Adapting RosettaNet B2B Standard to Semantic Web Technologies
Jamel Eddine Jridi and Guy Lapalme
e de Montr
eal, Department of Computer Science and Operations Research,
eal, Qu
ebec, Canada
Business Ontology, Semantic Web, Business Process, Standards Transformation, RosettaNet, B2B.
This paper presents a methodology for adapting RosettaNet B2B Standard to Semantic Web technologies. We
present an approach for mapping RosettaNet Partner Interface Process (PIP) descriptions defined currently
with DTD or XML Schemas format to an ontological representation using an OWL/XML rendering. It has
been applied to the full set of PIPs. The transfer is transparent and reaps the benefits of the formalization
effort put in the XML representation. All produced RosettaNet PIPs ontologies were validated according to
the XML Schema of OWL/XML Serialization and their consistency checked with a OWL Reasoner. The use
of formal semantics for B2B based on ontologies ensures a better interoperability and should help overcome
the problem of standards integration by the use of ontology alignment.
Most business transactions are now made via the web
and managed by information exchanges between or-
ganizations. These exchanges are becoming more
and more complex, which makes interoperability and
data integration difficult. In order to communicate
fruitfully between partners, it is necessary that each
partner uses the same definition of the information.
It is crucial to determine how information and data
are defined and used to design an abstract and com-
mon model describing the structure and semantics
of concepts. Many organisations, like OASIS and
UN/EDIFACT, have tried to build common business
models and languages based on analysis and design
Several business to business (B2B) standards are
XML based. XML Schema services provide the flexi-
bility to create, manipulate, model, organize and share
information, but only from a syntactical point of view.
They do not deal with the semantics of the data. Re-
search is now envisioning the adoption of semantic
web technologies in the business domain. The ques-
tion being: What is needed from the semantic web
(Lytras and Garc
ıa, 2008) argue for the need of
semantic web in the business domain and analyse the
practical requirements in terms of interoperability or
knowledge representation. The use of formal seman-
tics for B2B based on ontologies should help over-
come the problem of standards integration by the use
of ontology alignement. The use of ontologies is not
only for communication between different applica-
tions but also to provide reasoning support to infer, in-
tegrate information and to extract meaning. Most ex-
isting approaches, such as RosettaNet
and ebXML
are still XML based, but their proposed ontology con-
terparts are still unrelated to their XML representa-
In this paper, we propose an automatic transfor-
mation and mapping of existing B2B standards based
on DTD or XML Schema to an ontological repre-
sentation based on semantic web techniques using an
OWL/XML rendering. Our goal is to make the trans-
fer more transparent and reap the benefits of the ef-
fort put in the development of XML business stan-
dards. We propose a novel methodology to adapt all
RosettaNet PIPs, in XML Schema and DTD format,
to semantic web technologies using the OWL lan-
guage. Existing approaches to ontologise RosettaNet
(Haller et al., 2008) targetted web service languages
like WSMLwhich are not W3C recommendations yet.
Other approaches, targetted to OWL a W3C recom-
mandation, propose a handmade ontology unrelated
to the original XML representation.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 gives a short historical overview of
B2B standards and electronic data interchange (EDI)
evolution for which we discuss the limits and benefits.
Eddine Jridi J. and Lapalme G..
Adapting RosettaNet B2B Standard to Semantic Web Technologies.
DOI: 10.5220/0004434404430450
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 443-450
ISBN: 978-989-8565-60-0
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
In Section 3, we describe our methodology for map-
ping from DTD, XML Schema to OWL that has been
applied to all RosettaNet PIPs. In Section 4, a case
study, the processing of PIP3A4 Request Purchase
Order, will be described in more details. Section 5
concludes the paper and presents some future work.
XML, which identifies data by tagging information,
has been used for defining formats for data exchange
between applications of e-business. xCBL
, Roset-
taNet (RosettaNet Program Office, 2011) and ebXML
(Huemer, 2002) have been proposed for the manage-
ment of business documents using XML technolo-
gies. Their goal is to build a common business model
between partners.
ebXML, trying to facilitate e-commerce for all
businesses, provides meta-models describing busi-
ness processes (Kantola and Korhonen, 2002), but
their description are quite general and don’t provide a
specific definition of business processes, thus it can’t
reduce the uncertainty and confusion.
On the other hand, RosettaNet defines processes,
business documents and messaging in details. But it
focusses on a specific segment of the industry e.g. the
supply chain.
But these XML based standards do not deal with
the semantics of information. For this, we not only
need to store document metadata (e.g. author, title,
etc.), but we must also make available to the ma-
chines the most important concepts found in the doc-
ument, the relations between these concepts or that
of other documents, etc. By using semantic models
based on ontologies, companies acquire several bene-
fits such as the ability to perform inference on knowl-
edge bases and the capacity to share domain models
to easily exchange and integrate information (Cardoso
and Bussler, 2011).
Research now focuses on the adoption of seman-
tics for the business domain. Several formal lan-
guages have been proposed: WSMO (Roman et al.,
2005), and OWL-S (W3C Member Submission, a).
These web service languages are still in W3C sub-
mission member stage and are not recommended yet.
(Cardoso and Bussler, 2011) say that these initia-
tives are somewhat limited when transposed to real-
world industries settings and thus may be considered
a penalty.
B2B standards have been the subject of many
studies for adding semantics. (Dogac et al., 2004)
XML Common Business Library,
presents an extension to ebXML registry with an
OWL ontology but it’s difficult to apply reasoning on
it or to verify its consistency. In spite of the adapta-
tion effort, much work is still to be done especially
on reasoners. (Kotinurmi et al., 2011) proposed an
“ontologically-enhanced RosettaNet” efforts to map
RosettaNet business documents into a Web ontol-
ogy language, allowing business reasoning based on
RosettaNet message exchanges. They dealt with busi-
ness process alignment and ambiguous message defi-
nitions.They demonstrate their solution using WSMO
(Roman et al., 2005) and the properties of WSML
language (W3C Member Submission, b). On other
hand, (Haller et al., 2008) propose a transformation
methodology of RosettaNet PIPs available as XML
Schemas to WSML. Without giving implementation
details, they dealt only with 50 RosettaNet PIPs de-
fined as XML Schemas, but not with those available
as DTD format.
WSML is limited to Web services only and never
passed the W3C member submission stage, while
OWL is a general-purpose ontology language for the
semantic Web as a W3C recommendation (Panziera
et al., 2010). OWL can provide a better interoperabil-
ity, a support for ontology reuse, and the possibility to
exploit several mature matching techniques (Panziera
et al., 2010). An ontology can help identify basic
concepts describing a knowledge domain and define
a common vocabulary for organizing documents.
There have been some ontology based attempts:
ontology based on services classifica-
tion and products description; another important work
was RosettaNet Ontology
, an handmade OWL rep-
resentation of PIP3A4 RosettaNet Partner Interface
Processes (PIPs), which lacks many details and re-
lies on properties not defined in the XML represen-
tation like has price n availability line item.
This ontology does not solve the problem of uncer-
tainty and ambiguity. So, corporations using Roset-
taNet must spend more effort to adopt the new terms
defined in the RosettaNet Ontology.
For this reason, it crucial to start from existing
documents based on XML Schemas in order to keep
the same list of concepts and terms defined.
Our approach is based on an automatic mapping
from existing DTD and XML Schema representations
to OWL ontologies using the OWL/XML serializa-
tion. Some approaches similar to ours have been
proposed: Gloze (Battle, 2006), XS2OWL
and Re-
projects. (Battle, 2006) presents a simple
translation between XML and RDF based on XML
Schema but without representing the semantics de-
fined by the XML Schema by an ontology. ReDeFer
overcomes this limitation and represent an “XML Se-
mantic Reuse Methodology” that combines an XML
Schema to OWL mapping, named XS2OWL, with an
XML to RDF mapping named XML2RDF (Garc
and Gil, 2007). But, some details are missing e.g.
properties having enumerated values are not trans-
lated by ReDeFer and XSD annotations are not dealt
, a Semantic Web
portal dedicated to ontology design patterns, de-
scribes experiences and problems encountered with
ReDefer tool. (Tsinaraki and Christodoulakis, 2007)
pinpoints that some XML Schema construct transfor-
mations to OWL in ReDeFer do not follow closely the
XML Schema semantics.
As discussed in (Garc
ıa and Gil, 2007) and
(Tsinaraki and Christodoulakis, 2007), the ReDeFer
XML2OWL is used to map one of the main B2B stan-
dards like ebXML, but XS2OWL proposes a similar
approach to map a multimedia standards like MPEG-
7 and MPEG-21. We tested the RedeFer XML2OWL
and XS2OWL (Tsinaraki and Christodoulakis, 2007)
using the RosettaNet PIP3A4 (see section 4), but it re-
sulted in an inconsistent ontology due to the complex-
ity of PIPs Schema. Consistency was evaluated us-
ing the Pellet reasoner (Sirin et al., 2007). As Roset-
taNet is one of the most prominent standards in B2B,
we now propose a transparent and direct mapping of
We now propose a mapping of DTD and XML
Schema documents to an ontology using the
OWL/XML serialization (Motik et al., 2012). We
choose OWL/XML serialization syntax for the ab-
stract OWL 2 Structural Specification because it
closely models the structure of an ontology, it is
more readable (Robinson and Bauer, 2011) and is
easier to process using XML tools like XQuery. An
XSLT stylesheet, named OWL XGX
can convert an
OWL/XML serialization to the standard RDF/XML
Our approach achieves a complete mapping inte-
grating the details missing in previous mapping ap-
proaches. To illustrate it, we will use the XML based
RosettaNet PIPs that do not deal yet with the seman-
tics of data.
3.1 What is RosettaNet?
The RosettaNet consortium provides a global forum
for suppliers, customers, and competitors to do busi-
ness and collaboration in an efficient and profitable
manner. Since 1998, RosettaNet is used and endorsed
by several corporations such as Intel, Oracle, Cisco
and Microsoft. (Wang and Song, 2006) introduces a
typical scenario and the benefits of using RosettaNet
standards, they also survey the architectures support-
ing RosettaNet.
To manage business activities, RosettaNet formal-
izes Partner Interface Processes (PIP) with either Data
Type Definition (DTD) format or XML Schema, and
define business processes between trading partners.
PIPs are organized into eight groups of core business
processes called clusters, themselves further grouped
into segments. Each segment includes several PIPs.
The RosettaNet architecture contains a Business
Dictionary to define the properties for basic busi-
ness activities and Technical Dictionaries to provide
properties for products (Wang and Song, 2006). The
RosettaNet Implementation Framework (RNIF) de-
scribes the packaging, routing, and transport of all PIP
messages and business signals.
3.2 System Architecture
Our approach is based on different mapping rules to
transfer XML Schema to OWL/XML rendering. To
illustrate these rules, we will use examples drawn
from RosettaNet PIPs documents.
Figure 1: Overview of our system architecture.
An overview of our system architecture is
sketched in Figure 1. The system core is composed
of two parts: DTD2XSD and XSD2OWL. As in-
put, it takes RosettaNet PIPS as either DTD or XSD
documents and transforms them into an OWL on-
tology with XSLT 2 stylesheets. XSLT (Extensible
Stylesheet Language Transformations) is a language
for transforming XML documents into other XML
documents or other formats like HTML.
3.2.1 XSD2OWL
The main part of our work is the XSD2OWL En-
gine which offers a transparent and direct transfor-
mation of documents from an XML Schema to an
OWL ontology based on OWL/XML rendering and
OWL 2 language which adds new features compared
to RDF/RDFS and OWL 1, e.g. data keys, data
ranges, cardinality, asymmetric properties, reflexivity,
etc (Hitzler et al., 2009).
Our XSD2OWL mapping is based on XSLT and
XPath languages to capture and navigate the Schema.
Every XPath expression refers to an XML element
definition that appears in the document. Table 1 il-
lustrates some mapping rules used in the transfer pro-
Element names and namespaces defined in the
XML Schema are preserved in the OWL repre-
sentation. In the case of owl:DataProperty and
owl:ObjectProperty in order to improve readabil-
ity, a prefix is added to the name of a property, e.g.
cityName will become has cityName. We now de-
scribe in more detail the rules illustrated in Table 1.
RULE 1. OWL classes represent individuals
having common features. XML Schema Com-
plex Type describes XML instances with com-
mon properties. Also, when XPath pointers
(xsd:element/xsd:complexType) refers to a com-
plex element having a child. In these cases, they will
be mapped to an OWL class.
RULE 2. An XML Schema element with at-
tributes is considered a complex type. XML
Schema elements are transformed to OWL properties
(owl:ObjectProperty or owl:DataProperty) hav-
ing as owl:range the @type attribute value. If the
value refers to an element belonging to an external
namespace (e.g. uuom:UnitOfMeasure) and having
a prefix different to the target namespace (tns:). Its
value determines the type of the OWL property:
If it is a simple XML element, with a @type at-
tribute, or a type deriving from anySpecialType
in the XML Schema. It is transformed to an
owl:DataProperty (node to value relations).
If the value refers to a complex type, an
owl:ObjectProperty is built (node to node re-
RULE 3. An XML Schema attribute is always
declared as a simple type where @name is the name
of the attribute and @type specifies his data type.
So, as shown in Table 1, all xsd:attribute are
transferred to OWL datatype properties (except that
schemaVersion attribute are removed). RosettaNet
provides an attribute schemaVersion to identify the
versions of the schema.
RULE 4. An annotation element is a schema
comment and serves as documentation. In
RosettaNet, annotations include the PIP name,
version, role and elements definition. How-
ever, all xsd:annotation//urss:definition
are mapped to AnnotationAssertion having
rdfs:comment as AnnotationProperty.
RULE 5. Occurrence indicators are used to define
how often an element can occur. The @maxOccurs
and @minOccurs indicators specify the maximum
and minimum number of element occurrences.
They are mapped to AnnotationAssertion having
owl:maxCardinality and owl:minCardinality as
RULE 6. The simple Type element specifies
the constraints and information about the values
of attributes or text-only elements. As defined in
RULE 1, a simple element is an XML element
that contains a @type attribute of one of the XML
Schema types or defined as a xsd:simpleType,
and mapped to owl:DataProperty. The property
range owl:DataPropertyRange takes the attribute
xsd:simpleType/xsd:restriction/@base value.
RULE 7. Restrictions are used to define con-
straints on values for XML elements or attributes.
Enumeration is one of the constraints used to limit
the content of an XML element to a set of accept-
able values. In OWL, the property ranges are mapped
using owl:DataOneOf element that contains some
owl:literal constructs to define the property val-
These rules has been implemented within the
XSD2OWL XSLT stylesheet composed of 4 main
templates. The <xsl:template> element defines
rules to apply when a specified node is matched us-
ing XPath expressions. For this, we present a pseudo-
code which describes the instructions and the rules to
apply in one of the principal templates in XSD2OWL.
The Element and complexType Templates are respec-
tively presented in the algorithms 1 and 2 described
here in pseudo-code.
The limits of our mapping process is that
some OWL semantic relations are not dealt with
subClassOf, equivalentClass, subPropertyOf,
etc. In the future, we consider using ontology match-
ing and alignment approach to overcome these limits.
The result of the application of these rules is an
OWL ontology making the semantics of the XML
Schema more explicit. Our transformation process
transfers XML Schema constructs to OWL ones. To
Table 1: Examples of XSD2OWL Mapping Rules as produced by the XSLT templates. Numbers in the first column are
refered to in Section 3.2.1.
N XML Schema Construct OWL 2 Construct
<xsd:complexType name="A"/>
<xsd:element name="A"/>
<owl:Class IRI="A"/>
<xsd:element name="A" type=""/>
<owl:DataProperty IRI="A"/>
<owl:ObjectProperty IRI="A"/>
<xsd:attribute name="A" type=""/>
<xsd:element name="A" type="">
<owl:AnnotationProperty IRI="&rdfs;comment"/>
<owl:Literal datatypeIRI="&rdf;PlainLiteral">B</owl:Literal>
<xsd:element name="A" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="B" maxOccurs="2"/>
<owl:AnnotationProperty abbreviatedIRI="owl:minCardinality"/>
<owl:Literal datatypeIRI="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">0</owl:Literal>
<owl:AnnotationProperty abbreviatedIRI="owl:maxCardinality"/>
<owl:Literal datatypeIRI="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">2</owl:Literal>
<xsd:element name="A" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="A" type="B"/>
<xsd:simpleType name="B">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string"/>
<owl:DataProperty IRI="A"/>
<owl:Datatype IRI="&xsd;string"/>
<xsd:element name="A" type="B"/>
<xsd:simpleType name="B">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:token">
<xsd:enumeration value="OWL"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="XML"/>
<owl:DataProperty IRI="A"/>
<owl:Literal datatypeIRI="&rdf;PlainLiteral">OWL</owl:Literal>
<owl:Literal datatypeIRI="&rdf;PlainLiteral">XML</owl:Literal>
validate our results, we apply two types of validation
(syntactical and semantic).
The syntactical validation consists of checking the
conformity of our results with the XML schema for
OWL/XML serialization
Algorithm 1: Element Template.
for each xsd:element visited do
name null
if xsd:element/@ref then
name xsd : element/@re f
end if
if xsd:element/@name then
name xsd : element/@name
end if
Current FIND ELEMENT (name)
type V ERIFY @TY PE(Current/@type)
if type refer to complexElement then
APPLY RULE 2 (Object Property).
end if
if type refer to simpleElement or dataType then
APPLY RULE 2 (Data Property).
if type is SIMPLE or DataType then
APPLY RULE 6 (DataPropertyRange).
end if
if type is ENUMERATION VALUES then
APPLY RULE 7 (DataPropertyRange).
end if
end if
APPLY RULE 5 (Cardinality).
APPLY RULE 4 (AnnotationAssertion).
end for
Algorithm 2: complexType Template.
for each xsd:complexType visited do
name xsd : complexType/@name
APPLY RULE 1 (Class).
APPLY RULE 4 (AnnotationAssertion).
CALL Element Template.
CALL Attribute Template.
end for
The semantic validation checks the consistency of
the resulting ontologies. The consistency has been
checked using OWL validators offered by Prot
tool, e.g Pellet. The use of ontologies is not only
useful for communication between different applica-
tions but their reasoning support is important to ex-
tract information meaning and applying SPARQL se-
mantic queries.
The mapping rules application have been applied
on the 112 PIPs available for download from the
RosettaNet website among the 132 PIPs on the PIP
3.2.2 DTD2XSD
Most PIPs are defined with XML Schema, but 22
of them use DTDs. So, we decided to use Trang
to transform these DTDs into an XML Schema be-
fore applying the stylesheet defined in the previous
section. Trang is an existing open source program
for converting between different schema languages,
e.g. RELAX NG to XML Schema, or DTDs to XML
Trang output is a set of XSD files that require a
cleaning step due to the complexity of the DTD files.
We ensured by manual inspection that all examples
conform to valid transformations. Then, XSD2OWL
Mapping rules shown in the previous section are ap-
plied to the Trang output.
As shown in the section 3.2.1, the annotation and
element description serve as documentation and un-
derstanding the element semantics. Within XML
Schema documents, RosettaNet provide element de-
scription with annotation element (RULE 4). But
RosettaNet DTD documents define semantics using
an HTML document that contains an element expla-
nation. So, for every element in the XSD2OWL map-
ping process, we parse the HMTL document to match
the associated definition. Before parsing step, JTidy
is used for cleaning up malformed HTML.
The execution time taken for mapping RosettaNet
PIPs to OWL representation is about 55 seconds on
a machine having 64 MegaByte of internal memory.
The processing time is the sum of the DTD2XSD time
( 19 sec) and XSD2OWL one ( 36 sec).
From syntactical point of view, the OWL docu-
ments of all RosettaNet PIPs are conform to the XML
Schema for OWL/XML serialization.
This section illustrates the mapping process using
a case study. The RosettaNet PIP3A4, version
V11.14.00 published on 9 February 2010.
We discuss the principles of PIP3A4 and describe
the ontology resulting from the transformation pro-
The PIP3A4, named Request Purchase Order,
belongs to the Order Management cluster and Quote
and Order Entry segment. It allows a buyer to issue
a purchase order and get a seller confirmation. There
are several interactions within this process, which
starts by a sending purchase order, until the receipt
of seller’s confirmation, if the purchase order was
accepted, rejected or delayed. So, RosettaNet pro-
vides an XML Schema that describes different con-
cepts used such as : PurchaseOrderRequest (the
root node) contains DocumentHeader that describes
Table 2: Computational Statistics related to RosettaNet PIPs and PIP3A4 Purchase Order Request.
Purchase Order Request All PIPs
Number Of ComplexTypes 7 1251
Number Of Attributes 1 105
@type Refer to SimpleTypes 1 103
Number Of Element@ref 23 3051
Number Of Element@name 37 2676
Line Of Code in the original XSD Files 782 36494
Line Of Code in generated OWL Files 5565 66368
Time needed to transform XSD to OWL 300 milliseconds 36 sec
Figure 2: Screen prints tabs from Prot
e describing
the PIP3A4 Ontology generated by XSD2OWL Mapping
(Classes, Data Properties and Object Properties).
document informations (creation date, version, etc.)
and PurchaseOrder which presents the order speci-
fication (items description, partner identification, etc).
As RosettaNet PIPs are not in the public domain.
We cannot publish the PIP3A4 but we will describe
the resulting ontology with some statistics before and
after the application of our mapping rules. Table
2 illustrates some computational statistics related to
RosettaNet PIPs and the PIP3A4.
The resulting ontology contains 7
classes, 19 data properties and 41 ob-
ject properties. The ontology IRI is
PurchaseOrderRequest:xsd:schema:02.05. In
the rest of this section, we will take one example
from each OWL construct(Class, DataProperty and
Class. <OrderLineItemType> element defines the
collection of business properties that describe an en-
try in a purchase order business document. This def-
inition is taken from annotation comment. This el-
ement represents a complex type in the associated
XML Schema document. The algorithm 2 has been
executed to transform ComplexTypes by applying the
DataProperty. <has UnitOfMeasure> represents
a code to identify product unit measure. As shown
in previous section, the algorithm 1 is used for each
xsd:element (e.g.UnitOfMeasure). The RULE 2
has been applied to transform it to an DataProperty.
In this case, the result of VERIFY@TYPE() func-
tion, having the @type attribute as parameter, re-
fer to a simpleType having an enumeration values.
So, the RULE 7 has been applied to specify the
This property has as domain the
<ProductLineItemType> class and as range a
set of acceptable values like 10P:10-pack and
1BF:100 Board Feet.
ObjectProperty. <ShipTo> element refers
to the partner and/or location to which the
product must be delivered. This property
links two classes. The property domain is
<ProductLineItemType> and the property range
is <SpecifiedPartnerDescriptionType> that
belongs to PartnerIdentification namespace.
In this case, the algorithm 1 has been applied with
RULE 2 and the result of VERIFY@TYPE() function
refer to a complexType. For this, it has been trans-
ferred to an ObjectProperty by RULE 2.
In this paper, we have proposed an automatic trans-
formation and mapping of the full RosettaNet B2B
standard based on DTD or XML Schema to an on-
tological representation based on semantic web tech-
niques using an OWL/XML rendering. Our goal is
to make the transfer more transparent and reap the
benefits of the effort put in the development of XML
business standards and to mitigate the limits of previ-
ous approaches to the integration of semantics to B2B
With semantic web technologies, industry ac-
quires several benefits such as more efficient business
interoperability and information exchange. As Roset-
taNet is a well organized B2B standards and its im-
plementations increase each year, it is important to
study how to adapt it to semantic web techniques. For
this, we proposed an approach for mapping Roset-
taNet PIPs to an ontological representation dealing
with the conceptualisation used in XML Schema and
DTD formats.
As future work, we suggest to use ontology
matching and alignment approach to overcome the
limits of our mapping.
We would like to thank RosettaNet Group for allow-
ing the first author to develop his ideas by given us
access to download the RosettaNet Partner Interface
Processes (PIPs) available on the RosettaNet website
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