The main objective of the seismic risk plan for
Galicia (SISMIGAL) is to limit the impact of
possible earthquakes on people, property and the
The SESGAL software for simulating an
earthquake scenario rapidly and efficient assesses
damage and facilitates the management of available
means and resources. Being GIS-based, it
incorporates two specially designed modules for
seismic risk management: a seismic scenario
simulator and a seismic emergency manager. These
quickly estimate the damage caused by an
earthquake to the population and buildings and
coordinate the means and resources available to
provide assistance to victims and minimize the
impact of the earthquake.
The application was validated through the
simulation of historical earthquakes whose
consequences have been reported, obtaining
coherent results from the seismic scenario simulator.
The effectiveness of SISMIGAL depends largely
on the ability to maintain an organization capable of
rapidly providing a coordinated response to the
chaos resulting from a seismic event.
This work was funded by the General Directorate of
Civil Protection of the Xunta de Galicia. C. Iglesias
is acknowledged to Spanish Ministry of Education
for the FPU 12/02283 grant.
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