of people
that will need medical care can be assessed. Hospital
resources and medical care can also be allocated
according to evolution over time of the situation
regarding injuries. This allows the coordination of
the means and resources available after an
earthquake, optimizing the response to a disaster of
such nature.
1.1 Geological and Seismic Context
Galicia is located in the Hesperian or Iberian Massif,
one of several old Variscan massifs that stretch
across the European continent. Tectonic
readjustments of this massif are responsible for most
of the seismicity experienced in Galicia. Seismic
events offshore that could result in tsunamis are also
Table 1: Seismic events of magnitude 4 and higher
(Galicia 1995-1997).
Lat. Long. Depth Int. Mag. Location
29 November 1995
42.8167 -7.3033 9 km VI 4.6
24 December 1995
42.8600 -7.3150 15 km VI 4.6
SW Baralla
29 October 1996
42.8300 -7.2283 - V 4.1
SW Becerreá
21 May 1997
42.8167 -7.2333 9 km V 4.1
N Triacastela
42.7833 -7.2583 13 km VI 5.1
Source: National Geographic Institute (Spain).
Seismic events recorded in Galicia since the late
1970s, and especially the series of earthquakes in
Sarria-Becerreá (Lugo) in the 1990s, have led to a
change in categorization in the national seismic
hazard map, so that this is now the area of greatest
seismic activity in the northwestern Iberian
Peninsula (López-Fernández et al., 2004). Until
1995, seismic activity in this region was
unremarkable, but between 1995 and 1997 there
were more than 500 earthquakes, four of magnitude
4 and, on 21 May 1997, one of magnitude 5.1 (Table
Our seismic risk assessment took into account not
just the territory of Galicia, but also nearby
terrestrial and marine areas.
Seismic risk is defined by the expected number
of people affected, the expected damage to property
and the expected disruption to economic activity due
to an earthquake. Seismic hazard is defined as the
probability, for a given location, of the occurrence of
an earthquake of a certain intensity, and its inverse,
the return period.
2.1 Database and Organization
The cartographic databases, comprising the
graphical representation of the maps, are stored in
files with the extension .shp and the associated data
are stored in files with the extension .dbf.
The software uses a georeferenced spatial
database associated with digital maps in vector
format (scale 1:50000 in general and 1:5000 for high
risk areas). The thematic maps are composed of
layers (with georeferenced information on polygonal
areas, lines and points) containing entities of
different categories, with each record in the database
representing an entity (Figure 1).
A satisfactory response to an emergency
depends, above all, on accurate knowledge of the
means and resources available. Taken as the
database was the Territorial Civil Protection Plan
(Xunta de Galicia, 2009), whose information was
georeferenced for inclusion in SESGAL.
Means refer to essentially mobile human and
material elements that make up the emergency
teams. Resources are all the essentially static natural
elements or materials that can be used in emergency
situations. These catalogued means and resources
are classified in four levels: municipal, provincial,
regional and state.
SISMIGAL is structured and organized
according to general basic civil protection models
developed in the national Basic Civil Protection
Master Plan for Seismic Risk and the Galician
Territorial Civil Protection Plan (PLATERGA). The
head of emergency management is also the director
of the master plan and is assisted by an advisory
committee. Orders are implemented by teams of
experts coordinated at the site of the emergency by
the manager of an advanced command post.
Figure 1: SESGAL information system structure.
These teams are the operational spearhead of the
overall plan. Each team has its own operational
plans, depending on its mission.
Thus, the direct intervention team acts to
minimize and control the effects of the earthquake,
the seismic team evaluates and monitors earthquake
damage, the technical support and essential services
team deals with damage to key services, the health
and social action team provides care to victims and
the logistics and security team ensures public safety
and public order.
2.2 Seismic Scenarios
First characterized are different possible seismic
scenarios for Galicia, considering different
magnitudes and intensities and propagation models,
and estimating the effects on people and property.
The identification of areas of Galicia where seismic
emergencies might occur is based on: (1) assessment
of seismic hazard, estimated from the intensity of the
movement that can reasonably be expected in any
given parish; and (2) assessment of the vulnerability
of buildings so as to establish an estimate of the
damage that could be generated by an earthquake.
Taking the basic acceleration value for each
municipality and the expression that relates this to
intensity (Eq. 1), we obtain a map of seismic
intensities by municipality:
a = 0.30103*I – 0.2321 (1)
where a is expressed in Gals (10
2.3 Seismic Vulnerability
The vulnerability of people (injuries and fatalities)
and buildings (homes, essential services and
lifelines) are determined and potential damage from
a hypothetical earthquake is assessed.
2.3.1 Seismic Vulnerability of Buildings
The vulnerability of buildings depends on many
factors, among which are the characteristics of the
soil, the kind of foundation, the building geometry
and age, to name just the main factors (Maldonado
et al., 2007); (Maldonado and Chio, 2009).
The European Macroseismic Scale (EMS-98)
(Grunthal, 1998) assigns a vulnerability class to each
structure depending on its construction
characteristics and the classification of damage to
masonry and reinforced concrete buildings. Six
vulnerability classes (A to F) are defined, with A as
the most vulnerable and F as the least vulnerable.
Following the guidelines of the EMS-98,
Galician houses were assigned to vulnerability
classes based on characteristics provided in the
National Institute of Statistics’ Population and
Housing Census for 2001. Two different approaches
were followed, resulting in two classifications:
(1) Classification by age, as per the SES2002
simulator (Barranco and Izquierdo, 2002).
(2) Classification by age and height, following the
vulnerability assessment of essential buildings
made for Catalonia (Gonzalez et al., 2001).
Furthermore, two matrices are used to estimate
the damage of buildings according to the seismic
intensity of the area assigned by the European
Macroseismic Scale (EMS-98):
(1) Type 1 matrix: considers the average percentage
of the intervals defined by EMS-98 (8% = “very
few”, 35% = “many” and 80% = “most”).
(2) Minimum vulnerability matrix: considers the
lowest percentage of each EMS-98 interval (1%
=“very few”, 15%=“many” and 55%=“most”).
2.3.2 Seismic Vulnerability
of the Population
To estimate the number of fatalities and injuries and
also the number of people left homeless by the
earthquake, a series of matrices are used that take
building vulnerability as the starting information.
We use three methods to estimate the number of
people potentially affected by an earthquake, one
based on an estimate of the number of collapsed
houses (Coburn et al., 1992), and an Applied
Technology Council (ATC) method called ATC-13
(1985), based on the degree of damage to the
buildings. The first method is applied in two ways:
with a temporary factor which considers the
influence of the time of the day and seasonal
occupancy (i.e. weekdays vs. weekend), and without
this temporary factor.
Applying Coburn et al. (1992) formulae to
Galicia, the number of deaths is calculated by:
K = 0.3*G5*Om (2)
where G5 is the number of collapsed buildings and
Om is number of people per building (1.91 in rural
areas with less than 10,000 inhabitants, and 2.31 in
urban areas).
The number of injured people is assumed as six
times the number of killed people. Finally, the
number of people left homeless is estimated as
H = CI*Om (3)
where CI is the number of uninhabitable houses
(all those buildings which suffered damages of G5
or G4 level, plus half of the buildings with G3 level
On the other hand, ATC-13 method estimates the
number of people slightly injured, seriously injured
and killed depending on the damage suffered by the
buildings, from G1 to G5.
A census of the population and buildings is also
made using demographic data from the 2001 census
for all the municipalities in Galicia.
2.3.3 Seismic Vulnerability of Key Buildings
A key building is any building housing a service
whose malfunction may preclude or hinder measures
to deal with a seismic crisis and return operations to
The vulnerability of essential buildings is
calculated based on the year of construction and
height (as with residential buildings). In cases where
this information is not available, the ATC-13 (1985)
methodology is used.
2.3.4 Seismic Vulnerability of Lifelines
Damage to the road and rail networks, to natural gas
supplies and the electricity grid, etc is studied and
assessed using the ATC-13 (1985) and ATC-25
(1991) methodologies. The damage is classified in
the same way as for key buildings.
2.4 Damage Estimation
Taking into account the vulnerabilities above
mentioned, it is also estimated the damage to
buildings and the population through the theorem of
total probability (Benjamin and Cornell, 1970). Each
type of building is a combination of different
vulnerabilities, so the probability of suffering a
damage of d degree is calculated as follows:
P [GD = d] = Σ P [GD = d|V,I]*P[V]*P[I] (4)
where P[GD= d|T,I] is the probability of a damage
of d degree given an intensity I and a vulnerability
V; P[V] is the probability of the building having a
vulnerability V; P[I] is the probability of the
occurrence of an earthquake of intensity I.
Considering the intensity in a deterministic
approach, being P[I]=1, the cumulative probability
of suffering a damage D is calculated as follows:
P [GD=Dd
] = 1-Σ P[GD = d
with i = 0,…, j-1; j=1,...,5
Damage to buildings is classified in five classes
(G1=slight, G2=moderate, G3=severe,
G4=destruction, G5=collapse), while victims are
classified as homeless, injured or dead.
2.5 Earthquake Simulation Process
Once the coordinates for a simulated earthquake are
entered in the program, the isoseismal radii and the
intersections are calculated for municipalities,
parishes or both simultaneously. It is assumed that
the logarithm of the parameter of movement in a
certain location follows a normal distribution.
Hence, the attenuation of the intensity is calculated
in the epicentre surroundings down to intensity 3 at
the edge.
3.1 System Requirements
The SESGAL application was programmed using
Visual Basic to operate in Windows XP operating
system. The mid-level hardware requirements are 1
GB of free hard-disk space and 512 MB of RAM.
3.2 Settings
Through the settings/properties menu, the user can
select the program environment settings, results
presentation settings and the calculation parameters.
Within this last option the user can select the
vulnerability matrices to be used in the simulation,
both for the population and buildings.
3.3 SESGAL Functions
As already indicated, the functions offered by the
SESGAL application are the layer viewer, the
seismic scenario simulator and the seismic
emergency manager. The latter two are the elements
that distinguish this application.
3.3.1 Layer Viewer
This module is responsible for the tasks typical of a
GIS. It allows access to all the maps and associated
databases, while allowing the user to perform the
more general tasks of a vector GIS. Access is via the
file/layer viewer menu.
Displayed directly on the screen are data on
Galicia down to the parish level, including
information on the vulnerability of buildings
calculated by the two methods described above. It is
thus possible to know, for any given zone, the
number of buildings with a specific level of
vulnerability (A to F). Furthermore, the seismic
intensities calculated from Eq. (1) and the geology
of the region (soft, medium or hard bedrock) can be
consulted. Figure 2 shows the resultant map, which
uses increasingly dark colours to indicate areas of
greater risk.
Figure 2: Map of seismic intensities by parish.
The layers consist of the following information
groups: basic maps, resources and means, essential
services and lifelines and detailed maps (including
street maps of towns belonging to the seven
municipalities most vulnerable to seismic damage).
3.3.2 Seismic Scenario Simulator
Using the file/simulate earthquake menu and
entering earthquake parameters in the program, the
user can obtain estimates of expected seismic
intensities and the impact on people and buildings.
Earthquakes and their effects can be simulated by
introducing the location of the epicentre (by its
coordinates or clicking on the map directly), the
depth and the magnitude (or intensity) of the
earthquake at the epicentre (Figure 3).
Figure 3: Earthquake simulation window.
It is also possible to simulate a past earthquake
whose parameters are stored in the program
The results screen (Figure 4) shows the epicentre
and the intensity of the earthquake at the epicentre,
the intensity in nearby municipalities, the list of
municipalities affected and the hospitals and fire
stations available.
Figure 4: Results of an earthquake simulation.
This module allows results for a total of five
earthquakes to be simulated and viewed
independently and simultaneously.
3.3.3 Seismic Emergency Manager
The results of the seismic simulation(s) can be used
to manage the means and resources that participate
directly in the emergency. From the results window
for the earthquake, the file/management main menu
option launches the emergency management
The management window (Figure 5) contains the
following tabs: damage assessment, advanced
command posts, hospitals and rescue teams. The
damage assessment tab shows damage to buildings,
damage to the population classified by
municipalities and parishes and intensity information
for the earthquake in that area.
Using the displayed forms, real-time information
for locating and managing an emergency from the
advanced command post can be entered in the
The first step in emergency coordination is
location of the advanced command post by entering
UTM coordinates or by directly indicating its
position on the map. More than one advanced
command post can be established to manage
earthquake victims in the corresponding area. Each
advanced command post is identified by a unique
code automatically generates once a location is
Figure 5: Management window showing the damage
assessment tab.
The triage tool manages medical care for earthquake
victims and assesses damage to hospitals. The first
triage indicates the number of injuries and fatalities.
A damaged hospital triage classifies hospitals
according to their state after the earthquake. If
hospitals in the affected area are damaged, the initial
triage would also include the patients in this
In a second triage, victims are classified as dead
or injured, for three injury severity levels (minor,
serious and very serious). This second triage enables
victims to be assigned to hospitals according to the
care and equipment required and proximity to the
advanced command post.
Depending on needs, enquiries can be made to
hospitals about bed numbers, operating theatres or
any other useful information. Hospitals can be
searched for by two criteria: isochrones or roads.
The former locates hospitals at a distance of 20
minutes, 1 hour or 3 hours from the advanced
command post, whereas the latter evaluates the
shortest route in terms of time required to cover the
distance from the advanced command post.
Once all the search criteria have been
established, the program queries the thematic
database and calls up a list of hospitals that match
the criteria, starting with the nearest in time. Once
suitable hospitals have been located, victims are
assigned to them.
Once the earthquake victims are quantified and
classified and hospitals have been selected for them,
a medical transport evacuation plan (Figure 6) is
organized. The screen displays all the available
medical transport, classified as standard transport
vehicles, basic ambulances, emergency ambulances
and air ambulances (helicopters). A query calls up a
form providing availability information regarding
vehicles in the category consulted.
The hospitals tab presents administrative and
technical data information for each hospital and also
displays a map of the municipalities and parishes in
the hospital’s catchment area. The user can also
make an assessment of the emergency response
capacity of a hospital using two analytical
components in SESGAL: the number of referrals
generated by the hospital and the hospital response
factor. The number of referrals quantifies the
number of patients to be evacuated from a hospital
in the event of earthquake damage, whereas the
hospital response factor evaluates the emergency
care provided by the hospital.
Figure 6: Evacuating earthquake victims to hospitals.
Finally, the rescue team tab refers to the means and
resources available for major rescue operations,
primarily, fire-fighters and civil protection
volunteers. The search and selection procedure for
these teams is similar to that used for the hospitals.
In order to validate the performance of the seismic
scenario simulator, the historical earthquakes from
Table 1 have been simulated.
The results show no casualties or injured people,
with a large number of buildings with slight and
moderate damage (1769 and 510, respectively), 164
buildings severely damaged and 34 destructed (not
collapsed). According to the information gathered in
that date, the results of the simulation basically agree
with the real consequences of the selected
earthquake. However, no seriously damaged
buildings were reported at that time, what makes the
seismic scenario simulator a conservative tool.
Regarding the seismic emergency manager, it
has not been used yet in real situations, but it will
prove to be an effective application as long as the
databases are updated.
The main objective of the seismic risk plan for
Galicia (SISMIGAL) is to limit the impact of
possible earthquakes on people, property and the
The SESGAL software for simulating an
earthquake scenario rapidly and efficient assesses
damage and facilitates the management of available
means and resources. Being GIS-based, it
incorporates two specially designed modules for
seismic risk management: a seismic scenario
simulator and a seismic emergency manager. These
quickly estimate the damage caused by an
earthquake to the population and buildings and
coordinate the means and resources available to
provide assistance to victims and minimize the
impact of the earthquake.
The application was validated through the
simulation of historical earthquakes whose
consequences have been reported, obtaining
coherent results from the seismic scenario simulator.
The effectiveness of SISMIGAL depends largely
on the ability to maintain an organization capable of
rapidly providing a coordinated response to the
chaos resulting from a seismic event.
This work was funded by the General Directorate of
Civil Protection of the Xunta de Galicia. C. Iglesias
is acknowledged to Spanish Ministry of Education
for the FPU 12/02283 grant.
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